Refactored qualcomm uart changes on pre-release to qualcomm-uart, also refactored old qualcomm code to qualcomm-smd

qualcomm-uart builds should now set BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE to
diff --git a/ b/
index 3ee7f89..007a6c3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+# For known qualcomm smd devices we remap the chip name to "qualcomm-smd"
+ifeq ($(BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE),"wcn3680")
+BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE := "qualcomm-smd"
 ifeq ($(BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE),"wl12xx")
 ANT_DIR := src/bluez_hci
@@ -36,6 +44,14 @@
 ANT_DIR := src/vfs
+else ifeq ($(BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE),"qualcomm-smd")
+ANT_DIR := src/vfs
+else ifeq($(BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE),"qualcomm-uart")
+ANT_DIR := src/bt-vendor_vfs
 else ifeq ($(BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE),"vfs-prerelease")
 ANT_DIR := src/vfs
diff --git a/src/bt-vendor_vfs/ b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6813d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Dynastream Innovations
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_CFLAGS := -g -c -W -Wall -O2
+# needed to pull in the header file for
+BDROID_DIR:= external/bluetooth/bluedroid
+# Added hci/include to give access to the header for the libbt-vendorso interface.
+   $(LOCAL_PATH)/src/common/inc \
+   $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(ANT_DIR)/inc \
+   $(BDROID_DIR)/hci/include \
+ifeq ($(BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE),"qualcomm-uart")
+   $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(ANT_DIR)/qualcomm/uart \
+endif # BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE = "qualcomm-uart"
+   $(COMMON_DIR)/JAntNative.cpp \
+   $(COMMON_DIR)/ant_utils.c \
+   $(ANT_DIR)/ant_native_chardev.c \
+   $(ANT_DIR)/ant_rx_chardev.c \
+# JNI
+   libnativehelper \
+# logging and dll loading
+   libcutils \
+   libdl \
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+LOCAL_MODULE := libantradio
diff --git a/src/bt-vendor_vfs/ant_native_chardev.c b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/ant_native_chardev.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a90c8c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/ant_native_chardev.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+ * ANT Stack
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011 Dynastream Innovations
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+*   FILE NAME:      ant_native_chardev.c
+*   BRIEF:
+*      This file provides the VFS implementation of ant_native.h
+*      VFS could be Character Device, TTY, etc.
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h> /* for open() */
+#include <linux/ioctl.h> /* For hard reset */
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h> /* needed for runtime dll loading. */
+#include <stdint.h> /* for uint64_t */
+#include <sys/eventfd.h> /* For eventfd() */
+#include <unistd.h> /* for read(), write(), and close() */
+#include "ant_types.h"
+#include "ant_native.h"
+#include "ant_version.h"
+#include "antradio_power.h"
+#include "ant_rx_chardev.h"
+#include "ant_hci_defines.h"
+#include "ant_log.h"
+#include "bt_vendor_lib.h" /* used by qualcomms code to call into */
+#include <cutils/properties.h> /* used by qualcomms additions for logging. */
+// The following functions are dummy implementations of the callbacks required by libbt-vendor.
+static void vendor_fwcfg_cb(bt_vendor_op_result_t result) {
+static void vendor_scocfg_cb(bt_vendor_op_result_t result) {
+static void vendor_lpm_vnd_cb(bt_vendor_op_result_t result) {
+static void* vendor_alloc(int size) {
+    return NULL;
+static void vendor_dealloc(void *p_buf) {
+static uint8_t vendor_xmit_cb(uint16_t opcode, void *p_buf, tINT_CMD_CBACK p_cback) {
+    return 0;
+static void vendor_epilog_cb(bt_vendor_op_result_t result) {
+// This struct is used to regsiter the dummy callbacks with libbt-vendor
+bt_vendor_interface_t *vendor_interface=NULL;
+static const bt_vendor_callbacks_t vendor_callbacks = {
+  sizeof(bt_vendor_callbacks_t),
+    vendor_fwcfg_cb,
+    vendor_scocfg_cb,
+    vendor_lpm_vnd_cb,
+    vendor_alloc,
+    vendor_dealloc,
+    vendor_xmit_cb,
+    vendor_epilog_cb
+#include "ant_utils.h"  // Put HCI Size value across multiple bytes
+#define MESG_BROADCAST_DATA_ID               ((ANT_U8)0x4E)
+#define MESG_ACKNOWLEDGED_DATA_ID            ((ANT_U8)0x4F)
+#define MESG_BURST_DATA_ID                   ((ANT_U8)0x50)
+#define MESG_EXT_BROADCAST_DATA_ID           ((ANT_U8)0x5D)
+#define MESG_EXT_ACKNOWLEDGED_DATA_ID        ((ANT_U8)0x5E)
+#define MESG_EXT_BURST_DATA_ID               ((ANT_U8)0x5F)
+#define MESG_ADV_BURST_DATA_ID               ((ANT_U8)0x72)
+static ant_rx_thread_info_t stRxThreadInfo;
+static pthread_mutex_t stEnabledStatusLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static pthread_mutex_t stFlowControlLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static pthread_cond_t stFlowControlCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
+ANTNativeANTStateCb g_fnStateCallback;
+static const uint64_t EVENT_FD_PLUS_ONE = 1L;
+static void ant_channel_init(ant_channel_info_t *pstChnlInfo, const char *pcCharDevName);
+//  ant_init
+//  Initialises the native environment.
+//  Parameters:
+//      -
+//  Returns:
+//      ANT_STATUS_SUCCESS if intialize completed, else ANT_STATUS_FAILED
+//  Psuedocode:
+Set variables to defaults
+Initialise each supported path to chip
+Setup eventfd object.
+ANTStatus ant_init(void)
+   ANTStatus status = ANT_STATUS_FAILED;
+   stRxThreadInfo.stRxThread = 0;
+   stRxThreadInfo.ucRunThread = 0;
+   stRxThreadInfo.ucChipResetting = 0;
+   stRxThreadInfo.pstEnabledStatusLock = &stEnabledStatusLock;
+   g_fnStateCallback = 0;
+#ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME // Single transport path
+   ant_channel_init(&stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[SINGLE_CHANNEL], ANT_DEVICE_NAME);
+#else // Separate data/command paths
+   ant_channel_init(&stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[COMMAND_CHANNEL], ANT_COMMANDS_DEVICE_NAME);
+   ant_channel_init(&stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[DATA_CHANNEL], ANT_DATA_DEVICE_NAME);
+#endif // Separate data/command paths
+   // Make the eventfd. Want it non blocking so that we can easily reset it by reading.
+   stRxThreadInfo.iRxShutdownEventFd = eventfd(0, EFD_NONBLOCK);
+   // Check for error case
+   if(stRxThreadInfo.iRxShutdownEventFd == -1)
+   {
+      ANT_ERROR("ANT init failed. Could not create event fd. Reason: %s", strerror(errno));
+   } else {
+      status = ANT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   }
+   return status;
+//  ant_deinit
+//  clean up eventfd object
+//  Parameters:
+//      -
+//  Returns:
+//  Psuedocode:
+ANTStatus ant_deinit(void)
+   ANTStatus result_status = ANT_STATUS_FAILED;
+   if(close(stRxThreadInfo.iRxShutdownEventFd) < 0)
+   {
+      ANT_ERROR("Could not close eventfd in deinit. Reason: %s", strerror(errno));
+   } else {
+      result_status = ANT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   }
+   return result_status;
+//  ant_enable_radio
+//  Powers on the ANT part and initialises the transport to the chip.
+//  Changes occur in part implementing ant_enable() call
+//  Parameters:
+//      -
+//  Returns:
+//      Success:
+//      Failures:
+//          ANT_STATUS_TRANSPORT_INIT_ERR if could not enable
+//          ANT_STATUS_FAILED if failed to get mutex or init rx thread
+//  Psuedocode:
+LOCK enable_LOCK
+    State callback: STATE = ENABLING
+    ant enable
+    IF ant_enable success
+        State callback: STATE = ENABLED
+    ELSE
+        ant disable
+        State callback: STATE = Current state
+    ENDIF
+ANTStatus ant_enable_radio(void)
+   int iLockResult;
+   ANTStatus result_status = ANT_STATUS_FAILED;
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("getting stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   iLockResult = pthread_mutex_lock(&stEnabledStatusLock);
+   if(iLockResult) {
+      ANT_ERROR("enable failed to get state lock: %s", strerror(iLockResult));
+      goto out;
+   }
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("got stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   if (g_fnStateCallback) {
+      g_fnStateCallback(RADIO_STATUS_ENABLING);
+   }
+   if (ant_enable() < 0) {
+      ANT_ERROR("ant enable failed: %s", strerror(errno));
+      ant_disable();
+      if (g_fnStateCallback) {
+         g_fnStateCallback(ant_radio_enabled_status());
+      }
+   } else {
+      if (g_fnStateCallback) {
+         g_fnStateCallback(RADIO_STATUS_ENABLED);
+      }
+      result_status = ANT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   }
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("releasing stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   pthread_mutex_unlock(&stEnabledStatusLock);
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("released stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   return result_status;
+//  ant_radio_hard_reset
+//  IF SUPPORTED triggers a hard reset of the chip providing ANT functionality.
+//  Parameters:
+//      -
+//  Returns:
+//      Success:
+//      Failures:
+//          ANT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED if the chip can't hard reset
+//          ANT_STATUS_FAILED if failed to get mutex or enable
+//  Psuedocode:
+IF Hard Reset not supported
+  LOCK enable_LOCK
+  IF Lock failed
+        RESULT = FAILED
