Revert "Don't add `uses_libs`/`optional_uses_libs` to the manifest_fixer."

This reverts commit 0b1c70efbcbb0c8408f44964923f5b156d025936.

The reverted commit was based on the idea that uses-libraries that are
explicitly specified in build files should not be implicitly added to
the manifest, as that would mean that anything added to the build files
will flow to the manifest.

Although this logic is correct, it prevents propagation of
uses-libraries from dependencies, which is wrong: if a library has an
explicit uses-library property in Android.bp, this property is expected
to be propagated to the library's dependencies. Failing to do so would
mean that every user of that library has to add uses-library property to
their build files, which doesn't scale (see b/214255490 for example).

Bug: 214255490
Test: lunch aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug && m && launch_cvd \
    && adb wait-for-device && adb root \
    && adb logcat | grep -E 'ClassLoaderContext [a-z ]+ mismatch'
    # empty output, no errors at boot
Change-Id: I6f420e76a89aa2f37be99f877711736640f2c361
diff --git a/dexpreopt/class_loader_context.go b/dexpreopt/class_loader_context.go
index d0a6a39..7bc9ab2 100644
--- a/dexpreopt/class_loader_context.go
+++ b/dexpreopt/class_loader_context.go
@@ -196,10 +196,6 @@
 	// If the library is optional or required.
 	Optional bool
-	// If the library is implicitly infered by Soong (as opposed to explicitly added via `uses_libs`
-	// or `optional_uses_libs`.
-	Implicit bool
 	// On-host build path to the library dex file (used in dex2oat argument --class-loader-context).
 	Host android.Path
@@ -290,9 +286,8 @@
 const AnySdkVersion int = android.FutureApiLevelInt
 // Add class loader context for the given library to the map entry for the given SDK version.
-func (clcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) addContext(ctx android.ModuleInstallPathContext, sdkVer int,
-	lib string, optional, implicit bool, hostPath, installPath android.Path,
-	nestedClcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) error {
+func (clcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) addContext(ctx android.ModuleInstallPathContext, sdkVer int, lib string,
+	optional bool, hostPath, installPath android.Path, nestedClcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) error {
 	// For prebuilts, library should have the same name as the source module.
 	lib = android.RemoveOptionalPrebuiltPrefix(lib)
@@ -341,7 +336,6 @@
 	clcMap[sdkVer] = append(clcMap[sdkVer], &ClassLoaderContext{
 		Name:        lib,
 		Optional:    optional,
-		Implicit:    implicit,
 		Host:        hostPath,
 		Device:      devicePath,
 		Subcontexts: subcontexts,
@@ -354,10 +348,9 @@
 // about paths). For the subset of libraries that are used in dexpreopt, their build/install paths
 // are validated later before CLC is used (in validateClassLoaderContext).
 func (clcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) AddContext(ctx android.ModuleInstallPathContext, sdkVer int,
-	lib string, optional, implicit bool, hostPath, installPath android.Path,
-	nestedClcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) {
+	lib string, optional bool, hostPath, installPath android.Path, nestedClcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) {
-	err := clcMap.addContext(ctx, sdkVer, lib, optional, implicit, hostPath, installPath, nestedClcMap)
+	err := clcMap.addContext(ctx, sdkVer, lib, optional, hostPath, installPath, nestedClcMap)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -401,15 +394,13 @@
 // included). This is the list of libraries that should be in the <uses-library> tags in the
 // manifest. Some of them may be present in the source manifest, others are added by manifest_fixer.
 // Required and optional libraries are in separate lists.
-func (clcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) usesLibs(implicit bool) (required []string, optional []string) {
+func (clcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) UsesLibs() (required []string, optional []string) {
 	if clcMap != nil {
 		clcs := clcMap[AnySdkVersion]
 		required = make([]string, 0, len(clcs))
 		optional = make([]string, 0, len(clcs))
 		for _, clc := range clcs {
-			if implicit && !clc.Implicit {
-				// Skip, this is an explicit library and we need only the implicit ones.
-			} else if clc.Optional {
+			if clc.Optional {
 				optional = append(optional, clc.Name)
 			} else {
 				required = append(required, clc.Name)
@@ -419,14 +410,6 @@
 	return required, optional
-func (clcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) UsesLibs() ([]string, []string) {
-	return clcMap.usesLibs(false)
-func (clcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) ImplicitUsesLibs() ([]string, []string) {
-	return clcMap.usesLibs(true)
 func (clcMap ClassLoaderContextMap) Dump() string {
 	jsonCLC := toJsonClassLoaderContext(clcMap)
 	bytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(jsonCLC, "", "  ")
@@ -631,7 +614,6 @@
 type jsonClassLoaderContext struct {
 	Name        string
 	Optional    bool
-	Implicit    bool
 	Host        string
 	Device      string
 	Subcontexts []*jsonClassLoaderContext
@@ -664,7 +646,6 @@
 		clcs = append(clcs, &ClassLoaderContext{
 			Name:        clc.Name,
 			Optional:    clc.Optional,
-			Implicit:    clc.Implicit,
 			Host:        constructPath(ctx, clc.Host),
 			Device:      clc.Device,
 			Subcontexts: fromJsonClassLoaderContextRec(ctx, clc.Subcontexts),
@@ -700,7 +681,6 @@
 		jClcs[i] = &jsonClassLoaderContext{
 			Name:        clc.Name,
 			Optional:    clc.Optional,
-			Implicit:    clc.Implicit,
 			Host:        host,
 			Device:      clc.Device,
 			Subcontexts: toJsonClassLoaderContextRec(clc.Subcontexts),
diff --git a/dexpreopt/class_loader_context_test.go b/dexpreopt/class_loader_context_test.go
index 614681f..8b3c013 100644
--- a/dexpreopt/class_loader_context_test.go
+++ b/dexpreopt/class_loader_context_test.go
@@ -50,34 +50,33 @@
 	ctx := testContext()
 	optional := false
-	implicit := true
 	m := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "c", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "c"), installPath(ctx, "c"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "c", optional, buildPath(ctx, "c"), installPath(ctx, "c"), nil)
 	// Add some libraries with nested subcontexts.
 	m1 := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-	m1.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a1", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a1"), installPath(ctx, "a1"), nil)
-	m1.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b1", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b1"), installPath(ctx, "b1"), nil)
+	m1.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a1", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a1"), installPath(ctx, "a1"), nil)
+	m1.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b1", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b1"), installPath(ctx, "b1"), nil)
 	m2 := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-	m2.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a2", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a2"), installPath(ctx, "a2"), nil)
-	m2.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b2", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b2"), installPath(ctx, "b2"), nil)
-	m2.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "c2", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "c2"), installPath(ctx, "c2"), m1)
+	m2.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a2", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a2"), installPath(ctx, "a2"), nil)
+	m2.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b2", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b2"), installPath(ctx, "b2"), nil)
+	m2.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "c2", optional, buildPath(ctx, "c2"), installPath(ctx, "c2"), m1)
 	m3 := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-	m3.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a3", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a3"), installPath(ctx, "a3"), nil)
-	m3.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b3", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b3"), installPath(ctx, "b3"), nil)
+	m3.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a3", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a3"), installPath(ctx, "a3"), nil)
+	m3.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b3", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b3"), installPath(ctx, "b3"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "d", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "d"), installPath(ctx, "d"), m2)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "d", optional, buildPath(ctx, "d"), installPath(ctx, "d"), m2)
 	// When the same library is both in conditional and unconditional context, it should be removed
 	// from conditional context.
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 42, "f", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "f"), installPath(ctx, "f"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "f", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "f"), installPath(ctx, "f"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 42, "f", optional, buildPath(ctx, "f"), installPath(ctx, "f"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "f", optional, buildPath(ctx, "f"), installPath(ctx, "f"), nil)
 	// Merge map with implicit root library that is among toplevel contexts => does nothing.
 	m.AddContextMap(m1, "c")
@@ -86,12 +85,12 @@
 	m.AddContextMap(m3, "m_g")
 	// Compatibility libraries with unknown install paths get default paths.
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 29, AndroidHidlManager, optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, AndroidHidlManager), nil, nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 29, AndroidHidlBase, optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, AndroidHidlBase), nil, nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 29, AndroidHidlManager, optional, buildPath(ctx, AndroidHidlManager), nil, nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 29, AndroidHidlBase, optional, buildPath(ctx, AndroidHidlBase), nil, nil)
 	// Add "android.test.mock" to conditional CLC, observe that is gets removed because it is only
 	// needed as a compatibility library if "android.test.runner" is in CLC as well.
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 30, AndroidTestMock, optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, AndroidTestMock), nil, nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 30, AndroidTestMock, optional, buildPath(ctx, AndroidTestMock), nil, nil)
 	valid, validationError := validateClassLoaderContext(m)
@@ -165,12 +164,11 @@
 func TestCLCJson(t *testing.T) {
 	ctx := testContext()
 	optional := false
-	implicit := true
 	m := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 29, "b", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 30, "c", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "c"), installPath(ctx, "c"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "d", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "d"), installPath(ctx, "d"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 29, "b", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 30, "c", optional, buildPath(ctx, "c"), installPath(ctx, "c"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "d", optional, buildPath(ctx, "d"), installPath(ctx, "d"), nil)
 	jsonCLC := toJsonClassLoaderContext(m)
 	restored := fromJsonClassLoaderContext(ctx, jsonCLC)
 	android.AssertIntEquals(t, "The size of the maps should be the same.", len(m), len(restored))
@@ -191,13 +189,12 @@
 func testCLCUnknownPath(t *testing.T, whichPath string) {
 	ctx := testContext()
 	optional := false
-	implicit := true
 	m := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
 	if whichPath == "build" {
-		m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a", optional, implicit, nil, nil, nil)
+		m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a", optional, nil, nil, nil)
 	} else {
-		m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a"), nil, nil)
+		m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "a", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a"), nil, nil)
 	// The library should be added to <uses-library> tags by the manifest_fixer.
@@ -232,11 +229,10 @@
 func TestCLCNestedConditional(t *testing.T) {
 	ctx := testContext()
 	optional := false
-	implicit := true
 	m1 := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-	m1.AddContext(ctx, 42, "a", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
+	m1.AddContext(ctx, 42, "a", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
 	m := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-	err := m.addContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), m1)
+	err := m.addContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), m1)
 	checkError(t, err, "nested class loader context shouldn't have conditional part")
@@ -245,12 +241,11 @@
 func TestCLCSdkVersionOrder(t *testing.T) {
 	ctx := testContext()
 	optional := false
-	implicit := true
 	m := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 29, "b", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 30, "c", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "c"), installPath(ctx, "c"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "d", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "d"), installPath(ctx, "d"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 29, "b", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 30, "c", optional, buildPath(ctx, "c"), installPath(ctx, "c"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "d", optional, buildPath(ctx, "d"), installPath(ctx, "d"), nil)
 	valid, validationError := validateClassLoaderContext(m)
@@ -287,7 +282,6 @@
 func TestCLCMExcludeLibs(t *testing.T) {
 	ctx := testContext()
 	const optional = false
-	const implicit = true
 	excludeLibs := func(t *testing.T, m ClassLoaderContextMap, excluded_libs ...string) ClassLoaderContextMap {
 		// Dump the CLCM before creating a new copy that excludes a specific set of libraries.
