Adding support for building AFLpp
Test: Build AFL fuzzers locally and ran them
Change-Id: Ie07ec336892649192a844a4d0d231196673e34a0
diff --git a/cc/cc.go b/cc/cc.go
index f04b6f0..bc95813 100644
--- a/cc/cc.go
+++ b/cc/cc.go
@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@
ctx.TopDown("sanitize_runtime_deps", sanitizerRuntimeDepsMutator).Parallel()
ctx.BottomUp("sanitize_runtime", sanitizerRuntimeMutator).Parallel()
+ ctx.TopDown("fuzz_deps", fuzzMutatorDeps)
+ ctx.BottomUp("fuzz", fuzzMutator)
ctx.BottomUp("coverage", coverageMutator).Parallel()
ctx.TopDown("afdo_deps", afdoDepsMutator)
@@ -838,6 +841,7 @@
stl *stl
sanitize *sanitize
coverage *coverage
+ fuzzer *fuzzer
sabi *sabi
vndkdep *vndkdep
lto *lto
@@ -1163,6 +1167,9 @@
if c.coverage != nil {
+ if c.fuzzer != nil {
+ c.AddProperties(c.fuzzer.props()...)
+ }
if c.sabi != nil {
@@ -1680,6 +1687,7 @@
module.stl = &stl{}
module.sanitize = &sanitize{}
module.coverage = &coverage{}
+ module.fuzzer = &fuzzer{}
module.sabi = &sabi{}
module.vndkdep = &vndkdep{}
module.lto = <o{}
@@ -1901,6 +1909,9 @@
if c.coverage != nil {
flags, deps = c.coverage.flags(ctx, flags, deps)
+ if c.fuzzer != nil {
+ flags = c.fuzzer.flags(ctx, flags)
+ }
if c.lto != nil {
flags = c.lto.flags(ctx, flags)
diff --git a/cc/cc_test.go b/cc/cc_test.go
index b6d196c..24732bf 100644
--- a/cc/cc_test.go
+++ b/cc/cc_test.go
@@ -3342,6 +3342,125 @@
+func TestAFLFuzzTarget(t *testing.T) {
+ ctx := testCc(t, `
+ cc_afl_fuzz {
+ name: "test_afl_fuzz_target",
+ srcs: ["foo.c"],
+ host_supported: true,
+ static_libs: [
+ "afl_fuzz_static_lib",
+ ],
+ shared_libs: [
+ "afl_fuzz_shared_lib",
+ ],
+ }
+ cc_fuzz {
+ name: "test_fuzz_target",
+ srcs: ["foo.c"],
+ static_libs: [
+ "afl_fuzz_static_lib",
+ "libfuzzer_only_static_lib",
+ ],
+ shared_libs: [
+ "afl_fuzz_shared_lib",
+ ],
+ }
+ cc_library {
+ name: "afl_fuzz_static_lib",
+ host_supported: true,
+ srcs: ["static_file.c"],
+ }
+ cc_library {
+ name: "libfuzzer_only_static_lib",
+ host_supported: true,
+ srcs: ["static_file.c"],
+ }
+ cc_library {
+ name: "afl_fuzz_shared_lib",
+ host_supported: true,
+ srcs: ["shared_file.c"],
+ static_libs: [
+ "second_static_lib",
+ ],
+ }
+ cc_library_headers {
+ name: "libafl_headers",
+ vendor_available: true,
+ host_supported: true,
+ export_include_dirs: [
+ "include",
+ "instrumentation",
+ ],
+ }
+ cc_object {
+ name: "afl-compiler-rt",
+ vendor_available: true,
+ host_supported: true,
+ cflags: [
+ "-fPIC",
+ ],
+ srcs: [
+ "instrumentation/afl-compiler-rt.o.c",
+ ],
+ }
+ cc_library {
+ name: "second_static_lib",
+ host_supported: true,
+ srcs: ["second_file.c"],
+ }
+ filegroup {
+ name: "aflpp_driver",
+ srcs: [
+ "aflpp_driver.c",
+ ],
+ }`)
+ checkPcGuardFlag := func(
+ modName string, variantName string, shouldHave bool) {
+ cc := ctx.ModuleForTests(modName, variantName).Rule("cc")
+ cFlags, ok := cc.Args["cFlags"]
+ if !ok {
+ t.Errorf("Could not find cFlags for module %s and variant %s",
+ modName, variantName)
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(
+ cFlags, "-fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc-guard") != shouldHave {
+ t.Errorf("Flag was found: %t. Expected to find flag: %t. "+
+ "Test failed for module %s and variant %s",
+ !shouldHave, shouldHave, modName, variantName)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, vnt := range ctx.ModuleVariantsForTests("libfuzzer_only_static_lib") {
+ if strings.Contains(vnt, "fuzzer_afl") {
+ t.Errorf("libfuzzer_only_static_lib has afl variant and should not")
+ }
+ }
+ moduleName := "test_afl_fuzz_target"
+ variantName := "android_arm64_armv8-a_fuzzer_afl"
+ checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variantName, true)
+ moduleName = "afl_fuzz_static_lib"
