Implement mixed builds for apex modules.
* Add ApexCqueryInfo to obtain apex artifacts used by the makefile
generator and downstream modules
* Refactor code common to GenerateAndroidBuildActions and ProcessBazelQueryResponse
* Implement android.MixedBuildBuildable for modules
* Enable mixed build for apex modules with payload_type:"image"
Bug: 232085015
Test: treehugger
Change-Id: I9f1e03e5e7a5b5dde35a5db10c253069543ac973
diff --git a/android/bazel_handler.go b/android/bazel_handler.go
index 5e8a183..5804a46 100644
--- a/android/bazel_handler.go
+++ b/android/bazel_handler.go
@@ -91,6 +91,10 @@
osType OsType
+func (c configKey) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s::%s", c.arch, c.osType)
// Map key to describe bazel cquery requests.
type cqueryKey struct {
label string
@@ -98,6 +102,11 @@
configKey configKey
+func (c cqueryKey) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("cquery(%s,%s,%s)", c.label, c.requestType.Name(), c.configKey)
// BazelContext is a context object useful for interacting with Bazel during
// the course of a build. Use of Bazel to evaluate part of the build graph
// is referred to as a "mixed build". (Some modules are managed by Soong,
@@ -123,6 +132,9 @@
// TODO(b/232976601): Remove.
GetPythonBinary(label string, cfgKey configKey) (string, error)
+ // Returns the results of the GetApexInfo query (including output files)
+ GetApexInfo(label string, cfgkey configKey) (cquery.ApexCqueryInfo, error)
// ** end Cquery Results Retrieval Functions
// Issues commands to Bazel to receive results for all cquery requests
@@ -186,6 +198,7 @@
LabelToOutputFiles map[string][]string
LabelToCcInfo map[string]cquery.CcInfo
LabelToPythonBinary map[string]string
+ LabelToApexInfo map[string]cquery.ApexCqueryInfo
func (m MockBazelContext) QueueBazelRequest(_ string, _ cqueryRequest, _ configKey) {
@@ -207,6 +220,10 @@
return result, nil
+func (n MockBazelContext) GetApexInfo(_ string, _ configKey) (cquery.ApexCqueryInfo, error) {
+ panic("unimplemented")
func (m MockBazelContext) InvokeBazel(_ Config) error {
@@ -261,6 +278,14 @@
return "", fmt.Errorf("no bazel response found for %v", key)
+func (bazelCtx *bazelContext) GetApexInfo(label string, cfgKey configKey) (cquery.ApexCqueryInfo, error) {
+ key := cqueryKey{label, cquery.GetApexInfo, cfgKey}
+ if rawString, ok := bazelCtx.results[key]; ok {
+ return cquery.GetApexInfo.ParseResult(strings.TrimSpace(rawString)), nil
+ }
+ return cquery.ApexCqueryInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("no bazel response found for %v", key)
func (n noopBazelContext) QueueBazelRequest(_ string, _ cqueryRequest, _ configKey) {
@@ -277,6 +302,10 @@
+func (n noopBazelContext) GetApexInfo(_ string, _ configKey) (cquery.ApexCqueryInfo, error) {
+ panic("unimplemented")
func (n noopBazelContext) InvokeBazel(_ Config) error {
@@ -401,11 +430,9 @@
cmdFlags := []string{
"--output_base=" + absolutePath(paths.outputBase),
- }
- cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, command.expression)
- cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags,
+ command.expression,
// TODO(asmundak): is it needed in every build?
- "--profile="+shared.BazelMetricsFilename(paths, runName),
+ "--profile=" + shared.BazelMetricsFilename(paths, runName),
// Set default platforms to canonicalized values for mixed builds requests.