@@ -305,7 +299,7 @@
 	t.Run("exclude nothing", func(t *testing.T) {
 		m := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
+		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
 		a := excludeLibs(t, m)
@@ -314,7 +308,6 @@
       "Name": "a",
       "Optional": false,
-      "Implicit": true,
       "Host": "out/soong/a.jar",
       "Device": "/system/a.jar",
       "Subcontexts": []
@@ -325,8 +318,8 @@
 	t.Run("one item from list", func(t *testing.T) {
 		m := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
-		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "b", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
+		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
+		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "b", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
 		a := excludeLibs(t, m, "a")
@@ -335,7 +328,6 @@
       "Name": "b",
       "Optional": false,
-      "Implicit": true,
       "Host": "out/soong/b.jar",
       "Device": "/system/b.jar",
       "Subcontexts": []
@@ -347,8 +339,8 @@
 	t.Run("all items from a list", func(t *testing.T) {
 		m := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
-		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "b", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
+		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
+		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "b", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
 		a := excludeLibs(t, m, "a", "b")
@@ -357,11 +349,11 @@
 	t.Run("items from a subcontext", func(t *testing.T) {
 		s := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-		s.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
-		s.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "c", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "c"), installPath(ctx, "c"), nil)
+		s.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
+		s.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "c", optional, buildPath(ctx, "c"), installPath(ctx, "c"), nil)
 		m := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), s)
+		m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), s)
 		a := excludeLibs(t, m, "b")
@@ -370,14 +362,12 @@
       "Name": "a",
       "Optional": false,
-      "Implicit": true,
       "Host": "out/soong/a.jar",
       "Device": "/system/a.jar",
       "Subcontexts": [
           "Name": "c",
           "Optional": false,
-          "Implicit": true,
           "Host": "out/soong/c.jar",
           "Device": "/system/c.jar",
           "Subcontexts": []
@@ -393,16 +383,14 @@
 func TestCLCtoJSON(t *testing.T) {
 	ctx := testContext()
 	optional := false
-	implicit := true
 	m := make(ClassLoaderContextMap)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
-	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b", optional, implicit, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, 28, "a", optional, buildPath(ctx, "a"), installPath(ctx, "a"), nil)
+	m.AddContext(ctx, AnySdkVersion, "b", optional, buildPath(ctx, "b"), installPath(ctx, "b"), nil)
 	android.AssertStringEquals(t, "output CLCM ", `{
   "28": [
       "Name": "a",
       "Optional": false,
-      "Implicit": true,
       "Host": "out/soong/a.jar",
       "Device": "/system/a.jar",
       "Subcontexts": []
@@ -412,7 +400,6 @@
       "Name": "b",
       "Optional": false,
-      "Implicit": true,
       "Host": "out/soong/b.jar",
       "Device": "/system/b.jar",
       "Subcontexts": []
diff --git a/java/android_manifest.go b/java/android_manifest.go
index 3fa3520..a297b2c 100644
--- a/java/android_manifest.go
+++ b/java/android_manifest.go
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@
 	if params.ClassLoaderContexts != nil {
-		// manifest_fixer should add only the implicit SDK libraries inferred by Soong, not those added
-		// explicitly via `uses_libs`/`optional_uses_libs`.
-		requiredUsesLibs, optionalUsesLibs := params.ClassLoaderContexts.ImplicitUsesLibs()
+		// Libraries propagated via `uses_libs`/`optional_uses_libs` are also added (they may be
+		// propagated from dependencies).
+		requiredUsesLibs, optionalUsesLibs := params.ClassLoaderContexts.UsesLibs()
 		for _, usesLib := range requiredUsesLibs {
 			args = append(args, "--uses-library", usesLib)
diff --git a/java/app.go b/java/app.go
index 2b52eab..00aad05 100755
--- a/java/app.go
+++ b/java/app.go
@@ -1225,28 +1225,17 @@
 func (u *usesLibrary) deps(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext, hasFrameworkLibs bool) {
 	if !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() || ctx.Config().UnbundledBuildImage() {
-		reqTag := makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(dexpreopt.AnySdkVersion, false, false)
-		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, reqTag, u.usesLibraryProperties.Uses_libs...)
-		optTag := makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(dexpreopt.AnySdkVersion, true, false)
-		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, optTag, u.presentOptionalUsesLibs(ctx)...)
+		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, usesLibReqTag, u.usesLibraryProperties.Uses_libs...)
+		ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, usesLibOptTag, u.presentOptionalUsesLibs(ctx)...)
 		// Only add these extra dependencies if the module depends on framework libs. This avoids
 		// creating a cyclic dependency:
 		//     e.g. framework-res -> org.apache.http.legacy -> ... -> framework-res.
 		if hasFrameworkLibs {
-			// Add implicit <uses-library> dependencies on compatibility libraries. Some of them are
-			// optional, and some required --- this depends on the most common usage of the library
-			// and may be wrong for some apps (they need explicit `uses_libs`/`optional_uses_libs`).
-			compat28OptTag := makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(28, true, true)
-			ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, compat28OptTag, dexpreopt.OptionalCompatUsesLibs28...)
-			compat29ReqTag := makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(29, false, true)
-			ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, compat29ReqTag, dexpreopt.CompatUsesLibs29...)
-			compat30OptTag := makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(30, true, true)
-			ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, compat30OptTag, dexpreopt.OptionalCompatUsesLibs30...)
+			// Dexpreopt needs paths to the dex jars of these libraries in order to construct
+			// class loader context for dex2oat. Add them as a dependency with a special tag.
+			ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, usesLibCompat29ReqTag, dexpreopt.CompatUsesLibs29...)
+			ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, usesLibCompat28OptTag, dexpreopt.OptionalCompatUsesLibs28...)
+			ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, usesLibCompat30OptTag, dexpreopt.OptionalCompatUsesLibs30...)
@@ -1305,7 +1294,7 @@
 				replaceInList(u.usesLibraryProperties.Uses_libs, dep, libName)
 				replaceInList(u.usesLibraryProperties.Optional_uses_libs, dep, libName)
-			clcMap.AddContext(ctx, tag.sdkVersion, libName, tag.optional, tag.implicit,
+			clcMap.AddContext(ctx, tag.sdkVersion, libName, tag.optional,
 				lib.DexJarBuildPath().PathOrNil(), lib.DexJarInstallPath(),
 		} else if ctx.Config().AllowMissingDependencies() {
diff --git a/java/app_test.go b/java/app_test.go
index 6a4508c..8324dff 100644
--- a/java/app_test.go
+++ b/java/app_test.go
@@ -2505,12 +2505,20 @@
 	prebuilt := result.ModuleForTests("prebuilt", "android_common")
 	// Test that implicit dependencies on java_sdk_library instances are passed to the manifest.
-	// This should not include explicit `uses_libs`/`optional_uses_libs` entries.
+	// These also include explicit `uses_libs`/`optional_uses_libs` entries, as they may be
+	// propagated from dependencies.
 	actualManifestFixerArgs := app.Output("manifest_fixer/AndroidManifest.xml").Args["args"]
 	expectManifestFixerArgs := `--extract-native-libs=true ` +
 		`--uses-library qux ` +
 		`--uses-library quuz ` +
-		`--uses-library runtime-library`
+		`--uses-library foo ` +
+		`--uses-library com.non.sdk.lib ` +
+		`--uses-library runtime-library ` +
+		`--uses-library runtime-required-x ` +
+		`--uses-library runtime-required-y ` +
+		`--optional-uses-library bar ` +
+		`--optional-uses-library runtime-optional-x ` +
+		`--optional-uses-library runtime-optional-y`
 	android.AssertStringDoesContain(t, "manifest_fixer args", actualManifestFixerArgs, expectManifestFixerArgs)
 	// Test that all libraries are verified (library order matters).
diff --git a/java/base.go b/java/base.go
index 4932c48..4eba618 100644
--- a/java/base.go
+++ b/java/base.go
@@ -720,8 +720,10 @@
 			if component, ok := dep.(SdkLibraryComponentDependency); ok {
 				if lib := component.OptionalSdkLibraryImplementation(); lib != nil {
 					// Add library as optional if it's one of the optional compatibility libs.
-					optional := android.InList(*lib, dexpreopt.OptionalCompatUsesLibs)
-					tag := makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(dexpreopt.AnySdkVersion, optional, true)
+					tag := usesLibReqTag
+					if android.InList(*lib, dexpreopt.OptionalCompatUsesLibs) {
+						tag = usesLibOptTag
+					}
 					ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, tag, *lib)
diff --git a/java/dexpreopt.go_v1 b/java/dexpreopt.go_v1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0adaf99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/dexpreopt.go_v1
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package java
+import (
+	"path/filepath"
+	"strings"
+	"android/soong/android"
+	"android/soong/dexpreopt"
+type DexpreopterInterface interface {
+	IsInstallable() bool // Structs that embed dexpreopter must implement this.
+	dexpreoptDisabled(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool
+	DexpreoptBuiltInstalledForApex() []dexpreopterInstall
+	AndroidMkEntriesForApex() []android.AndroidMkEntries
+type dexpreopterInstall struct {
+	// A unique name to distinguish an output from others for the same java library module. Usually in
+	// the form of `<arch>-<encoded-path>.odex/vdex/art`.
+	name string
+	// The name of the input java module.
+	moduleName string
+	// The path to the dexpreopt output on host.
+	outputPathOnHost android.Path
+	// The directory on the device for the output to install to.
+	installDirOnDevice android.InstallPath
+	// The basename (the last segment of the path) for the output to install as.
+	installFileOnDevice string
+// The full module name of the output in the makefile.
+func (install *dexpreopterInstall) FullModuleName() string {
+	return install.moduleName + install.SubModuleName()
+// The sub-module name of the output in the makefile (the name excluding the java module name).
+func (install *dexpreopterInstall) SubModuleName() string {
+	return "-dexpreopt-" +
+// Returns Make entries for installing the file.
+// This function uses a value receiver rather than a pointer receiver to ensure that the object is
+// safe to use in `android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc`.
