Performs same checks as aidl_interface.go before stripping leading "I".
Test: building AIDL interface named IntEnum.aidl. Leading I is not
Change-Id: Ia40cbdf9b8936f6f58a99971eae1b2138a678c91
diff --git a/cc/gen.go b/cc/gen.go
index 42b0cbe..17ab45f 100644
--- a/cc/gen.go
+++ b/cc/gen.go
@@ -113,7 +113,14 @@
aidlPackage := strings.TrimSuffix(aidlFile.Rel(), aidlFile.Base())
baseName := strings.TrimSuffix(aidlFile.Base(), aidlFile.Ext())
- shortName := strings.TrimPrefix(baseName, "I")
+ shortName := baseName
+ // TODO(b/111362593): aidl_to_cpp_common.cpp uses heuristics to figure out if
+ // an interface name has a leading I. Those same heuristics have been
+ // moved here.
+ if len(baseName) >= 2 && baseName[0] == 'I' &&
+ strings.ToUpper(baseName)[1] == baseName[1] {
+ shortName = strings.TrimPrefix(baseName, "I")
+ }
outDir := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "aidl")
headerI := outDir.Join(ctx, aidlPackage, baseName+".h")