Dexpreopt soong modules inside soong
Port the dexpreopt logic from Make to the dexpreopt package in Soong,
and use it to dexpreopt Soong modules. The same package is also
compiled into the dexpreopt_gen binary to generate dexpreopt scripts
for Make modules.
This relands Ib67e2febf9ed921f06e8a86b9ec945c80dff35eb and
I462182638bd57b1367b5bfb0718e975c11ae66f7, along with multiple fixes
to depsfile generation in dexpreopt_gen that caused .odex files for
modules in defined make to be missing dependencies on, and
a fix to not dexpreopt and strip tests.
Bug: 119412419
Bug: 120273280
Test: no differences to dexpreopt outputs on aosp_sailfish system/,
only expected changes to dexpreopt outputs on system_other
(.vdex files for privileged Soong modules no longer incorrectly
contain .dex contents).
Test: OUT_DIR=$PWD/out m
Test: NINJA_ARGS="-t deps out/target/product/sailfish/obj/APPS/Contacts_intermediates/" m
Change-Id: I6bb2c971cee65d2338839753aa0d84939f335b1b
diff --git a/java/dexpreopt.go b/java/dexpreopt.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae8d369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/dexpreopt.go
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package java
+import (
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ ""
+ ""
+ "android/soong/android"
+ "android/soong/dexpreopt"
+type dexpreopter struct {
+ dexpreoptProperties DexpreoptProperties
+ installPath android.OutputPath
+ isPrivApp bool
+ isSDKLibrary bool
+ isTest bool
+ builtInstalled []string
+type DexpreoptProperties struct {
+ Dex_preopt struct {
+ // If false, prevent dexpreopting and stripping the dex file from the final jar. Defaults to
+ // true.
+ Enabled *bool
+ // If true, generate an app image (.art file) for this module.
+ App_image *bool
+ // If true, use a checked-in profile to guide optimization. Defaults to false unless
+ // a matching profile is set or a profile is found in PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR
+ // that matches the name of this module, in which case it is defaulted to true.
+ Profile_guided *bool
+ // If set, provides the path to profile relative to the Android.bp file. If not set,
+ // defaults to searching for a file that matches the name of this module in the default
+ // profile location set by PRODUCT_DEX_PREOPT_PROFILE_DIR, or empty if not found.
+ Profile *string
+ }
+func (d *dexpreopter) dexpreoptDisabled(ctx android.ModuleContext) bool {
+ if ctx.Config().DisableDexPreopt(ctx.ModuleName()) {
+ return true
+ }
+ if ctx.Config().UnbundledBuild() {
+ return true
+ }
+ if d.isTest {
+ return true
+ }
+ if !BoolDefault(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.Enabled, true) {
+ return true
+ }
+ // TODO: contains no java code
+ return false
+func (d *dexpreopter) dexpreopt(ctx android.ModuleContext, dexJarFile android.ModuleOutPath) android.ModuleOutPath {
+ if d.dexpreoptDisabled(ctx) {
+ return dexJarFile
+ }
+ globalConfig := ctx.Config().Once("DexpreoptGlobalConfig", func() interface{} {
+ if f := ctx.Config().DexpreoptGlobalConfig(); f != "" {
+ ctx.AddNinjaFileDeps(f)
+ globalConfig, err := dexpreopt.LoadGlobalConfig(f)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return globalConfig
+ }
+ return dexpreopt.GlobalConfig{}
+ }).(dexpreopt.GlobalConfig)
+ var archs []string
+ for _, a := range ctx.MultiTargets() {
+ archs = append(archs, a.Arch.ArchType.String())
+ }
+ if len(archs) == 0 {
+ // assume this is a java library, dexpreopt for all arches for now
+ for _, target := range ctx.Config().Targets[android.Android] {
+ archs = append(archs, target.Arch.ArchType.String())
+ }
+ if inList(ctx.ModuleName(), globalConfig.SystemServerJars) && !d.isSDKLibrary {
+ // If the module is not an SDK library and it's a system server jar, only preopt the primary arch.
+ archs = archs[:1]
+ }
+ }
+ if ctx.Config().SecondArchIsTranslated() {
+ // Only preopt primary arch for translated arch since there is only an image there.
+ archs = archs[:1]
+ }
+ dexLocation := android.InstallPathToOnDevicePath(ctx, d.installPath)
+ strippedDexJarFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dexpreopt", dexJarFile.Base())
+ deps := android.Paths{dexJarFile}
+ var profileClassListing android.OptionalPath
+ profileIsTextListing := false
+ if BoolDefault(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.Profile_guided, true) {
+ // If dex_preopt.profile_guided is not set, default it based on the existence of the
+ // dexprepot.profile option or the profile class listing.
