[rust] Pass cc dependencies as linker flags.

In order to support cc dependencies which do not start with the 'lib'
prefix, we can't pass them through the -l flag. Instead, we can pass
them directly to linker flags.

Bug: 166151658
Test: cd external/rust/; mma
Test: cd external/crosvm/; mma
Test: Test linking to a cc dep that does not begin with 'lib'

Change-Id: I5acbf3d3405e66446f3eae600b35683c4eb3d8a5
diff --git a/rust/binary_test.go b/rust/binary_test.go
index b9c8698..eeee841 100644
--- a/rust/binary_test.go
+++ b/rust/binary_test.go
@@ -58,3 +58,21 @@
 		t.Errorf("unexpected prefer-dynamic flag, rustcFlags: %#v", flags)
+func TestLinkObjects(t *testing.T) {
+	ctx := testRust(t, `
+		rust_binary {
+			name: "fizz-buzz",
+			srcs: ["foo.rs"],
+			shared_libs: ["libfoo"],
+		}
+		cc_library {
+			name: "libfoo",
+		}`)
+	fizzBuzz := ctx.ModuleForTests("fizz-buzz", "android_arm64_armv8-a").Output("fizz-buzz")
+	linkFlags := fizzBuzz.Args["linkFlags"]
+	if !strings.Contains(linkFlags, "/libfoo.so") {
+		t.Errorf("missing shared dependency 'libfoo.so' in linkFlags: %#v", linkFlags)
+	}