+    Set Flag Rx thread that chip is resetting
+    FOR each path to chip
+        Send Reset IOCTL to path
+    ant disable
+    ant enable
+    IF ant_enable success
+        State callback: STATE = RESET
+    ELSE
+        State callback: STATE = DISABLED
+    ENDIF
+    Clear Flag Rx thread that chip is resetting
+ANTStatus ant_radio_hard_reset(void)
+   ANTStatus result_status = ANT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED;
+   ant_channel_type eChannel;
+   int iLockResult;
+   result_status = ANT_STATUS_FAILED;
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("getting stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   iLockResult = pthread_mutex_lock(&stEnabledStatusLock);
+   if(iLockResult) {
+      ANT_ERROR("enable failed to get state lock: %s", strerror(iLockResult));
+      goto out;
+   }
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("got stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   stRxThreadInfo.ucChipResetting = 1;
+   if (g_fnStateCallback)
+      g_fnStateCallback(RADIO_STATUS_RESETTING);
+   ioctl(stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[0].iFd, ANT_IOCTL_RESET, ANT_IOCTL_RESET_PARAMETER);
+   ioctl(stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[0].iFd, ANT_IOCTL_RESET);
+   ant_disable();
+   if (ant_enable()) { /* failed */
+      if (g_fnStateCallback)
+         g_fnStateCallback(RADIO_STATUS_DISABLED);
+   } else { /* success */
+      if (g_fnStateCallback)
+         g_fnStateCallback(RADIO_STATUS_RESET);
+      result_status = ANT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   }
+   stRxThreadInfo.ucChipResetting = 0;
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("releasing stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   pthread_mutex_unlock(&stEnabledStatusLock);
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("released stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+#endif // ANT_IOCTL_RESET
+   return result_status;
+//  ant_disable_radio
+//  Powers off the ANT part and closes the transport to the chip.
+//  Parameters:
+//      -
+//  Returns:
+//      Success:
+//      Failures:
+//          ANT_STATUS_FAILED if failed to get mutex
+//  Psuedocode:
+LOCK enable_LOCK
+    State callback: STATE = DISABLING
+    ant disable
+    State callback: STATE = Current state
+ANTStatus ant_disable_radio(void)
+   int iLockResult;
+   ANTStatus ret = ANT_STATUS_FAILED;
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("getting stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   iLockResult = pthread_mutex_lock(&stEnabledStatusLock);
+   if(iLockResult) {
+      ANT_ERROR("disable failed to get state lock: %s", strerror(iLockResult));
+      goto out;
+   }
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("got stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   if (g_fnStateCallback) {
+      g_fnStateCallback(RADIO_STATUS_DISABLING);
+   }
+   ant_disable();
+   if (g_fnStateCallback) {
+      g_fnStateCallback(ant_radio_enabled_status());
+   }
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("releasing stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   pthread_mutex_unlock(&stEnabledStatusLock);
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("released stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   return ret;
+//  ant_radio_enabled_status
+//  Gets the current chip/transport state; either disabled, disabling,
+//  enabling, enabled, or resetting.  Determines this on the fly by checking
+//  if Rx thread is running and how many of the paths for the ANT chip have
+//  open VFS files.
+//  Parameters:
+//      -
+//  Returns:
+//      The current radio status (ANTRadioEnabledStatus)
+//  Psuedocode:
+IF Thread Resetting Flag is set
+    RESULT = Resetting
+    COUNT the number of open files
+    IF Thread Run Flag is Not Set
+        IF there are open files OR Rx thread exists
+            RESULT = Disabling
+        ELSE
+            RESULT = Disabled
+        ENDIF
+    ELSE
+        IF All files are open (all paths) AND Rx thread exists
+            RESULT = ENABLED
+        ELSE IF there are open files (Not 0 open files) AND Rx thread exists
+            RESULT = UNKNOWN
+        ELSE (0 open files or Rx thread does not exist [while Thread Run set])
+            RESULT = ENABLING
+        ENDIF
+    ENDIF
+ANTRadioEnabledStatus ant_radio_enabled_status(void)
+   ant_channel_type eChannel;
+   int iOpenFiles = 0;
+   int iOpenThread;
+   ANTRadioEnabledStatus uiRet = RADIO_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
+   if (stRxThreadInfo.ucChipResetting) {
+      goto out;
+   }
+   for (eChannel = 0; eChannel < NUM_ANT_CHANNELS; eChannel++) {
+      if (stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eChannel].iFd != -1) {
+         iOpenFiles++;
+      }
+   }
+   iOpenThread = (stRxThreadInfo.stRxThread) ? 1 : 0;
+   if (!stRxThreadInfo.ucRunThread) {
+      if (iOpenFiles || iOpenThread) {
+      } else {
+         uiRet = RADIO_STATUS_DISABLED;
+      }
+   } else {
+      if ((iOpenFiles == NUM_ANT_CHANNELS) && iOpenThread) {
+         uiRet = RADIO_STATUS_ENABLED;
+      } else if (!iOpenFiles && iOpenThread) {
+         uiRet = RADIO_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
+      } else {
+         uiRet = RADIO_STATUS_ENABLING;
+      }
+   }
+   ANT_DEBUG_D("get radio enabled status returned %d", uiRet);
+   return uiRet;
+//  set_ant_rx_callback
+//  Sets which function to call when an ANT message is received.
+//  Parameters:
+//      rx_callback_func   the ANTNativeANTEventCb function to be used for
+//                         received messages (from all transport paths).
+//  Returns:
+//  Psuedocode:
+FOR each transport path
+    Path Rx Callback = rx_callback_func
+ANTStatus set_ant_rx_callback(ANTNativeANTEventCb rx_callback_func)
+   ANTStatus status = ANT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+#ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME // Single transport path
+   stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[SINGLE_CHANNEL].fnRxCallback = rx_callback_func;
+#else // Separate data/command paths
+   stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[COMMAND_CHANNEL].fnRxCallback = rx_callback_func;
+   stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[DATA_CHANNEL].fnRxCallback = rx_callback_func;
+#endif // Separate data/command paths
+   return status;
+//  set_ant_state_callback
+//  Sets which function to call when an ANT state change occurs.
+//  Parameters:
+//      state_callback_func   the ANTNativeANTStateCb function to be used
+//                            for received state changes.
+//  Returns:
+//  Psuedocode:
+    State Callback = state_callback_func
+ANTStatus set_ant_state_callback(ANTNativeANTStateCb state_callback_func)
+   ANTStatus status = ANT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   g_fnStateCallback = state_callback_func;
+   return status;
+//  ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_wait
+//  Sends an ANT message to the chip and waits for a CTS signal
+//  Parameters:
+//      eTxPath          device to transmit message on
+//      eFlowMessagePath device that receives CTS
+//      ucMessageLength  the length of the message
+//      pucMesg          pointer to the message data
+//  Returns:
+//      Success:
+//      Failure:
+//  Psuedocode:
+        LOCK flow control
+        IF Lock failed
+            RESULT = FAILED
+        ELSE
+            SET flowMessagePath Flow Control response as FLOW_STOP
+            WRITE txBuffer to txPath (only length of packet part)
+            IF Wrote less then 0 bytes
+                Log error
+                RESULT = FAILED
+            ELSE IF Didn't write 'length of packet' bytes
+                Log error
+                RESULT = FAILED
+            ELSE
+                IF flowMessagePath Flow Control response is not FLOW_GO
+                    WAIT until flowMessagePath Flow Control response is FLOW_GO, UNTIL FLOW_GO Wait Timeout seconds (10) from Now
+                    IF error Waiting
+                        IF error is Timeout
+                            RESULT = HARDWARE ERROR
+                        ELSE
+                            RESULT = FAILED
+                        ENDIF
+                    ELSE
+                        RESULT = SUCCESS
+                    ENDIF
+                ELSE
+                    RESULT = SUCCESS;
+                ENDIF
+            ENDIF
+            UNLOCK flow control
+        ENDIF
+ANTStatus ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_wait(ant_channel_type eTxPath, ant_channel_type eFlowMessagePath, ANT_U8 ucMessageLength, ANT_U8 *pucTxMessage)
+   int iMutexResult;
+   int iResult;
+   struct timespec stTimeout;
+   int iCondWaitResult;
+   ANTStatus status = ANT_STATUS_FAILED;
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("getting stFlowControlLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   iMutexResult = pthread_mutex_lock(&stFlowControlLock);
+   if (iMutexResult) {
+      ANT_ERROR("failed to lock flow control mutex during tx: %s", strerror(iMutexResult));
+      goto out;
+   }
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("got stFlowControlLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eFlowMessagePath].ucFlowControlResp = ANT_FLOW_STOP;
+   // Store Tx message so can resend it from Rx thread
+   stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eFlowMessagePath].ucResendMessageLength = ucMessageLength;
+   stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eFlowMessagePath].pucResendMessage = pucTxMessage;
+#endif // ANT_FLOW_RESEND