+ if String(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.Profile) != "" {
+ profileClassListing = android.OptionalPathForPath(
+ android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, String(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.Profile)))
+ profileIsTextListing = true
+ } else {
+ profileClassListing = android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx,
+ ctx.Config().DexPreoptProfileDir(), ctx.ModuleName()+".prof")
+ }
+ }
+ if profileClassListing.Valid() {
+ deps = append(deps, profileClassListing.Path())
+ }
+ uncompressedDex := false
+ if ctx.Config().UncompressPrivAppDex() &&
+ (d.isPrivApp || inList(ctx.ModuleName(), ctx.Config().ModulesLoadedByPrivilegedModules())) {
+ uncompressedDex = true
+ }
+ dexpreoptConfig := dexpreopt.ModuleConfig{
+ Name: ctx.ModuleName(),
+ DexLocation: dexLocation,
+ BuildPath: android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dexpreopt", ctx.ModuleName()+".jar").String(),
+ DexPath: dexJarFile.String(),
+ PreferIntegrity: false,
+ UncompressedDex: uncompressedDex,
+ HasApkLibraries: false,
+ PreoptFlags: nil,
+ ProfileClassListing: profileClassListing.String(),
+ ProfileIsTextListing: profileIsTextListing,
+ EnforceUsesLibraries: false,
+ OptionalUsesLibraries: nil,
+ UsesLibraries: nil,
+ LibraryPaths: nil,
+ Archs: archs,
+ DexPreoptImageLocation: "",
+ PreoptExtractedApk: false,
+ NoCreateAppImage: !BoolDefault(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.App_image, true),
+ ForceCreateAppImage: BoolDefault(d.dexpreoptProperties.Dex_preopt.App_image, false),
+ StripInputPath: dexJarFile.String(),
+ StripOutputPath: strippedDexJarFile.String(),
+ }
+ dexpreoptRule, err := dexpreopt.GenerateDexpreoptRule(globalConfig, dexpreoptConfig)
+ if err != nil {
+ ctx.ModuleErrorf("error generating dexpreopt rule: %s", err.Error())
+ return dexJarFile
+ }
+ var inputs android.Paths
+ for _, input := range dexpreoptRule.Inputs() {
+ if input == "" {
+ // Tests sometimes have empty configuration values that lead to empty inputs
+ continue
+ }
+ rel, isRel := android.MaybeRel(ctx, android.PathForModuleOut(ctx).String(), input)
+ if isRel {
+ inputs = append(inputs, android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, rel))
+ } else {
+ // TODO: use PathForOutput once boot image is moved to where PathForOutput can find it.
+ inputs = append(inputs, &bootImagePath{input})
+ }
+ }
+ var outputs android.WritablePaths
+ for _, output := range dexpreoptRule.Outputs() {
+ rel := android.Rel(ctx, android.PathForModuleOut(ctx).String(), output)
+ outputs = append(outputs, android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, rel))
+ }
+ for _, install := range dexpreoptRule.Installs() {
+ d.builtInstalled = append(d.builtInstalled, install.From+":"+install.To)
+ }
+ if len(dexpreoptRule.Commands()) > 0 {
+ ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
+ Rule: ctx.Rule(pctx, "dexpreopt", blueprint.RuleParams{
+ Command: strings.Join(proptools.NinjaEscape(dexpreoptRule.Commands()), " && "),
+ CommandDeps: dexpreoptRule.Tools(),
+ }),
+ Implicits: inputs,
+ Outputs: outputs,
+ Description: "dexpreopt",
+ })
+ }
+ stripRule, err := dexpreopt.GenerateStripRule(globalConfig, dexpreoptConfig)
+ if err != nil {
+ ctx.ModuleErrorf("error generating dexpreopt strip rule: %s", err.Error())
+ return dexJarFile
+ }
+ ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
+ Rule: ctx.Rule(pctx, "dexpreopt_strip", blueprint.RuleParams{
+ Command: strings.Join(proptools.NinjaEscape(stripRule.Commands()), " && "),
+ CommandDeps: stripRule.Tools(),
+ }),
+ Input: dexJarFile,
+ Output: strippedDexJarFile,
+ Description: "dexpreopt strip",
+ })
+ return strippedDexJarFile
+type bootImagePath struct {
+ path string
+var _ android.Path = (*bootImagePath)(nil)
+func (p *bootImagePath) String() string { return p.path }
+func (p *bootImagePath) Ext() string { return filepath.Ext(p.path) }
+func (p *bootImagePath) Base() string { return filepath.Base(p.path) }
+func (p *bootImagePath) Rel() string { return p.path }