+func (install dexpreopterInstall) ToMakeEntries() android.AndroidMkEntries {
+	return android.AndroidMkEntries{
+		Class:      "ETC",
+		SubName:    install.SubModuleName(),
+		OutputFile: android.OptionalPathForPath(install.outputPathOnHost),
+		ExtraEntries: []android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesFunc{
+			func(ctx android.AndroidMkExtraEntriesContext, entries *android.AndroidMkEntries) {
+				entries.SetString("LOCAL_MODULE_PATH", install.installDirOnDevice.String())
+				entries.SetString("LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE_STEM", install.installFileOnDevice)
+				entries.SetString("LOCAL_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_PLATFORM", "false")
+			},
+		},
+	}
+type dexpreopter struct {
+	dexpreoptProperties DexpreoptProperties
+	installPath         android.InstallPath
+	uncompressedDex     bool
+	isSDKLibrary        bool
+	isApp               bool
+	isTest              bool
+	isPresignedPrebuilt bool
+	preventInstall      bool
+	manifestFile        android.Path
+	statusFile          android.WritablePath
+	enforceUsesLibs     bool
+	classLoaderContexts dexpreopt.ClassLoaderContextMap
+	// See the `dexpreopt` function for details.
+	builtInstalled        string
+	builtInstalledForApex []dexpreopterInstall
+	// The config is used for two purposes:
+	// - Passing dexpreopt information about libraries from Soong to Make. This is needed when
+	//   a <uses-library> is defined in Android.bp, but used in (see
+	//   Note that dexpreopt.config might be needed even if dexpreopt is disabled for the library itself.
+	// - Dexpreopt post-processing (using dexpreopt artifacts from a prebuilt system image to incrementally
+	//   dexpreopt another partition).
+	configPath android.WritablePath
+type DexpreoptProperties struct {
+	Dex_preopt struct {
+		// If false, prevent dexpreopting.  Defaults to true.
+		Enabled *bool
+		// If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
+		App_image *bool
+		// If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization.  Defaults to false unless
+		// a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR
+		// that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
+		Profile_guided *bool
+		// If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file.  If not set,
+		// defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default
+		// profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
+		Profile *string `android:"path"`
+	}
+func init() {
+	dexpreopt.DexpreoptRunningInSoong = true
+func isApexVariant(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
+	apexInfo := ctx.Provider(android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo)
+	return !apexInfo.IsForPlatform()
+func forPrebuiltApex(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
+	apexInfo := ctx.Provider(android.ApexInfoProvider).(android.ApexInfo)
+	return apexInfo.ForPrebuiltApex
+func moduleName(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) string {
+	// Remove the "prebuilt_" prefix if the module is from a prebuilt because the prefix is not
+	// expected by dexpreopter.
+	return android.RemoveOptionalPrebuiltPrefix(ctx.ModuleName())
+func (d *dexpreopter) dexpreoptDisabled(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
+	if !ctx.Device() {
+		return true
+	}
+	if d.isTest {
+		return true
+	}
+	if !BoolDefault(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.Enabled, true) {
+		return true
+	}
+	// If the module is from a prebuilt APEX, it shouldn't be installable, but it can still be
+	// dexpreopted.
+	if !ctx.Module().(DexpreopterInterface).IsInstallable() && !forPrebuiltApex(ctx) {
+		return true
+	}
+	if !android.IsModulePreferred(ctx.Module()) {
+		return true
+	}
+	global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+	if global.DisablePreopt {
+		return true
+	}
+	if inList(moduleName(ctx), global.DisablePreoptModules) {
+		return true
+	}
+	isApexSystemServerJar := global.AllApexSystemServerJars(ctx).ContainsJar(moduleName(ctx))
+	if isApexVariant(ctx) {
+		// Don't preopt APEX variant module unless the module is an APEX system server jar and we are
+		// building the entire system image.
+		if !isApexSystemServerJar || ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() {
+			return true
+		}
+	} else {
+		// Don't preopt the platform variant of an APEX system server jar to avoid conflicts.
+		if isApexSystemServerJar {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	// TODO: contains no java code
+	return false
+func dexpreoptToolDepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
+	if d, ok := ctx.Module().(DexpreopterInterface); !ok || d.dexpreoptDisabled(ctx) {
+		return
+	}
+	dexpreopt.RegisterToolDeps(ctx)
+func (d *dexpreopter) odexOnSystemOther(ctx android.ModuleContext, installPath android.InstallPath) bool {
+	return dexpreopt.OdexOnSystemOtherByName(moduleName(ctx), android.InstallPathToOnDevicePath(ctx, installPath), dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx))
+// Returns the install path of the dex jar of a module.
+// Do not rely on `ApexInfo.ApexVariationName` because it can be something like "apex1000", rather
+// than the `name` in the path `/apex/<name>` as suggested in its comment.
+// This function is on a best-effort basis. It cannot handle the case where an APEX jar is not a
+// system server jar, which is fine because we currently only preopt system server jars for APEXes.
+func (d *dexpreopter) getInstallPath(
+	ctx android.ModuleContext, defaultInstallPath android.InstallPath) android.InstallPath {
+	global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+	if global.AllApexSystemServerJars(ctx).ContainsJar(moduleName(ctx)) {
+		dexLocation := dexpreopt.GetSystemServerDexLocation(ctx, global, moduleName(ctx))
+		return android.PathForModuleInPartitionInstall(ctx, "", strings.TrimPrefix(dexLocation, "/"))
+	}
+	if !d.dexpreoptDisabled(ctx) && isApexVariant(ctx) &&
+		filepath.Base(defaultInstallPath.PartitionDir()) != "apex" {
+		ctx.ModuleErrorf("unable to get the install path of the dex jar for dexpreopt")
+	}
+	return defaultInstallPath
+func (d *dexpreopter) dexpreopt(ctx android.ModuleContext, dexJarFile android.WritablePath) {
+	global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+	// TODO(b/148690468): The check on d.installPath is to bail out in cases where
+	// the dexpreopter struct hasn't been fully initialized before we're called,
+	// e.g. in aar.go. This keeps the behaviour that dexpreopting is effectively
+	// disabled, even if installable is true.
+	if d.installPath.Base() == "." {
+		return
+	}
+	dexLocation := android.InstallPathToOnDevicePath(ctx, d.installPath)
+	providesUsesLib := moduleName(ctx)
+	if ulib, ok := ctx.Module().(ProvidesUsesLib); ok {
+		name := ulib.ProvidesUsesLib()
+		if name != nil {
+			providesUsesLib = *name
+		}
+	}
+	// If it is test, make config files regardless of its dexpreopt setting.
+	// The config files are required for apps defined in make which depend on the lib.
+	if d.isTest && d.dexpreoptDisabled(ctx) {
+		return
+	}
+	isSystemServerJar := global.AllSystemServerJars(ctx).ContainsJar(moduleName(ctx))
+	bootImage := defaultBootImageConfig(ctx)
+	dexFiles, dexLocations := bcpForDexpreopt(ctx, global.PreoptWithUpdatableBcp)
+	targets := ctx.MultiTargets()
+	if len(targets) == 0 {
+		// assume this is a java library, dexpreopt for all arches for now
+		for _, target := range ctx.Config().Targets[android.Android] {
+			if target.NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeDisabled {
+				targets = append(targets, target)
+			}
+		}
+		if isSystemServerJar && !d.isSDKLibrary {
+			// If the module is not an SDK library and it's a system server jar, only preopt the primary arch.
+			targets = targets[:1]
+		}
+	}
+	var archs []android.ArchType
+	var images android.Paths
+	var imagesDeps []android.OutputPaths
+	for _, target := range targets {
+		archs = append(archs, target.Arch.ArchType)
+		variant := bootImage.getVariant(target)
+		images = append(images, variant.imagePathOnHost)
+		imagesDeps = append(imagesDeps, variant.imagesDeps)
+	}
+	// The image locations for all Android variants are identical.
+	hostImageLocations, deviceImageLocations := bootImage.getAnyAndroidVariant().imageLocations()
+	var profileClassListing android.OptionalPath
+	var profileBootListing android.OptionalPath
+	profileIsTextListing := false
+	if BoolDefault(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.Profile_guided, true) {
+		// If dex_preopt.profile_guided is not set, default it based on the existence of the
+		// dexprepot.profile option or the profile class listing.
+		if String(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.Profile) != "" {
+			profileClassListing = android.OptionalPathForPath(
+				android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, String(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.Profile)))
+			profileBootListing = android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx,
+				ctx.ModuleDir(), String(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.Profile)+"-boot")
+			profileIsTextListing = true
+		} else if global.ProfileDir != "" {
+			profileClassListing = android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx,
+				global.ProfileDir, moduleName(ctx)+".prof")
+		}
+	}
+	// Full dexpreopt config, used to create dexpreopt build rules.
+	dexpreoptConfig := &dexpreopt.ModuleConfig{
+		Name:            moduleName(ctx),
+		DexLocation:     dexLocation,
+		BuildPath:       android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dexpreopt", moduleName(ctx)+".jar").OutputPath,
+		DexPath:         dexJarFile,
+		ManifestPath:    android.OptionalPathForPath(d.manifestFile),
+		UncompressedDex: d.uncompressedDex,
+		HasApkLibraries: false,
+		PreoptFlags:     nil,
+		ProfileClassListing:  profileClassListing,
+		ProfileIsTextListing: profileIsTextListing,
+		ProfileBootListing:   profileBootListing,
+		EnforceUsesLibrariesStatusFile: dexpreopt.UsesLibrariesStatusFile(ctx),
+		EnforceUsesLibraries:           d.enforceUsesLibs,
+		ProvidesUsesLibrary:            providesUsesLib,
+		ClassLoaderContexts:            d.classLoaderContexts,
+		Archs:                           archs,
+		DexPreoptImagesDeps:             imagesDeps,
+		DexPreoptImageLocationsOnHost:   hostImageLocations,
+		DexPreoptImageLocationsOnDevice: deviceImageLocations,
+		PreoptBootClassPathDexFiles:     dexFiles.Paths(),
+		PreoptBootClassPathDexLocations: dexLocations,
+		PreoptExtractedApk: false,
+		NoCreateAppImage:    !BoolDefault(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.App_image, true),
+		ForceCreateAppImage: BoolDefault(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.App_image, false),
+		PresignedPrebuilt: d.isPresignedPrebuilt,
+	}
+	d.configPath = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dexpreopt", "dexpreopt.config")
+	dexpreopt.WriteModuleConfig(ctx, dexpreoptConfig, d.configPath)
+	if d.dexpreoptDisabled(ctx) {
+		return
+	}
+	globalSoong := dexpreopt.GetGlobalSoongConfig(ctx)
+	dexpreoptRule, err := dexpreopt.GenerateDexpreoptRule(ctx, globalSoong, global, dexpreoptConfig)
+	if err != nil {
+		ctx.ModuleErrorf("error generating dexpreopt rule: %s", err.Error())
+		return
+	}
+	dexpreoptRule.Build("dexpreopt", "dexpreopt")
+	isApexSystemServerJar := global.AllApexSystemServerJars(ctx).ContainsJar(moduleName(ctx))
+	for _, install := range dexpreoptRule.Installs() {
+		// Remove the "/" prefix because the path should be relative to $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT.
