C2AllocatorGralloc: support locking RGBA_1010102 as YUVA_1010102
Bug: 117672953
Test: stagefright -s -S video_1280x720_vp9_hdr_static_3mbps.mkv
Change-Id: I738820251ea9ddd6b9fe9d2bafcdc6d1c6fb3744
diff --git a/media/codec2/vndk/C2AllocatorGralloc.cpp b/media/codec2/vndk/C2AllocatorGralloc.cpp
index 22e8d84..4878974 100644
--- a/media/codec2/vndk/C2AllocatorGralloc.cpp
+++ b/media/codec2/vndk/C2AllocatorGralloc.cpp
@@ -366,16 +366,165 @@
generation, igbp_id, igbp_slot);
- // UGLY HACK: assume YCbCr 4:2:0 8-bit format (and lockable via lockYCbCr) if we don't
- // recognize the format
- PixelFormat format = mInfo.mapperInfo.format;
- if (format != PixelFormat::RGBA_8888 && format != PixelFormat::RGBX_8888) {
- format = PixelFormat::YCBCR_420_888;
- }
+ switch (mInfo.mapperInfo.format) {
+ case PixelFormat::RGBA_1010102: {
+ // TRICKY: this is used for media as YUV444 in the case when it is queued directly to a
+ // Surface. In all other cases it is RGBA. We don't know which case it is here, so
+ // default to YUV for now.
+ void *pointer = nullptr;
+ mMapper->lock(
+ const_cast<native_handle_t *>(mBuffer),
+ grallocUsage,
+ { (int32_t)rect.left, (int32_t)rect.top, (int32_t)rect.width, (int32_t)rect.height },
+ // TODO: fence
+ hidl_handle(),
+ [&err, &pointer](const auto &maperr, const auto &mapPointer) {
+ err = maperr2error(maperr);
+ if (err == C2_OK) {
+ pointer = mapPointer;
+ }
+ });
+ if (err != C2_OK) {
+ ALOGD("lock failed: %d", err);
+ return err;
+ }
+ // treat as 32-bit values
+ addr[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y] = (uint8_t *)pointer;
+ addr[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U] = (uint8_t *)pointer;
+ addr[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V] = (uint8_t *)pointer;
+ addr[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_A] = (uint8_t *)pointer;
+ layout->type = C2PlanarLayout::TYPE_YUVA;
+ layout->numPlanes = 4;
+ layout->rootPlanes = 1;
+ layout->planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y] = {
+ C2PlaneInfo::CHANNEL_Y, // channel
+ 4, // colInc
+ 4 * (int32_t)mInfo.stride, // rowInc
+ 1, // mColSampling
+ 1, // mRowSampling
+ 32, // allocatedDepth
+ 10, // bitDepth
+ 10, // rightShift
+ C2PlaneInfo::LITTLE_END, // endianness
+ C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y, // rootIx
+ 0, // offset
+ };
+ layout->planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_U] = {
+ C2PlaneInfo::CHANNEL_CB, // channel
+ 4, // colInc
+ 4 * (int32_t)mInfo.stride, // rowInc
+ 1, // mColSampling
+ 1, // mRowSampling
+ 32, // allocatedDepth
+ 10, // bitDepth
+ 0, // rightShift
+ C2PlaneInfo::LITTLE_END, // endianness
+ C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y, // rootIx
+ 0, // offset
+ };
+ layout->planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_V] = {
+ C2PlaneInfo::CHANNEL_CR, // channel
+ 4, // colInc
+ 4 * (int32_t)mInfo.stride, // rowInc
+ 1, // mColSampling
+ 1, // mRowSampling
+ 32, // allocatedDepth
+ 10, // bitDepth
+ 20, // rightShift
+ C2PlaneInfo::LITTLE_END, // endianness
+ C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y, // rootIx
+ 0, // offset
+ };
+ layout->planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_A] = {
+ C2PlaneInfo::CHANNEL_A, // channel
+ 4, // colInc
+ 4 * (int32_t)mInfo.stride, // rowInc
+ 1, // mColSampling
+ 1, // mRowSampling
+ 32, // allocatedDepth
+ 2, // bitDepth
+ 30, // rightShift
+ C2PlaneInfo::LITTLE_END, // endianness
+ C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_Y, // rootIx
+ 0, // offset
+ };
+ break;
+ }
- switch (format) {
+ case PixelFormat::RGBA_8888:
+ // TODO: alpha channel
+ // fall-through
+ case PixelFormat::RGBX_8888: {
+ void *pointer = nullptr;
+ mMapper->lock(
+ const_cast<native_handle_t *>(mBuffer),
+ grallocUsage,
+ { (int32_t)rect.left, (int32_t)rect.top, (int32_t)rect.width, (int32_t)rect.height },
+ // TODO: fence
+ hidl_handle(),
+ [&err, &pointer](const auto &maperr, const auto &mapPointer) {
+ err = maperr2error(maperr);
+ if (err == C2_OK) {
+ pointer = mapPointer;
+ }