+ variantName = "android_arm64_armv8-a_static"
+ checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variantName, false)
+ checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variantName+"_fuzzer", false)
+ checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variantName+"_fuzzer_afl", true)
+ moduleName = "second_static_lib"
+ checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variantName, false)
+ checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variantName+"_fuzzer", false)
+ checkPcGuardFlag(moduleName, variantName+"_fuzzer_afl", true)
+ ctx.ModuleForTests("afl_fuzz_shared_lib",
+ "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared").Rule("cc")
+ ctx.ModuleForTests("afl_fuzz_shared_lib",
+ "android_arm64_armv8-a_shared_fuzzer_afl").Rule("cc")
// Simple smoke test for the cc_fuzz target that ensures the rule compiles
// correctly.
func TestFuzzTarget(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/cc/fuzz.go b/cc/fuzz.go
index 23d81d6..5bb832a 100644
--- a/cc/fuzz.go
+++ b/cc/fuzz.go
@@ -27,29 +27,117 @@
func init() {
- android.RegisterModuleType("cc_fuzz", FuzzFactory)
+ android.RegisterModuleType("cc_afl_fuzz", AFLFuzzFactory)
+ android.RegisterModuleType("cc_fuzz", LibFuzzFactory)
android.RegisterSingletonType("cc_fuzz_packaging", fuzzPackagingFactory)
+ android.RegisterSingletonType("cc_afl_fuzz_packaging", fuzzAFLPackagingFactory)
+var (
+ neededAFLTools = map[string]bool{"afl-fuzz": true, "afl-showmap": true}
+type FuzzProperties struct {
+ AFLEnabled bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
+ AFLAddFlags bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
+type fuzzer struct {
+ Properties FuzzProperties
+func (fuzzer *fuzzer) flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
+ if fuzzer.Properties.AFLAddFlags {
+ flags.Local.CFlags = append(flags.Local.CFlags, "-fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc-guard")
+ }
+ return flags
+func (fuzzer *fuzzer) props() []interface{} {
+ return []interface{}{&fuzzer.Properties}
+func fuzzMutatorDeps(mctx android.TopDownMutatorContext) {
+ currentModule, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module)
+ if !ok {
+ return
+ }
+ if currentModule.fuzzer == nil || !currentModule.fuzzer.Properties.AFLEnabled {
+ return
+ }
+ mctx.WalkDeps(func(child android.Module, parent android.Module) bool {
+ c, ok := child.(*Module)
+ if !ok {
+ return false
+ }
+ if c.sanitize == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ isFuzzerPointer := c.sanitize.getSanitizerBoolPtr(Fuzzer)
+ if isFuzzerPointer == nil || !*isFuzzerPointer {
+ return false
+ }
+ if c.fuzzer == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ c.fuzzer.Properties.AFLEnabled = true
+ c.fuzzer.Properties.AFLAddFlags = true
+ return true
+ })
+func fuzzMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
+ if c, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module); ok && c.fuzzer != nil {
+ if !c.fuzzer.Properties.AFLEnabled {
+ return
+ }
+ if c.Binary() {
+ m := mctx.CreateVariations("afl")
+ m[0].(*Module).fuzzer.Properties.AFLEnabled = true
+ m[0].(*Module).fuzzer.Properties.AFLAddFlags = true
+ } else {
+ m := mctx.CreateVariations("", "afl")
+ m[0].(*Module).fuzzer.Properties.AFLEnabled = false
+ m[0].(*Module).fuzzer.Properties.AFLAddFlags = false
+ m[1].(*Module).fuzzer.Properties.AFLEnabled = true
+ m[1].(*Module).fuzzer.Properties.AFLAddFlags = true
+ }
+ }
// cc_fuzz creates a host/device fuzzer binary. Host binaries can be found at
// $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/fuzz/, and device binaries can be found at /data/fuzz on
// your device, or $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/data/fuzz in your build tree.
