Use boot image extension for framework libraries.

This patch splits the system boot image in two parts:

  - The ART boot image. This is the primary boot image that is
    included in the ART apex and contains dexpreopted Core Libraries.

  - The framweork boot image extension. It depends on the ART boot
    image and contains framework libraries.

The third "apex" boot image (used in the JIT-zygote experiment)
remains unchanged; it is a monolithic primary boot image that
contains both libcore and framework libraries.

Dexpreopting of APKs now uses the framework boot image extension
(which in turn pulls in the ART boot image as a dependency).

Test: m
Test: phone boots:
    lunch aosp_walleye-userdebug && m \
        && adb reboot bootloader && fastboot flashall -w

Bug: b/119800099

Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: rebased after getting approval.

Change-Id: Ida40dfae8c83bf7c2e737d5c7ea418e1197ad826
diff --git a/java/dexpreopt_config.go b/java/dexpreopt_config.go
index 4dd7cfe..57a770e 100644
--- a/java/dexpreopt_config.go
+++ b/java/dexpreopt_config.go
@@ -119,118 +119,147 @@
 	return modules
-// Construct a variant of the global config for dexpreopted bootclasspath jars. The variants differ
-// in the list of input jars (libcore, framework, or both), in the naming scheme for the dexpreopt
-// files (ART recognizes "apex" names as special), and whether to include a zip archive.
-// 'name' is a string unique for each profile (used in directory names and ninja rule names)
-// 'stem' is the basename of the image: the resulting filenames are <stem>[-<jar>].{art,oat,vdex}.
-func getBootImageConfig(ctx android.PathContext, key android.OnceKey, name string, stem string,
-	needZip bool, artApexJarsOnly bool) bootImageConfig {
+var (
+	bootImageConfigKey     = android.NewOnceKey("bootImageConfig")
+	artBootImageName       = "art"
+	frameworkBootImageName = "boot"
+	apexBootImageName      = "apex"
-	return ctx.Config().Once(key, func() interface{} {
+// Construct the global boot image configs.
+func genBootImageConfigs(ctx android.PathContext) map[string]*bootImageConfig {
+	return ctx.Config().Once(bootImageConfigKey, func() interface{} {
 		global := dexpreoptGlobalConfig(ctx)
+		targets := dexpreoptTargets(ctx)
+		deviceDir := android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.Config().DeviceName())
 		artModules := global.ArtApexJars
-		imageModules := artModules
+		// In coverage builds ART boot class path jars are instrumented and have additional dependencies.
+		if ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("EMMA_INSTRUMENT_FRAMEWORK") {
+			artModules = append(artModules, "jacocoagent")
+		}
+		frameworkModules := android.RemoveListFromList(global.BootJars,
+			concat(artModules, getJarsFromApexJarPairs(global.UpdatableBootJars)))
-		var bootLocations []string
+		artSubdir := "apex/"
+		frameworkSubdir := "system/framework"
+		var artLocations, frameworkLocations []string
 		for _, m := range artModules {
-			bootLocations = append(bootLocations,
-				filepath.Join("/apex/", stemOf(m)+".jar"))
+			artLocations = append(artLocations, filepath.Join("/"+artSubdir, stemOf(m)+".jar"))
+		}
+		for _, m := range frameworkModules {
+			frameworkLocations = append(frameworkLocations, filepath.Join("/"+frameworkSubdir, stemOf(m)+".jar"))
-		if !artApexJarsOnly {
-			nonFrameworkModules := concat(artModules, getJarsFromApexJarPairs(global.UpdatableBootJars))
-			frameworkModules := android.RemoveListFromList(global.BootJars, nonFrameworkModules)
-			imageModules = concat(imageModules, frameworkModules)
+		// ART config for the primary boot image in the ART apex.
+		// It includes the Core Libraries.
+		artCfg := bootImageConfig{
