Clean up invocation of fdt{get,put} tests
This patch cleans up how the fdtget and fdtput tests are invoked.
Specifically we no longer hide the full command lines with a wrapper
function - this makes it possible to distinguish fdtget from similar
fdtput tests and makes it easier to work out how to manually invoke an
individual failing test.
In addition, we remove the testing for errors from the
fdt{get,put} script, instead using an internal wrapper
analagous to run_wrap_test which can test for any program invocation
that's expected to return an error.
For a couple of the fdtput tests this would result in printing out
ludicrously large command lines. Therefore we introduce a new
mechanism to cut those down to something reasonable.
Signed-off-by: David Gibson <>
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 37c173c..999c882 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -36,6 +36,20 @@
+shorten_echo () {
+ limit=32
+ echo -n "$1"
+ shift
+ for x; do
+ if [ ${#x} -le $limit ]; then
+ echo -n " $x"
+ else
+ short=$(echo "$x" | head -c$limit)
+ echo -n " \"$short\"...<${#x} bytes>"
+ fi
+ done
run_test () {
echo -n "$@: "
if [ -n "$VALGRIND" -a -f $1.supp ]; then
@@ -70,6 +84,28 @@
base_run_test wrap_test "$@"
+wrap_error () {
+ (
+ if verbose_run "$@"; then
+ FAIL "Expected non-zero return code"
+ else
+ ret="$?"
+ if [ "$ret" -gt 127 ]; then
+ signame=$(kill -l $((ret - 128)))
+ FAIL "Killed by SIG$signame"
+ else
+ fi
+ fi
+ )
+run_wrap_error_test () {
+ shorten_echo "$@"
+ echo -n " {!= 0}: "
+ base_run_test wrap_error "$@"
run_dtc_test () {
echo -n "dtc $@: "
base_run_test wrap_test $VALGRIND $DTC "$@"
@@ -84,25 +120,18 @@
run_fdtget_test () {
- # run_fdtget_test name expected_output dtb_file args...
- echo -n "$1: "
+ expect="$1"
- base_run_test sh "$@"
+ echo -n " "$expect" $@: "
+ base_run_test sh "$expect" "$@"
run_fdtput_test () {
- # run_fdtput_test name expected_output dtb_file node property flags value...
- echo -n "$1: "
+ expect="$1"
- output="$1"
- dtb="$2"
- node="$3"
- property="$4"
- flags="$5"
- shift 5
- base_run_test sh "$output" "$dtb" "$node" "$property" \
- "$flags" $@
-# base_run_test sh "$@"
+ shorten_echo "$expect" "$@"
+ echo -n ": "
+ base_run_test sh "$expect" "$@"
tree1_tests () {
@@ -425,39 +454,32 @@
fdtget_tests () {
- file=label01.dtb
- $DTC -O dtb -o $file ${file%.dtb}.dts 2>/dev/null
+ dts=label01.dts
+ dtb=$dts.fdtget.test.dtb
+ run_dtc_test -O dtb -o $dtb $dts
- # run_fdtget_test <test-name> <expected-result> <args>...
- run_fdtget_test "Simple string" "MyBoardName" $file / model
- run_fdtget_test "Multiple string i" "77 121 66 111 \
+ # run_fdtget_test <expected-result> [<flags>] <file> <node> <property>
+ run_fdtget_test "MyBoardName" $dtb / model
+ run_fdtget_test "77 121 66 111 \
97 114 100 78 97 109 101 0 77 121 66 111 97 114 100 70 97 109 105 \
-108 121 78 97 109 101 0" $file / compatible
- run_fdtget_test "Multiple string s" "MyBoardName MyBoardFamilyName" \
- -t s $file / compatible
- run_fdtget_test "Integer" "32768" $file /cpus/PowerPC,970@1 d-cache-size
- run_fdtget_test "Integer hex" "8000" -tx $file \
- /cpus/PowerPC,970@1 d-cache-size
- run_fdtget_test "Integer list" "61 62 63 0" -tbx $file \
- /randomnode tricky1
- run_fdtget_test "Byte list short" "a b c d de ea ad be ef" -tbx \
- $file /randomnode blob
+108 121 78 97 109 101 0" $dtb / compatible
+ run_fdtget_test "MyBoardName MyBoardFamilyName" -t s $dtb / compatible
+ run_fdtget_test 32768 $dtb /cpus/PowerPC,970@1 d-cache-size
+ run_fdtget_test 8000 -tx $dtb /cpus/PowerPC,970@1 d-cache-size
+ run_fdtget_test "61 62 63 0" -tbx $dtb /randomnode tricky1