-func FuzzFactory() android.Module {
- module := NewFuzz(android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
+func LibFuzzFactory() android.Module {
+ module := NewFuzzer(android.HostAndDeviceSupported, fuzz.Cc)
return module.Init()
-func NewFuzzInstaller() *baseInstaller {
- return NewBaseInstaller("fuzz", "fuzz", InstallInData)
+// cc_afl_fuzz creates a host/device AFL++ fuzzer binary.
+// AFL++ is an open source framework used to fuzz libraries
+// Host binaries can be found at $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/afl_fuzz/ and device
+// binaries can be found at $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/data/afl_fuzz in your
+// build tree
+func AFLFuzzFactory() android.Module {
+ module := NewFuzzer(android.HostAndDeviceSupported, fuzz.AFL)
+ return module.Init()
type fuzzBinary struct {
- fuzzPackagedModule fuzz.FuzzPackagedModule
+ fuzzPackagedModule fuzz.FuzzPackagedModule
installedSharedDeps []string
+ fuzzType fuzz.FuzzType
func (fuzz *fuzzBinary) fuzzBinary() bool {
@@ -66,11 +154,17 @@
-func (fuzz *fuzzBinary) linkerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps {
- deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs,
- config.LibFuzzerRuntimeLibrary(ctx.toolchain()))
- deps = fuzz.binaryDecorator.linkerDeps(ctx, deps)
- return deps
+func (fuzzBin *fuzzBinary) linkerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps {
+ if fuzzBin.fuzzType == fuzz.AFL {
+ deps.HeaderLibs = append(deps.HeaderLibs, "libafl_headers")
+ deps = fuzzBin.binaryDecorator.linkerDeps(ctx, deps)
+ return deps
+ } else {
+ deps.StaticLibs = append(deps.StaticLibs, config.LibFuzzerRuntimeLibrary(ctx.toolchain()))
+ deps = fuzzBin.binaryDecorator.linkerDeps(ctx, deps)
+ return deps
+ }
func (fuzz *fuzzBinary) linkerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags {
@@ -80,6 +174,7 @@
// target packages.
flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, `-Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/../lib`)
flags.Local.LdFlags = append(flags.Local.LdFlags, `-Wl,-rpath,\$$ORIGIN/lib`)
return flags
@@ -149,63 +244,68 @@
func sharedLibraryInstallLocation(
- libraryPath android.Path, isHost bool, archString string) string {
+ libraryPath android.Path, isHost bool, fuzzDir string, archString string) string {
installLocation := "$(PRODUCT_OUT)/data"
if isHost {
installLocation = "$(HOST_OUT)"
installLocation = filepath.Join(
- installLocation, "fuzz", archString, "lib", libraryPath.Base())
+ installLocation, fuzzDir, archString, "lib", libraryPath.Base())
return installLocation
// Get the device-only shared library symbols install directory.