+ });
+ if (err != C2_OK) {
+ ALOGD("lock failed: %d", err);
+ return err;
+ }
+ addr[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R] = (uint8_t *)pointer;
+ addr[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_G] = (uint8_t *)pointer + 1;
+ addr[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_B] = (uint8_t *)pointer + 2;
+ layout->type = C2PlanarLayout::TYPE_RGB;
+ layout->numPlanes = 3;
+ layout->rootPlanes = 1;
+ layout->planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R] = {
+ C2PlaneInfo::CHANNEL_R, // channel
+ 4, // colInc
+ 4 * (int32_t)mInfo.stride, // rowInc
+ 1, // mColSampling
+ 1, // mRowSampling
+ 8, // allocatedDepth
+ 8, // bitDepth
+ 0, // rightShift
+ C2PlaneInfo::NATIVE, // endianness
+ C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R, // rootIx
+ 0, // offset
+ };
+ layout->planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_G] = {
+ C2PlaneInfo::CHANNEL_G, // channel
+ 4, // colInc
+ 4 * (int32_t)mInfo.stride, // rowInc
+ 1, // mColSampling
+ 1, // mRowSampling
+ 8, // allocatedDepth
+ 8, // bitDepth
+ 0, // rightShift
+ C2PlaneInfo::NATIVE, // endianness
+ C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R, // rootIx
+ 1, // offset
+ };
+ layout->planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_B] = {
+ C2PlaneInfo::CHANNEL_B, // channel
+ 4, // colInc
+ 4 * (int32_t)mInfo.stride, // rowInc
+ 1, // mColSampling
+ 1, // mRowSampling
+ 8, // allocatedDepth
+ 8, // bitDepth
+ 0, // rightShift
+ C2PlaneInfo::NATIVE, // endianness
+ C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R, // rootIx
+ 2, // offset
+ };
+ break;
+ }
case PixelFormat::YCBCR_420_888:
- case PixelFormat::YV12: {
+ // fall-through
+ case PixelFormat::YV12:
+ // fall-through
+ default: {
YCbCrLayout ycbcrLayout;
const_cast<native_handle_t *>(mBuffer), grallocUsage,
@@ -450,79 +599,6 @@
- case PixelFormat::RGBA_8888:
- // TODO: alpha channel
- // fall-through
- case PixelFormat::RGBX_8888: {
- void *pointer = nullptr;
- mMapper->lock(
- const_cast<native_handle_t *>(mBuffer),
- grallocUsage,
- { (int32_t)rect.left, (int32_t)rect.top, (int32_t)rect.width, (int32_t)rect.height },
- // TODO: fence
- hidl_handle(),
- [&err, &pointer](const auto &maperr, const auto &mapPointer) {
- err = maperr2error(maperr);
- if (err == C2_OK) {
- pointer = mapPointer;
- }
- });
- if (err != C2_OK) {
- ALOGD("lock failed: %d", err);
- return err;
- }
- addr[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R] = (uint8_t *)pointer;
- addr[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_G] = (uint8_t *)pointer + 1;
- addr[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_B] = (uint8_t *)pointer + 2;
- layout->type = C2PlanarLayout::TYPE_RGB;
- layout->numPlanes = 3;
- layout->rootPlanes = 1;
- layout->planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R] = {
- C2PlaneInfo::CHANNEL_R, // channel
- 4, // colInc
- 4 * (int32_t)mInfo.stride, // rowInc
- 1, // mColSampling
- 1, // mRowSampling
- 8, // allocatedDepth
- 8, // bitDepth
- 0, // rightShift
- C2PlaneInfo::NATIVE, // endianness
- C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R, // rootIx
- 0, // offset
- };
- layout->planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_G] = {
- C2PlaneInfo::CHANNEL_G, // channel
- 4, // colInc
- 4 * (int32_t)mInfo.stride, // rowInc
- 1, // mColSampling
- 1, // mRowSampling
- 8, // allocatedDepth
- 8, // bitDepth
- 0, // rightShift
- C2PlaneInfo::NATIVE, // endianness
- C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R, // rootIx
- 1, // offset
- };
- layout->planes[C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_B] = {
- C2PlaneInfo::CHANNEL_B, // channel
- 4, // colInc
- 4 * (int32_t)mInfo.stride, // rowInc
- 1, // mColSampling
- 1, // mRowSampling
- 8, // allocatedDepth
- 8, // bitDepth
- 0, // rightShift
- C2PlaneInfo::NATIVE, // endianness
- C2PlanarLayout::PLANE_R, // rootIx
- 2, // offset
- };
- break;
- }
- default: {
- ALOGD("unsupported pixel format: %d", mInfo.mapperInfo.format);
- return C2_OMITTED;
- }
mLocked = true;