Allow location when Car mode is active.
Car mode may be activated without the user plugging the device into the
car. In this scenario, the user is "interacting" with the device via the
car and may need navigation to work. To allow this use case, we make
sure battery saver doesn't disable location when the screen is off if
car mode is enabled. Night mode is also disabled as it could affect the
projected UI.
Bug: 149586834
Test: atest android.os.cts.batterysaving.BatterySaverTest
Test: atest BatterySaverPolicyTest
Test: manual visual confirmation and adb shell dumpsys power scanning
Change-Id: I3390c8a7f94652644f37027f3d22746a6af0efd6
(cherry picked from commit 8da3edbb564952f6de1871a2d535f4f98a71a8d0)
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/batterysaver/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/batterysaver/
index 233417d..059861b 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/batterysaver/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/batterysaver/
@@ -16,8 +16,13 @@
import android.annotation.IntDef;
+import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
+import android.content.Intent;
+import android.content.IntentFilter;
+import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.os.BatterySaverPolicyConfig;
@@ -183,18 +188,15 @@
private String mEventLogKeys;
- * Whether vibration should *really* be disabled -- i.e. {@link Policy#disableVibration}
- * is true *and* {@link #mAccessibilityEnabled} is false.
- */
- @GuardedBy("mLock")
- private boolean mDisableVibrationEffective;
- /**
* Whether accessibility is currently enabled or not.
private boolean mAccessibilityEnabled;
+ /** Whether the phone is projecting in car mode or not. */
+ @GuardedBy("mLock")
+ private boolean mCarModeEnabled;
/** The current default adaptive policy. */
private Policy mDefaultAdaptivePolicy = DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_POLICY;
@@ -207,6 +209,13 @@
private Policy mFullPolicy = DEFAULT_FULL_POLICY;
+ /**
+ * The current effective policy. This is based on the current policy level's policy, with any
+ * required adjustments.
+ */
+ @GuardedBy("mLock")
+ private Policy mEffectivePolicy = OFF_POLICY;
@IntDef(prefix = {"POLICY_LEVEL_"}, value = {
@@ -230,6 +239,20 @@
private final ContentResolver mContentResolver;
private final BatterySavingStats mBatterySavingStats;
+ private final BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
+ @Override
+ public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
+ switch (intent.getAction()) {
+ setCarModeEnabled(true);
+ break;
+ setCarModeEnabled(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
private final List<BatterySaverPolicyListener> mListeners = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -263,16 +286,25 @@
final AccessibilityManager acm = mContext.getSystemService(AccessibilityManager.class);
- acm.addAccessibilityStateChangeListener((enabled) -> {
- synchronized (mLock) {
- mAccessibilityEnabled = enabled;
- }
- refreshSettings();
- });
- final boolean enabled = acm.isEnabled();
+ acm.addAccessibilityStateChangeListener((enabled) -> setAccessibilityEnabled(enabled));
+ final boolean accessibilityEnabled = acm.isEnabled();
synchronized (mLock) {
- mAccessibilityEnabled = enabled;
+ mAccessibilityEnabled = accessibilityEnabled;
+ final IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(
+ filter.addAction(UiModeManager.ACTION_EXIT_CAR_MODE_PRIORITIZED);
+ // The ENTER/EXIT_CAR_MODE_PRIORITIZED intents are sent to UserHandle.ALL, so no need to
+ // register as all users here.
+ mContext.registerReceiver(mBroadcastReceiver, filter);
+ final boolean carModeEnabled =
+ mContext.getSystemService(UiModeManager.class).getCurrentModeType()
+ == Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR;
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ mCarModeEnabled = carModeEnabled;
+ }
onChange(true, null);
@@ -299,13 +331,34 @@
+ /**
+ * Notifies listeners of a policy change on the handler thread only if the current policy level
+ * is not {@link POLICY_LEVEL_OFF}.
+ */
+ private void maybeNotifyListenersOfPolicyChange() {
+ final BatterySaverPolicyListener[] listeners;
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ if (getPolicyLevelLocked() == POLICY_LEVEL_OFF) {
+ // Current policy is OFF, so there's no change to notify listeners of.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Don't call out to listeners with the lock held.
+ listeners = mListeners.toArray(new BatterySaverPolicyListener[mListeners.size()]);
+ }
+ -> {
+ for (BatterySaverPolicyListener listener : listeners) {
+ listener.onBatterySaverPolicyChanged(this);
+ }
+ });
+ }
public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) {
private void refreshSettings() {
- final BatterySaverPolicyListener[] listeners;
synchronized (mLock) {
// Load the non-device-specific setting.
final String setting = getGlobalSetting(Settings.Global.BATTERY_SAVER_CONSTANTS);
@@ -334,16 +387,9 @@
// Nothing of note changed.