-func sharedLibrarySymbolsInstallLocation(libraryPath android.Path, archString string) string {
- return filepath.Join("$(PRODUCT_OUT)/symbols/data/fuzz/", archString, "/lib/", libraryPath.Base())
+func sharedLibrarySymbolsInstallLocation(libraryPath android.Path, fuzzDir string, archString string) string {
+ return filepath.Join("$(PRODUCT_OUT)/symbols/data/", fuzzDir, archString, "/lib/", libraryPath.Base())
-func (fuzz *fuzzBinary) install(ctx ModuleContext, file android.Path) {
- fuzz.binaryDecorator.baseInstaller.dir = filepath.Join(
- "fuzz", ctx.Target().Arch.ArchType.String(), ctx.ModuleName())
- fuzz.binaryDecorator.baseInstaller.dir64 = filepath.Join(
- "fuzz", ctx.Target().Arch.ArchType.String(), ctx.ModuleName())
- fuzz.binaryDecorator.baseInstaller.install(ctx, file)
+func (fuzzBin *fuzzBinary) install(ctx ModuleContext, file android.Path) {
+ installBase := "fuzz"
+ if fuzzBin.fuzzType == fuzz.AFL {
+ installBase = "afl_fuzz"
+ }
- fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.Corpus = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Corpus)
+ fuzzBin.binaryDecorator.baseInstaller.dir = filepath.Join(
+ installBase, ctx.Target().Arch.ArchType.String(), ctx.ModuleName())
+ fuzzBin.binaryDecorator.baseInstaller.dir64 = filepath.Join(
+ installBase, ctx.Target().Arch.ArchType.String(), ctx.ModuleName())
+ fuzzBin.binaryDecorator.baseInstaller.install(ctx, file)
+ fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Corpus = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Corpus)
builder := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
intermediateDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "corpus")
- for _, entry := range fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.Corpus {
+ for _, entry := range fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Corpus {
Output(intermediateDir.Join(ctx, entry.Base()))
builder.Build("copy_corpus", "copy corpus")
- fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.CorpusIntermediateDir = intermediateDir
+ fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.CorpusIntermediateDir = intermediateDir
- fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.Data = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Data)
+ fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Data = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Data)
builder = android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
intermediateDir = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "data")
- for _, entry := range fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.Data {
+ for _, entry := range fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Data {
Output(intermediateDir.Join(ctx, entry.Rel()))
builder.Build("copy_data", "copy data")
- fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.DataIntermediateDir = intermediateDir
+ fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.DataIntermediateDir = intermediateDir
- if fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Dictionary != nil {
- fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.Dictionary = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Dictionary)
- if fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.Dictionary.Ext() != ".dict" {
+ if fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Dictionary != nil {
+ fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Dictionary = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, *fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Dictionary)
+ if fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Dictionary.Ext() != ".dict" {
"Fuzzer dictionary %q does not have '.dict' extension",
- fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.Dictionary.String())
+ fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Dictionary.String())
- if fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Fuzz_config != nil {
+ if fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Fuzz_config != nil {
configPath := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "config").Join(ctx, "config.json")
- android.WriteFileRule(ctx, configPath, fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Fuzz_config.String())
- fuzz.fuzzPackagedModule.Config = configPath
+ android.WriteFileRule(ctx, configPath, fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.FuzzProperties.Fuzz_config.String())
+ fuzzBin.fuzzPackagedModule.Config = configPath
// Grab the list of required shared libraries.
@@ -225,31 +325,36 @@
for _, lib := range sharedLibraries {
- fuzz.installedSharedDeps = append(fuzz.installedSharedDeps,
+ fuzzBin.installedSharedDeps = append(fuzzBin.installedSharedDeps,
- lib, ctx.Host(), ctx.Arch().ArchType.String()))
+ lib, ctx.Host(), installBase, ctx.Arch().ArchType.String()))
// Also add the dependency on the shared library symbols dir.
if !ctx.Host() {
- fuzz.installedSharedDeps = append(fuzz.installedSharedDeps,
- sharedLibrarySymbolsInstallLocation(lib, ctx.Arch().ArchType.String()))
+ fuzzBin.installedSharedDeps = append(fuzzBin.installedSharedDeps,
+ sharedLibrarySymbolsInstallLocation(lib, installBase, ctx.Arch().ArchType.String()))
-func NewFuzz(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) *Module {
+func NewFuzzer(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, fuzzType fuzz.FuzzType) *Module {
module, binary := newBinary(hod, false)
+ baseInstallerPath := "fuzz"
+ if fuzzType == fuzz.AFL {
+ baseInstallerPath = "afl_fuzz"
+ }
- binary.baseInstaller = NewFuzzInstaller()
+ binary.baseInstaller = NewBaseInstaller(baseInstallerPath, baseInstallerPath, InstallInData)
module.sanitize.SetSanitizer(Fuzzer, true)
- fuzz := &fuzzBinary{
+ fuzzBin := &fuzzBinary{
binaryDecorator: binary,
baseCompiler: NewBaseCompiler(),
+ fuzzType: fuzzType,
- module.compiler = fuzz
- module.linker = fuzz
- module.installer = fuzz
+ module.compiler = fuzzBin
+ module.linker = fuzzBin
+ module.installer = fuzzBin
// The fuzzer runtime is not present for darwin host modules, disable cc_fuzz modules when targeting darwin.