+		installDir := strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Dir(install.To), "/")
+		installBase := filepath.Base(install.To)
+		arch := filepath.Base(installDir)
+		installPath := android.PathForModuleInPartitionInstall(ctx, "", installDir)
+		if isApexSystemServerJar {
+			// APEX variants of java libraries are hidden from Make, so their dexpreopt
+			// outputs need special handling. Currently, for APEX variants of java
+			// libraries, only those in the system server classpath are handled here.
+			// Preopting of boot classpath jars in the ART APEX are handled in
+			// java/dexpreopt_bootjars.go, and other APEX jars are not preopted.
+			// The installs will be handled by Make as sub-modules of the java library.
+			d.builtInstalledForApex = append(d.builtInstalledForApex, dexpreopterInstall{
+				name:                arch + "-" + installBase,
+				moduleName:          moduleName(ctx),
+				outputPathOnHost:    install.From,
+				installDirOnDevice:  installPath,
+				installFileOnDevice: installBase,
+			})
+		} else if !d.preventInstall {
+			ctx.InstallFile(installPath, installBase, install.From)
+		}
+	}
+	if !isApexSystemServerJar {
+		d.builtInstalled = dexpreoptRule.Installs().String()
+	}
+func (d *dexpreopter) DexpreoptBuiltInstalledForApex() []dexpreopterInstall {
+	return d.builtInstalledForApex
+func (d *dexpreopter) AndroidMkEntriesForApex() []android.AndroidMkEntries {
+	var entries []android.AndroidMkEntries
+	for _, install := range d.builtInstalledForApex {
+		entries = append(entries, install.ToMakeEntries())
+	}
+	return entries
diff --git a/java/dexpreopt_bootjars.go_v1 b/java/dexpreopt_bootjars.go_v1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07a357b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/dexpreopt_bootjars.go_v1
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package java
+import (
+	"path/filepath"
+	"strings"
+	"android/soong/android"
+	"android/soong/dexpreopt"
+	""
+// =================================================================================================
+// WIP - see http://b/177892522 for details
+// The build support for boot images is currently being migrated away from singleton to modules so
+// the documentation may not be strictly accurate. Rather than update the documentation at every
+// step which will create a lot of churn the changes that have been made will be listed here and the
+// documentation will be updated once it is closer to the final result.
+// Changes:
+// 1) dex_bootjars is now a singleton module and not a plain singleton.
+// 2) Boot images are now represented by the boot_image module type.
+// 3) The art boot image is called "art-boot-image", the framework boot image is called
+//    "framework-boot-image".
+// 4) They are defined in art/build/boot/Android.bp and frameworks/base/boot/Android.bp
+//    respectively.
+// 5) Each boot_image retrieves the appropriate boot image configuration from the map returned by
+//    genBootImageConfigs() using the image_name specified in the boot_image module.
+// =================================================================================================
+// This comment describes:
+//   1. ART boot images in general (their types, structure, file layout, etc.)
+//   2. build system support for boot images
+// 1. ART boot images
+// ------------------
+// A boot image in ART is a set of files that contain AOT-compiled native code and a heap snapshot
+// of AOT-initialized classes for the bootclasspath Java libraries. A boot image is compiled from a
+// set of DEX jars by the dex2oat compiler. A boot image is used for two purposes: 1) it is
+// installed on device and loaded at runtime, and 2) other Java libraries and apps are compiled
+// against it (compilation may take place either on host, known as "dexpreopt", or on device, known
+// as "dexopt").
+// A boot image is not a single file, but a collection of interrelated files. Each boot image has a
+// number of components that correspond to the Java libraries that constitute it. For each component
+// there are multiple files:
+//   - *.oat or *.odex file with native code (architecture-specific, one per instruction set)
+//   - *.art file with pre-initialized Java classes (architecture-specific, one per instruction set)
+//   - *.vdex file with verification metadata for the DEX bytecode (architecture independent)
+// *.vdex files for the boot images do not contain the DEX bytecode itself, because the
+// bootclasspath DEX files are stored on disk in uncompressed and aligned form. Consequently a boot
+// image is not self-contained and cannot be used without its DEX files. To simplify the management
+// of boot image files, ART uses a certain naming scheme and associates the following metadata with
+// each boot image:
+//   - A stem, which is a symbolic name that is prepended to boot image file names.
+//   - A location (on-device path to the boot image files).
+//   - A list of boot image locations (on-device paths to dependency boot images).
+//   - A set of DEX locations (on-device paths to the DEX files, one location for one DEX file used
+//     to compile the boot image).
+// There are two kinds of boot images:
+//   - primary boot images
+//   - boot image extensions
+// 1.1. Primary boot images
+// ------------------------
+// A primary boot image is compiled for a core subset of bootclasspath Java libraries. It does not
+// depend on any other images, and other boot images may depend on it.
+// For example, assuming that the stem is "boot", the location is /apex/,
+// the set of core bootclasspath libraries is A B C, and the boot image is compiled for ARM targets
+// (32 and 64 bits), it will have three components with the following files:
+//   - /apex/{arm,arm64}/boot.{art,oat,vdex}
+//   - /apex/{arm,arm64}/boot-B.{art,oat,vdex}
+//   - /apex/{arm,arm64}/boot-C.{art,oat,vdex}
+// The files of the first component are special: they do not have the component name appended after
+// the stem. This naming convention dates back to the times when the boot image was not split into
+// components, and there were just boot.oat and The decision to split was motivated by
+// licensing reasons for one of the bootclasspath libraries.
+// As of November 2020 the only primary boot image in Android is the image in the ART APEX
+// The primary ART boot image contains the Core libraries that are part of the ART
+// module. When the ART module gets updated, the primary boot image will be updated with it, and all
+// dependent images will get invalidated (the checksum of the primary image stored in dependent
+// images will not match), unless they are updated in sync with the ART module.
+// 1.2. Boot image extensions
+// --------------------------
+// A boot image extension is compiled for a subset of bootclasspath Java libraries (in particular,
+// this subset does not include the Core bootclasspath libraries that go into the primary boot
+// image). A boot image extension depends on the primary boot image and optionally some other boot
+// image extensions. Other images may depend on it. In other words, boot image extensions can form
+// acyclic dependency graphs.
+// The motivation for boot image extensions comes from the Mainline project. Consider a situation
+// when the list of bootclasspath libraries is A B C, and both A and B are parts of the Android
+// platform, but C is part of an updatable APEX When the APEX is updated, the Java
+// code for C might have changed compared to the code that was used to compile the boot image.
+// Consequently, the whole boot image is obsolete and invalidated (even though the code for A and B
+// that does not depend on C is up to date). To avoid this, the original monolithic boot image is
+// split in two parts: the primary boot image that contains A B, and the boot image extension that
+// contains C and depends on the primary boot image (extends it).
+// For example, assuming that the stem is "boot", the location is /system/framework, the set of
+// bootclasspath libraries is D E (where D is part of the platform and is located in
+// /system/framework, and E is part of a non-updatable APEX and is located in
+// /apex/, and the boot image is compiled for ARM targets (32 and 64 bits),
+// it will have two components with the following files:
+//   - /system/framework/{arm,arm64}/boot-D.{art,oat,vdex}
+//   - /system/framework/{arm,arm64}/boot-E.{art,oat,vdex}
+// As of November 2020 the only boot image extension in Android is the Framework boot image
+// extension. It extends the primary ART boot image and contains Framework libraries and other
+// bootclasspath libraries from the platform and non-updatable APEXes that are not included in the
+// ART image. The Framework boot image extension is updated together with the platform. In the
+// future other boot image extensions may be added for some updatable modules.
+// 2. Build system support for boot images
+// ---------------------------------------
+// The primary ART boot image needs to be compiled with one dex2oat invocation that depends on DEX
+// jars for the core libraries. Framework boot image extension needs to be compiled with one dex2oat
+// invocation that depends on the primary ART boot image and all bootclasspath DEX jars except the
+// core libraries as they are already part of the primary ART boot image.
+// 2.1. Libraries that go in the boot images
+// -----------------------------------------
+// The contents of each boot image are determined by the PRODUCT variables. The primary ART APEX
+// boot image contains libraries listed in the ART_APEX_JARS variable in the AOSP makefiles. The
+// Framework boot image extension contains libraries specified in the PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS and
+// PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS_EXTRA variables. The AOSP makefiles specify some common Framework libraries,
+// but more product-specific libraries can be added in the product makefiles.
+// Each component of the PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS and PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS_EXTRA variables is a
+// colon-separated pair <apex>:<library>, where <apex> is the variant name of a non-updatable APEX,
+// "platform" if the library is a part of the platform in the system partition, or "system_ext" if
+// it's in the system_ext partition.
+// In these variables APEXes are identified by their "variant names", i.e. the names they get
+// mounted as in /apex on device. In Soong modules that is the name set in the "apex_name"
+// properties, which default to the "name" values. For example, many APEXes have both
+// and modules in Soong, but take the same place
+// /apex/ at runtime. In these cases the variant name is always,
+// regardless which APEX goes into the product. See also android.ApexInfo.ApexVariationName and
+// apex.apexBundleProperties.Apex_name.
+// A related variable PRODUCT_APEX_BOOT_JARS contains bootclasspath libraries that are in APEXes.
+// They are not included in the boot image. The only exception here are ART jars and core-icu4j.jar
+// that have been historically part of the boot image and are now in apexes; they are in boot images
+// and core-icu4j.jar is generally treated as being part of PRODUCT_BOOT_JARS.
+// One exception to the above rules are "coverage" builds (a special build flavor which requires
+// setting environment variable EMMA_INSTRUMENT_FRAMEWORK=true). In coverage builds the Java code in
+// boot image libraries is instrumented, which means that the instrumentation library (jacocoagent)
+// needs to be added to the list of bootclasspath DEX jars.
+// In general, there is a requirement that the source code for a boot image library must be
+// available at build time (e.g. it cannot be a stub that has a separate implementation library).
+// 2.2. Static configs
+// -------------------
+// Because boot images are used to dexpreopt other Java modules, the paths to boot image files must
+// be known by the time dexpreopt build rules for the dependent modules are generated. Boot image
+// configs are constructed very early during the build, before build rule generation. The configs
+// provide predefined paths to boot image files (these paths depend only on static build
+// configuration, such as PRODUCT variables, and use hard-coded directory names).
+// 2.3. Singleton
+// --------------
+// Build rules for the boot images are generated with a Soong singleton. Because a singleton has no
+// dependencies on other modules, it has to find the modules for the DEX jars using VisitAllModules.
+// Soong loops through all modules and compares each module against a list of bootclasspath library
+// names. Then it generates build rules that copy DEX jars from their intermediate module-specific
+// locations to the hard-coded locations predefined in the boot image configs.