// If these are set in the bazelrc, they will have values that are
@@ -426,21 +453,23 @@
// Suppress noise
- "--noshow_progress")
+ "--noshow_progress"}
cmdFlags = append(cmdFlags, extraFlags...)
bazelCmd := exec.Command(paths.bazelPath, cmdFlags...)
bazelCmd.Dir = absolutePath(paths.syntheticWorkspaceDir())
- bazelCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(),
- "HOME="+paths.homeDir,
+ extraEnv := []string{
+ "HOME=" + paths.homeDir,
- "BUILD_DIR="+absolutePath(paths.soongOutDir),
+ "BUILD_DIR=" + absolutePath(paths.soongOutDir),
// Make OUT_DIR absolute here so tools/ uses the correct
// OUT_DIR at <root>/out, instead of <root>/out/soong/workspace/out.
- "OUT_DIR="+absolutePath(paths.outDir()),
+ "OUT_DIR=" + absolutePath(paths.outDir()),
// Disables local host detection of gcc; toolchain information is defined
// explicitly in BUILD files.
+ }
+ bazelCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), extraEnv...)
stderr := &bytes.Buffer{}
bazelCmd.Stderr = stderr
@@ -651,6 +680,15 @@
fail("expected platform name of the form 'android_<arch>' or 'linux_<arch>', but was " + str(platforms))
return "UNKNOWN"
+def json_for_file(key, file):
+ return '"' + key + '":"' + file.path + '"'
+def json_for_files(key, files):
+ return '"' + key + '":[' + ",".join(['"' + f.path + '"' for f in files]) + ']'
+def json_for_labels(key, ll):
+ return '"' + key + '":[' + ",".join(['"' + str(x) + '"' for x in ll]) + ']'
def format(target):
id_string = str(target.label) + "|" + get_arch(target)
@@ -728,7 +766,7 @@
cqueryOutput, cqueryErr, err := context.issueBazelCommand(context.paths, bazel.CqueryBuildRootRunName, cqueryCmd,
"--output=starlark", "--starlark:file="+absolutePath(cqueryFileRelpath))
if err != nil {
- err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(soongInjectionPath, "cquery.out"), []byte(cqueryOutput), 0666)
+ _ = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(soongInjectionPath, "cquery.out"), []byte(cqueryOutput), 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
diff --git a/apex/apex.go b/apex/apex.go
index 7b6707c..c31d87b 100644
--- a/apex/apex.go
+++ b/apex/apex.go
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
package apex
import (
+ "android/soong/bazel/cquery"
@@ -1803,6 +1804,181 @@
+var _ android.MixedBuildBuildable = (*apexBundle)(nil)
+func (a *apexBundle) IsMixedBuildSupported(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) bool {
+ return ctx.ModuleType() == "apex" && == imageApex
+func (a *apexBundle) QueueBazelCall(ctx android.BaseModuleContext) {
+ bazelCtx := ctx.Config().BazelContext
+ bazelCtx.QueueBazelRequest(a.GetBazelLabel(ctx, a), cquery.GetApexInfo, android.GetConfigKey(ctx))
+func (a *apexBundle) ProcessBazelQueryResponse(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+ if !a.commonBuildActions(ctx) {
+ return
+ }
+ a.setApexTypeAndSuffix(ctx)
+ a.setPayloadFsType(ctx)
+ a.setSystemLibLink(ctx)
+ if != zipApex {
+ a.compatSymlinks = makeCompatSymlinks(a.BaseModuleName(), ctx, a.primaryApexType)
+ }
+ bazelCtx := ctx.Config().BazelContext
+ outputs, err := bazelCtx.GetApexInfo(a.GetBazelLabel(ctx, a), android.GetConfigKey(ctx))
+ if err != nil {
+ ctx.ModuleErrorf(err.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ a.installDir = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "apex")
+ a.outputApexFile = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, outputs.SignedOutput)
+ a.outputFile = a.outputApexFile
+ a.setCompression(ctx)
+ a.publicKeyFile = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, outputs.BundleKeyPair[0])
+ a.privateKeyFile = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, outputs.BundleKeyPair[1])
+ a.containerCertificateFile = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, outputs.ContainerKeyPair[0])
+ a.containerPrivateKeyFile = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, outputs.ContainerKeyPair[1])
+ apexType :=
+ switch apexType {
+ case imageApex:
+ // TODO(asmundak): Bazel does not create these files yet.