+			extension:        false,
+			name:             artBootImageName,
+			stem:             "boot",
+			installSubdir:    artSubdir,
+			modules:          artModules,
+			dexLocations:     artLocations,
+			dexLocationsDeps: artLocations,
+		}
-			for _, m := range frameworkModules {
-				bootLocations = append(bootLocations,
-					filepath.Join("/system/framework", stemOf(m)+".jar"))
+		// Framework config for the boot image extension.
+		// It includes framework libraries and depends on the ART config.
+		frameworkCfg := bootImageConfig{
+			extension:        true,
+			name:             frameworkBootImageName,
+			stem:             "boot",
+			installSubdir:    frameworkSubdir,
+			modules:          frameworkModules,
+			dexLocations:     frameworkLocations,
+			dexLocationsDeps: append(artLocations, frameworkLocations...),
+		}
+		// Apex config for the  boot image used in the JIT-zygote experiment.
+		// It includes both the Core libraries and framework.
+		apexCfg := bootImageConfig{
+			extension:        false,
+			name:             apexBootImageName,
+			stem:             "apex",
+			installSubdir:    frameworkSubdir,
+			modules:          concat(artModules, frameworkModules),
+			dexLocations:     concat(artLocations, frameworkLocations),
+			dexLocationsDeps: concat(artLocations, frameworkLocations),
+		}
+		configs := map[string]*bootImageConfig{
+			artBootImageName:       &artCfg,
+			frameworkBootImageName: &frameworkCfg,
+			apexBootImageName:      &apexCfg,
+		}
+		// common to all configs
+		for _, c := range configs {
+			c.targets = targets
+			c.dir = deviceDir.Join(ctx, "dex_""jars")
+			c.symbolsDir = deviceDir.Join(ctx, "dex_""jars_unstripped")
+			// expands to <stem>.art for primary image and <stem>-<1st module>.art for extension
+			imageName := c.firstModuleNameOrStem() + ".art"
+			c.imageLocations = []string{c.dir.Join(ctx, c.installSubdir, imageName).String()}
+			// The path to bootclasspath dex files needs to be known at module
+			// GenerateAndroidBuildAction time, before the bootclasspath modules have been compiled.
+			// Set up known paths for them, the singleton rules will copy them there.
+			// TODO(b/143682396): use module dependencies instead
+			inputDir := deviceDir.Join(ctx, "dex_""jars_input")
+			for _, m := range c.modules {
+				c.dexPaths = append(c.dexPaths, inputDir.Join(ctx, stemOf(m)+".jar"))
+			}
+			c.dexPathsDeps = c.dexPaths
+			c.images = make(map[android.ArchType]android.OutputPath)
+			c.imagesDeps = make(map[android.ArchType]android.OutputPaths)
+			for _, target := range targets {
+				arch := target.Arch.ArchType
+				imageDir := c.dir.Join(ctx, c.installSubdir, arch.String())
+				c.images[arch] = imageDir.Join(ctx, imageName)
+				c.imagesDeps[arch] = c.moduleFiles(ctx, imageDir, ".art", ".oat", ".vdex")
-		// The path to bootclasspath dex files needs to be known at module GenerateAndroidBuildAction time, before
-		// the bootclasspath modules have been compiled.  Set up known paths for them, the singleton rules will copy
-		// them there.
-		// TODO(b/143682396): use module dependencies instead
-		var bootDexPaths android.WritablePaths
-		for _, m := range imageModules {
-			bootDexPaths = append(bootDexPaths,
-				android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.Config().DeviceName(), "dex_"+name+"jars_input", m+".jar"))
-		}
+		// specific to the framework config
+		frameworkCfg.dexPathsDeps = append(artCfg.dexPathsDeps, frameworkCfg.dexPathsDeps...)
+		frameworkCfg.imageLocations = append(artCfg.imageLocations, frameworkCfg.imageLocations...)
+ = frameworkCfg.dir.Join(ctx, frameworkCfg.stem+".zip")
-		dir := android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.Config().DeviceName(), "dex_"+name+"jars")
