Should reset mDismissKeyguard on keyguard secure change

If user sets a non-secure lock screen, launch an activity which
appends window flag FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD, then insert a PIN lock
SIM card, activity window will become black screen.

This is because mDismissKeyguard keeps on DISMISS_KEYGUARD_CONTINUE
when keyguard secure changes from non-secure to secure like in the
insert PIN lock SIM card case. If mDismissKeyguard is
DISMISS_KEYGUARD_CONTINUE and keyguard is secure, there is no chance
to launch keyguard unlock window anymore.

This patch handles the use case that to reset mDismissKeyguard to a
again once keyguard secure state change suddenly to let keyguard
window has chance to be launched.

Change-Id: I0d4fd0b9bdf7d0a39f35427bfd4e1b928d9bca6b
Signed-off-by: tingna_sung <>
diff --git a/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/ b/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/
index af5025b..d4c530b 100644
--- a/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/
+++ b/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/
@@ -472,6 +472,11 @@
     /** The window that is currently dismissing the keyguard. Dismissing the keyguard must only
      * be done once per window. */
     private WindowState mWinDismissingKeyguard;
+    /** When window is currently dismissing the keyguard, dismissing the keyguard must handle
+     * the keygaurd secure state change instantly case, e.g. the use case of inserting a PIN
+     * lock SIM card. This variable is used to record the previous keyguard secure state for
+     * monitoring secure state change on window dismissing keyguard. */
+    private boolean mSecureDismissingKeyguard;
     /** The window that is currently showing "over" the keyguard. If there is an app window
      * belonging to another app on top of this the keyguard shows. If there is a fullscreen
@@ -4094,9 +4099,11 @@
                             mDismissKeyguard == DISMISS_KEYGUARD_NONE) {
                         if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG,
                                 "Setting mDismissKeyguard true by win " + win);
-                        mDismissKeyguard = mWinDismissingKeyguard == win ?
+                        mDismissKeyguard = mWinDismissingKeyguard == win
+                                && mSecureDismissingKeyguard == mKeyguardSecure ?
                         mWinDismissingKeyguard = win;
+                        mSecureDismissingKeyguard = mKeyguardSecure;
                         mForceStatusBarFromKeyguard = mShowingLockscreen && mKeyguardSecure;
                     } else if (mAppsToBeHidden.isEmpty() && showWhenLocked) {
                         if (DEBUG_LAYOUT) Slog.v(TAG,
@@ -4250,6 +4257,7 @@
             } else {
                 mWinDismissingKeyguard = null;
+                mSecureDismissingKeyguard = false;
                 mKeyguardHidden = false;
                 if (setKeyguardOccludedLw(false)) {
                     changes |= FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_LAYOUT