+   iResult = write(stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eTxPath].iFd, pucTxMessage, ucMessageLength);
+   if (iResult < 0) {
+      ANT_ERROR("failed to write data message to device: %s", strerror(errno));
+   } else if (iResult != ucMessageLength) {
+      ANT_ERROR("bytes written and message size don't match up");
+   } else {
+      stTimeout.tv_sec = time(0) + ANT_FLOW_GO_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SEC;
+      stTimeout.tv_nsec = 0;
+      while (stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eFlowMessagePath].ucFlowControlResp != ANT_FLOW_GO) {
+         iCondWaitResult = pthread_cond_timedwait(&stFlowControlCond, &stFlowControlLock, &stTimeout);
+         if (iCondWaitResult) {
+            ANT_ERROR("failed to wait for flow control response: %s", strerror(iCondWaitResult));
+            if (iCondWaitResult == ETIMEDOUT) {
+               status = ANT_STATUS_HARDWARE_ERR;
+               // Clear Tx message so will stop resending it from Rx thread
+               stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eFlowMessagePath].ucResendMessageLength = 0;
+               stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eFlowMessagePath].pucResendMessage = NULL;
+#endif // ANT_FLOW_RESEND
+            }
+            goto wait_error;
+         }
+      }
+      status = ANT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   }
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("releasing stFlowControlLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   pthread_mutex_unlock(&stFlowControlLock);
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("released stFlowControlLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   return status;
+//  ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_none
+//  Sends an ANT message to the chip without waiting for flow control
+//  Parameters:
+//      eTxPath         device to transmit on
+//      ucMessageLength the length of the message
+//      pucMesg         pointer to the message data
+//  Returns:
+//      Success:
+//      Failure:
+//  Psuedocode:
+        WRITE txBuffer to Tx Path (only length of packet part)
+        IF Wrote less then 0 bytes
+            Log error
+            RESULT = FAILED
+        ELSE IF Didn't write 'length of packet' bytes
+            Log error
+            RESULT = FAILED
+        ELSE
+            RESULT = SUCCESS
+        ENDIF
+ANTStatus ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_none(ant_channel_type eTxPath, ANT_U8 ucMessageLength, ANT_U8 *pucTxMessage)
+   int iResult;
+   ANTStatus status = ANT_STATUS_FAILED;\
+   iResult = write(stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eTxPath].iFd, pucTxMessage, ucMessageLength);
+   if (iResult < 0) {
+      ANT_ERROR("failed to write message to device: %s", strerror(errno));
+   }  else if (iResult != ucMessageLength) {
+      ANT_ERROR("bytes written and message size don't match up");
+   } else {
+      status = ANT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   }
+   return status;
+//  ant_tx_message
+//  Frames ANT data and decides which flow control method to use for sending the
+//  ANT message to the chip
+//  Parameters:
+//      ucLen   the length of the message
+//      pucMesg pointer to the message data
+//  Returns:
+//      Success:
+//      Failure:
+//  Psuedocode:
+IF not enabled
+    Create txBuffer, MAX HCI Message Size large
+    PUT ucLen in txBuffer AT ANT HCI Size Offset (0)
+    COPY pucMesg to txBuffer AT ANT HCI Header Size (1)     <- ? Not at offset?
+    LOG txBuffer as a serial Tx (only length of packet part)
+    IF is a data message
+        Tx message on Data Path with FLOW_GO/FLOW_STOP flow control (ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_go_stop())
+    ELSE
+        Tx message on Command Path with no flow control (ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_none())
+    ENDIF
+ANTStatus ant_tx_message(ANT_U8 ucLen, ANT_U8 *pucMesg)
+   // During a tx we must prepend a packet type byte. Thus HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE is added
+   // to all offsets when writing into the tx buffer.
+   ANTStatus status = ANT_STATUS_FAILED;
+   // TODO ANT_HCI_MAX_MSG_SIZE is transport (driver) dependent.
+   // TODO Message length can be greater than ANT_U8 can hold.
+   // Not changed as ANT_SERIAL takes length as ANT_U8.
+   ANT_U8 txMessageLength = HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE + ucLen + ANT_HCI_HEADER_SIZE;
+   if (ant_radio_enabled_status() != RADIO_STATUS_ENABLED) {
+      goto out;
+   }
+#error "Specified ANT_HCI_OPCODE_SIZE not currently supported"
+#elif ANT_HCI_SIZE_SIZE == 2
+#error "Specified ANT_HCI_SIZE_SIZE not currently supported"
+   memcpy(txBuffer + HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE + ANT_HCI_HEADER_SIZE, pucMesg, ucLen);
+// We no longer do the serial logging here because the packet type byte is not yet written.
+//ANT_SERIAL(txBuffer, txMessageLength, 'T');
+// We only do this if we are using single physical and logical channels.
+#if defined(ANT_DEVICE_NAME) && (HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE == 0) // Single transport path
+   ANT_SERIAL(txBuffer, txMessageLength, 'T');
+   status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_wait(SINGLE_CHANNEL, SINGLE_CHANNEL, txMessageLength, txBuffer);
+#else // Separate data/command paths
+   // Each path follows this structure:
+   // write the packet type if needed.
+   // log the packet
+   // Send using the appropriate physical channel, waiting for flow control for data commands.
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("Data Path");
+      #if HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE == 1
+      txBuffer[0] = ANT_DATA_TYPE_PACKET;
+      #elif HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE > 1
+      #error "Specified HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE not supported"
+      #endif
+      ANT_SERIAL(txBuffer, txMessageLength, 'T');
+      #ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME
+      status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_wait(SINGLE_CHANNEL, SINGLE_CHANNEL, txMessageLength, txBuffer);
+      #else
+      status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_wait(DATA_CHANNEL, COMMAND_CHANNEL, txMessageLength, txBuffer);
+      #endif
+      break;
+   default:
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("Control Path");
+      #if HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE == 1
+      txBuffer[0] = ANT_CMD_TYPE_PACKET;
+      #elif HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE > 1
+      #error "Specified HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE not supported"
+      #endif
+      ANT_SERIAL(txBuffer, txMessageLength, 'T');
+      #ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME
+      status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_none(SINGLE_CHANNEL, txMessageLength, txBuffer);
+      #else
+      status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_none(COMMAND_CHANNEL, txMessageLength, txBuffer);
+      #endif
+   }
+#endif // Separate data/command paths
+   return status;
+//----------------- TODO Move these somewhere for multi transport path / dedicated channel support:
+static void ant_channel_init(ant_channel_info_t *pstChnlInfo, const char *pcCharDevName)
+   // TODO Don't need to store, only accessed when trying to open:
+   // Is however useful for logs.
+   pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath = pcCharDevName;
+   // This is the only piece of info that needs to be stored per channel
+   pstChnlInfo->iFd = -1;
+   // TODO Only 1 of these (not per-channel) is actually ever used:
+   pstChnlInfo->fnRxCallback = NULL;
+   pstChnlInfo->ucFlowControlResp = ANT_FLOW_GO;
+   pstChnlInfo->ucResendMessageLength = 0;
+   pstChnlInfo->pucResendMessage = NULL;
+#endif // ANT_FLOW_RESEND
+   // TODO Only used when Flow Control message received, so must only be Command path Rx thread
+   pstChnlInfo->pstFlowControlCond = &stFlowControlCond;
+   pstChnlInfo->pstFlowControlLock = &stFlowControlLock;
+// This function is used as an alternative to opening the char device directly.
+// It is needed as libbt-vendor does the power up/down control for us when we open/close the file descriptor.
+int init_transport_bdroid(int on) {
+    void *so_handle;
+    unsigned char bdaddr[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06};
+    int  fd[CH_MAX], powerstate, ret;
+    if (on) {
+        so_handle = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW);
+        if (!so_handle)
+        {
+           ALOGE("Failed to load vendor component");
+           return -1;
+        }
+        vendor_interface = (bt_vendor_interface_t *) dlsym(so_handle, "BLUETOOTH_VENDOR_LIB_INTERFACE");
+        if (!vendor_interface)
+        {
+            ALOGE("Failed to accesst bt vendor interface");
+            return -1;
+        }
+        vendor_interface->init(&vendor_callbacks, bdaddr);
+        ALOGI("Turn On BT power");
+        powerstate = BT_VND_PWR_ON;
+        ret = vendor_interface->op(BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL, &powerstate);
+        if (ret < 0)
+        {
+            ALOGE("Failed to turn on power from  bt vendor interface");
+            return -1;
+        }
+        /*call ANT_USERIAL_OPEN to get ANT handle*/
+        ret = vendor_interface->op(BT_VND_OP_ANT_USERIAL_OPEN, fd);
+        ALOGE("ret value: %d", ret);
+        if (ret != 1)
+        {
+            ALOGE("Failed to get fd from  bt vendor interface");