+// It would be possible to use a module with proper dependencies instead, but that would require
+// changes in the way Soong generates variables for Make: a singleton can use one MakeVars() method
+// that writes variables to out/soong/make_vars-*.mk, which is included early by the main makefile,
+// but module(s) would have to use out/soong/Android-*.mk which has a group of LOCAL_* variables
+// for each module, and is included later.
+// 2.4. Install rules
+// ------------------
+// The primary boot image and the Framework extension are installed in different ways. The primary
+// boot image is part of the ART APEX: it is copied into the APEX intermediate files, packaged
+// together with other APEX contents, extracted and mounted on device. The Framework boot image
+// extension is installed by the rules defined in makefiles (make/core/ Soong
+// writes out a few DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_* variables for Make; these variables contain boot image names,
+// paths and so on.
+var artApexNames = []string{
+	"",
+	"",
+	"",
+	"",
+	"",
+	"",
+func init() {
+	RegisterDexpreoptBootJarsComponents(android.InitRegistrationContext)
+// Target-independent description of a boot image.
+type bootImageConfig struct {
+	// If this image is an extension, the image that it extends.
+	extends *bootImageConfig
+	// Image name (used in directory names and ninja rule names).
+	name string
+	// Basename of the image: the resulting filenames are <stem>[-<jar>].{art,oat,vdex}.
+	stem string
+	// Output directory for the image files.
+	dir android.OutputPath
+	// Output directory for the image files with debug symbols.
+	symbolsDir android.OutputPath
+	// Subdirectory where the image files are installed.
+	installDirOnHost string
+	// Subdirectory where the image files on device are installed.
+	installDirOnDevice string
+	// Install path of the boot image profile if it needs to be installed in the APEX, or empty if not
+	// needed.
+	profileInstallPathInApex string
+	// A list of (location, jar) pairs for the Java modules in this image.
+	modules android.ConfiguredJarList
+	// File paths to jars.
+	dexPaths     android.WritablePaths // for this image
+	dexPathsDeps android.WritablePaths // for the dependency images and in this image
+	// Map from module name (without prebuilt_ prefix) to the predefined build path.
+	dexPathsByModule map[string]android.WritablePath
+	// File path to a zip archive with all image files (or nil, if not needed).
+	zip android.WritablePath
+	// Rules which should be used in make to install the outputs.
+	profileInstalls android.RuleBuilderInstalls
+	// Path to the license metadata file for the module that built the profile.
+	profileLicenseMetadataFile android.OptionalPath
+	// Path to the image profile file on host (or empty, if profile is not generated).
+	profilePathOnHost android.Path
+	// Target-dependent fields.
+	variants []*bootImageVariant
+	// Path of the preloaded classes file.
+	preloadedClassesFile string
+// Target-dependent description of a boot image.
+type bootImageVariant struct {
+	*bootImageConfig
+	// Target for which the image is generated.
+	target android.Target
+	// The "locations" of jars.
+	dexLocations     []string // for this image
+	dexLocationsDeps []string // for the dependency images and in this image
+	// Paths to image files.
+	imagePathOnHost   android.OutputPath // first image file path on host
+	imagePathOnDevice string             // first image file path on device
+	// All the files that constitute this image variant, i.e. .art, .oat and .vdex files.
+	imagesDeps android.OutputPaths
+	// The path to the primary image variant's imagePathOnHost field, where primary image variant
+	// means the image variant that this extends.
+	//
+	// This is only set for a variant of an image that extends another image.
+	primaryImages android.OutputPath
+	// The paths to the primary image variant's imagesDeps field, where primary image variant
+	// means the image variant that this extends.
+	//
+	// This is only set for a variant of an image that extends another image.
+	primaryImagesDeps android.Paths
+	// Rules which should be used in make to install the outputs on host.
+	installs           android.RuleBuilderInstalls
+	vdexInstalls       android.RuleBuilderInstalls
+	unstrippedInstalls android.RuleBuilderInstalls
+	// Rules which should be used in make to install the outputs on device.
+	deviceInstalls android.RuleBuilderInstalls
+	// Path to the license metadata file for the module that built the image.
+	licenseMetadataFile android.OptionalPath
+// Get target-specific boot image variant for the given boot image config and target.
+func (image bootImageConfig) getVariant(target android.Target) *bootImageVariant {
+	for _, variant := range image.variants {
+		if == target.Os && == target.Arch.ArchType {
+			return variant
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// Return any (the first) variant which is for the device (as opposed to for the host).
+func (image bootImageConfig) getAnyAndroidVariant() *bootImageVariant {
+	for _, variant := range image.variants {
+		if == android.Android {
+			return variant
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// Return the name of a boot image module given a boot image config and a component (module) index.
+// A module name is a combination of the Java library name, and the boot image stem (that is stored
+// in the config).
+func (image bootImageConfig) moduleName(ctx android.PathContext, idx int) string {
+	// The first module of the primary boot image is special: its module name has only the stem, but
+	// not the library name. All other module names are of the form <stem>-<library name>
+	m := image.modules.Jar(idx)
+	name := image.stem
+	if idx != 0 || image.extends != nil {
+		name += "-" + android.ModuleStem(m)
+	}
+	return name
+// Return the name of the first boot image module, or stem if the list of modules is empty.
+func (image bootImageConfig) firstModuleNameOrStem(ctx android.PathContext) string {
+	if image.modules.Len() > 0 {
+		return image.moduleName(ctx, 0)
+	} else {
+		return image.stem
+	}
+// Return filenames for the given boot image component, given the output directory and a list of
+// extensions.
+func (image bootImageConfig) moduleFiles(ctx android.PathContext, dir android.OutputPath, exts ...string) android.OutputPaths {
+	ret := make(android.OutputPaths, 0, image.modules.Len()*len(exts))
+	for i := 0; i < image.modules.Len(); i++ {
+		name := image.moduleName(ctx, i)
+		for _, ext := range exts {
+			ret = append(ret, dir.Join(ctx, name+ext))
+		}
+	}
+	return ret
+// apexVariants returns a list of all *bootImageVariant that could be included in an apex.
+func (image *bootImageConfig) apexVariants() []*bootImageVariant {
+	variants := []*bootImageVariant{}
+	for _, variant := range image.variants {
+		// We also generate boot images for host (for testing), but we don't need those in the apex.
+		// TODO(b/177892522) - consider changing this to check Os.OsClass = android.Device
+		if == android.Android {
+			variants = append(variants, variant)
+		}
+	}
+	return variants
+// Returns true if the boot image should be installed in the APEX.
+func (image *bootImageConfig) shouldInstallInApex() bool {
+	return strings.HasPrefix(image.installDirOnDevice, "apex/")
+// Return boot image locations (as a list of symbolic paths).
+// The image "location" is a symbolic path that, with multiarchitecture support, doesn't really
+// exist on the device. Typically it is /apex/ and should be the
+// same for all supported architectures on the device. The concrete architecture specific files
+// actually end up in architecture-specific sub-directory such as arm, arm64, x86, or x86_64.
+// For example a physical file /apex/ has "image location"
+// /apex/ (which is not an actual file).
+// For a primary boot image the list of locations has a single element.
+// For a boot image extension the list of locations contains a location for all dependency images
+// (including the primary image) and the location of the extension itself. For example, for the
+// Framework boot image extension that depends on the primary ART boot image the list contains two
+// elements.
+// The location is passed as an argument to the ART tools like dex2oat instead of the real path.
+// ART tools will then reconstruct the architecture-specific real path.
+func (image *bootImageVariant) imageLocations() (imageLocationsOnHost []string, imageLocationsOnDevice []string) {
+	if image.extends != nil {
+		imageLocationsOnHost, imageLocationsOnDevice = image.extends.getVariant(
+	}
+	return append(imageLocationsOnHost, dexpreopt.PathToLocation(image.imagePathOnHost,,
+		append(imageLocationsOnDevice, dexpreopt.PathStringToLocation(image.imagePathOnDevice,
+func dexpreoptBootJarsFactory() android.SingletonModule {
+	m := &dexpreoptBootJars{}
+	android.InitAndroidModule(m)
+	return m
+func RegisterDexpreoptBootJarsComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
+	ctx.RegisterSingletonModuleType("dex_bootjars", dexpreoptBootJarsFactory)
+func SkipDexpreoptBootJars(ctx android.PathContext) bool {
+	return dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx).DisablePreoptBootImages
+// Singleton module for generating boot image build rules.
+type dexpreoptBootJars struct {
+	android.SingletonModuleBase
+	// Default boot image config (currently always the Framework boot image extension). It should be
+	// noted that JIT-Zygote builds use ART APEX image instead of the Framework boot image extension,
+	// but the switch is handled not here, but in the makefiles (triggered with
+	defaultBootImage *bootImageConfig
+	// Build path to a config file that Soong writes for Make (to be used in makefiles that install
+	// the default boot image).
+	dexpreoptConfigForMake android.WritablePath
+// Provide paths to boot images for use by modules that depend upon them.
+// The build rules are created in GenerateSingletonBuildActions().
+func (d *dexpreoptBootJars) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+	// Placeholder for now.
+// Generate build rules for boot images.
+func (d *dexpreoptBootJars) GenerateSingletonBuildActions(ctx android.SingletonContext) {
+	if SkipDexpreoptBootJars(ctx) {
+		return
+	}
+	if dexpreopt.GetCachedGlobalSoongConfig(ctx) == nil {
+		// No module has enabled dexpreopting, so we assume there will be no boot image to make.
+		return
+	}
+	d.dexpreoptConfigForMake = android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.Config().DeviceName(), "dexpreopt.config")
+	writeGlobalConfigForMake(ctx, d.dexpreoptConfigForMake)
+	global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+	if !shouldBuildBootImages(ctx.Config(), global) {
+		return
+	}
+	defaultImageConfig := defaultBootImageConfig(ctx)
+	d.defaultBootImage = defaultImageConfig
+// shouldBuildBootImages determines whether boot images should be built.
+func shouldBuildBootImages(config android.Config, global *dexpreopt.GlobalConfig) bool {
+	// Skip recompiling the boot image for the second sanitization phase. We'll get separate paths
+	// and invalidate first-stage artifacts which are crucial to SANITIZE_LITE builds.
+	// Note: this is technically incorrect. Compiled code contains stack checks which may depend
+	//       on ASAN settings.
+	if len(config.SanitizeDevice()) == 1 && config.SanitizeDevice()[0] == "address" && global.SanitizeLite {
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+// copyBootJarsToPredefinedLocations generates commands that will copy boot jars to predefined
+// paths in the global config.
+func copyBootJarsToPredefinedLocations(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcBootDexJarsByModule bootDexJarByModule, dstBootJarsByModule map[string]android.WritablePath) {
+	// Create the super set of module names.
