Allow libwifi-hal to use makefile_goal

To migrate libwifi-hal from make to soong, its dependencis
(libwifi-hal-<vendor>) are wrapped in makefile_goal until they are
migrated to soong as well.

Bug: 239984067
Test: m
Merged-In: Icb09ef1bf40311498db04b7358634eadd0fed5fa
Change-Id: Icb09ef1bf40311498db04b7358634eadd0fed5fa
(cherry picked from commit f9392095d7e6f065310ab7662bb34897295f7d9f)
diff --git a/android/neverallow.go b/android/neverallow.go
index aa47bca..00078a0 100644
--- a/android/neverallow.go
+++ b/android/neverallow.go
@@ -212,11 +212,16 @@
 func createMakefileGoalRules() []Rule {
+	allowlist := []string{
+		// libwifi_hal uses makefile_goal for its dependencies
+		"frameworks/opt/net/wifi/libwifi_hal",
+	}
 	return []Rule{
 			WithoutMatcher("product_out_path", Regexp("^boot[0-9a-zA-Z.-]*[.]img$")).
-			Because("Only boot images may be imported as a makefile goal."),
+			NotIn(allowlist...).
+			Because("Only boot images may be imported as a makefile goal if not in allowed projects"),
diff --git a/android/neverallow_test.go b/android/neverallow_test.go
index 86f1a37..4772799 100644
--- a/android/neverallow_test.go
+++ b/android/neverallow_test.go
@@ -324,7 +324,32 @@
 		expectedErrors: []string{
-			"Only boot images may be imported as a makefile goal.",
+			"Only boot images.* may be imported as a makefile goal",
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		name: "disallowed makefile_goal outside external",
+		fs: map[string][]byte{
+			"project/Android.bp": []byte(`
+				makefile_goal {
+					name: "foo",
+					product_out_path: "obj/EXE/foo",
+				}
+			`),
+		},
+		expectedErrors: []string{
+			"not in allowed projects",
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		name: "allow makefile_goal within external",
+		fs: map[string][]byte{
+			"frameworks/opt/net/wifi/libwifi_hal/Android.bp": []byte(`
+				makefile_goal {
+					name: "foo",
+					product_out_path: "obj/EXE/foo",
+				}
+			`),
 	// Tests for the rule prohibiting the use of framework