+            return -1;
+        } else {
+            ALOGE("FD: %x", fd[0]);
+            return fd[0];
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (vendor_interface) {
+            ALOGE("Close and cleanup the interfaces");
+            int ret = vendor_interface->op(BT_VND_OP_ANT_USERIAL_CLOSE, NULL);
+            ALOGE("ret value: %d", ret);
+            ALOGI("Turn off BT power");
+            powerstate = BT_VND_PWR_OFF;
+            ret = vendor_interface->op(BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL, &powerstate);
+            if (ret < 0)
+            {
+                ALOGE("Failed to turn off power from  bt vendor interface");
+                return -1;
+            }
+            vendor_interface->cleanup();
+            vendor_interface = NULL;
+            return 0;
+        } else {
+            ALOGE("Not able to find vendor interface handle");
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+static void ant_disable_channel(ant_channel_info_t *pstChnlInfo)
+   if (!pstChnlInfo) {
+      ANT_ERROR("null channel info passed to channel disable function");
+      goto out;
+   }
+   if (pstChnlInfo->iFd != -1) {
+      // Use the new init_transport function instead of open() to get our fd.
+      if (init_transport_bdroid(0) < 0) {
+         ANT_ERROR("failed to close channel %s(%#x): %s", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath, pstChnlInfo->iFd, strerror(errno));
+      }
+      pstChnlInfo->iFd = -1; //TODO can this overwrite a still valid fd?
+   } else {
+      ANT_DEBUG_D("%s file is already closed", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath);
+   }
+static int ant_enable_channel(ant_channel_info_t *pstChnlInfo)
+   int iRet = -1;
+   if (!pstChnlInfo) {
+      ANT_ERROR("null channel info passed to channel enable function");
+      errno = EINVAL;
+      goto out;
+   }
+   if (pstChnlInfo->iFd == -1) {
+      // Use the init_transport function to release our fd instead of close()
+      pstChnlInfo->iFd = init_transport_bdroid(1);
+      if (pstChnlInfo->iFd < 0) {
+         ANT_ERROR("failed to open dev %s: %s", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath, strerror(errno));
+         goto out;
+      }
+   } else {
+      ANT_DEBUG_D("%s is already enabled", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath);
+   }
+   iRet = 0;
+   return iRet;
+//----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is antradio_power.h:
+int ant_enable(void)
+   int iRet = -1;
+   ant_channel_type eChannel;
+   // Reset the shutdown signal.
+   uint64_t counter;
+   ssize_t result = read(stRxThreadInfo.iRxShutdownEventFd, &counter, sizeof(counter));
+   // EAGAIN result indicates that the counter was already 0 in non-blocking mode.
+   if(result < 0 && errno != EAGAIN)
+   {
+      ANT_ERROR("Could not clear shutdown signal in enable. Reason: %s", strerror(errno));
+      goto out;
+   }
+   stRxThreadInfo.ucRunThread = 1;
+   for (eChannel = 0; eChannel < NUM_ANT_CHANNELS; eChannel++) {
+      if (ant_enable_channel(&stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eChannel]) < 0) {
+         ANT_ERROR("failed to enable channel %s: %s",
+                         stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eChannel].pcDevicePath,
+                         strerror(errno));
+         goto out;
+      }
+   }
+   if (stRxThreadInfo.stRxThread == 0) {
+      if (pthread_create(&stRxThreadInfo.stRxThread, NULL, fnRxThread, &stRxThreadInfo) < 0) {
+         ANT_ERROR("failed to start rx thread: %s", strerror(errno));
+         goto out;
+      }
+   } else {
+      ANT_DEBUG_D("rx thread is already running");
+   }
+   if (!stRxThreadInfo.ucRunThread) {
+      ANT_ERROR("rx thread crashed during init");
+      goto out;
+   }
+   iRet = 0;
+   return iRet;
+int ant_disable(void)
+   int iRet = -1;
+   ant_channel_type eChannel;
+   stRxThreadInfo.ucRunThread = 0;
+   if (stRxThreadInfo.stRxThread != 0) {
+      ANT_DEBUG_I("Sending shutdown signal to rx thread.");
+      if(write(stRxThreadInfo.iRxShutdownEventFd, &EVENT_FD_PLUS_ONE, sizeof(EVENT_FD_PLUS_ONE)) < 0)
+      {
+         ANT_ERROR("failed to signal rx thread with eventfd. Reason: %s", strerror(errno));
+         goto out;
+      }
+      ANT_DEBUG_I("Waiting for rx thread to finish.");
+      if (pthread_join(stRxThreadInfo.stRxThread, NULL) < 0) {
+         ANT_ERROR("failed to join rx thread: %s", strerror(errno));
+         goto out;
+      }
+   } else {
+      ANT_DEBUG_D("rx thread is not running");
+   }
+   for (eChannel = 0; eChannel < NUM_ANT_CHANNELS; eChannel++) {
+      ant_disable_channel(&stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[eChannel]);
+   }
+   iRet = 0;
+   stRxThreadInfo.stRxThread = 0;
+   return iRet;
+const char *ant_get_lib_version()
+   return " "ANT_CHIP_NAME". Version "
diff --git a/src/bt-vendor_vfs/ant_rx_chardev.c b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/ant_rx_chardev.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8f150c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/ant_rx_chardev.c
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+ * ANT Stack
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011 Dynastream Innovations
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+*   FILE NAME:      ant_rx_chardev.c
+*   BRIEF:
+*      This file implements the receive thread function which will loop reading
+*      ANT messages until told to exit.
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdint.h> /* for uint64_t */
+#include "ant_types.h"
+#include "antradio_power.h"
+#include "ant_rx_chardev.h"
+#include "ant_hci_defines.h"
+#include "ant_log.h"
+                         // ant_radio_enabled_status()
+extern ANTStatus ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_none(ant_channel_type eTxPath, ANT_U8 ucMessageLength, ANT_U8 *pucTxMessage);
+#undef LOG_TAG
+#define LOG_TAG "antradio_rx"
+#define ANT_POLL_TIMEOUT         ((int)30000)
+#ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME // Single transport path
+   static int iRxBufferLength[NUM_ANT_CHANNELS] = {0};
+   static int iRxBufferLength[NUM_ANT_CHANNELS] = {0, 0};
+#endif //
+// Defines for use with the poll() call
+// Plus one is for the eventfd shutdown signal.
+void doReset(ant_rx_thread_info_t *stRxThreadInfo);
+int readChannelMsg(ant_channel_type eChannel, ant_channel_info_t *pstChnlInfo);
+ * Function to check that all given flags are set in a particular value.
+ * Designed for use with the revents field of pollfds filled out by poll().
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *    - value: The value that will be checked to contain all flags.
+ *    - flags: Bitwise-or of the flags that value should be checked for.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *    - true IFF all the bits that are set in 'flags' are also set in 'value'
+ */
+ANT_BOOL areAllFlagsSet(short value, short flags)
+   value &= flags;
+   return (value == flags);
+ * This thread waits for ANT messages from a VFS file.
+ */
+void *fnRxThread(void *ant_rx_thread_info)
+   int iMutexLockResult;
+   int iPollRet;
+   ant_rx_thread_info_t *stRxThreadInfo;
+   struct pollfd astPollFd[NUM_POLL_FDS];
+   ant_channel_type eChannel;
+   stRxThreadInfo = (ant_rx_thread_info_t *)ant_rx_thread_info;
+   for (eChannel = 0; eChannel < NUM_ANT_CHANNELS; eChannel++) {
+      astPollFd[eChannel].fd = stRxThreadInfo->astChannels[eChannel].iFd;
+      astPollFd[eChannel].events = EVENTS_TO_LISTEN_FOR;
+   }
+   // Fill out poll request for the shutdown signaller.
+   astPollFd[EVENTFD_IDX].fd = stRxThreadInfo->iRxShutdownEventFd;
+   astPollFd[EVENTFD_IDX].events = POLL_IN;
+   /* continue running as long as not terminated */
+   while (stRxThreadInfo->ucRunThread) {
+      /* Wait for data available on any file (transport path) */
+      iPollRet = poll(astPollFd, NUM_POLL_FDS, ANT_POLL_TIMEOUT);
+      if (!iPollRet) {
+         ANT_DEBUG_V("poll timed out, checking exit cond");
+      } else if (iPollRet < 0) {
+         ANT_ERROR("unhandled error: %s, attempting recovery.", strerror(errno));
+         doReset(stRxThreadInfo);
+         goto out;
+      } else {
+         for (eChannel = 0; eChannel < NUM_ANT_CHANNELS; eChannel++) {
+            if (areAllFlagsSet(astPollFd[eChannel].revents, EVENT_HARD_RESET)) {
+               ANT_ERROR("Hard reset indicated by %s. Attempting recovery.",
+                            stRxThreadInfo->astChannels[eChannel].pcDevicePath);
+               doReset(stRxThreadInfo);
+               goto out;
+            } else if (areAllFlagsSet(astPollFd[eChannel].revents, EVENT_DISABLE)) {
+               /* chip reported it was disabled, either unexpectedly or due to us closing the file */
+               ANT_DEBUG_D(
+                     "poll hang-up from %s. exiting rx thread", stRxThreadInfo->astChannels[eChannel].pcDevicePath);
+               // set flag to exit out of Rx Loop
+               stRxThreadInfo->ucRunThread = 0;
+            } else if (areAllFlagsSet(astPollFd[eChannel].revents, EVENT_DATA_AVAILABLE)) {
+               ANT_DEBUG_D("data on %s. reading it",
+                            stRxThreadInfo->astChannels[eChannel].pcDevicePath);
+               if (readChannelMsg(eChannel, &stRxThreadInfo->astChannels[eChannel]) < 0) {
+                  // set flag to exit out of Rx Loop
+                  stRxThreadInfo->ucRunThread = 0;
+               }
+            } else if (areAllFlagsSet(astPollFd[eChannel].revents, POLLNVAL)) {
+               ANT_ERROR("poll was called on invalid file descriptor %s. Attempting recovery.",
