build device binary for java_test_host

This commit adds support for a java_host_test that requires a target
binary to run. If the binary has host and target variants and is added
as a dependency in the `data` attribute, then the host variant is used.
Instead, we need a way to force the use of the target variant.

Bug: 182919153
Test: add code from aosp/1647282/1 && atest AuthFsHostTest
Change-Id: I68a6259b41a5e6809e1b82eec3122ffdf5067f56
diff --git a/sh/sh_binary_test.go b/sh/sh_binary_test.go
index 28b6fb9..7fe1d85 100644
--- a/sh/sh_binary_test.go
+++ b/sh/sh_binary_test.go
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+	"strings"
@@ -215,3 +216,40 @@
 	actualData := entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_TEST_DATA"]
 	android.AssertStringPathsRelativeToTopEquals(t, "LOCAL_TEST_DATA", config, expectedData, actualData)
+func TestShTestHost_dataDeviceModulesAutogenTradefedConfig(t *testing.T) {
+	ctx, config := testShBinary(t, `
+		sh_test_host {
+			name: "foo",
+			src: "",
+			data_device_bins: ["bar"],
+			data_device_libs: ["libbar"],
+		}
+		cc_binary {
+			name: "bar",
+			shared_libs: ["libbar"],
+			no_libcrt: true,
+			nocrt: true,
+			system_shared_libs: [],
+			stl: "none",
+		}
+		cc_library {
+			name: "libbar",
+			no_libcrt: true,
+			nocrt: true,
+			system_shared_libs: [],
+			stl: "none",
+		}
+	`)
+	buildOS := config.BuildOS.String()
+	fooModule := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo", buildOS+"_x86_64")
+	expectedBinAutogenConfig := `<option name="push-file" key="bar" value="/data/local/tests/unrestricted/foo/bar" />`
+	autogen := fooModule.Rule("autogen")
+	if !strings.Contains(autogen.Args["extraConfigs"], expectedBinAutogenConfig) {
+		t.Errorf("foo extraConfings %v does not contain %q", autogen.Args["extraConfigs"], expectedBinAutogenConfig)
+	}