+	names := []string{}
+	names = append(names, android.SortedStringKeys(srcBootDexJarsByModule)...)
+	names = append(names, android.SortedStringKeys(dstBootJarsByModule)...)
+	names = android.SortedUniqueStrings(names)
+	for _, name := range names {
+		src := srcBootDexJarsByModule[name]
+		dst := dstBootJarsByModule[name]
+		if src == nil {
+			// A dex boot jar should be provided by the source java module. It needs to be installable or
+			// have compile_dex=true - cf. assignments to java.Module.dexJarFile.
+			//
+			// However, the source java module may be either replaced or overridden (using prefer:true) by
+			// a prebuilt java module with the same name. In that case the dex boot jar needs to be
+			// provided by the corresponding prebuilt APEX module. That APEX is the one that refers
+			// through a exported_(boot|systemserver)classpath_fragments property to a
+			// prebuilt_(boot|systemserver)classpath_fragment module, which in turn lists the prebuilt
+			// java module in the contents property. If that chain is broken then this dependency will
+			// fail.
+			if !ctx.Config().AllowMissingDependencies() {
+				ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %s does not provide a dex boot jar (see comment next to this message in Soong for details)", name)
+			} else {
+				ctx.AddMissingDependencies([]string{name})
+			}
+		} else if dst == nil {
+			ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %s is not part of the boot configuration", name)
+		} else {
+			ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
+				Rule:   android.Cp,
+				Input:  src,
+				Output: dst,
+			})
+		}
+	}
+// buildBootImageVariantsForAndroidOs generates rules to build the boot image variants for the
+// android.Android OsType and returns a map from the architectures to the paths of the generated
+// boot image files.
+// The paths are returned because they are needed elsewhere in Soong, e.g. for populating an APEX.
+func buildBootImageVariantsForAndroidOs(ctx android.ModuleContext, image *bootImageConfig, profile android.WritablePath) bootImageFilesByArch {
+	return buildBootImageForOsType(ctx, image, profile, android.Android)
+// buildBootImageVariantsForBuildOs generates rules to build the boot image variants for the
+// config.BuildOS OsType, i.e. the type of OS on which the build is being running.
+// The files need to be generated into their predefined location because they are used from there
+// both within Soong and outside, e.g. for ART based host side testing and also for use by some
+// cloud based tools. However, they are not needed by callers of this function and so the paths do
+// not need to be returned from this func, unlike the buildBootImageVariantsForAndroidOs func.
+func buildBootImageVariantsForBuildOs(ctx android.ModuleContext, image *bootImageConfig, profile android.WritablePath) {
+	buildBootImageForOsType(ctx, image, profile, ctx.Config().BuildOS)
+// buildBootImageForOsType takes a bootImageConfig, a profile file and an android.OsType
+// boot image files are required for and it creates rules to build the boot image
+// files for all the required architectures for them.
+// It returns a map from android.ArchType to the predefined paths of the boot image files.
+func buildBootImageForOsType(ctx android.ModuleContext, image *bootImageConfig, profile android.WritablePath, requiredOsType android.OsType) bootImageFilesByArch {
+	filesByArch := bootImageFilesByArch{}
+	for _, variant := range image.variants {
+		if == requiredOsType {
+			buildBootImageVariant(ctx, variant, profile)
+			filesByArch[] = variant.imagesDeps.Paths()
+		}
+	}
+	return filesByArch
+// buildBootImageZipInPredefinedLocation generates a zip file containing all the boot image files.
+// The supplied filesByArch is nil when the boot image files have not been generated. Otherwise, it
+// is a map from android.ArchType to the predefined locations.
+func buildBootImageZipInPredefinedLocation(ctx android.ModuleContext, image *bootImageConfig, filesByArch bootImageFilesByArch) {
+	if filesByArch == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	// Compute the list of files from all the architectures.
+	zipFiles := android.Paths{}
+	for _, archType := range android.ArchTypeList() {
+		zipFiles = append(zipFiles, filesByArch[archType]...)
+	}
+	rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
+	rule.Command().
+		BuiltTool("soong_zip").
+		FlagWithOutput("-o ",
+		FlagWithArg("-C ", image.dir.Join(ctx, android.Android.String()).String()).
+		FlagWithInputList("-f ", zipFiles, " -f ")
+	rule.Build("zip_", "zip "" image")
+// Generate boot image build rules for a specific target.
+func buildBootImageVariant(ctx android.ModuleContext, image *bootImageVariant, profile android.Path) {
+	globalSoong := dexpreopt.GetGlobalSoongConfig(ctx)
+	global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+	arch :=
+	os := // We need to distinguish host-x86 and device-x86.
+	symbolsDir := image.symbolsDir.Join(ctx, os, image.installDirOnHost, arch.String())
+	symbolsFile := symbolsDir.Join(ctx, image.stem+".oat")
+	outputDir := image.dir.Join(ctx, os, image.installDirOnHost, arch.String())
+	outputPath := outputDir.Join(ctx, image.stem+".oat")
+	oatLocation := dexpreopt.PathToLocation(outputPath, arch)
+	imagePath := outputPath.ReplaceExtension(ctx, "art")
+	rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
+	rule.Command().Text("mkdir").Flag("-p").Flag(symbolsDir.String())
+	rule.Command().Text("rm").Flag("-f").
+		Flag(symbolsDir.Join(ctx, "*.art").String()).
+		Flag(symbolsDir.Join(ctx, "*.oat").String()).
+		Flag(symbolsDir.Join(ctx, "*.invocation").String())
+	rule.Command().Text("rm").Flag("-f").
+		Flag(outputDir.Join(ctx, "*.art").String()).
+		Flag(outputDir.Join(ctx, "*.oat").String()).
+		Flag(outputDir.Join(ctx, "*.invocation").String())
+	cmd := rule.Command()
+	extraFlags := ctx.Config().Getenv("ART_BOOT_IMAGE_EXTRA_ARGS")
+	if extraFlags == "" {
+		// Use ANDROID_LOG_TAGS to suppress most logging by default...
+		cmd.Text(`ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="*:e"`)
+	} else {
+		// ...unless the boot image is generated specifically for testing, then allow all logging.
+		cmd.Text(`ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="*:v"`)
+	}
+	invocationPath := outputPath.ReplaceExtension(ctx, "invocation")
+	cmd.Tool(globalSoong.Dex2oat).
+		Flag("--avoid-storing-invocation").
+		FlagWithOutput("--write-invocation-to=", invocationPath).ImplicitOutput(invocationPath).
+		Flag("--runtime-arg").FlagWithArg("-Xms", global.Dex2oatImageXms).
+		Flag("--runtime-arg").FlagWithArg("-Xmx", global.Dex2oatImageXmx)
+	if profile != nil {
+		cmd.FlagWithInput("--profile-file=", profile)
+	}
+	dirtyImageFile := "frameworks/base/config/dirty-image-objects"
+	dirtyImagePath := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, dirtyImageFile)
+	if dirtyImagePath.Valid() {
+		cmd.FlagWithInput("--dirty-image-objects=", dirtyImagePath.Path())
+	}
+	if image.extends != nil {
+		// It is a boot image extension, so it needs the boot image it depends on (in this case the
+		// primary ART APEX image).
+		artImage := image.primaryImages
+		cmd.
+			Flag("--runtime-arg").FlagWithInputList("-Xbootclasspath:", image.dexPathsDeps.Paths(), ":").
+			Flag("--runtime-arg").FlagWithList("-Xbootclasspath-locations:", image.dexLocationsDeps, ":").
+			// Add the path to the first file in the boot image with the arch specific directory removed,
+			// dex2oat will reconstruct the path to the actual file when it needs it. As the actual path
+			// to the file cannot be passed to the command make sure to add the actual path as an Implicit
+			// dependency to ensure that it is built before the command runs.
+			FlagWithArg("--boot-image=", dexpreopt.PathToLocation(artImage, arch)).Implicit(artImage).
+			// Similarly, the dex2oat tool will automatically find the paths to other files in the base
+			// boot image so make sure to add them as implicit dependencies to ensure that they are built
+			// before this command is run.
+			Implicits(image.primaryImagesDeps)
+	} else {
+		// It is a primary image, so it needs a base address.
+		cmd.FlagWithArg("--base=", ctx.Config().LibartImgDeviceBaseAddress())
+	}
+	// We always expect a preloaded classes file to be available. However, if we cannot find it, it's
+	// OK to not pass the flag to dex2oat.
+	preloadedClassesPath := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, image.preloadedClassesFile)
+	if preloadedClassesPath.Valid() {
+		cmd.FlagWithInput("--preloaded-classes=", preloadedClassesPath.Path())
+	}
+	cmd.
+		FlagForEachInput("--dex-file=", image.dexPaths.Paths()).
+		FlagForEachArg("--dex-location=", image.dexLocations).
+		Flag("--generate-debug-info").
+		Flag("--generate-build-id").
+		Flag("--image-format=lz4hc").
+		FlagWithArg("--oat-symbols=", symbolsFile.String()).
+		Flag("--strip").
+		FlagWithArg("--oat-file=", outputPath.String()).
+		FlagWithArg("--oat-location=", oatLocation).
+		FlagWithArg("--image=", imagePath.String()).
+		FlagWithArg("--instruction-set=", arch.String()).
+		FlagWithArg("--android-root=", global.EmptyDirectory).
+		FlagWithArg("--no-inline-from=", "core-oj.jar").
+		Flag("--force-determinism").
+		Flag("--abort-on-hard-verifier-error")
+	// Use the default variant/features for host builds.
+	// The map below contains only device CPU info (which might be x86 on some devices).
+	if == android.Android {
+		cmd.FlagWithArg("--instruction-set-variant=", global.CpuVariant[arch])
+		cmd.FlagWithArg("--instruction-set-features=", global.InstructionSetFeatures[arch])
+	}
+	if global.BootFlags != "" {
+		cmd.Flag(global.BootFlags)
+	}
+	if extraFlags != "" {
+		cmd.Flag(extraFlags)
+	}
+	cmd.Textf(`|| ( echo %s ; false )`, proptools.ShellEscape(failureMessage))
+	installDir := filepath.Join("/", image.installDirOnHost, arch.String())
+	var vdexInstalls android.RuleBuilderInstalls
+	var unstrippedInstalls android.RuleBuilderInstalls
+	var deviceInstalls android.RuleBuilderInstalls
+	for _, artOrOat := range image.moduleFiles(ctx, outputDir, ".art", ".oat") {
+		cmd.ImplicitOutput(artOrOat)
+		// Install the .oat and .art files
+		rule.Install(artOrOat, filepath.Join(installDir, artOrOat.Base()))
+	}
+	for _, vdex := range image.moduleFiles(ctx, outputDir, ".vdex") {
+		cmd.ImplicitOutput(vdex)
+		// Note that the vdex files are identical between architectures.