+ // b/190817312
+ a.htmlGzNotice = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, "NOTICE.html.gz")
+ // b/239081457
+ a.bundleModuleFile = android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, a.Name()+apexType.suffix()+"")
+ // b/239081455
+ a.nativeApisUsedByModuleFile = android.ModuleOutPath(android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, a.Name()+"_using.txt"))
+ // b/239081456
+ a.nativeApisBackedByModuleFile = android.ModuleOutPath(android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, a.Name()+"_backing.txt"))
+ // b/239084755
+ a.javaApisUsedByModuleFile = android.ModuleOutPath(android.PathForBazelOut(ctx, a.Name()+"_using.xml"))
+ a.installedFile = ctx.InstallFile(a.installDir, a.Name()+a.installSuffix(), a.outputFile,
+ a.compatSymlinks.Paths()...)
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected apex_type for the ProcessBazelQuery: %v",
+ }
+ /*
+ TODO(asmundak): compared to building an APEX with Soong, building it with Bazel does not
+ return filesInfo and requiredDeps fields (in the Soong build the latter is updated).
+ Fix this, as these fields are subsequently used in apex/androidmk.go and in apex/builder/go
+ To find out what Soong build puts there, run:
+ vctx := visitorContext{handleSpecialLibs: !android.Bool(}
+ ctx.WalkDepsBlueprint(func(child, parent blueprint.Module) bool {
+ return a.depVisitor(&vctx, ctx, child, parent)
+ })
+ vctx.normalizeFileInfo()
+ */
+func (a *apexBundle) setCompression(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+ a.isCompressed = ( == imageApex) &&
+ ((ctx.Config().CompressedApex() &&
+ proptools.BoolDefault(a.overridableProperties.Compressible, false) &&
+ !a.testApex && !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuildApps()) ||
+ a.testOnlyShouldForceCompression())
+func (a apexBundle) installSuffix() string {
+ if a.isCompressed {
+ return imageCapexSuffix
+ }
+ return imageApexSuffix
+func (a *apexBundle) setSystemLibLink(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+ // Optimization. If we are building bundled APEX, for the files that are gathered due to the
+ // transitive dependencies, don't place them inside the APEX, but place a symlink pointing
+ // the same library in the system partition, thus effectively sharing the same libraries
+ // across the APEX boundary. For unbundled APEX, all the gathered files are actually placed
+ // in the APEX.
+ a.linkToSystemLib = !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() && a.installable()
+ // APEXes targeting other than system/system_ext partitions use vendor/product variants.
+ // So we can't link them to /system/lib libs which are core variants.
+ if a.SocSpecific() || a.DeviceSpecific() || (a.ProductSpecific() && ctx.Config().EnforceProductPartitionInterface()) {
+ a.linkToSystemLib = false
+ }
+ forced := ctx.Config().ForceApexSymlinkOptimization()
+ updatable := a.Updatable() || a.FutureUpdatable()
+ // We don't need the optimization for updatable APEXes, as it might give false signal
+ // to the system health when the APEXes are still bundled (b/149805758).
+ if !forced && updatable && == imageApex {
+ a.linkToSystemLib = false
+ }
+ // We also don't want the optimization for host APEXes, because it doesn't make sense.
