Implement dream out overlay transition
The overlay should blur and animate the complications when the dream is waking up. This adds a new API to DreamOverlayService to get notified of dreams waking, so that it can run the animation. When the animation is done, we communicate back to the DreamService so that it may finish itself.
A delay was added to the touch handler which hides the overlay when a
touch happens, in order to ensure the exit animation has a chance to
complete first.
Bug: 220311554
Test: atest DreamOverlayAnimationsControllerTest
Test: atest HideComplicationTouchHandlerTest
Test: atest DreamOverlayContainerViewControllerTest
Test: atest DreamOverlayServiceTest
Test: flashed device and verified animation looks correct when tapping
dream to exit
Change-Id: Ibccd45aefbf9b8aeb462d843794c3434c49a6bf2
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml
index 55d6379..f4d802b 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml
@@ -743,12 +743,35 @@
<!-- How long in milliseconds before full burn-in protection is achieved. -->
<integer name="config_dreamOverlayMillisUntilFullJitter">240000</integer>
+ <!-- The duration in milliseconds of the y-translation animation when waking up from
+ the dream -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayOutTranslationYDurationMs">333</integer>
+ <!-- The delay in milliseconds of the y-translation animation when waking up from
+ the dream for the complications at the bottom of the screen -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayOutTranslationYDelayBottomMs">33</integer>
+ <!-- The delay in milliseconds of the y-translation animation when waking up from
+ the dream for the complications at the top of the screen -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayOutTranslationYDelayTopMs">117</integer>
+ <!-- The duration in milliseconds of the alpha animation when waking up from the dream -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayOutAlphaDurationMs">200</integer>
+ <!-- The delay in milliseconds of the alpha animation when waking up from the dream for the
+ complications at the top of the screen -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayOutAlphaDelayTopMs">217</integer>
+ <!-- The delay in milliseconds of the alpha animation when waking up from the dream for the
+ complications at the bottom of the screen -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayOutAlphaDelayBottomMs">133</integer>
+ <!-- The duration in milliseconds of the blur animation when waking up from
+ the dream -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayOutBlurDurationMs">250</integer>
<integer name="complicationFadeOutMs">500</integer>
<integer name="complicationFadeInMs">500</integer>
<integer name="complicationRestoreMs">1000</integer>
+ <integer name="complicationFadeOutDelayMs">200</integer>
<!-- Duration in milliseconds of the dream in un-blur animation. -->
<integer name="config_dreamOverlayInBlurDurationMs">249</integer>
<!-- Delay in milliseconds of the dream in un-blur animation. -->
@@ -780,27 +803,6 @@
- <!-- The thresholds which determine the color used by the AQI dream overlay.
- NOTE: This must always be kept sorted from low to high -->
- <integer-array name="config_dreamAqiThresholds">
- <item>-1</item>
- <item>50</item>
- <item>100</item>
- <item>150</item>
- <item>200</item>
- <item>300</item>
- </integer-array>
- <!-- The color values which correspond to the thresholds above -->
- <integer-array name="config_dreamAqiColorValues">
- <item>@color/dream_overlay_aqi_good</item>
- <item>@color/dream_overlay_aqi_moderate</item>
- <item>@color/dream_overlay_aqi_unhealthy_sensitive</item>
- <item>@color/dream_overlay_aqi_unhealthy</item>
- <item>@color/dream_overlay_aqi_very_unhealthy</item>
- <item>@color/dream_overlay_aqi_hazardous</item>
- </integer-array>
<!-- Whether the device should display hotspot UI. If true, UI will display only when tethering
is available. If false, UI will never show regardless of tethering availability" -->
<bool name="config_show_wifi_tethering">true</bool>
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values/dimens.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values/dimens.xml
index c78d36d..7cda9d7 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values/dimens.xml
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values/dimens.xml
@@ -1534,6 +1534,7 @@
<dimen name="dream_overlay_complication_margin">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="dream_overlay_y_offset">80dp</dimen>
+ <dimen name="dream_overlay_exit_y_offset">40dp</dimen>
<dimen name="dream_aqi_badge_corner_radius">28dp</dimen>
<dimen name="dream_aqi_badge_padding_vertical">6dp</dimen>