android.AddLoadHook(module, func(ctx android.LoadHookContext) {
@@ -268,6 +373,17 @@
+ if fuzzType == fuzz.AFL {
+ // Add cc_objects to Srcs
+ fuzzBin.baseCompiler.Properties.Srcs = append(fuzzBin.baseCompiler.Properties.Srcs, ":aflpp_driver", ":afl-compiler-rt")
+ module.fuzzer.Properties.AFLEnabled = true
+ module.compiler.appendCflags([]string{
+ "-Wno-unused-result",
+ "-Wno-unused-parameter",
+ "-Wno-unused-function",
+ })
+ }
return module
@@ -275,10 +391,30 @@
// their architecture & target/host specific zip file.
type ccFuzzPackager struct {
+ fuzzPackagingArchModules string
+ fuzzTargetSharedDepsInstallPairs string
+ allFuzzTargetsName string
func fuzzPackagingFactory() android.Singleton {
- return &ccFuzzPackager{}
+ fuzzPackager := &ccFuzzPackager{
+ fuzzPackagingArchModules: "SOONG_FUZZ_PACKAGING_ARCH_MODULES",
+ fuzzTargetSharedDepsInstallPairs: "FUZZ_TARGET_SHARED_DEPS_INSTALL_PAIRS",
+ allFuzzTargetsName: "ALL_FUZZ_TARGETS",
+ }
+ fuzzPackager.FuzzType = fuzz.Cc
+ return fuzzPackager
+func fuzzAFLPackagingFactory() android.Singleton {
+ fuzzPackager := &ccFuzzPackager{
+ fuzzTargetSharedDepsInstallPairs: "AFL_FUZZ_TARGET_SHARED_DEPS_INSTALL_PAIRS",
+ allFuzzTargetsName: "ALL_AFL_FUZZ_TARGETS",
+ }
+ fuzzPackager.FuzzType = fuzz.AFL
+ return fuzzPackager
func (s *ccFuzzPackager) GenerateBuildActions(ctx android.SingletonContext) {
@@ -306,9 +442,15 @@
+ sharedLibsInstallDirPrefix := "lib"
fuzzModule, ok := ccModule.compiler.(*fuzzBinary)
- if !ok {
- return
+ if !ok || fuzzModule.fuzzType != s.FuzzType {
+ // check is module is a tool needed to be zipped for AFL
+ if _, aflTool := neededAFLTools[ccModule.Name()]; aflTool && s.FuzzType == fuzz.AFL {
+ sharedLibsInstallDirPrefix = "lib64"
+ } else {
+ return
+ }
hostOrTargetString := "target"
@@ -316,8 +458,18 @@
hostOrTargetString = "host"
+ fpm := fuzz.FuzzPackagedModule{}
+ if ok {
+ fpm = fuzzModule.fuzzPackagedModule
+ }
+ intermediatePath := "fuzz"
+ if s.FuzzType == fuzz.AFL {
+ intermediatePath = "afl_fuzz"
+ }
archString := ccModule.Arch().ArchType.String()
- archDir := android.PathForIntermediates(ctx, "fuzz", hostOrTargetString, archString)
+ archDir := android.PathForIntermediates(ctx, intermediatePath, hostOrTargetString, archString)
archOs := fuzz.ArchOs{HostOrTarget: hostOrTargetString, Arch: archString, Dir: archDir.String()}
// Grab the list of required shared libraries.
@@ -327,22 +479,21 @@
builder := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
// Package the corpus, data, dict and config into a zipfile.
