Add compat checking of the merged APIs

Compare the current merged txt to the last one checked into
prebuilts/sdk. For the system and module-lib APIs, also feed
the current public API in as the "base" API.

Bug: 174847574
Test: m frameworks-base-api-{,system-,module-lib-}current-compat
Change-Id: I7d4274ec1561be131c4f0298b49c05b24f03cb06
diff --git a/api/Android.bp b/api/Android.bp
index 74e0211..7e2147e 100644
--- a/api/Android.bp
+++ b/api/Android.bp
@@ -60,6 +60,22 @@
 genrule {
+    name: "frameworks-base-api-current-compat",
+    srcs: [
+        ":android.api.public.latest",
+        ":android-incompatibilities.api.public.latest",
+        ":frameworks-base-api-current.txt",
+    ],
+    out: ["stdout.txt"],
+    tools: ["metalava"],
+    cmd: "$(location metalava) --no-banner --format=v2 " +
+        "--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.public.latest) " +
+        "--baseline:compatibility:released $(location :android-incompatibilities.api.public.latest) " +
+        "$(location :frameworks-base-api-current.txt) " +
+        "> $(genDir)/stdout.txt",
+genrule {
     name: "frameworks-base-api-current.srcjar",
     srcs: [
@@ -146,6 +162,24 @@
 genrule {
+    name: "frameworks-base-api-system-current-compat",
+    srcs: [
+        ":android.api.system.latest",
+        ":android-incompatibilities.api.system.latest",
+        ":frameworks-base-api-current.txt",
+        ":frameworks-base-api-system-current.txt",
+    ],
+    out: ["stdout.txt"],
+    tools: ["metalava"],
+    cmd: "$(location metalava) --no-banner --format=v2 " +
+        "--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.system.latest) " +
+        "--check-compatibility:base $(location :frameworks-base-api-current.txt) " +
+        "--baseline:compatibility:released $(location :android-incompatibilities.api.system.latest) " +
+        "$(location :frameworks-base-api-system-current.txt) " +
+        "> $(genDir)/stdout.txt",
+genrule {
     name: "frameworks-base-api-system-removed.txt",
     srcs: [
@@ -207,6 +241,27 @@
 genrule {
+    name: "frameworks-base-api-module-lib-current-compat",
+    srcs: [
+        ":android.api.module-lib.latest",
+        ":android-incompatibilities.api.module-lib.latest",
+        ":frameworks-base-api-current.txt",
+        ":frameworks-base-api-module-lib-current.txt",
+    ],
+    out: ["stdout.txt"],
+    tools: ["metalava"],
+    cmd: "$(location metalava) --no-banner --format=v2 " +
+        "--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.module-lib.latest) " +
+        // Note: having "public" be the base of module-lib is not perfect -- it should
+        // ideally be a merged public+system), but this will  help when migrating from
+        // MODULE_LIBS -> public.
+        "--check-compatibility:base $(location :frameworks-base-api-current.txt) " +
+        "--baseline:compatibility:released $(location :android-incompatibilities.api.module-lib.latest) " +
+        "$(location :frameworks-base-api-module-lib-current.txt) " +
+        "> $(genDir)/stdout.txt",
+genrule {
     name: "frameworks-base-api-module-lib-removed.txt",
     srcs: [