+ if ctx.Host() {
+ a.linkToSystemLib = false
+ }
+func (a *apexBundle) setPayloadFsType(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+ switch proptools.StringDefault(, ext4FsType) {
+ case ext4FsType:
+ a.payloadFsType = ext4
+ case f2fsFsType:
+ a.payloadFsType = f2fs
+ case erofsFsType:
+ a.payloadFsType = erofs
+ default:
+ ctx.PropertyErrorf("payload_fs_type", "%q is not a valid filesystem for apex [ext4, f2fs, erofs]", *
+ }
+func (a *apexBundle) setApexTypeAndSuffix(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
+ // Set suffix and primaryApexType depending on the ApexType
+ buildFlattenedAsDefault := ctx.Config().FlattenApex()
+ switch {
+ case imageApex:
+ if buildFlattenedAsDefault {
+ a.suffix = imageApexSuffix
+ } else {
+ a.suffix = ""
+ a.primaryApexType = true
+ if ctx.Config().InstallExtraFlattenedApexes() {
+ a.requiredDeps = append(a.requiredDeps, a.Name()+flattenedSuffix)
+ }
+ }
+ case zipApex:
+ if proptools.String( == "zip" {
+ a.suffix = ""
+ a.primaryApexType = true
+ } else {
+ a.suffix = zipApexSuffix
+ }
+ case flattenedApex:
+ if buildFlattenedAsDefault {
+ a.suffix = ""
+ a.primaryApexType = true
+ } else {
+ a.suffix = flattenedSuffix
+ }
+ }
+func (a *apexBundle) commonBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) bool {
+ a.checkApexAvailability(ctx)
+ a.checkUpdatable(ctx)
+ a.CheckMinSdkVersion(ctx)
+ a.checkStaticLinkingToStubLibraries(ctx)
+ a.checkStaticExecutables(ctx)
+ if len( > 0 && !a.testApex {
+ ctx.PropertyErrorf("tests", "property allowed only in apex_test module type")
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
type visitorContext struct {
// all the files that will be included in this APEX
filesInfo []apexFile
@@ -2188,16 +2364,9 @@
func (a *apexBundle) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
// 1) do some validity checks such as apex_available, min_sdk_version, etc.
- a.checkApexAvailability(ctx)
- a.checkUpdatable(ctx)
- a.CheckMinSdkVersion(ctx)
- a.checkStaticLinkingToStubLibraries(ctx)
- a.checkStaticExecutables(ctx)
- if len( > 0 && !a.testApex {
- ctx.PropertyErrorf("tests", "property allowed only in apex_test module type")
+ if !a.commonBuildActions(ctx) {
// 2) traverse the dependency tree to collect apexFile structs from them.
@@ -2219,74 +2388,9 @@
a.installDir = android.PathForModuleInstall(ctx, "apex")
a.filesInfo = vctx.filesInfo
- // Set suffix and primaryApexType depending on the ApexType
- buildFlattenedAsDefault := ctx.Config().FlattenApex()
- switch {
- case imageApex:
- if buildFlattenedAsDefault {
- a.suffix = imageApexSuffix
- } else {
- a.suffix = ""
- a.primaryApexType = true
- if ctx.Config().InstallExtraFlattenedApexes() {
- a.requiredDeps = append(a.requiredDeps, a.Name()+flattenedSuffix)
- }
- }
- case zipApex:
- if proptools.String( == "zip" {
- a.suffix = ""
- a.primaryApexType = true
- } else {
- a.suffix = zipApexSuffix
- }
- case flattenedApex:
- if buildFlattenedAsDefault {
- a.suffix = ""
- a.primaryApexType = true
- } else {
- a.suffix = flattenedSuffix
- }
- }
- switch proptools.StringDefault(, ext4FsType) {
- case ext4FsType:
- a.payloadFsType = ext4
- case f2fsFsType:
- a.payloadFsType = f2fs
- case erofsFsType:
- a.payloadFsType = erofs
- default:
- ctx.PropertyErrorf("payload_fs_type", "%q is not a valid filesystem for apex [ext4, f2fs, erofs]", *
- }
- // Optimization. If we are building bundled APEX, for the files that are gathered due to the
- // transitive dependencies, don't place them inside the APEX, but place a symlink pointing
- // the same library in the system partition, thus effectively sharing the same libraries
- // across the APEX boundary. For unbundled APEX, all the gathered files are actually placed
- // in the APEX.
- a.linkToSystemLib = !ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() && a.installable()
- // APEXes targeting other than system/system_ext partitions use vendor/product variants.
- // So we can't link them to /system/lib libs which are core variants.
- if a.SocSpecific() || a.DeviceSpecific() || (a.ProductSpecific() && ctx.Config().EnforceProductPartitionInterface()) {
- a.linkToSystemLib = false
- }
- forced := ctx.Config().ForceApexSymlinkOptimization()
- updatable := a.Updatable() || a.FutureUpdatable()
- // We don't need the optimization for updatable APEXes, as it might give false signal
- // to the system health when the APEXes are still bundled (b/149805758).