+		// Make rules will create symlinks to share them between architectures.
+		vdexInstalls = append(vdexInstalls,
+			android.RuleBuilderInstall{vdex, filepath.Join(installDir, vdex.Base())})
+	}
+	for _, unstrippedOat := range image.moduleFiles(ctx, symbolsDir, ".oat") {
+		cmd.ImplicitOutput(unstrippedOat)
+		// Install the unstripped oat files.  The Make rules will put these in $(TARGET_OUT_UNSTRIPPED)
+		unstrippedInstalls = append(unstrippedInstalls,
+			android.RuleBuilderInstall{unstrippedOat, filepath.Join(installDir, unstrippedOat.Base())})
+	}
+	if image.installDirOnHost != image.installDirOnDevice && !image.shouldInstallInApex() && !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() {
+		installDirOnDevice := filepath.Join("/", image.installDirOnDevice, arch.String())
+		for _, file := range image.moduleFiles(ctx, outputDir, ".art", ".oat", ".vdex") {
+			deviceInstalls = append(deviceInstalls,
+				android.RuleBuilderInstall{file, filepath.Join(installDirOnDevice, file.Base())})
+		}
+	}
+	rule.Build("JarsDexpreopt_", "dexpreopt "" jars "+arch.String())
+	// save output and installed files for makevars
+	image.installs = rule.Installs()
+	image.vdexInstalls = vdexInstalls
+	image.unstrippedInstalls = unstrippedInstalls
+	image.deviceInstalls = deviceInstalls
+	image.licenseMetadataFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(ctx.LicenseMetadataFile())
+const failureMessage = `ERROR: Dex2oat failed to compile a boot image.
+It is likely that the boot classpath is inconsistent.
+Rebuild with ART_BOOT_IMAGE_EXTRA_ARGS="--runtime-arg -verbose:verifier" to see verification errors.`
+func bootImageProfileRule(ctx android.ModuleContext, image *bootImageConfig) android.WritablePath {
+	globalSoong := dexpreopt.GetGlobalSoongConfig(ctx)
+	global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+	if global.DisableGenerateProfile {
+		return nil
+	}
+	defaultProfile := "frameworks/base/config/boot-image-profile.txt"
+	rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
+	var bootImageProfile android.Path
+	if len(global.BootImageProfiles) > 1 {
+		combinedBootImageProfile := image.dir.Join(ctx, "boot-image-profile.txt")
+		rule.Command().Text("cat").Inputs(global.BootImageProfiles).Text(">").Output(combinedBootImageProfile)
+		bootImageProfile = combinedBootImageProfile
+	} else if len(global.BootImageProfiles) == 1 {
+		bootImageProfile = global.BootImageProfiles[0]
+	} else if path := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, defaultProfile); path.Valid() {
+		bootImageProfile = path.Path()
+	} else {
+		// No profile (not even a default one, which is the case on some branches
+		// like master-art-host that don't have frameworks/base).
+		// Return nil and continue without profile.
+		return nil
+	}
+	profile := image.dir.Join(ctx, "")
+	rule.Command().
+		Text(`ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="*:e"`).
+		Tool(globalSoong.Profman).
+		Flag("--output-profile-type=boot").
+		FlagWithInput("--create-profile-from=", bootImageProfile).
+		FlagForEachInput("--apk=", image.dexPathsDeps.Paths()).
+		FlagForEachArg("--dex-location=", image.getAnyAndroidVariant().dexLocationsDeps).
+		FlagWithOutput("--reference-profile-file=", profile)
+	if image == defaultBootImageConfig(ctx) {
+		rule.Install(profile, "/system/etc/")
+		image.profileInstalls = append(image.profileInstalls, rule.Installs()...)
+		image.profileLicenseMetadataFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(ctx.LicenseMetadataFile())
+	}
+	rule.Build("bootJarsProfile", "profile boot jars")
+	image.profilePathOnHost = profile
+	return profile
+// bootFrameworkProfileRule generates the rule to create the boot framework profile and
+// returns a path to the generated file.
+func bootFrameworkProfileRule(ctx android.ModuleContext, image *bootImageConfig) android.WritablePath {
+	globalSoong := dexpreopt.GetGlobalSoongConfig(ctx)
+	global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+	if global.DisableGenerateProfile || ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() {
+		return nil
+	}
+	defaultProfile := "frameworks/base/config/boot-profile.txt"
+	bootFrameworkProfile := android.PathForSource(ctx, defaultProfile)
+	profile := image.dir.Join(ctx, "boot.bprof")
+	rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
+	rule.Command().
+		Text(`ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="*:e"`).
+		Tool(globalSoong.Profman).
+		Flag("--output-profile-type=bprof").
+		FlagWithInput("--create-profile-from=", bootFrameworkProfile).
+		FlagForEachInput("--apk=", image.dexPathsDeps.Paths()).
+		FlagForEachArg("--dex-location=", image.getAnyAndroidVariant().dexLocationsDeps).
+		FlagWithOutput("--reference-profile-file=", profile)
+	rule.Install(profile, "/system/etc/boot-image.bprof")
+	rule.Build("bootFrameworkProfile", "profile boot framework jars")
+	image.profileInstalls = append(image.profileInstalls, rule.Installs()...)
+	image.profileLicenseMetadataFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(ctx.LicenseMetadataFile())
+	return profile
+func dumpOatRules(ctx android.ModuleContext, image *bootImageConfig) {
+	var allPhonies android.Paths
+	for _, image := range image.variants {
+		arch :=
+		suffix := arch.String()
+		// Host and target might both use x86 arch. We need to ensure the names are unique.
+		if == android.Host {
+			suffix = "host-" + suffix
+		}
+		// Create a rule to call oatdump.
+		output := android.PathForOutput(ctx, "boot."+suffix+".oatdump.txt")
+		rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
+		imageLocationsOnHost, _ := image.imageLocations()
+		rule.Command().
+			BuiltTool("oatdump").
+			FlagWithInputList("--runtime-arg -Xbootclasspath:", image.dexPathsDeps.Paths(), ":").
+			FlagWithList("--runtime-arg -Xbootclasspath-locations:", image.dexLocationsDeps, ":").
+			FlagWithArg("--image=", strings.Join(imageLocationsOnHost, ":")).Implicits(image.imagesDeps.Paths()).
+			FlagWithOutput("--output=", output).
+			FlagWithArg("--instruction-set=", arch.String())
+		rule.Build("dump-oat-boot-"+suffix, "dump oat boot "+arch.String())
+		// Create a phony rule that depends on the output file and prints the path.
+		phony := android.PathForPhony(ctx, "dump-oat-boot-"+suffix)
+		rule = android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
+		rule.Command().
+			Implicit(output).
+			ImplicitOutput(phony).
+			Text("echo").FlagWithArg("Output in ", output.String())
+		rule.Build("phony-dump-oat-boot-"+suffix, "dump oat boot "+arch.String())
+		allPhonies = append(allPhonies, phony)
+	}
+	phony := android.PathForPhony(ctx, "dump-oat-boot")
+	ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
+		Rule:        android.Phony,
+		Output:      phony,
+		Inputs:      allPhonies,
+		Description: "dump-oat-boot",
+	})
+func writeGlobalConfigForMake(ctx android.SingletonContext, path android.WritablePath) {
+	data := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfigRawData(ctx)
+	android.WriteFileRule(ctx, path, string(data))
+// Define Make variables for boot image names, paths, etc. These variables are used in makefiles
+// (make/core/ to generate install rules that copy boot image files to the
+// correct output directories.
+func (d *dexpreoptBootJars) MakeVars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
+	if d.dexpreoptConfigForMake != nil {
+		ctx.Strict("DEX_PREOPT_CONFIG_FOR_MAKE", d.dexpreoptConfigForMake.String())
+		ctx.Strict("DEX_PREOPT_SOONG_CONFIG_FOR_MAKE", android.PathForOutput(ctx, "dexpreopt_soong.config").String())
+	}
+	image := d.defaultBootImage
+	if image == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_PROFILE_BUILT_INSTALLED", image.profileInstalls.String())
+	if image.profileLicenseMetadataFile.Valid() {
+		ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_PROFILE_LICENSE_METADATA", image.profileLicenseMetadataFile.String())
+	}
+	global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+	dexPaths, dexLocations := bcpForDexpreopt(ctx, global.PreoptWithUpdatableBcp)
+	ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_BOOTCLASSPATH_DEX_FILES", strings.Join(dexPaths.Strings(), " "))
+	ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_BOOTCLASSPATH_DEX_LOCATIONS", strings.Join(dexLocations, " "))
+	for _, variant := range image.variants {
+		suffix := ""
+		if == android.Host {
+			suffix = "_host"
+		}
+		sfx := suffix + "_" +
+		ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_VDEX_BUILT_INSTALLED_"+sfx, variant.vdexInstalls.String())
+		ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_"+sfx, variant.imagePathOnHost.String())
+		ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_DEPS_"+sfx, strings.Join(variant.imagesDeps.Strings(), " "))
+		ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_BUILT_INSTALLED_"+sfx, variant.installs.String())
+		ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_UNSTRIPPED_BUILT_INSTALLED_"+sfx, variant.unstrippedInstalls.String())
+		if variant.licenseMetadataFile.Valid() {
+			ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_LICENSE_METADATA_"+sfx, variant.licenseMetadataFile.String())
+		}
+	}
+	imageLocationsOnHost, imageLocationsOnDevice := image.getAnyAndroidVariant().imageLocations()
+	ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_LOCATIONS_ON_HOST", strings.Join(imageLocationsOnHost, ":"))
+	ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_IMAGE_LOCATIONS_ON_DEVICE", strings.Join(imageLocationsOnDevice, ":"))
+	// There used to be multiple images for JIT-Zygote mode, not there's only one.
diff --git a/java/dexpreopt_config.go_v1 b/java/dexpreopt_config.go_v1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d71e2bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/dexpreopt_config.go_v1
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// Copyright 2019 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package java
+import (
+	"path/filepath"
+	"strings"
+	"android/soong/android"
+	"android/soong/dexpreopt"
+// dexpreoptTargets returns the list of targets that are relevant to dexpreopting, which excludes architectures
+// supported through native bridge.
+func dexpreoptTargets(ctx android.PathContext) []android.Target {
+	var targets []android.Target
+	for _, target := range ctx.Config().Targets[android.Android] {
+		if target.NativeBridge == android.NativeBridgeDisabled {
+			targets = append(targets, target)
+		}
+	}
+	// We may also need the images on host in order to run host-based tests.
