Draw an empty border around glyphs to avoid sampling issues
Bug #6942209
The font renderer was preserving a 1 px border around each glyph to ensure
bilinear filtering would work nicely. Unfortunately, this border was not
set to 0 when glyphs were added in the cache to replace old evicted glyphs.
Change-Id: Ib85afca7ebad5cb63f960dc0e87ae162333dbfe8
diff --git a/libs/hwui/FontRenderer.cpp b/libs/hwui/FontRenderer.cpp
index 7f0ed73..11f30fc 100644
--- a/libs/hwui/FontRenderer.cpp
+++ b/libs/hwui/FontRenderer.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
#define AUTO_KERN(prev, next) (((next) - (prev) + 32) >> 6 << 16)
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
return false;
- if (mCurrentCol + glyph.fWidth + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE < mMaxWidth) {
- *retOriginX = mCurrentCol + 1;
- *retOriginY = mCurrentRow + 1;
- mCurrentCol += glyph.fWidth + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE;
+ if (mCurrentCol + glyph.fWidth + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE * 2 < mMaxWidth) {
+ *retOriginX = mCurrentCol + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE;
+ *retOriginY = mCurrentRow + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE;
+ mCurrentCol += glyph.fWidth + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE * 2;
mDirty = true;
return true;
@@ -412,10 +412,10 @@
uint32_t cacheWidth = glyph->mCachedTextureLine->mCacheTexture->mWidth;
uint32_t cacheHeight = glyph->mCachedTextureLine->mCacheTexture->mHeight;
- glyph->mBitmapMinU = (float) startX / (float) cacheWidth;
- glyph->mBitmapMinV = (float) startY / (float) cacheHeight;
- glyph->mBitmapMaxU = (float) endX / (float) cacheWidth;
- glyph->mBitmapMaxV = (float) endY / (float) cacheHeight;
+ glyph->mBitmapMinU = startX / (float) cacheWidth;
+ glyph->mBitmapMinV = startY / (float) cacheHeight;
+ glyph->mBitmapMaxU = endX / (float) cacheWidth;
+ glyph->mBitmapMaxV = endY / (float) cacheHeight;
mState->mUploadTexture = true;
@@ -590,9 +590,6 @@
int height = cacheTexture->mHeight;
cacheTexture->mTexture = new uint8_t[width * height];
- memset(cacheTexture->mTexture, 0, width * height * sizeof(uint8_t));
if (!cacheTexture->mTextureId) {
glGenTextures(1, &cacheTexture->mTextureId);
@@ -617,7 +614,7 @@
uint32_t* retOriginX, uint32_t* retOriginY) {
cachedGlyph->mIsValid = false;
// If the glyph is too tall, don't cache it
- if (glyph.fHeight + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE > mCacheLines[mCacheLines.size() - 1]->mMaxHeight) {
+ if (glyph.fHeight + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE * 2 > mCacheLines[mCacheLines.size() - 1]->mMaxHeight) {
ALOGE("Font size to large to fit in cache. width, height = %i, %i",
(int) glyph.fWidth, (int) glyph.fHeight);
@@ -677,6 +674,18 @@
unsigned int stride = glyph.rowBytes();
uint32_t cacheX = 0, bX = 0, cacheY = 0, bY = 0;
+ for (cacheX = startX - TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE; cacheX < endX + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE; cacheX++) {
+ cacheBuffer[(startY - TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE) * cacheWidth + cacheX] = 0;
+ cacheBuffer[(endY + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE - 1) * cacheWidth + cacheX] = 0;
+ }
+ for (cacheY = startY - TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE + 1;
+ cacheY < endY + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE - 1; cacheY++) {
+ cacheBuffer[cacheY * cacheWidth + startX - TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE] = 0;
+ cacheBuffer[cacheY * cacheWidth + endX + TEXTURE_BORDER_SIZE - 1] = 0;
+ }
if (mGammaTable) {
for (cacheX = startX, bX = 0; cacheX < endX; cacheX++, bX++) {
for (cacheY = startY, bY = 0; cacheY < endY; cacheY++, bY++) {
diff --git a/libs/hwui/OpenGLRenderer.cpp b/libs/hwui/OpenGLRenderer.cpp
index 580d6b5..6639231 100644
--- a/libs/hwui/OpenGLRenderer.cpp
+++ b/libs/hwui/OpenGLRenderer.cpp
@@ -2892,7 +2892,7 @@
// the blending, turn blending off here
// If the blend mode cannot be implemented using shaders, fall
// back to the default SrcOver blend mode instead
- if CC_UNLIKELY((mode > SkXfermode::kScreen_Mode)) {
+ if (CC_UNLIKELY(mode > SkXfermode::kScreen_Mode)) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(mCaches.extensions.hasFramebufferFetch())) {
description.framebufferMode = mode;
description.swapSrcDst = swapSrcDst;
diff --git a/tests/HwAccelerationTest/src/com/android/test/hwui/TextActivity.java b/tests/HwAccelerationTest/src/com/android/test/hwui/TextActivity.java
index 0a868fa..4a1f5a2 100644
--- a/tests/HwAccelerationTest/src/com/android/test/hwui/TextActivity.java
+++ b/tests/HwAccelerationTest/src/com/android/test/hwui/TextActivity.java
@@ -153,6 +153,12 @@
canvas.drawText("Hello OpenGL renderer!", 100, 300, mLargePaint);
+// mStrikePaint.setUnderlineText(false);
+// canvas.save();
+// canvas.scale(20.0f, 20.0f);
+// canvas.drawText("aeiouyw", 5.0f, 750 / 20.0f, mStrikePaint);
+// canvas.restore();
+// mStrikePaint.setUnderlineText(true);