- listeners = mListeners.toArray(new BatterySaverPolicyListener[0]);
- // Notify the listeners.
- -> {
- for (BatterySaverPolicyListener listener : listeners) {
- listener.onBatterySaverPolicyChanged(this);
- }
- });
+ maybeNotifyListenersOfPolicyChange();
@@ -404,31 +450,63 @@
private void updatePolicyDependenciesLocked() {
- final Policy currPolicy = getCurrentPolicyLocked();
- // Update the effective vibration policy.
- mDisableVibrationEffective = currPolicy.disableVibration
- && !mAccessibilityEnabled; // Don't disable vibration when accessibility is on.
+ final Policy rawPolicy = getCurrentRawPolicyLocked();
+ final int locationMode;
+ if (mCarModeEnabled
+ && rawPolicy.locationMode != PowerManager.LOCATION_MODE_NO_CHANGE
+ && rawPolicy.locationMode != PowerManager.LOCATION_MODE_FOREGROUND_ONLY) {
+ // If car projection is enabled, ensure that navigation works.
+ locationMode = PowerManager.LOCATION_MODE_FOREGROUND_ONLY;
+ } else {
+ locationMode = rawPolicy.locationMode;
+ }
+ mEffectivePolicy = new Policy(
+ rawPolicy.adjustBrightnessFactor,
+ rawPolicy.advertiseIsEnabled,
+ rawPolicy.deferFullBackup,
+ rawPolicy.deferKeyValueBackup,
+ rawPolicy.disableAnimation,
+ rawPolicy.disableAod,
+ rawPolicy.disableLaunchBoost,
+ rawPolicy.disableOptionalSensors,
+ rawPolicy.disableSoundTrigger,
+ // Don't disable vibration when accessibility is on.
+ rawPolicy.disableVibration && !mAccessibilityEnabled,
+ rawPolicy.enableAdjustBrightness,
+ rawPolicy.enableDataSaver,
+ rawPolicy.enableFirewall,
+ // Don't force night mode when car projection is enabled.
+ rawPolicy.enableNightMode && !mCarModeEnabled,
+ rawPolicy.enableQuickDoze,
+ rawPolicy.filesForInteractive,
+ rawPolicy.filesForNoninteractive,
+ rawPolicy.forceAllAppsStandby,
+ rawPolicy.forceBackgroundCheck,
+ locationMode
+ );
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- if (currPolicy.forceAllAppsStandby) sb.append("A");
- if (currPolicy.forceBackgroundCheck) sb.append("B");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.forceAllAppsStandby) sb.append("A");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.forceBackgroundCheck) sb.append("B");
- if (mDisableVibrationEffective) sb.append("v");
- if (currPolicy.disableAnimation) sb.append("a");
- if (currPolicy.disableSoundTrigger) sb.append("s");
- if (currPolicy.deferFullBackup) sb.append("F");
- if (currPolicy.deferKeyValueBackup) sb.append("K");
- if (currPolicy.enableFirewall) sb.append("f");
- if (currPolicy.enableDataSaver) sb.append("d");
- if (currPolicy.enableAdjustBrightness) sb.append("b");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.disableVibration) sb.append("v");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.disableAnimation) sb.append("a");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.disableSoundTrigger) sb.append("s");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.deferFullBackup) sb.append("F");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.deferKeyValueBackup) sb.append("K");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.enableFirewall) sb.append("f");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.enableDataSaver) sb.append("d");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.enableAdjustBrightness) sb.append("b");
- if (currPolicy.disableLaunchBoost) sb.append("l");
- if (currPolicy.disableOptionalSensors) sb.append("S");
- if (currPolicy.disableAod) sb.append("o");
- if (currPolicy.enableQuickDoze) sb.append("q");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.disableLaunchBoost) sb.append("l");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.disableOptionalSensors) sb.append("S");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.disableAod) sb.append("o");
+ if (mEffectivePolicy.enableQuickDoze) sb.append("q");
- sb.append(currPolicy.locationMode);
+ sb.append(mEffectivePolicy.locationMode);
mEventLogKeys = sb.toString();
@@ -857,7 +935,7 @@
return builder.setBatterySaverEnabled(currPolicy.disableSoundTrigger)
case ServiceType.VIBRATION:
- return builder.setBatterySaverEnabled(mDisableVibrationEffective)
+ return builder.setBatterySaverEnabled(currPolicy.disableVibration)
return builder.setBatterySaverEnabled(currPolicy.forceAllAppsStandby)
@@ -933,6 +1011,10 @@
private Policy getCurrentPolicyLocked() {
+ return mEffectivePolicy;
+ }
+ private Policy getCurrentRawPolicyLocked() {