+ run_fdtget_test "a b c d de ea ad be ef" -tbx $dtb /randomnode blob
# Here the property size is not a multiple of 4 bytes, so it should fail
- run_fdtget_test "Integer list invalid" ERR -tlx \
- $file /randomnode mixed
- run_fdtget_test "Integer list halfword" "6162 6300 1234 0 a 0 b 0 c" -thx \
- $file /randomnode mixed
- run_fdtget_test "Integer list byte" \
- "61 62 63 0 12 34 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 c" -thhx \
- $file /randomnode mixed
- run_fdtget_test "Missing property" ERR -ts \
- $file /randomnode doctor-who
+ run_wrap_error_test $DTGET -tlx $dtb /randomnode mixed
+ run_fdtget_test "6162 6300 1234 0 a 0 b 0 c" -thx $dtb /randomnode mixed
+ run_fdtget_test "61 62 63 0 12 34 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 c" \
+ -thhx $dtb /randomnode mixed
+ run_wrap_error_test $DTGET -ts $dtb /randomnode doctor-who
fdtput_tests () {
- file=label01.dtb
- src=label01.dts
+ dts=label01.dts
+ dtb=$dts.fdtput.test.dtb
# Create some test files containing useful strings
@@ -467,7 +489,7 @@
# Filter out anything the shell might not like
- cat $src | tr -d "'\"\n\;/\.\*{}\-" | tr -s "[:blank:]" " " >$base
+ cat $dts | tr -d "'\"\n\;/\.\*{}\-" | tr -s "[:blank:]" " " >$base
# Make two small files
head -5 $base >$file1
@@ -479,31 +501,25 @@
# Allow just enough space for both file1 and file2
space=$(( $(stat -c %s $file1) + $(stat -c %s $file2) ))
- $DTC -O dtb -p $space -o $file ${file%.dtb}.dts 2>/dev/null
+ run_dtc_test -O dtb -p $space -o $dtb $dts
- # run_fdtput_test <test-name> <expected-result> <file> <key> <flags>
- # <args>...
- run_fdtput_test "Simple string" "a_model" $file / model -ts "a_model"
- run_fdtput_test "Multiple string s" "board1 board2" \
- $file / compatible -ts board1 board2
- run_fdtput_test "Single string with spaces" "board1 board2" \
- $file / compatible -ts "board1 board2"
- run_fdtput_test "Integer" "32768" \
- $file /cpus/PowerPC,970@1 d-cache-size "" "32768"
- run_fdtput_test "Integer hex" "8001" \
- $file /cpus/PowerPC,970@1 d-cache-size -tx 0x8001
- run_fdtput_test "Integer list" "2 3 12" \
- $file /randomnode tricky1 -tbi "02 003 12"
- run_fdtput_test "Byte list short" "a b c ea ad be ef" \
- $file /randomnode blob -tbx "a b c ea ad be ef"
- run_fdtput_test "Integer list short" "a0b0c0d deeaae ef000000" \
- $file /randomnode blob -tx "a0b0c0d deeaae ef000000"
- run_fdtput_test "Large string list" "`cat $file1 $file2`" \
- $file /randomnode blob -ts "`cat $file1`" "`cat $file2`"
+ # run_fdtput_test <expected-result> <file> <node> <property> <flags> <value>
+ run_fdtput_test "a_model" $dtb / model -ts "a_model"
+ run_fdtput_test "board1 board2" $dtb / compatible -ts board1 board2
+ run_fdtput_test "board1 board2" $dtb / compatible -ts "board1 board2"
+ run_fdtput_test "32768" $dtb /cpus/PowerPC,970@1 d-cache-size "" "32768"
+ run_fdtput_test "8001" $dtb /cpus/PowerPC,970@1 d-cache-size -tx 0x8001
+ run_fdtput_test "2 3 12" $dtb /randomnode tricky1 -tbi "02 003 12"
+ run_fdtput_test "a b c ea ad be ef" $dtb /randomnode blob \
+ -tbx "a b c ea ad be ef"
+ run_fdtput_test "a0b0c0d deeaae ef000000" $dtb /randomnode blob \
+ -tx "a0b0c0d deeaae ef000000"
+ run_fdtput_test "`cat $file1 $file2`" $dtb /randomnode blob \
+ -ts "`cat $file1`" "`cat $file2`"
# This should be larger than available space in the fdt ($space)
- run_fdtput_test "Enormous string list" ERR \
- $file /randomnode blob -ts "`cat $bigfile1`" "`cat $bigfile2`"
+ run_wrap_error_test $DTPUT $dtb /randomnode blob \
+ -ts "`cat $bigfile1`" "`cat $bigfile2`"
# TODO: Add tests for verbose mode?