Update PIP minimize to edge gesture
Updates gesture to match prototype:
- If you fling towards the current edge the PIP is on it is minimized
- Dragging far enough to left or right edge minimizes PIP
Test: manual
Change-Id: I56664e16505b461ad37b181cbb89ee4c6e371aa2
diff --git a/core/java/com/android/internal/policy/PipSnapAlgorithm.java b/core/java/com/android/internal/policy/PipSnapAlgorithm.java
index d7bd212..ec92aa9 100644
--- a/core/java/com/android/internal/policy/PipSnapAlgorithm.java
+++ b/core/java/com/android/internal/policy/PipSnapAlgorithm.java
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
private int mOrientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED;
private final int mMinimizedVisibleSize;
+ private boolean mIsMinimized;
public PipSnapAlgorithm(Context context) {
mContext = context;
@@ -76,6 +77,13 @@
+ * Sets the PIP's minimized state.
+ */
+ public void setMinimized(boolean isMinimized) {
+ mIsMinimized = isMinimized;
+ }
+ /**
* Enables snapping to the closest edge.
public void setSnapToEdge(boolean snapToEdge) {
@@ -251,8 +259,7 @@
final int boundedTop = Math.max(movementBounds.top, Math.min(movementBounds.bottom,
- if (stackBounds.left < movementBounds.left ||
- stackBounds.left > movementBounds.right) {
+ if (mIsMinimized) {
boundsOut.offsetTo(boundedLeft, boundsOut.top);
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/pip/phone/PipTouchHandler.java b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/pip/phone/PipTouchHandler.java
index 12fda14..5727684 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/pip/phone/PipTouchHandler.java
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/pip/phone/PipTouchHandler.java
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
private static final int MINIMIZE_STACK_MAX_DURATION = 200;
// The fraction of the stack width that the user has to drag offscreen to minimize the PIP
- private static final float MINIMIZE_OFFSCREEN_FRACTION = 0.15f;
+ private static final float MINIMIZE_OFFSCREEN_FRACTION = 0.2f;
private final Context mContext;
private final IActivityManager mActivityManager;
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
mTouchState = new PipTouchState(mViewConfig);
mFlingAnimationUtils = new FlingAnimationUtils(context, 2f);
mGestures = new PipTouchGesture[] {
- mDragToDismissGesture, mTapThroughGesture, mMinimizeGesture, mDefaultMovementGesture
+ mDragToDismissGesture, mDefaultMovementGesture
mMotionHelper = new PipMotionHelper(BackgroundThread.getHandler());
@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@
public void onMinimizedStateChanged(boolean isMinimized) {
mIsMinimized = isMinimized;
+ mSnapAlgorithm.setMinimized(isMinimized);
public void onSnapToEdgeStateChanged(boolean isSnapToEdge) {
@@ -298,14 +299,13 @@
- * @return whether the current touch state is a horizontal drag offscreen.
+ * @return whether the current touch state places the pip partially offscreen.
private boolean isDraggingOffscreen(PipTouchState touchState) {
PointF lastDelta = touchState.getLastTouchDelta();
PointF downDelta = touchState.getDownTouchDelta();
float left = mPinnedStackBounds.left + lastDelta.x;
- return !(mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.left <= left && left <= mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.right)
- && Math.abs(downDelta.x) > Math.abs(downDelta.y);
+ return !(mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.left <= left && left <= mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.right);
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@
mPinnedStackBoundsAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
- public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
+ public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
@@ -590,115 +590,22 @@
/**** Gestures ****/
- * Gesture controlling dragging the PIP slightly offscreen to minimize it.
- */
- private PipTouchGesture mMinimizeGesture = new PipTouchGesture() {
- @Override
- boolean onMove(PipTouchState touchState) {
- if (mEnableMinimizing) {
- boolean isDraggingOffscreen = isDraggingOffscreen(touchState);
- if (touchState.startedDragging() && isDraggingOffscreen) {
- // Reset the minimized state once we drag horizontally
- setMinimizedState(false);
- }
- if (touchState.allowDraggingOffscreen() && isDraggingOffscreen) {
- // Move the pinned stack, but ignore the vertical movement
- float left = mPinnedStackBounds.left + touchState.getLastTouchDelta().x;
- mTmpBounds.set(mPinnedStackBounds);
- mTmpBounds.offsetTo((int) left, mPinnedStackBounds.top);
- if (!mTmpBounds.equals(mPinnedStackBounds)) {
- mPinnedStackBounds.set(mTmpBounds);
- mMotionHelper.resizeToBounds(mPinnedStackBounds);
- }
- return true;
- } else if (mIsMinimized && touchState.isDragging()) {
- // Move the pinned stack, but ignore the horizontal movement
- PointF lastDelta = touchState.getLastTouchDelta();
- float top = mPinnedStackBounds.top + lastDelta.y;
- top = Math.max(mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.top, Math.min(
- mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.bottom, top));
- mTmpBounds.set(mPinnedStackBounds);
- mTmpBounds.offsetTo(mPinnedStackBounds.left, (int) top);
- movePinnedStack(mTmpBounds);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean onUp(PipTouchState touchState) {
- if (mEnableMinimizing) {
- if (touchState.isDragging()) {
- if (isDraggingOffscreen(touchState)) {
- if (shouldMinimizedPinnedStack()) {
- setMinimizedState(true);
- animateToClosestMinimizedTarget();
- return true;
- }
- } else if (mIsMinimized) {
- PointF vel = touchState.getVelocity();
- if (vel.length() > mFlingAnimationUtils.getMinVelocityPxPerSecond()) {
- flingToMinimizedSnapTarget(vel.y);
- } else {
- animateToClosestMinimizedTarget();
- }
- return true;
- }
- } else if (mIsMinimized) {
- setMinimizedState(false);
- animateToClosestSnapTarget();
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Gesture controlling tapping on the PIP to show an overlay.