- if !forced && updatable && == imageApex {
- a.linkToSystemLib = false
- }
- // We also don't want the optimization for host APEXes, because it doesn't make sense.
- if ctx.Host() {
- a.linkToSystemLib = false
- }
+ a.setApexTypeAndSuffix(ctx)
+ a.setPayloadFsType(ctx)
+ a.setSystemLibLink(ctx)
if != zipApex {
a.compatSymlinks = makeCompatSymlinks(a.BaseModuleName(), ctx, a.primaryApexType)
diff --git a/apex/builder.go b/apex/builder.go
index 1956b44..95435f5 100644
--- a/apex/builder.go
+++ b/apex/builder.go
@@ -806,8 +806,8 @@
- if apexType == imageApex && (compressionEnabled || a.testOnlyShouldForceCompression()) {
- a.isCompressed = true
+ a.setCompression(ctx)
+ if a.isCompressed {
unsignedCompressedOutputFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, a.Name()+imageCapexSuffix+".unsigned")
compressRule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
@@ -837,17 +837,12 @@
a.outputFile = signedCompressedOutputFile
- installSuffix := suffix
- if a.isCompressed {
- installSuffix = imageCapexSuffix
- }
if !a.installable() {
// Install to $OUT/soong/{target,host}/.../apex.
- a.installedFile = ctx.InstallFile(a.installDir, a.Name()+installSuffix, a.outputFile,
+ a.installedFile = ctx.InstallFile(a.installDir, a.Name()+a.installSuffix(), a.outputFile,
// installed-files.txt is dist'ed
diff --git a/bazel/aquery.go b/bazel/aquery.go
index ae2b107..418b143 100644
--- a/bazel/aquery.go
+++ b/bazel/aquery.go
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@
// expandTemplateContent substitutes the tokens in a template.
func expandTemplateContent(actionEntry action) string {
- replacerString := []string{}
+ var replacerString []string
for _, pair := range actionEntry.Substitutions {
value := pair.Value
if val, ok := templateActionOverriddenTokens[pair.Key]; ok {
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@
labels = append([]string{currFragment.Label}, labels...)
if currId == currFragment.ParentId {
- return "", fmt.Errorf("Fragment cannot refer to itself as parent %#v", currFragment)
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("fragment cannot refer to itself as parent %#v", currFragment)
currId = currFragment.ParentId
diff --git a/bazel/cquery/request_type.go b/bazel/cquery/request_type.go
index f5435f2..d32e619 100644
--- a/bazel/cquery/request_type.go
+++ b/bazel/cquery/request_type.go
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package cquery
import (
+ "encoding/json"
@@ -9,6 +10,7 @@
GetOutputFiles = &getOutputFilesRequestType{}
GetPythonBinary = &getPythonBinaryRequestType{}
GetCcInfo = &getCcInfoType{}
+ GetApexInfo = &getApexInfoType{}
type CcInfo struct {
@@ -179,7 +181,7 @@
const expectedLen = 10
splitString := strings.Split(rawString, "|")
if len(splitString) != expectedLen {
- return CcInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("Expected %d items, got %q", expectedLen, splitString)
+ return CcInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("expected %d items, got %q", expectedLen, splitString)
outputFilesString := splitString[0]
ccObjectsString := splitString[1]
@@ -215,6 +217,54 @@
}, nil
+// Query Bazel for the artifacts generated by the apex modules.
+type getApexInfoType struct{}
+// Name returns a string name for this request type. Such request type names must be unique,
+// and must only consist of alphanumeric characters.
+func (g getApexInfoType) Name() string {
+ return "getApexInfo"
+// StarlarkFunctionBody returns a starlark function body to process this request type.
+// The returned string is the body of a Starlark function which obtains
+// all request-relevant information about a target and returns a string containing
+// this information. The function should have the following properties:
+// - `target` is the only parameter to this function (a configured target).
+// - The return value must be a string.
+// - The function body should not be indented outside of its own scope.
