Include java resources in app bundles
The java resources are merged into the dex jar, split them back
out into the root/ directory for merging into the bundle.
Also avoid running zip2zip when dexJarFile is nil by splitting
each munge step out into its own rule.
Bug: 117295826
Test: tapas RecoveryLocalizer && m dist
Change-Id: Ia22c8768bf2c3c6884792e923caf7624b4f76664
diff --git a/java/app_builder.go b/java/app_builder.go
index 476eb60..b0983bd 100644
--- a/java/app_builder.go
+++ b/java/app_builder.go
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
func CreateAppPackage(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
- resJarFile, jniJarFile, dexJarFile android.Path, certificates []Certificate) {
+ packageFile, jniJarFile, dexJarFile android.Path, certificates []Certificate) {
unsignedApk := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "unsigned.apk")
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
if dexJarFile != nil {
inputs = append(inputs, dexJarFile)
- inputs = append(inputs, resJarFile)
+ inputs = append(inputs, packageFile)
if jniJarFile != nil {
inputs = append(inputs, jniJarFile)
@@ -136,45 +136,65 @@
var buildBundleModule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("buildBundleModule",
- Command: `${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i ${in} -o ${out} AndroidManifest.xml:manifest/AndroidManifest.xml resources.pb "res/**/*" "assets/**/*" &&` +
- `${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i ${dexJar} -o ${out} "classes*.dex:dex/" && ` +
- `${config.MergeZipsCmd} ${out} ${out} ${out} ${jniJar} && ` +
- `rm ${out} ${out}`,
- CommandDeps: []string{
- "${config.Zip2ZipCmd}",
- "${config.MergeZipsCmd}",
- },
- }, "dexJar", "jniJar")
+ Command: `${config.MergeZipsCmd} ${out} ${in}`,
+ CommandDeps: []string{"${config.MergeZipsCmd}"},
+ })
+var bundleMungePackage = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("bundleMungePackage",
+ blueprint.RuleParams{
+ Command: `${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i ${in} -o ${out} AndroidManifest.xml:manifest/AndroidManifest.xml resources.pb "res/**/*" "assets/**/*"`,
+ CommandDeps: []string{"${config.Zip2ZipCmd}"},
+ })
+var bundleMungeDexJar = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("bundleMungeDexJar",
+ blueprint.RuleParams{
+ Command: `${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i ${in} -o ${out} "classes*.dex:dex/" && ` +
+ `${config.Zip2ZipCmd} -i ${in} -o ${resJar} -x "classes*.dex" "**/*:root/"`,
+ CommandDeps: []string{"${config.Zip2ZipCmd}"},
+ }, "resJar")
// Builds an app into a module suitable for input to bundletool
func BuildBundleModule(ctx android.ModuleContext, outputFile android.WritablePath,
- resJarFile, jniJarFile, dexJarFile android.Path) {
+ packageFile, jniJarFile, dexJarFile android.Path) {
protoResJarFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "package-res.pb.apk")
- aapt2Convert(ctx, protoResJarFile, resJarFile)
+ aapt2Convert(ctx, protoResJarFile, packageFile)
- var deps android.Paths
- var jniPath string
- var dexPath string
+ var zips android.Paths
+ mungedPackage := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "bundle", "")
+ ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
+ Rule: bundleMungePackage,
+ Input: protoResJarFile,
+ Output: mungedPackage,
+ Description: "bundle apk",
+ })
+ zips = append(zips, mungedPackage)
if dexJarFile != nil {
- deps = append(deps, dexJarFile)
- dexPath = dexJarFile.String()
+ mungedDexJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "bundle", "")
+ mungedResJar := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "bundle", "")
+ ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
+ Rule: bundleMungeDexJar,
+ Input: dexJarFile,
+ Output: mungedDexJar,
+ ImplicitOutput: mungedResJar,
+ Description: "bundle dex",
+ Args: map[string]string{
+ "resJar": mungedResJar.String(),
+ },
+ })
+ zips = append(zips, mungedDexJar, mungedResJar)
if jniJarFile != nil {
- deps = append(deps, jniJarFile)
- jniPath = jniJarFile.String()
+ zips = append(zips, jniJarFile)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: buildBundleModule,
- Implicits: deps,
- Input: protoResJarFile,
+ Inputs: zips,
Output: outputFile,
Description: "bundle",
- Args: map[string]string{
- "dexJar": dexPath,
- "jniJar": jniPath,
- },