+                     stRxThreadInfo->astChannels[eChannel].pcDevicePath);
+               doReset(stRxThreadInfo);
+               goto out;
+            } else if (areAllFlagsSet(astPollFd[eChannel].revents, POLLERR)) {
+               ANT_ERROR("Unknown error from %s. Attempting recovery.",
+                     stRxThreadInfo->astChannels[eChannel].pcDevicePath);
+               doReset(stRxThreadInfo);
+               goto out;
+            } else if (astPollFd[eChannel].revents) {
+               ANT_DEBUG_W("unhandled poll result %#x from %s",
+                            astPollFd[eChannel].revents,
+                            stRxThreadInfo->astChannels[eChannel].pcDevicePath);
+            }
+         }
+         // Now check for shutdown signal
+         if(areAllFlagsSet(astPollFd[EVENTFD_IDX].revents, POLLIN))
+         {
+            ANT_DEBUG_I("rx thread caught shutdown signal.");
+            // reset the counter by reading.
+            uint64_t counter;
+            read(stRxThreadInfo->iRxShutdownEventFd, &counter, sizeof(counter));
+            // don't care if read error, going to close the thread anyways.
+            stRxThreadInfo->ucRunThread = 0;
+         } else if (astPollFd[EVENTFD_IDX].revents != 0) {
+            ANT_ERROR("Shutdown event descriptor had unexpected event: %#x. exiting rx thread.",
+                  astPollFd[EVENTFD_IDX].revents);
+            stRxThreadInfo->ucRunThread = 0;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   /* disable ANT radio if not already disabling */
+   // Try to get stEnabledStatusLock.
+   // if you get it then no one is enabling or disabling
+   // if you can't get it assume something made you exit
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("try getting stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   iMutexLockResult = pthread_mutex_trylock(stRxThreadInfo->pstEnabledStatusLock);
+   if (!iMutexLockResult) {
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("got stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+      ANT_WARN("rx thread has unexpectedly crashed, cleaning up");
+      // spoof our handle as closed so we don't try to join ourselves in disable
+      stRxThreadInfo->stRxThread = 0;
+      if (g_fnStateCallback) {
+         g_fnStateCallback(RADIO_STATUS_DISABLING);
+      }
+      ant_disable();
+      if (g_fnStateCallback) {
+         g_fnStateCallback(ant_radio_enabled_status());
+      }
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("releasing stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+      pthread_mutex_unlock(stRxThreadInfo->pstEnabledStatusLock);
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("released stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   } else if (iMutexLockResult != EBUSY) {
+      ANT_ERROR("rx thread closing code, trylock on state lock failed: %s",
+            strerror(iMutexLockResult));
+   } else {
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("stEnabledStatusLock busy");
+   }
+   out:
+#ifdef ANDROID
+   return NULL;
+void doReset(ant_rx_thread_info_t *stRxThreadInfo)
+   int iMutexLockResult;
+   /* Chip was reset or other error, only way to recover is to
+    * close and open ANT chardev */
+   stRxThreadInfo->ucChipResetting = 1;
+   if (g_fnStateCallback) {
+      g_fnStateCallback(RADIO_STATUS_RESETTING);
+   }
+   stRxThreadInfo->ucRunThread = 0;
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("getting stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   iMutexLockResult = pthread_mutex_lock(stRxThreadInfo->pstEnabledStatusLock);
+   if (iMutexLockResult < 0) {
+      ANT_ERROR("chip was reset, getting state mutex failed: %s",
+            strerror(iMutexLockResult));
+      stRxThreadInfo->stRxThread = 0;
+   } else {
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("got stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+      stRxThreadInfo->stRxThread = 0; /* spoof our handle as closed so we don't
+                                       * try to join ourselves in disable */
+      ant_disable();
+      if (ant_enable()) { /* failed */
+         if (g_fnStateCallback) {
+            g_fnStateCallback(RADIO_STATUS_DISABLED);
+         }
+      } else { /* success */
+         if (g_fnStateCallback) {
+            g_fnStateCallback(RADIO_STATUS_RESET);
+         }
+      }
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("releasing stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+      pthread_mutex_unlock(stRxThreadInfo->pstEnabledStatusLock);
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("released stEnabledStatusLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   }
+   stRxThreadInfo->ucChipResetting = 0;
+//  setFlowControl
+//  Sets the flow control "flag" to the value provided and signals the transmit
+//  thread to check the value.
+//  Parameters:
+//      pstChnlInfo   the details of the channel being updated
+//      ucFlowSetting the value to use
+//  Returns:
+//      Success:
+//          0
+//      Failure:
+//          -1
+int setFlowControl(ant_channel_info_t *pstChnlInfo, ANT_U8 ucFlowSetting)
+   int iRet = -1;
+   int iMutexResult;
+   ANT_DEBUG_V("getting stFlowControlLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+   iMutexResult = pthread_mutex_lock(pstChnlInfo->pstFlowControlLock);
+   if (iMutexResult) {
+      ANT_ERROR("failed to lock flow control mutex during response: %s", strerror(iMutexResult));
+   } else {
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("got stFlowControlLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+      pstChnlInfo->ucFlowControlResp = ucFlowSetting;
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("releasing stFlowControlLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+      pthread_mutex_unlock(pstChnlInfo->pstFlowControlLock);
+      ANT_DEBUG_V("released stFlowControlLock in %s", __FUNCTION__);
+      pthread_cond_signal(pstChnlInfo->pstFlowControlCond);
+      iRet = 0;
+   }
+   return iRet;
+int readChannelMsg(ant_channel_type eChannel, ant_channel_info_t *pstChnlInfo)
+   int iRet = -1;
+   int iRxLenRead;
+   int iCurrentHciPacketOffset;
+   int iHciDataSize;
+   // Keep trying to read while there is an error, and that error is EAGAIN
+   while (((iRxLenRead = read(pstChnlInfo->iFd, &aucRxBuffer[eChannel][iRxBufferLength[eChannel]], (sizeof(aucRxBuffer[eChannel]) - iRxBufferLength[eChannel]))) < 0)
+                   && errno == EAGAIN)
+      ;
+   if (iRxLenRead < 0) {
+      if (errno == ENODEV) {
+         ANT_ERROR("%s not enabled, exiting rx thread",
+               pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath);
+         goto out;
+      } else if (errno == ENXIO) {
+         ANT_ERROR("%s there is no physical ANT device connected",
+               pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath);
+         goto out;
+      } else {
+         ANT_ERROR("%s read thread exiting, unhandled error: %s",
+               pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath, strerror(errno));
+         goto out;
+      }
+   } else {
+      ANT_SERIAL(aucRxBuffer[eChannel], iRxLenRead, 'R');
+      iRxLenRead += iRxBufferLength[eChannel];   // add existing data on
+      // if we didn't get a full packet, then just exit
+      if (iRxLenRead < (aucRxBuffer[eChannel][ANT_HCI_SIZE_OFFSET] + ANT_HCI_HEADER_SIZE + ANT_HCI_FOOTER_SIZE)) {
+         iRxBufferLength[eChannel] = iRxLenRead;
+         iRet = 0;
+         goto out;
+      }
+      iRxBufferLength[eChannel] = 0;    // reset buffer length here since we should have a full packet
+#if ANT_HCI_OPCODE_SIZE == 1  // Check the different message types by opcode
+      ANT_U8 opcode = aucRxBuffer[eChannel][ANT_HCI_OPCODE_OFFSET];
+      if(ANT_HCI_OPCODE_COMMAND_COMPLETE == opcode) {
+         // Command Complete, so signal a FLOW_GO
+         if(setFlowControl(pstChnlInfo, ANT_FLOW_GO)) {
+            goto out;
+         }
+      } else if(ANT_HCI_OPCODE_FLOW_ON == opcode) {
+         // FLow On, so resend the last Tx
+         // Check if there is a message to resend
+         if(pstChnlInfo->ucResendMessageLength > 0) {
+            ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_none(eChannel, pstChnlInfo->ucResendMessageLength, pstChnlInfo->pucResendMessage);
+         } else {
+            ANT_DEBUG_D("Resend requested by chip, but tx request cancelled");
+         }
+#endif // ANT_FLOW_RESEND
+      } else if(ANT_HCI_OPCODE_ANT_EVENT == opcode)
+         // ANT Event, send ANT packet to Rx Callback
+#endif // ANT_HCI_OPCODE_SIZE == 1
+      {
+      // Received an ANT packet
+         iCurrentHciPacketOffset = 0;
+         while(iCurrentHciPacketOffset < iRxLenRead) {
+            // TODO Allow HCI Packet Size value to be larger than 1 byte
+            // This currently works as no size value is greater than 255, and little endian
+            iHciDataSize = aucRxBuffer[eChannel][iCurrentHciPacketOffset + ANT_HCI_SIZE_OFFSET];
+            if ((iHciDataSize + ANT_HCI_HEADER_SIZE + ANT_HCI_FOOTER_SIZE + iCurrentHciPacketOffset) >
+                  iRxLenRead) {
+               // we don't have a whole packet
+               iRxBufferLength[eChannel] = iRxLenRead - iCurrentHciPacketOffset;
+               memcpy(aucRxBuffer[eChannel], &aucRxBuffer[eChannel][iCurrentHciPacketOffset], iRxBufferLength[eChannel]);
+               // the increment at the end should push us out of the while loop
+            } else
+            if (aucRxBuffer[eChannel][iCurrentHciPacketOffset + ANT_HCI_DATA_OFFSET + ANT_MSG_ID_OFFSET] ==
+                  ANT_MESG_FLOW_CONTROL) {
+               // This is a flow control packet, not a standard ANT message
