Make include_top comments only apply to the next statement

Previously adding an include_top comment would make it apply
for the rest of the file. This was confusing behavior, and
could also cause extra roots to be searched in a situation
like the following:

\#RBC# include_top foo
include $(VAR)/
\#RBC# include_top bar
include $(VAR)/

Here the second include would have from both the foo
and bar directories in its _entry dictionary.

Bug: 213508006
Test: go test
Change-Id: If3430594759bee1390255400fe29b43d77f7b6a6
diff --git a/mk2rbc/mk2rbc.go b/mk2rbc/mk2rbc.go
index 04038e4..2c7ae73 100644
--- a/mk2rbc/mk2rbc.go
+++ b/mk2rbc/mk2rbc.go
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
 		variables:        make(map[string]variable),
 		dependentModules: make(map[string]*moduleInfo),
 		soongNamespaces:  make(map[string]map[string]bool),
-		includeTops:      []string{"vendor/google-devices"},
+		includeTops:      []string{},
 	for _, item := range predefined {
@@ -809,6 +809,10 @@
 	if pathPattern[0] == "" {
+		if len(ctx.includeTops) == 0 {
+			ctx.errorf(v, "inherit-product/include statements must not be prefixed with a variable, or must include a #RBC# include_top comment beforehand giving a root directory to search.")
+			return
+		}
 		// If pattern starts from the top. restrict it to the directories where
 		// we know inherit-product uses dynamically calculated path.
 		for _, p := range ctx.includeTops {
@@ -1671,6 +1675,13 @@
 		ctx.errorf(x, "unsupported line %s", strings.ReplaceAll(x.Dump(), "\n", "\n#"))
+	// Clear the includeTops after each non-comment statement
+	// so that include annotations placed on certain statements don't apply
+	// globally for the rest of the makefile was well.
+	if _, wasComment := node.(*mkparser.Comment); !wasComment && len(ctx.includeTops) > 0 {
+		ctx.includeTops = []string{}
+	}
 // Processes annotation. An annotation is a comment that starts with #RBC# and provides
diff --git a/mk2rbc/mk2rbc_test.go b/mk2rbc/mk2rbc_test.go
index 1ba273b..dbb14a9 100644
--- a/mk2rbc/mk2rbc_test.go
+++ b/mk2rbc/mk2rbc_test.go
@@ -1112,6 +1112,46 @@
+		desc:   "Dynamic inherit path that lacks necessary hint",
+		mkname: "",
+		in: `
+#RBC# include_top foo
+$(call inherit-product,$(MY_VAR)/
+#RBC# include_top foo
+# There's some space and even this comment between the include_top and the inherit-product
+$(call inherit-product,$(MY_VAR)/
+$(call inherit-product,$(MY_VAR)/
+		expected: `#RBC# include_top foo
+load("//build/make/core:product_config.rbc", "rblf")
+load("//|init", _font_init = "init")
+def init(g, handle):
+  cfg = rblf.cfg(handle)
+  _entry = {
+    "foo/": ("_font", _font_init),
+  }.get("%s/" % g.get("MY_VAR", ""))
+  (_varmod, _varmod_init) = _entry if _entry else (None, None)
+  if not _varmod_init:
+    rblf.mkerror("", "Cannot find %s" % ("%s/" % g.get("MY_VAR", "")))
+  rblf.inherit(handle, _varmod, _varmod_init)
+  #RBC# include_top foo
+  # There's some space and even this comment between the include_top and the inherit-product
+  _entry = {
+    "foo/": ("_font", _font_init),
+  }.get("%s/" % g.get("MY_VAR", ""))
+  (_varmod, _varmod_init) = _entry if _entry else (None, None)
+  if not _varmod_init:
+    rblf.mkerror("", "Cannot find %s" % ("%s/" % g.get("MY_VAR", "")))
+  rblf.inherit(handle, _varmod, _varmod_init)
+  rblf.mk2rbc_error("", "inherit-product/include statements must not be prefixed with a variable, or must include a #RBC# include_top comment beforehand giving a root directory to search.")
+	},
+	{
 		desc:   "Ignore make rules",
 		mkname: "",
 		in: `