+func (g getApexInfoType) StarlarkFunctionBody() string {
+ return `info = providers(target)["//build/bazel/rules/apex:apex.bzl%ApexInfo"]
+return "{%s}" % ",".join([
+ json_for_file("signed_output", info.signed_output),
+ json_for_file("unsigned_output", info.unsigned_output),
+ json_for_labels("provides_native_libs", info.provides_native_libs),
+ json_for_labels("requires_native_libs", info.requires_native_libs),
+ json_for_files("bundle_key_pair", info.bundle_key_pair),
+ json_for_files("container_key_pair", info.container_key_pair)
+ ])`
+type ApexCqueryInfo struct {
+ SignedOutput string `json:"signed_output"`
+ UnsignedOutput string `json:"unsigned_output"`
+ ProvidesLibs []string `json:"provides_native_libs"`
+ RequiresLibs []string `json:"requires_native_libs"`
+ BundleKeyPair []string `json:"bundle_key_pair"`
+ ContainerKeyPair []string `json:"container_key_pair"`
+// ParseResult returns a value obtained by parsing the result of the request's Starlark function.
+// The given rawString must correspond to the string output which was created by evaluating the
+// Starlark given in StarlarkFunctionBody.
+func (g getApexInfoType) ParseResult(rawString string) ApexCqueryInfo {
+ var info ApexCqueryInfo
+ if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(rawString), &info); err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("cannot parse cquery result '%s': %s", rawString, err))
+ }
+ return info
// splitOrEmpty is a modification of strings.Split() that returns an empty list
// if the given string is empty.
func splitOrEmpty(s string, sep string) []string {
diff --git a/bazel/cquery/request_type_test.go b/bazel/cquery/request_type_test.go
index 606e285..34248ce 100644
--- a/bazel/cquery/request_type_test.go
+++ b/bazel/cquery/request_type_test.go
@@ -148,13 +148,13 @@
description: "too few result splits",
input: "|",
expectedOutput: CcInfo{},
- expectedErrorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("Expected %d items, got %q", expectedSplits, []string{"", ""}),
+ expectedErrorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("expected %d items, got %q", expectedSplits, []string{"", ""}),
description: "too many result splits",
input: strings.Repeat("|", expectedSplits+1), // 2 too many
expectedOutput: CcInfo{},
- expectedErrorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("Expected %d items, got %q", expectedSplits, make([]string, expectedSplits+2)),
+ expectedErrorMessage: fmt.Sprintf("expected %d items, got %q", expectedSplits, make([]string, expectedSplits+2)),
for _, tc := range testCases {
@@ -167,3 +167,40 @@
+func TestGetApexInfoParseResults(t *testing.T) {
+ testCases := []struct {
+ description string
+ input string
+ expectedOutput ApexCqueryInfo
+ }{
+ {
+ description: "no result",
+ input: "{}",
+ expectedOutput: ApexCqueryInfo{},
+ },
+ {
+ description: "one result",
+ input: `{"signed_output":"my.apex",` +
+ `"unsigned_output":"my.apex.unsigned",` +
+ `"requires_native_libs":["//bionic/libc:libc","//bionic/libdl:libdl"],` +
+ `"bundle_key_pair":["foo.pem","foo.privkey"],` +
+ `"container_key_pair":["foo.x509.pem", "foo.pk8"],` +
+ `"provides_native_libs":[]}`,
+ expectedOutput: ApexCqueryInfo{
+ SignedOutput: "my.apex",
+ UnsignedOutput: "my.apex.unsigned",
+ RequiresLibs: []string{"//bionic/libc:libc", "//bionic/libdl:libdl"},
+ ProvidesLibs: []string{},
+ BundleKeyPair: []string{"foo.pem", "foo.privkey"},
+ ContainerKeyPair: []string{"foo.x509.pem", "foo.pk8"},
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tc := range testCases {
+ actualOutput := GetApexInfo.ParseResult(tc.input)
+ if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.expectedOutput, actualOutput) {
+ t.Errorf("%q: expected %#v != actual %#v", tc.description, tc.expectedOutput, actualOutput)
+ }
+ }