+               if(setFlowControl(pstChnlInfo, \
+                     aucRxBuffer[eChannel][iCurrentHciPacketOffset + ANT_HCI_DATA_OFFSET + ANT_MSG_DATA_OFFSET])) {
+                  goto out;
+               }
+            } else
+            {
+               if (pstChnlInfo->fnRxCallback != NULL) {
+                  // Loop through read data until all HCI packets are written to callback
+                     pstChnlInfo->fnRxCallback(iHciDataSize, \
+                           &aucRxBuffer[eChannel][iCurrentHciPacketOffset + ANT_HCI_DATA_OFFSET]);
+               } else {
+                  ANT_WARN("%s rx callback is null", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath);
+               }
+            }
+            iCurrentHciPacketOffset = iCurrentHciPacketOffset + ANT_HCI_HEADER_SIZE + ANT_HCI_FOOTER_SIZE + iHciDataSize;
+         }
+      }
+      iRet = 0;
+   }
+   return iRet;
diff --git a/src/bt-vendor_vfs/inc/ant_hci_defines.h b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/inc/ant_hci_defines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ffe672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/inc/ant_hci_defines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * ANT Stack
+ *
+ * Copyright 2013 Dynastream Innovations
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+*   FILE NAME:    ant_hci_defines.h
+*   BRIEF:
+*      This file defines ANT specific HCI values used by the ANT chip that are
+*      not specific to the underlying chip. These should not need to be modified,
+*      but should be verified they are correct.
+// ANT HCI Packet Structure
+// -----------------------------------------
+// |         Header       | Data |  Footer  |
+// |----------------------|-----------------|
+// |Optional| Data | Opt. | ...  | Optional |
+// | Opcode | Size | Sync |      | Checksum |
+// Data may include any number of ANT packets, with no sync byte or checksum.
+// A read from the driver may return any number of ANT HCI packets.
+#include "ant_driver_defines.h"
+#define ANT_HCI_FOOTER_SIZE                  (ANT_HCI_CHECKSUM_SIZE)
+#define ANT_HCI_OPCODE_OFFSET                0
+#define ANT_HCI_DATA_OFFSET                  (ANT_HCI_HEADER_SIZE)
+#define ANT_FLOW_GO_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SEC         10
+#endif /* ifndef __VFS_INDEPENDENT_H */
diff --git a/src/bt-vendor_vfs/inc/ant_rx_chardev.h b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/inc/ant_rx_chardev.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1024dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/inc/ant_rx_chardev.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * ANT Stack
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011 Dynastream Innovations
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+*   FILE NAME:      ant_rx_chardev.h
+*   BRIEF:
+*      This file defines the receive thread function, the ant_rx_thread_info_t
+*      type for storing the -configuration- <state> of the receive thread, the
+*      ant_channel_info_t type for storing a channel's (transport path)
+*      configuration, and an enumeration of all ANT channels (transport paths).
+#ifndef __ANT_RX_NATIVE_H
+#define __ANT_RX_NATIVE_H
+#include "ant_native.h"
+#include "ant_hci_defines.h"
+/* same as HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE from hci.h, but hci.h is not included for vfs */
+#define ANT_HCI_MAX_MSG_SIZE 260
+#define ANT_MSG_SIZE_OFFSET     ((ANT_U8)0)
+#define ANT_MSG_ID_OFFSET       ((ANT_U8)1)
+#define ANT_MSG_DATA_OFFSET     ((ANT_U8)2)
+/* This struct defines the info passed to an rx thread */
+typedef struct {
+   /* Device path */
+   const char *pcDevicePath;
+   /* File descriptor to read from */
+   int iFd;
+   /* Callback to call with ANT packet */
+   ANTNativeANTEventCb fnRxCallback;
+   /* Flow control response if channel supports it */
+   ANT_U8 ucFlowControlResp;
+   /* Handle to flow control condition */
+   pthread_cond_t *pstFlowControlCond;
+   /* Handle to flow control mutex */
+   pthread_mutex_t *pstFlowControlLock;
+   /* Length of message to resend on request from chip */
+   ANT_U8 ucResendMessageLength;
+   /* The message to resend on request from chip */
+   ANT_U8 *pucResendMessage;
+#endif // ANT_FLOW_RESEND
+} ant_channel_info_t;
+typedef enum {
+#ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME // Single transport path
+#else // Separate data/command paths
+#endif // Separate data/command paths
+} ant_channel_type;
+typedef struct {
+   /* Thread handle */
+   pthread_t stRxThread;
+   /* Exit condition */
+   ANT_U8 ucRunThread;
+   /* Set state as resetting override */
+   ANT_U8 ucChipResetting;
+   /* Handle to state change lock for crash cleanup */
+   pthread_mutex_t *pstEnabledStatusLock;
+   /* ANT channels */
+   ant_channel_info_t astChannels[NUM_ANT_CHANNELS];
+   /* Event file descriptor used to interrupt the poll() loop in the rx thread. */
+   int iRxShutdownEventFd;
+} ant_rx_thread_info_t;
+extern ANTNativeANTStateCb g_fnStateCallback;  // TODO State callback should be inside ant_rx_thread_info_t.
+/* This is the rx thread function. It loops reading ANT packets until told to
+ * exit */
+void *fnRxThread(void *ant_rx_thread_info);
+#endif /* ifndef __ANT_RX_NATIVE_H */
diff --git a/src/bt-vendor_vfs/inc/antradio_power.h b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/inc/antradio_power.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1aa0b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/inc/antradio_power.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef __ANTRADIOPM_H
+#define __ANTRADIOPM_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Enable the ANT radio interface.
+ *
+ * Responsible for power on, and bringing up HCI interface.
+ * Will block until the HCI interface is ready to use.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, -ve on error */
+int ant_enable();
+/* Disable the ANT radio interface.
+ *
+ * Responsbile for pulling down the HCI interface, and powering down the chip.
+ * Will block until power down is complete, and it is safe to immediately call 
+ * enable().
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, -ve on error */
+int ant_disable();
+/* Returns 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled, and -ve on error */
+int ant_is_enabled();
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/bt-vendor_vfs/qualcomm/uart/ant_driver_defines.h b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/qualcomm/uart/ant_driver_defines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06b2e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bt-vendor_vfs/qualcomm/uart/ant_driver_defines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * ANT Stack
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011 Dynastream Innovations
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+*   FILE NAME:    ant_driver_defines.h
+*   BRIEF:
+*      This file defines ANT specific HCI values used by the ANT chip for a
+*      Qualcomm UART implementation.
+// Packets may be prefixed with an optional packet type byte when being sent to
+// the chip. Will not be present in messages received.
+// -----------------------------------------
+// |         Header       | Data |  Footer  |
+// |----------------------|-----------------|
+// |Optional| Data | Opt. | ...  | Optional |
+// | Opcode | Size | Sync |      | Checksum |
+// Data may include any number of ANT packets, with no sync byte or checksum.
+// A read from the driver may return any number of ANT HCI packets.
+// ---------------------- REQUIRED
+// Which chip is this library being built for:
+#define ANT_CHIP_NAME                        "Qualcomm UART"
+// Set the file name the driver creates for the ANT device:
+//   If chip uses separate command and data paths:
+// #define ANT_COMMANDS_DEVICE_NAME             "/dev/X"
+// #define ANT_DATA_DEVICE_NAME                 "/dev/Y"
+// OR
+//   If chip uses one path:
+#define ANT_DEVICE_NAME                          "/dev/ttyHS0"
+// Optional Packet prefix byte.
+#define HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE                 1
+// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Opcode:
+#define ANT_HCI_OPCODE_SIZE                  0
+// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Data Size:
+#define ANT_HCI_SIZE_SIZE                    1
+// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Sync:
+#define ANT_HCI_SYNC_SIZE                    0
+// Set to the number of bytes of footer is for Checksum:
+#define ANT_HCI_CHECKSUM_SIZE                0
+// ---------------------- OPTIONAL
+// If hard reset is supported, define ANT_IOCTL_RESET
+// #define ANT_IOCTL_RESET                      _IOW('U', 210, int)
+// #define ANT_IOCTL_RESET_PARAMETER            (0)
+// If the chip sends flow control messages:
+//  Define the Opcode for a Flow Control message:
+#define ANT_MESG_FLOW_CONTROL                ((ANT_U8)0xC9)
+// AND
+//   define the message content:
+//     That signals Flow Go:
+#define ANT_FLOW_GO                          ((ANT_U8)0x00)
+//     That signals Flow Stop:
+#define ANT_FLOW_STOP                        ((ANT_U8)0x80)
+// Define protocol byte to be added
+// as multiple data will be sent/received over
+// same transport(BT, ANT ..etc)
+// needed for HCI_PACKET_TYPE_SIZE > 1.
+#define ANT_CMD_TYPE_PACKET                  ((ANT_U8)0x0C)
+#define ANT_DATA_TYPE_PACKET                 ((ANT_U8)0x0E)
+#endif /* ifndef __VFS_PRERELEASE_H */
diff --git a/src/vfs/ b/src/vfs/
index a87645c..3d0af04 100644
--- a/src/vfs/
+++ b/src/vfs/
@@ -18,22 +18,18 @@

