Fuzzer for libmedialogservice

Plugin Design Considerations

The fuzzer plugin for libmedialogservice is designed based on the understanding of the service and tries to achieve the following:

Maximize code coverage

The configuration parameters are not hardcoded, but instead selected based on incoming data. This ensures more code paths are reached by the fuzzer.

medialogservice supports the following parameters:

  1. Writer name (parameter name: writerNameIdx)
  2. Log size (parameter name: logSize)
  3. Enable dump before unrgister API (parameter name: shouldDumpBeforeUnregister)
  4. size of string for log dump (parameter name: numberOfLines)
ParameterValid ValuesConfigured Value
writerNameIdx0. 0 1. 1Value obtained from FuzzedDataProvider
logSizeIn the range 256 to 65536Value obtained from FuzzedDataProvider
shouldDumpBeforeUnregister0. 0 1. 1Value obtained from FuzzedDataProvider
numberOfLinesIn the range 0 to 65535Value obtained from FuzzedDataProvider

This also ensures that the plugin is always deterministic for any given input.


This describes steps to build media_log_fuzzer binary.


Steps to build

Build the fuzzer

  $ mm -j$(nproc) media_log_fuzzer

Steps to run

Create a directory CORPUS_DIR and copy some files to that folder Push this directory to device.

To run on device

  $ adb sync data
  $ adb shell /data/fuzz/arm64/media_log_fuzzer/media_log_fuzzer CORPUS_DIR