+	for _, target := range ctx.Config().Targets[ctx.Config().BuildOS] {
+		targets = append(targets, target)
+	}
+	return targets
+var (
+	bootImageConfigKey     = android.NewOnceKey("bootImageConfig")
+	bootImageConfigRawKey  = android.NewOnceKey("bootImageConfigRaw")
+	artBootImageName       = "art"
+	frameworkBootImageName = "boot"
+func genBootImageConfigRaw(ctx android.PathContext) map[string]*bootImageConfig {
+	return ctx.Config().Once(bootImageConfigRawKey, func() interface{} {
+		global := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx)
+		artModules := global.ArtApexJars
+		frameworkModules := global.BootJars.RemoveList(artModules)
+		// ART config for the primary boot image in the ART apex.
+		// It includes the Core Libraries.
+		artCfg := bootImageConfig{
+			name:                     artBootImageName,
+			stem:                     "boot",
+			installDirOnHost:         "apex/art_boot_images/javalib",
+			installDirOnDevice:       "system/framework",
+			profileInstallPathInApex: "etc/",
+			modules:                  artModules,
+			preloadedClassesFile:     "art/build/boot/preloaded-classes",
+		}
+		// Framework config for the boot image extension.
+		// It includes framework libraries and depends on the ART config.
+		frameworkSubdir := "system/framework"
+		frameworkCfg := bootImageConfig{
+			extends:              &artCfg,
+			name:                 frameworkBootImageName,
+			stem:                 "boot",
+			installDirOnHost:     frameworkSubdir,
+			installDirOnDevice:   frameworkSubdir,
+			modules:              frameworkModules,
+			preloadedClassesFile: "frameworks/base/config/preloaded-classes",
+		}
+		return map[string]*bootImageConfig{
+			artBootImageName:       &artCfg,
+			frameworkBootImageName: &frameworkCfg,
+		}
+	}).(map[string]*bootImageConfig)
+// Construct the global boot image configs.
+func genBootImageConfigs(ctx android.PathContext) map[string]*bootImageConfig {
+	return ctx.Config().Once(bootImageConfigKey, func() interface{} {
+		targets := dexpreoptTargets(ctx)
+		deviceDir := android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.Config().DeviceName())
+		configs := genBootImageConfigRaw(ctx)
+		artCfg := configs[artBootImageName]
+		frameworkCfg := configs[frameworkBootImageName]
+		// common to all configs
+		for _, c := range configs {
+			c.dir = deviceDir.Join(ctx, "dex_""jars")
+			c.symbolsDir = deviceDir.Join(ctx, "dex_""jars_unstripped")
+			// expands to <stem>.art for primary image and <stem>-<1st module>.art for extension
+			imageName := c.firstModuleNameOrStem(ctx) + ".art"
+			// The path to bootclasspath dex files needs to be known at module
+			// GenerateAndroidBuildAction time, before the bootclasspath modules have been compiled.
+			// Set up known paths for them, the singleton rules will copy them there.
+			// TODO(b/143682396): use module dependencies instead
+			inputDir := deviceDir.Join(ctx, "dex_""jars_input")
+			c.dexPaths = c.modules.BuildPaths(ctx, inputDir)
+			c.dexPathsByModule = c.modules.BuildPathsByModule(ctx, inputDir)
+			c.dexPathsDeps = c.dexPaths
+			// Create target-specific variants.
+			for _, target := range targets {
+				arch := target.Arch.ArchType
+				imageDir := c.dir.Join(ctx, target.Os.String(), c.installDirOnHost, arch.String())
+				variant := &bootImageVariant{
+					bootImageConfig:   c,
+					target:            target,
+					imagePathOnHost:   imageDir.Join(ctx, imageName),
+					imagePathOnDevice: filepath.Join("/", c.installDirOnDevice, arch.String(), imageName),
+					imagesDeps:        c.moduleFiles(ctx, imageDir, ".art", ".oat", ".vdex"),
+					dexLocations:      c.modules.DevicePaths(ctx.Config(), target.Os),
+				}
+				variant.dexLocationsDeps = variant.dexLocations
+				c.variants = append(c.variants, variant)
+			}
+ = c.dir.Join(ctx,".zip")
+		}
+		// specific to the framework config
+		frameworkCfg.dexPathsDeps = append(artCfg.dexPathsDeps, frameworkCfg.dexPathsDeps...)
+		for i := range targets {
+			frameworkCfg.variants[i].primaryImages = artCfg.variants[i].imagePathOnHost
+			frameworkCfg.variants[i].primaryImagesDeps = artCfg.variants[i].imagesDeps.Paths()
+			frameworkCfg.variants[i].dexLocationsDeps = append(artCfg.variants[i].dexLocations, frameworkCfg.variants[i].dexLocationsDeps...)
+		}
+		return configs
+	}).(map[string]*bootImageConfig)
+func defaultBootImageConfig(ctx android.PathContext) *bootImageConfig {
+	return genBootImageConfigs(ctx)[frameworkBootImageName]
+// Apex boot config allows to access build/install paths of apex boot jars without going
+// through the usual trouble of registering dependencies on those modules and extracting build paths
+// from those dependencies.
+type apexBootConfig struct {
+	// A list of apex boot jars.
+	modules android.ConfiguredJarList
+	// A list of predefined build paths to apex boot jars. They are configured very early,
+	// before the modules for these jars are processed and the actual paths are generated, and
+	// later on a singleton adds commands to copy actual jars to the predefined paths.
+	dexPaths android.WritablePaths
+	// Map from module name (without prebuilt_ prefix) to the predefined build path.
+	dexPathsByModule map[string]android.WritablePath
+	// A list of dex locations (a.k.a. on-device paths) to the boot jars.
+	dexLocations []string
+var updatableBootConfigKey = android.NewOnceKey("apexBootConfig")
+// Returns apex boot config.
+func GetApexBootConfig(ctx android.PathContext) apexBootConfig {
+	return ctx.Config().Once(updatableBootConfigKey, func() interface{} {
+		apexBootJars := dexpreopt.GetGlobalConfig(ctx).ApexBootJars
+		dir := android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.Config().DeviceName(), "apex_bootjars")
+		dexPaths := apexBootJars.BuildPaths(ctx, dir)
+		dexPathsByModuleName := apexBootJars.BuildPathsByModule(ctx, dir)
+		dexLocations := apexBootJars.DevicePaths(ctx.Config(), android.Android)
+		return apexBootConfig{apexBootJars, dexPaths, dexPathsByModuleName, dexLocations}
+	}).(apexBootConfig)
+// Returns a list of paths and a list of locations for the boot jars used in dexpreopt (to be
+// passed in -Xbootclasspath and -Xbootclasspath-locations arguments for dex2oat).
+func bcpForDexpreopt(ctx android.PathContext, withUpdatable bool) (android.WritablePaths, []string) {
+	// Non-updatable boot jars (they are used both in the boot image and in dexpreopt).
+	bootImage := defaultBootImageConfig(ctx)
+	dexPaths := bootImage.dexPathsDeps
+	// The dex locations for all Android variants are identical.
+	dexLocations := bootImage.getAnyAndroidVariant().dexLocationsDeps
+	if withUpdatable {
+		// Apex boot jars (they are used only in dexpreopt, but not in the boot image).
+		apexBootConfig := GetApexBootConfig(ctx)
+		dexPaths = append(dexPaths, apexBootConfig.dexPaths...)
+		dexLocations = append(dexLocations, apexBootConfig.dexLocations...)
+	}
+	return dexPaths, dexLocations
+var defaultBootclasspathKey = android.NewOnceKey("defaultBootclasspath")
+var copyOf = android.CopyOf
+func init() {
+	android.RegisterMakeVarsProvider(pctx, dexpreoptConfigMakevars)
+func dexpreoptConfigMakevars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
+	ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_BOOT_JARS_MODULES", strings.Join(defaultBootImageConfig(ctx).modules.CopyOfApexJarPairs(), ":"))
diff --git a/java/java.go b/java/java.go
index b34d6de..6127a05 100644
--- a/java/java.go
+++ b/java/java.go
@@ -300,19 +300,11 @@
 type usesLibraryDependencyTag struct {
-	// SDK version in which the library appared as a standalone library.
-	sdkVersion int
-	// If the dependency is optional or required.
-	optional bool
-	// Whether this is an implicit dependency inferred by Soong, or an explicit one added via
-	// `uses_libs`/`optional_uses_libs` properties.
-	implicit bool
+	sdkVersion int  // SDK version in which the library appared as a standalone library.
+	optional   bool // If the dependency is optional or required.
-func makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(sdkVersion int, optional bool, implicit bool) usesLibraryDependencyTag {
+func makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(sdkVersion int, optional bool) usesLibraryDependencyTag {
 	return usesLibraryDependencyTag{
 		dependencyTag: dependencyTag{
 			name:          fmt.Sprintf("uses-library-%d", sdkVersion),
@@ -320,7 +312,6 @@
 		sdkVersion: sdkVersion,
 		optional:   optional,
-		implicit:   implicit,
@@ -351,6 +342,11 @@
 	syspropPublicStubDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "sysprop public stub"}
 	jniInstallTag           = installDependencyTag{name: "jni install"}
 	binaryInstallTag        = installDependencyTag{name: "binary install"}
+	usesLibReqTag           = makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(dexpreopt.AnySdkVersion, false)
+	usesLibOptTag           = makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(dexpreopt.AnySdkVersion, true)
+	usesLibCompat28OptTag   = makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(28, true)
+	usesLibCompat29ReqTag   = makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(29, false)
+	usesLibCompat30OptTag   = makeUsesLibraryDependencyTag(30, true)
 func IsLibDepTag(depTag blueprint.DependencyTag) bool {
@@ -1996,10 +1992,8 @@
 	depTag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(depModule)
 	if depTag == libTag {
 		// Ok, propagate <uses-library> through non-static library dependencies.
-	} else if tag, ok := depTag.(usesLibraryDependencyTag); ok &&
-		tag.sdkVersion == dexpreopt.AnySdkVersion && tag.implicit {
-		// Ok, propagate <uses-library> through non-compatibility implicit <uses-library>
-		// dependencies.
+	} else if tag, ok := depTag.(usesLibraryDependencyTag); ok && tag.sdkVersion == dexpreopt.AnySdkVersion {
+		// Ok, propagate <uses-library> through non-compatibility <uses-library> dependencies.
 	} else if depTag == staticLibTag {
 		// Propagate <uses-library> through static library dependencies, unless it is a component
 		// library (such as stubs). Component libraries have a dependency on their SDK library,
@@ -2017,7 +2011,7 @@
 	// <uses_library> and should not be added to CLC, but the transitive <uses-library> dependencies
 	// from its CLC should be added to the current CLC.
 	if sdkLib != nil {
-		clcMap.AddContext(ctx, dexpreopt.AnySdkVersion, *sdkLib, false, true,
+		clcMap.AddContext(ctx, dexpreopt.AnySdkVersion, *sdkLib, false,
 			dep.DexJarBuildPath().PathOrNil(), dep.DexJarInstallPath(), dep.ClassLoaderContexts())
 	} else {
 		clcMap.AddContextMap(dep.ClassLoaderContexts(), depName)