 LOCAL_CFLAGS := -g -c -W -Wall -O2


-BDROID_DIR:= external/bluetooth/bluedroid


-ifeq ($(ANT_DEVICE_USES_UART),true)





    $(LOCAL_PATH)/src/common/inc \

    $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(ANT_DIR)/inc \


-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(BDROID_DIR)/hci/include \


 ifeq ($(BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE),"cg29xx")


    $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(ANT_DIR)/ste/cg29xx \


+else ifeq ($(BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE),"qualcomm-smd")


+   $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(ANT_DIR)/qualcomm/smd \


 else ifeq ($(BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE),"vfs-prerelease")


    $(LOCAL_PATH)/$(ANT_DIR)/prerelease \

@@ -56,8 +52,6 @@

    libcutils \




 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional


 LOCAL_MODULE := libantradio

diff --git a/src/vfs/ant_native_chardev.c b/src/vfs/ant_native_chardev.c
index 3c0e7a5..2b49a8c 100644
--- a/src/vfs/ant_native_chardev.c
+++ b/src/vfs/ant_native_chardev.c
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
 #include <stdint.h> /* for uint64_t */
 #include <sys/eventfd.h> /* For eventfd() */
 #include <unistd.h> /* for read(), write(), and close() */
-#include <dlfcn.h>
 #include "ant_types.h"
 #include "ant_native.h"
@@ -43,38 +42,6 @@
 #include "ant_rx_chardev.h"
 #include "ant_hci_defines.h"
 #include "ant_log.h"
-#include "bt_vendor_lib.h"
-#include <cutils/properties.h>
-static void vendor_fwcfg_cb(bt_vendor_op_result_t result) {
-static void vendor_scocfg_cb(bt_vendor_op_result_t result) {
-static void vendor_lpm_vnd_cb(bt_vendor_op_result_t result) {
-static void* vendor_alloc(int size) {
-    return NULL;
-static void vendor_dealloc(void *p_buf) {
-static uint8_t vendor_xmit_cb(uint16_t opcode, void *p_buf, tINT_CMD_CBACK p_cback) {
-    return 0;
-static void vendor_epilog_cb(bt_vendor_op_result_t result) {
-bt_vendor_interface_t *vendor_interface=NULL;
-static const bt_vendor_callbacks_t vendor_callbacks = {
-  sizeof(bt_vendor_callbacks_t),
-    vendor_fwcfg_cb,
-    vendor_scocfg_cb,
-    vendor_lpm_vnd_cb,
-    vendor_alloc,
-    vendor_dealloc,
-    vendor_xmit_cb,
-    vendor_epilog_cb
 #include "ant_utils.h"  // Put HCI Size value across multiple bytes
@@ -129,7 +96,7 @@
    g_fnStateCallback = 0;
 #ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME // Single transport path
-   ant_channel_init(&stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[SINGLE_CHANNEL], DEVICE_NAME);
+   ant_channel_init(&stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[SINGLE_CHANNEL], ANT_DEVICE_NAME);
 #else // Separate data/command paths
    ant_channel_init(&stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[COMMAND_CHANNEL], ANT_COMMANDS_DEVICE_NAME);
    ant_channel_init(&stRxThreadInfo.astChannels[DATA_CHANNEL], ANT_DATA_DEVICE_NAME);
@@ -757,10 +724,10 @@
    ANTStatus status = ANT_STATUS_FAILED;
    // TODO ANT_HCI_MAX_MSG_SIZE is transport (driver) dependent.
-   ANT_U8 txBuffer[ANT_HCI_MAX_MSG_SIZE+1];// +2 bytes for opcode and packet length
+   ANT_U8 txBuffer[ANT_HCI_MAX_MSG_SIZE];
    // TODO Message length can be greater than ANT_U8 can hold.
    // Not changed as ANT_SERIAL takes length as ANT_U8.
-   ANT_U8 txMessageLength = ucLen + ANT_HCI_HEADER_SIZE;// +2 for opcode[0x0C - ctrl pkt , 0x0E - data pkt
+   ANT_U8 txMessageLength = ucLen + ANT_HCI_HEADER_SIZE;
    if (ant_radio_enabled_status() != RADIO_STATUS_ENABLED) {
@@ -769,27 +736,27 @@
 #error "Specified ANT_HCI_OPCODE_SIZE not currently supported"
-   txBuffer[ANT_HCI_SIZE_OFFSET+1] = ucLen;
+   txBuffer[ANT_HCI_SIZE_OFFSET] = ucLen;
 #elif ANT_HCI_SIZE_SIZE == 2
    ANT_UTILS_StoreLE16(txBuffer + ANT_HCI_SIZE_OFFSET, (ANT_U16)ucLen);
 #error "Specified ANT_HCI_SIZE_SIZE not currently supported"
-   memcpy(txBuffer + ANT_HCI_HEADER_SIZE+1, pucMesg, ucLen);
+   memcpy(txBuffer + ANT_HCI_HEADER_SIZE, pucMesg, ucLen);
-  // ANT_SERIAL(txBuffer, txMessageLength, 'T');
+   ANT_SERIAL(txBuffer, txMessageLength, 'T');
-//   status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_wait(SINGLE_CHANNEL, SINGLE_CHANNEL, txMessageLength, txBuffer);
-//#else // Separate data/command paths
-   switch (txBuffer[ANT_HCI_DATA_OFFSET + ANT_MSG_ID_OFFSET+1]) {
+#ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME // Single transport path
+   status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_wait(SINGLE_CHANNEL, SINGLE_CHANNEL, txMessageLength, txBuffer);
+#else // Separate data/command paths
+   switch (txBuffer[ANT_HCI_DATA_OFFSET + ANT_MSG_ID_OFFSET]) {
@@ -797,26 +764,12 @@
-      ANT_DEBUG_V("Data Path");
-      #ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME
-      txBuffer[0] = ANT_DATA_TYPE_PACKET;
-      ANT_SERIAL(txBuffer, txMessageLength+1, 'T');
-      status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_wait(SINGLE_CHANNEL, SINGLE_CHANNEL, txMessageLength+1, txBuffer);
-      #else
       status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_wait(DATA_CHANNEL, COMMAND_CHANNEL, txMessageLength, txBuffer);
-      #endif
-      ANT_DEBUG_V("Control Path");
-      #ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME
-      txBuffer[0] = ANT_CMD_TYPE_PACKET;
-      ANT_SERIAL(txBuffer, txMessageLength+1, 'T');
-      status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_none(SINGLE_CHANNEL, txMessageLength+1, txBuffer);
-      #else
       status = ant_tx_message_flowcontrol_none(COMMAND_CHANNEL, txMessageLength, txBuffer);
-      #endif
-//#endif // Separate data/command paths
+#endif // Separate data/command paths
@@ -850,91 +803,20 @@
-int init_transport_bdroid(int on) {
-    void *so_handle;
-    unsigned char bdaddr[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06};
-    int  fd[CH_MAX], powerstate, ret;
-    if (on) {
-        so_handle = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW);
-        if (!so_handle)
-        {
-           ALOGE("Failed to load vendor component");
-           return -1;
-        }
-        vendor_interface = (bt_vendor_interface_t *) dlsym(so_handle, "BLUETOOTH_VENDOR_LIB_INTERFACE");
-        if (!vendor_interface)
-        {
-            ALOGE("Failed to accesst bt vendor interface");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        vendor_interface->init(&vendor_callbacks, bdaddr);
-        ALOGI("Turn On BT power");
-        powerstate = BT_VND_PWR_ON;
-        ret = vendor_interface->op(BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL, &powerstate);
-        if (ret < 0)
-        {
-            ALOGE("Failed to turn on power from  bt vendor interface");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        /*call ANT_USERIAL_OPEN to get ANT handle*/
-        ret = vendor_interface->op(BT_VND_OP_ANT_USERIAL_OPEN, fd);
-        ALOGE("ret value: %d", ret);
-        if (ret != 1)
-        {
-            ALOGE("Failed to get fd from  bt vendor interface");
-            return -1;
-        } else {
-            ALOGE("FD: %x", fd[0]);
-            return fd[0];
-        }
-    } else {
-        if (vendor_interface) {
-            ALOGE("Close and cleanup the interfaces");
-            int ret = vendor_interface->op(BT_VND_OP_ANT_USERIAL_CLOSE, NULL);
-            ALOGE("ret value: %d", ret);
-            ALOGI("Turn off BT power");
-            powerstate = BT_VND_PWR_OFF;
-            ret = vendor_interface->op(BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL, &powerstate);
-            if (ret < 0)
-            {
-                ALOGE("Failed to turn off power from  bt vendor interface");
-                return -1;
-            }
-            vendor_interface->cleanup();
-            vendor_interface = NULL;
-            return 0;
-        } else {
-            ALOGE("Not able to find vendor interface handle");
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
 static void ant_disable_channel(ant_channel_info_t *pstChnlInfo)
-   char bt_soc_type[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    if (!pstChnlInfo) {
       ANT_ERROR("null channel info passed to channel disable function");
       goto out;
-   property_get("qcom.bluetooth.soc", bt_soc_type, NULL);
    if (pstChnlInfo->iFd != -1) {
-   if(!(strncasecmp(bt_soc_type,"rome", sizeof("rome"))))
-     init_transport_bdroid(0);
-   else{
       if (close(pstChnlInfo->iFd) < 0) {
          ANT_ERROR("failed to close channel %s(%#x): %s", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath, pstChnlInfo->iFd, strerror(errno));
-    }
       pstChnlInfo->iFd = -1; //TODO can this overwrite a still valid fd?
    } else {
       ANT_DEBUG_D("%s file is already closed", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath);
@@ -944,35 +826,23 @@
 static int ant_enable_channel(ant_channel_info_t *pstChnlInfo)
    int iRet = -1;
-   char bt_soc_type[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    if (!pstChnlInfo) {
       ANT_ERROR("null channel info passed to channel enable function");
       errno = EINVAL;
       goto out;
-   property_get("qcom.bluetooth.soc", bt_soc_type, NULL);
-   ANT_ERROR("BT_SOC_TYPE is %s",bt_soc_type);
    if (pstChnlInfo->iFd == -1) {
-       if(!(strncasecmp(bt_soc_type,"rome", sizeof("rome"))))
-           pstChnlInfo->iFd = init_transport_bdroid(1);
-       else
-           pstChnlInfo->iFd = open(pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath, O_RDWR);
-       if (pstChnlInfo->iFd < 0) {
-           ANT_ERROR("failed to open dev %s: %s", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath, strerror(errno));
-           goto out;
-       }
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     ANT_DEBUG_D("%s is already enabled", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath);
+      pstChnlInfo->iFd = open(pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath, O_RDWR);
+      if (pstChnlInfo->iFd < 0) {
+         ANT_ERROR("failed to open dev %s: %s", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath, strerror(errno));
+         goto out;
+      }
+   } else {
+      ANT_DEBUG_D("%s is already enabled", pstChnlInfo->pcDevicePath);
    iRet = 0;
diff --git a/src/vfs/inc/ant_rx_chardev.h b/src/vfs/inc/ant_rx_chardev.h
index b0fd8de..a3481b0 100644
--- a/src/vfs/inc/ant_rx_chardev.h
+++ b/src/vfs/inc/ant_rx_chardev.h
@@ -1,106 +1,98 @@
- * ANT Stack
- *
- * Copyright 2011 Dynastream Innovations
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-*   FILE NAME:      ant_rx_chardev.h
-*   BRIEF:
-*      This file defines the receive thread function, the ant_rx_thread_info_t
-*      type for storing the -configuration- <state> of the receive thread, the
-*      ant_channel_info_t type for storing a channel's (transport path)
-*      configuration, and an enumeration of all ANT channels (transport paths).
-#ifndef __ANT_RX_NATIVE_H
-#define __ANT_RX_NATIVE_H
-#include "ant_native.h"
-#include "ant_hci_defines.h"
-/* same as HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE from hci.h, but hci.h is not included for vfs */
-#define ANT_HCI_MAX_MSG_SIZE 260
-#define ANT_MSG_SIZE_OFFSET     ((ANT_U8)0)
-#define ANT_MSG_ID_OFFSET       ((ANT_U8)1)
-#define ANT_MSG_DATA_OFFSET     ((ANT_U8)2)
-#ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME // Single transport path

-//Define protocol byte to be added

-//as multiple data will be sent/received over

-//same transport(BT, ANT ..etc)

-#define ANT_CMD_TYPE_PACKET     0x0C

-#define ANT_DATA_TYPE_PACKET    0x0E



+ * ANT Stack

+ *

+ * Copyright 2011 Dynastream Innovations

+ *

+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+ * limitations under the License.

+ */



+*   FILE NAME:      ant_rx_chardev.h


+*   BRIEF:

+*      This file defines the receive thread function, the ant_rx_thread_info_t

+*      type for storing the -configuration- <state> of the receive thread, the

+*      ant_channel_info_t type for storing a channel's (transport path)

+*      configuration, and an enumeration of all ANT channels (transport paths).





-/* This struct defines the info passed to an rx thread */
-typedef struct {
-   /* Device path */
-   const char *pcDevicePath;
-   /* File descriptor to read from */
-   int iFd;
-   /* Callback to call with ANT packet */
-   ANTNativeANTEventCb fnRxCallback;
-   /* Flow control response if channel supports it */
-   ANT_U8 ucFlowControlResp;
-   /* Handle to flow control condition */
-   pthread_cond_t *pstFlowControlCond;
-   /* Handle to flow control mutex */
-   pthread_mutex_t *pstFlowControlLock;
-   /* Length of message to resend on request from chip */
-   ANT_U8 ucResendMessageLength;
-   /* The message to resend on request from chip */
-   ANT_U8 *pucResendMessage;
-#endif // ANT_FLOW_RESEND
-} ant_channel_info_t;
-typedef enum {
-#ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME // Single transport path
-#else // Separate data/command paths
-#endif // Separate data/command paths
-} ant_channel_type;
-typedef struct {
-   /* Thread handle */
-   pthread_t stRxThread;
-   /* Exit condition */
-   ANT_U8 ucRunThread;
-   /* Set state as resetting override */
-   ANT_U8 ucChipResetting;
-   /* Handle to state change lock for crash cleanup */
-   pthread_mutex_t *pstEnabledStatusLock;
-   /* ANT channels */
-   ant_channel_info_t astChannels[NUM_ANT_CHANNELS];
-   /* Event file descriptor used to interrupt the poll() loop in the rx thread. */
-   int iRxShutdownEventFd;
-} ant_rx_thread_info_t;
-extern ANTNativeANTStateCb g_fnStateCallback;  // TODO State callback should be inside ant_rx_thread_info_t.
-/* This is the rx thread function. It loops reading ANT packets until told to
- * exit */
-void *fnRxThread(void *ant_rx_thread_info);
-#endif /* ifndef __ANT_RX_NATIVE_H */
+#ifndef __ANT_RX_NATIVE_H