- */
- private PipTouchGesture mTapThroughGesture = new PipTouchGesture() {
- @Override
- boolean onMove(PipTouchState touchState) {
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean onUp(PipTouchState touchState) {
- if (!touchState.isDragging() && !mIsMinimized && !mIsTappingThrough) {
- mMenuController.showMenu();
- mIsTappingThrough = true;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- /**
* Gesture controlling normal movement of the PIP.
private PipTouchGesture mDefaultMovementGesture = new PipTouchGesture() {
boolean onMove(PipTouchState touchState) {
- if (touchState.startedDragging()) {
- // For now, once the user has started a drag that the other gestures have not
- // intercepted, disallow those gestures from intercepting again to drag offscreen
- touchState.setDisallowDraggingOffscreen();
- }
if (touchState.isDragging()) {
// Move the pinned stack freely
PointF lastDelta = touchState.getLastTouchDelta();
float left = mPinnedStackBounds.left + lastDelta.x;
float top = mPinnedStackBounds.top + lastDelta.y;
+ if (!touchState.allowDraggingOffscreen()) {
left = Math.max(mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.left, Math.min(
mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.right, left));
- top = Math.max(mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.top, Math.min(
- mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.bottom, top));
+ top = Math.max(mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.top, Math.min(
+ mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.bottom, top));
mTmpBounds.offsetTo((int) left, (int) top);
@@ -711,16 +618,58 @@
public boolean onUp(PipTouchState touchState) {
if (touchState.isDragging()) {
PointF vel = mTouchState.getVelocity();
- float velocity = PointF.length(vel.x, vel.y);
+ if (!mIsMinimized && (shouldMinimizedPinnedStack()
+ || isHorizontalFlingTowardsCurrentEdge(vel))) {
+ // Pip should be minimized
+ setMinimizedState(true);
+ animateToClosestMinimizedTarget();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (mIsMinimized) {
+ // If we're dragging and it wasn't a minimize gesture
+ // then we shouldn't be minimized.
+ setMinimizedState(false);
+ }
+ final float velocity = PointF.length(vel.x, vel.y);
if (velocity > mFlingAnimationUtils.getMinVelocityPxPerSecond()) {
flingToSnapTarget(velocity, vel.x, vel.y);
} else {
+ } else if (mIsMinimized) {
+ // This was a tap, so no longer minimized
+ animateToClosestSnapTarget();
+ setMinimizedState(false);
+ } else if (!mIsTappingThrough) {
+ mMenuController.showMenu();
+ mIsTappingThrough = true;
} else {
return true;
+ /**
+ * @return whether the gesture ending in the {@param vel} is fast enough to be a fling towards
+ * the same edge the PIP is on. Used to identify a minimize gesture.
+ */
+ private boolean isHorizontalFlingTowardsCurrentEdge(PointF vel) {
+ final boolean isHorizontal = Math.abs(vel.x) > Math.abs(vel.y);
+ final boolean isFling = PointF.length(vel.x, vel.y) > mFlingAnimationUtils
+ .getMinVelocityPxPerSecond();
+ final boolean towardsCurrentEdge = onEdge(true /* left */) && vel.x < 0
+ || onEdge(false /* right */) && vel.x > 0;
+ return towardsCurrentEdge && isHorizontal && isFling;
+ }
+ private boolean onEdge(boolean checkLeft) {
+ if (checkLeft) {
+ return mPinnedStackBounds.left <= mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.left;
+ } else {
+ return mPinnedStackBounds.right >= mBoundedPinnedStackBounds.right
+ + mPinnedStackBounds.width();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/PinnedStackController.java b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/PinnedStackController.java
index 08f9b45..596c3d8 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/PinnedStackController.java
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/PinnedStackController.java
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
public void setIsMinimized(final boolean isMinimized) {
mHandler.post(() -> {
mIsMinimized = isMinimized;
+ mSnapAlgorithm.setMinimized(isMinimized);