switch (getPolicyLevelLocked()) {
return mFullPolicy;
@@ -994,11 +1076,13 @@
pw.println(" value: " + mAdaptiveDeviceSpecificSettings);
pw.println(" mAccessibilityEnabled=" + mAccessibilityEnabled);
+ pw.println(" mCarModeEnabled=" + mCarModeEnabled);
pw.println(" mPolicyLevel=" + getPolicyLevelLocked());
dumpPolicyLocked(pw, " ", "full", mFullPolicy);
dumpPolicyLocked(pw, " ", "default adaptive", mDefaultAdaptivePolicy);
dumpPolicyLocked(pw, " ", "current adaptive", mAdaptivePolicy);
+ dumpPolicyLocked(pw, " ", "effective", mEffectivePolicy);
@@ -1009,11 +1093,7 @@
pw.println(" " + KEY_ADVERTISE_IS_ENABLED + "=" + p.advertiseIsEnabled);
- pw.println(" " + KEY_VIBRATION_DISABLED + ":config=" + p.disableVibration);
- // mDisableVibrationEffective is based on the currently selected policy
- pw.print(indent);
- pw.println(" " + KEY_VIBRATION_DISABLED + ":effective=" + (p.disableVibration
- && !mAccessibilityEnabled));
+ pw.println(" " + KEY_VIBRATION_DISABLED + "=" + p.disableVibration);
pw.println(" " + KEY_ANIMATION_DISABLED + "=" + p.disableAnimation);
@@ -1070,10 +1150,24 @@
- public void setAccessibilityEnabledForTest(boolean enabled) {
+ void setAccessibilityEnabled(boolean enabled) {
synchronized (mLock) {
- mAccessibilityEnabled = enabled;
- updatePolicyDependenciesLocked();
+ if (mAccessibilityEnabled != enabled) {
+ mAccessibilityEnabled = enabled;
+ updatePolicyDependenciesLocked();
+ maybeNotifyListenersOfPolicyChange();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @VisibleForTesting
+ void setCarModeEnabled(boolean enabled) {
+ synchronized (mLock) {
+ if (mCarModeEnabled != enabled) {
+ mCarModeEnabled = enabled;
+ updatePolicyDependenciesLocked();
+ maybeNotifyListenersOfPolicyChange();
+ }
diff --git a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/power/batterysaver/ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/power/batterysaver/
index 30ab9cd..dc30add 100644
--- a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/power/batterysaver/
+++ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/power/batterysaver/
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
public void testGetBatterySaverPolicy_PolicyVibration_WithAccessibilityEnabled() {
- mBatterySaverPolicy.setAccessibilityEnabledForTest(true);
+ mBatterySaverPolicy.setAccessibilityEnabled(true);
@@ -339,4 +339,57 @@
Policy.fromSettings(BATTERY_SAVER_CONSTANTS, ""));
+ public void testCarModeChanges_Full() {
+ mBatterySaverPolicy.updateConstantsLocked(
+ + ",enable_night_mode=true", "");
+ mBatterySaverPolicy.setPolicyLevel(POLICY_LEVEL_FULL);
+ assertThat(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(ServiceType.LOCATION).locationMode)
+ assertTrue(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(
+ ServiceType.NIGHT_MODE).batterySaverEnabled);
+ mBatterySaverPolicy.setCarModeEnabled(true);
+ assertThat(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(ServiceType.LOCATION).locationMode)
+ .isAnyOf(PowerManager.LOCATION_MODE_NO_CHANGE,
+ assertFalse(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(
+ ServiceType.NIGHT_MODE).batterySaverEnabled);
+ mBatterySaverPolicy.setCarModeEnabled(false);
+ assertThat(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(ServiceType.LOCATION).locationMode)
+ assertTrue(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(
+ ServiceType.NIGHT_MODE).batterySaverEnabled);
+ }
+ public void testCarModeChanges_Adaptive() {
+ mBatterySaverPolicy.setAdaptivePolicyLocked(
+ Policy.fromSettings(
+ + ",enable_night_mode=true", ""));
+ mBatterySaverPolicy.setPolicyLevel(POLICY_LEVEL_ADAPTIVE);
+ assertThat(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(ServiceType.LOCATION).locationMode)
+ assertTrue(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(
+ ServiceType.NIGHT_MODE).batterySaverEnabled);
+ mBatterySaverPolicy.setCarModeEnabled(true);
+ assertThat(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(ServiceType.LOCATION).locationMode)
+ .isAnyOf(PowerManager.LOCATION_MODE_NO_CHANGE,
+ assertFalse(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(
+ ServiceType.NIGHT_MODE).batterySaverEnabled);
+ mBatterySaverPolicy.setCarModeEnabled(false);
+ assertThat(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(ServiceType.LOCATION).locationMode)
+ assertTrue(mBatterySaverPolicy.getBatterySaverPolicy(
+ ServiceType.NIGHT_MODE).batterySaverEnabled);
+ }