+#define __ANT_RX_NATIVE_H


+#include "ant_native.h"

+#include "ant_hci_defines.h"


+/* same as HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE from hci.h, but hci.h is not included for vfs */

+#define ANT_HCI_MAX_MSG_SIZE 260


+#define ANT_MSG_SIZE_OFFSET     ((ANT_U8)0)

+#define ANT_MSG_ID_OFFSET       ((ANT_U8)1)

+#define ANT_MSG_DATA_OFFSET     ((ANT_U8)2)


+/* This struct defines the info passed to an rx thread */

+typedef struct {

+   /* Device path */

+   const char *pcDevicePath;

+   /* File descriptor to read from */

+   int iFd;

+   /* Callback to call with ANT packet */

+   ANTNativeANTEventCb fnRxCallback;

+   /* Flow control response if channel supports it */

+   ANT_U8 ucFlowControlResp;

+   /* Handle to flow control condition */

+   pthread_cond_t *pstFlowControlCond;

+   /* Handle to flow control mutex */

+   pthread_mutex_t *pstFlowControlLock;


+   /* Length of message to resend on request from chip */

+   ANT_U8 ucResendMessageLength;

+   /* The message to resend on request from chip */

+   ANT_U8 *pucResendMessage;

+#endif // ANT_FLOW_RESEND

+} ant_channel_info_t;


+typedef enum {

+#ifdef ANT_DEVICE_NAME // Single transport path


+#else // Separate data/command paths



+#endif // Separate data/command paths


+} ant_channel_type;


+typedef struct {

+   /* Thread handle */

+   pthread_t stRxThread;

+   /* Exit condition */

+   ANT_U8 ucRunThread;

+   /* Set state as resetting override */

+   ANT_U8 ucChipResetting;

+   /* Handle to state change lock for crash cleanup */

+   pthread_mutex_t *pstEnabledStatusLock;

+   /* ANT channels */

+   ant_channel_info_t astChannels[NUM_ANT_CHANNELS];

+   /* Event file descriptor used to interrupt the poll() loop in the rx thread. */

+   int iRxShutdownEventFd;

+} ant_rx_thread_info_t;


+extern ANTNativeANTStateCb g_fnStateCallback;  // TODO State callback should be inside ant_rx_thread_info_t.


+/* This is the rx thread function. It loops reading ANT packets until told to

+ * exit */

+void *fnRxThread(void *ant_rx_thread_info);


+#endif /* ifndef __ANT_RX_NATIVE_H */


diff --git a/src/vfs/prerelease/ant_driver_defines.h b/src/vfs/prerelease/ant_driver_defines.h
index 9aa13ec..c30c6e4 100644
--- a/src/vfs/prerelease/ant_driver_defines.h
+++ b/src/vfs/prerelease/ant_driver_defines.h
@@ -1,87 +1,85 @@
- * ANT Stack
- *
- * Copyright 2011 Dynastream Innovations
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-*   FILE NAME:    ant_driver_defines.h
-*   BRIEF:
-*      This file defines ANT specific HCI values used by the ANT chip for a
-*      sample TTY implementation.
-// -----------------------------------------
-// |         Header       | Data |  Footer  |
-// |----------------------|-----------------|
-// |Optional| Data | Opt. | ...  | Optional |
-// | Opcode | Size | Sync |      | Checksum |
-// Data may include any number of ANT packets, with no sync byte or checksum.
-// A read from the driver may return any number of ANT HCI packets.
-// ---------------------- REQUIRED
-// Which chip is this library being built for:
-#define ANT_CHIP_NAME                        "TTY"
-// Set the file name the driver creates for the ANT device:
-//   If chip uses separate command and data paths:
-#define ANT_COMMANDS_DEVICE_NAME             "/dev/smd5"
-#define ANT_DATA_DEVICE_NAME                 "/dev/smd6"
-// OR
-//   If chip uses one path:

-#define DEVICE_NAME                          "/dev/ttyHS0"


-// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Opcode:
-#define ANT_HCI_OPCODE_SIZE                  0
-// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Data Size:
-#define ANT_HCI_SIZE_SIZE                    1
-// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Sync:
-#define ANT_HCI_SYNC_SIZE                    0
-// Set to the number of bytes of footer is for Checksum:
-#define ANT_HCI_CHECKSUM_SIZE                0
-// ---------------------- OPTIONAL
-// If hard reset is supported, define ANT_IOCTL_RESET
-// #define ANT_IOCTL_RESET                      _IOW('U', 210, int)
-// #define ANT_IOCTL_RESET_PARAMETER            (0)
-// If the chip sends flow control messages:
-//  Define the Opcode for a Flow Control message:
-#define ANT_MESG_FLOW_CONTROL                ((ANT_U8)0xC9)
-// AND
-//   define the message content:
-//     That signals Flow Go:
-#define ANT_FLOW_GO                          ((ANT_U8)0x00)
-//     That signals Flow Stop:
-#define ANT_FLOW_STOP                        ((ANT_U8)0x80)
-#endif /* ifndef __VFS_PRERELEASE_H */

+ * ANT Stack

+ *

+ * Copyright 2011 Dynastream Innovations

+ *

+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at

+ *

+ *

+ *

+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

+ * limitations under the License.

+ */



+*   FILE NAME:    ant_driver_defines.h


+*   BRIEF:

+*      This file defines ANT specific HCI values used by the ANT chip for a

+*      sample TTY implementation.








+// -----------------------------------------

+// |         Header       | Data |  Footer  |

+// |----------------------|-----------------|

+// |Optional| Data | Opt. | ...  | Optional |

+// | Opcode | Size | Sync |      | Checksum |


+// Data may include any number of ANT packets, with no sync byte or checksum.

+// A read from the driver may return any number of ANT HCI packets.



+// ---------------------- REQUIRED


+// Which chip is this library being built for:

+#define ANT_CHIP_NAME                        "TTY"


+// Set the file name the driver creates for the ANT device:

+//   If chip uses separate command and data paths:

+#define ANT_COMMANDS_DEVICE_NAME             "/dev/smd5"

+#define ANT_DATA_DEVICE_NAME                 "/dev/smd6"

+// OR

+//   If chip uses one path:

+// #define ANT_DEVICE_NAME                      "/dev/Z"



+// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Opcode:

+#define ANT_HCI_OPCODE_SIZE                  0


+// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Data Size:

+#define ANT_HCI_SIZE_SIZE                    1


+// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Sync:

+#define ANT_HCI_SYNC_SIZE                    0


+// Set to the number of bytes of footer is for Checksum:

+#define ANT_HCI_CHECKSUM_SIZE                0


+// ---------------------- OPTIONAL


+// If hard reset is supported, define ANT_IOCTL_RESET

+// #define ANT_IOCTL_RESET                      _IOW('U', 210, int)

+// #define ANT_IOCTL_RESET_PARAMETER            (0)


+// If the chip sends flow control messages:

+//  Define the Opcode for a Flow Control message:

+#define ANT_MESG_FLOW_CONTROL                ((ANT_U8)0xC9)

+// AND

+//   define the message content:

+//     That signals Flow Go:

+#define ANT_FLOW_GO                          ((ANT_U8)0x00)


+//     That signals Flow Stop:

+#define ANT_FLOW_STOP                        ((ANT_U8)0x80)


+#endif /* ifndef __VFS_PRERELEASE_H */

diff --git a/src/vfs/qualcomm/smd/ant_driver_defines.h b/src/vfs/qualcomm/smd/ant_driver_defines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..273286d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vfs/qualcomm/smd/ant_driver_defines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ * ANT Stack
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011 Dynastream Innovations
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+*   FILE NAME:    ant_driver_defines.h
+*   BRIEF:
+*      This file defines ANT specific HCI values used by the ANT chip for a
+*      sample TTY implementation.
+// -----------------------------------------
+// |         Header       | Data |  Footer  |
+// |----------------------|-----------------|
+// |Optional| Data | Opt. | ...  | Optional |
+// | Opcode | Size | Sync |      | Checksum |
+// Data may include any number of ANT packets, with no sync byte or checksum.
+// A read from the driver may return any number of ANT HCI packets.
+// ---------------------- REQUIRED
+// Which chip is this library being built for:
+#define ANT_CHIP_NAME                        "Qualcomm SMD"
+// Set the file name the driver creates for the ANT device:
+//   If chip uses separate command and data paths:
+#define ANT_COMMANDS_DEVICE_NAME             "/dev/smd5"
+#define ANT_DATA_DEVICE_NAME                 "/dev/smd6"
+// OR
+//   If chip uses one path:
+// #define ANT_DEVICE_NAME                      "/dev/Z"
+// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Opcode:
+#define ANT_HCI_OPCODE_SIZE                  0
+// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Data Size:
+#define ANT_HCI_SIZE_SIZE                    1
+// Set to the number of bytes of header is for Sync:
+#define ANT_HCI_SYNC_SIZE                    0
+// Set to the number of bytes of footer is for Checksum:
+#define ANT_HCI_CHECKSUM_SIZE                0
+// ---------------------- OPTIONAL
+// If hard reset is supported, define ANT_IOCTL_RESET
+// #define ANT_IOCTL_RESET                      _IOW('U', 210, int)
+// #define ANT_IOCTL_RESET_PARAMETER            (0)
+// If the chip sends flow control messages:
+//  Define the Opcode for a Flow Control message:
+#define ANT_MESG_FLOW_CONTROL                ((ANT_U8)0xC9)
+// AND
+//   define the message content:
+//     That signals Flow Go:
+#define ANT_FLOW_GO                          ((ANT_U8)0x00)
+//     That signals Flow Stop:
+#define ANT_FLOW_STOP                        ((ANT_U8)0x80)
+#endif /* ifndef __VFS_PRERELEASE_H */