Add data bin and lib properties to sh_test

This attempts to reland I7b64de4b06e9bba3fba3712b25dd9f9d112e1625
by fixing Mac-related test issues, yet again.

Test: sh_binary_test.go
Test: Modified ziptool-tests
Bug: 156980228
Change-Id: Id3952e136c1dabfcd34048b6c9f31d0125a623df
diff --git a/sh/sh_binary_test.go b/sh/sh_binary_test.go
index 3bfe611..0aa607b 100644
--- a/sh/sh_binary_test.go
+++ b/sh/sh_binary_test.go
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
 import (
+	"path/filepath"
+	"android/soong/cc"
 var buildDir string
@@ -46,6 +48,9 @@
 	ctx := android.NewTestArchContext()
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("sh_test", ShTestFactory)
 	ctx.RegisterModuleType("sh_test_host", ShTestHostFactory)
+	cc.RegisterRequiredBuildComponentsForTest(ctx)
 	_, errs := ctx.ParseFileList(".", []string{"Android.bp"})
 	android.FailIfErrored(t, errs)
@@ -105,6 +110,65 @@
+func TestShTest_dataModules(t *testing.T) {
+	ctx, config := testShBinary(t, `
+		sh_test {
+			name: "foo",
+			src: "",
+			host_supported: true,
+			data_bins: ["bar"],
+			data_libs: ["libbar"],
+		}
+		cc_binary {
+			name: "bar",
+			host_supported: true,
+			shared_libs: ["libbar"],
+			no_libcrt: true,
+			nocrt: true,
+			system_shared_libs: [],
+			stl: "none",
+		}
+		cc_library {
+			name: "libbar",
+			host_supported: true,
+			no_libcrt: true,
+			nocrt: true,
+			system_shared_libs: [],
+			stl: "none",
+		}
+	`)
+	buildOS := android.BuildOs.String()
+	arches := []string{"android_arm64_armv8-a", buildOS + "_x86_64"}
+	for _, arch := range arches {
+		variant := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo", arch)
+		libExt := ".so"
+		if arch == "darwin_x86_64" {
+			libExt = ".dylib"
+		}
+		relocated := variant.Output("relocated/lib64/libbar" + libExt)
+		expectedInput := filepath.Join(buildDir, ".intermediates/libbar/"+arch+"_shared/libbar"+libExt)
+		if relocated.Input.String() != expectedInput {
+			t.Errorf("Unexpected relocation input, expected: %q, actual: %q",
+				expectedInput, relocated.Input.String())
+		}
+		mod := variant.Module().(*ShTest)
+		entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, config, "", mod)[0]
+		expectedData := []string{
+			filepath.Join(buildDir, ".intermediates/bar", arch, ":bar"),
+			filepath.Join(buildDir, ".intermediates/foo", arch, "relocated/:lib64/libbar"+libExt),
+		}
+		actualData := entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_TEST_DATA"]
+		if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedData, actualData) {
+			t.Errorf("Unexpected test data, expected: %q, actual: %q", expectedData, actualData)
+		}
+	}
 func TestShTestHost(t *testing.T) {
 	ctx, _ := testShBinary(t, `
 		sh_test_host {
@@ -124,3 +188,53 @@
 		t.Errorf("host bit is not set for a sh_test_host module.")
+func TestShTestHost_dataDeviceModules(t *testing.T) {
+	ctx, config := testShBinary(t, `
+		sh_test_host {
+			name: "foo",
+			src: "",
+			data_device_bins: ["bar"],
+			data_device_libs: ["libbar"],
+		}
+		cc_binary {
+			name: "bar",
+			shared_libs: ["libbar"],
+			no_libcrt: true,
+			nocrt: true,
+			system_shared_libs: [],
+			stl: "none",
+		}
+		cc_library {
+			name: "libbar",
+			no_libcrt: true,
+			nocrt: true,
+			system_shared_libs: [],
+			stl: "none",
+		}
+	`)
+	buildOS := android.BuildOs.String()
+	variant := ctx.ModuleForTests("foo", buildOS+"_x86_64")
+	relocated := variant.Output("relocated/lib64/")
+	expectedInput := filepath.Join(buildDir, ".intermediates/libbar/android_arm64_armv8-a_shared/")
+	if relocated.Input.String() != expectedInput {
+		t.Errorf("Unexpected relocation input, expected: %q, actual: %q",
+			expectedInput, relocated.Input.String())
+	}
+	mod := variant.Module().(*ShTest)
+	entries := android.AndroidMkEntriesForTest(t, config, "", mod)[0]
+	expectedData := []string{
+		filepath.Join(buildDir, ".intermediates/bar/android_arm64_armv8-a/:bar"),
+		// libbar has been relocated, and so has a variant that matches the host arch.
+		filepath.Join(buildDir, ".intermediates/foo/"+buildOS+"_x86_64/relocated/:lib64/"),
+	}
+	actualData := entries.EntryMap["LOCAL_TEST_DATA"]
+	if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedData, actualData) {
+		t.Errorf("Unexpected test data, expected: %q, actual: %q", expectedData, actualData)
+	}