- files = s.PackageArtifacts(ctx, module, fuzzModule.fuzzPackagedModule, archDir, builder)
+ files = s.PackageArtifacts(ctx, module, fpm, archDir, builder)
// Package shared libraries
- files = append(files, GetSharedLibsToZip(sharedLibraries, ccModule, &s.FuzzPackager, archString, &sharedLibraryInstalled)...)
+ files = append(files, GetSharedLibsToZip(sharedLibraries, ccModule, &s.FuzzPackager, archString, sharedLibsInstallDirPrefix, &sharedLibraryInstalled)...)
// The executable.
files = append(files, fuzz.FileToZip{ccModule.UnstrippedOutputFile(), ""})
- archDirs[archOs], ok = s.BuildZipFile(ctx, module, fuzzModule.fuzzPackagedModule, files, builder, archDir, archString, hostOrTargetString, archOs, archDirs)
+ archDirs[archOs], ok = s.BuildZipFile(ctx, module, fpm, files, builder, archDir, archString, hostOrTargetString, archOs, archDirs)
if !ok {
- s.CreateFuzzPackage(ctx, archDirs, fuzz.Cc, pctx)
+ s.CreateFuzzPackage(ctx, archDirs, s.FuzzType, pctx)
func (s *ccFuzzPackager) MakeVars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
@@ -353,27 +504,38 @@
// ready to handle phony targets created in Soong. In the meantime, this
// exports the phony 'fuzz' target and dependencies on packages to
// core/ so that we can use dist-for-goals.
- ctx.Strict("SOONG_FUZZ_PACKAGING_ARCH_MODULES", strings.Join(packages, " "))
+ if s.FuzzType == fuzz.AFL {
+ s.FuzzTargets["afl-fuzz"] = true
+ s.FuzzTargets["afl-showmap"] = true
+ }
+ ctx.Strict(s.fuzzPackagingArchModules, strings.Join(packages, " "))
+ ctx.Strict(s.fuzzTargetSharedDepsInstallPairs,
strings.Join(s.FuzzPackager.SharedLibInstallStrings, " "))
// Preallocate the slice of fuzz targets to minimise memory allocations.
- s.PreallocateSlice(ctx, "ALL_FUZZ_TARGETS")
+ s.PreallocateSlice(ctx, s.allFuzzTargetsName)
// GetSharedLibsToZip finds and marks all the transiently-dependent shared libraries for
// packaging.
-func GetSharedLibsToZip(sharedLibraries android.Paths, module LinkableInterface, s *fuzz.FuzzPackager, archString string, sharedLibraryInstalled *map[string]bool) []fuzz.FileToZip {
+func GetSharedLibsToZip(sharedLibraries android.Paths, module LinkableInterface, s *fuzz.FuzzPackager, archString string, destinationPathPrefix string, sharedLibraryInstalled *map[string]bool) []fuzz.FileToZip {
var files []fuzz.FileToZip
+ fuzzDir := "fuzz"
+ if s.FuzzType == fuzz.AFL {
+ fuzzDir = "afl_fuzz"
+ }
for _, library := range sharedLibraries {
- files = append(files, fuzz.FileToZip{library, "lib"})
+ files = append(files, fuzz.FileToZip{library, destinationPathPrefix})
// For each architecture-specific shared library dependency, we need to
// install it to the output directory. Setup the install destination here,
// which will be used by $(copy-many-files) in the Make backend.
installDestination := sharedLibraryInstallLocation(
- library, module.Host(), archString)
+ library, module.Host(), fuzzDir, archString)
if (*sharedLibraryInstalled)[installDestination] {
@@ -391,7 +553,7 @@
// we want symbolization tools (like `stack`) to be able to find the symbols
// in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols automagically.