-		symbolsDir := android.PathForOutput(ctx, ctx.Config().DeviceName(), "dex_"+name+"jars_unstripped")
-		var zip android.WritablePath
-		if needZip {
-			zip = dir.Join(ctx, stem+".zip")
-		}
-		targets := dexpreoptTargets(ctx)
-		imageConfig := bootImageConfig{
-			name:         name,
-			stem:         stem,
-			modules:      imageModules,
-			dexLocations: bootLocations,
-			dexPaths:     bootDexPaths,
-			dir:          dir,
-			symbolsDir:   symbolsDir,
-			targets:      targets,
-			images:       make(map[android.ArchType]android.OutputPath),
-			imagesDeps:   make(map[android.ArchType]android.Paths),
-			zip:          zip,
-		}
-		for _, target := range targets {
-			imageDir := dir.Join(ctx, "system/framework", target.Arch.ArchType.String())
-			imageConfig.images[target.Arch.ArchType] = imageDir.Join(ctx, stem+".art")
-			imagesDeps := make([]android.Path, 0, len(imageConfig.modules)*3)
-			for _, dep := range imageConfig.moduleFiles(ctx, imageDir, ".art", ".oat", ".vdex") {
-				imagesDeps = append(imagesDeps, dep)
-			}
-			imageConfig.imagesDeps[target.Arch.ArchType] = imagesDeps
-		}
-		return imageConfig
-	}).(bootImageConfig)
+		return configs
+	}).(map[string]*bootImageConfig)
-// Default config is the one that goes in the system image. It includes both libcore and framework.
-var defaultBootImageConfigKey = android.NewOnceKey("defaultBootImageConfig")
-func defaultBootImageConfig(ctx android.PathContext) bootImageConfig {
-	return getBootImageConfig(ctx, defaultBootImageConfigKey, "boot", "boot", true, false)
-// Apex config is used for the JIT-zygote experiment. It includes both libcore and framework, but AOT-compiles only libcore.
-var apexBootImageConfigKey = android.NewOnceKey("apexBootImageConfig")
-func apexBootImageConfig(ctx android.PathContext) bootImageConfig {
-	return getBootImageConfig(ctx, apexBootImageConfigKey, "apex", "apex", false, false)
-// ART config is the one used for the ART apex. It includes only libcore.
-var artBootImageConfigKey = android.NewOnceKey("artBootImageConfig")
 func artBootImageConfig(ctx android.PathContext) bootImageConfig {
-	return getBootImageConfig(ctx, artBootImageConfigKey, "art", "boot", false, true)
+	return *genBootImageConfigs(ctx)[artBootImageName]
+func defaultBootImageConfig(ctx android.PathContext) bootImageConfig {
+	return *genBootImageConfigs(ctx)[frameworkBootImageName]
+func apexBootImageConfig(ctx android.PathContext) bootImageConfig {
+	return *genBootImageConfigs(ctx)[apexBootImageName]
 func defaultBootclasspath(ctx android.PathContext) []string {
 	return ctx.Config().OnceStringSlice(defaultBootclasspathKey, func() []string {
 		global := dexpreoptGlobalConfig(ctx)
 		image := defaultBootImageConfig(ctx)
 		updatableBootclasspath := make([]string, len(global.UpdatableBootJars))
 		for i, p := range global.UpdatableBootJars {
 			updatableBootclasspath[i] = dexpreopt.GetJarLocationFromApexJarPair(p)
-		bootclasspath := append(copyOf(image.dexLocations), updatableBootclasspath...)
+		bootclasspath := append(copyOf(image.dexLocationsDeps), updatableBootclasspath...)
 		return bootclasspath
@@ -245,7 +274,7 @@
 func dexpreoptConfigMakevars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
 	ctx.Strict("PRODUCT_BOOTCLASSPATH", strings.Join(defaultBootclasspath(ctx), ":"))
-	ctx.Strict("PRODUCT_DEX2OAT_BOOTCLASSPATH", strings.Join(defaultBootImageConfig(ctx).dexLocations, ":"))
+	ctx.Strict("PRODUCT_DEX2OAT_BOOTCLASSPATH", strings.Join(defaultBootImageConfig(ctx).dexLocationsDeps, ":"))
 	ctx.Strict("PRODUCT_SYSTEM_SERVER_CLASSPATH", strings.Join(systemServerClasspath(ctx), ":"))
 	ctx.Strict("DEXPREOPT_BOOT_JARS_MODULES", strings.Join(defaultBootImageConfig(ctx).modules, ":"))