if !module.Host() {
- symbolsInstallDestination := sharedLibrarySymbolsInstallLocation(library, archString)
+ symbolsInstallDestination := sharedLibrarySymbolsInstallLocation(library, fuzzDir, archString)
symbolsInstallDestination = strings.ReplaceAll(symbolsInstallDestination, "$", "$$")
s.SharedLibInstallStrings = append(s.SharedLibInstallStrings,
diff --git a/cc/testing.go b/cc/testing.go
index 077fcda..6b858d5 100644
--- a/cc/testing.go
+++ b/cc/testing.go
@@ -534,7 +534,8 @@
android.FixtureRegisterWithContext(func(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
- ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_fuzz", FuzzFactory)
+ ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_fuzz", LibFuzzFactory)
+ ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_afl_fuzz", AFLFuzzFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_test", TestFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_test_library", TestLibraryFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("vndk_prebuilt_shared", VndkPrebuiltSharedFactory)
@@ -648,7 +649,8 @@
func CreateTestContext(config android.Config) *android.TestContext {
ctx := android.NewTestArchContext(config)
- ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_fuzz", FuzzFactory)
+ ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_fuzz", LibFuzzFactory)
+ ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_afl_fuzz", AFLFuzzFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_test", TestFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("cc_test_library", TestLibraryFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("filegroup", android.FileGroupFactory)
diff --git a/fuzz/fuzz_common.go b/fuzz/fuzz_common.go
index 700cdf0..66d5aba 100644
--- a/fuzz/fuzz_common.go
+++ b/fuzz/fuzz_common.go
@@ -26,12 +26,13 @@
-type Lang string
+type FuzzType string
const (
- Cc Lang = ""
- Rust Lang = "rust"
- Java Lang = "java"
+ Cc FuzzType = ""
+ Rust FuzzType = "rust"
+ Java FuzzType = "java"
+ AFL FuzzType = "AFL"
var BoolDefault = proptools.BoolDefault
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
Packages android.Paths
FuzzTargets map[string]bool
SharedLibInstallStrings []string
+ FuzzType FuzzType
type FileToZip struct {
@@ -208,7 +210,7 @@
return string(b)
-func (s *FuzzPackager) CreateFuzzPackage(ctx android.SingletonContext, archDirs map[ArchOs][]FileToZip, lang Lang, pctx android.PackageContext) {
+func (s *FuzzPackager) CreateFuzzPackage(ctx android.SingletonContext, archDirs map[ArchOs][]FileToZip, fuzzType FuzzType, pctx android.PackageContext) {
var archOsList []ArchOs
for archOs := range archDirs {
archOsList = append(archOsList, archOs)
@@ -221,12 +223,15 @@
hostOrTarget := archOs.HostOrTarget
builder := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
zipFileName := "fuzz-" + hostOrTarget + "-" + arch + ".zip"
- if lang == Rust {
+ if fuzzType == Rust {
zipFileName = "fuzz-rust-" + hostOrTarget + "-" + arch + ".zip"
- if lang == Java {
+ if fuzzType == Java {
zipFileName = "fuzz-java-" + hostOrTarget + "-" + arch + ".zip"
+ if fuzzType == AFL {
+ zipFileName = "fuzz-afl-" + hostOrTarget + "-" + arch + ".zip"
+ }
outputFile := android.PathForOutput(ctx, zipFileName)
s.Packages = append(s.Packages, outputFile)
@@ -237,7 +242,6 @@
Flag("-L 0") // No need to try and re-compress the zipfiles.
for _, fileToZip := range filesToZip {
if fileToZip.DestinationPathPrefix != "" {
command.FlagWithArg("-P ", fileToZip.DestinationPathPrefix)
} else {
@@ -256,6 +260,7 @@
for target, _ := range s.FuzzTargets {
fuzzTargets = append(fuzzTargets, target)
ctx.Strict(targets, strings.Join(fuzzTargets, " "))
diff --git a/rust/fuzz.go b/rust/fuzz.go
index 55921ba..586095c 100644
--- a/rust/fuzz.go
+++ b/rust/fuzz.go
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
sharedLibraries := fuzz.CollectAllSharedDependencies(ctx, module, cc.UnstrippedOutputFile, cc.IsValidSharedDependency)
// Package shared libraries
- files = append(files, cc.GetSharedLibsToZip(sharedLibraries, rustModule, &s.FuzzPackager, archString, &sharedLibraryInstalled)...)
+ files = append(files, cc.GetSharedLibsToZip(sharedLibraries, rustModule, &s.FuzzPackager, archString, "lib", &sharedLibraryInstalled)...)
archDirs[archOs], ok = s.BuildZipFile(ctx, module, fuzzModule.fuzzPackagedModule, files, builder, archDir, archString, hostOrTargetString, archOs, archDirs)
if !ok {