recovery: Enable the menu for User builds

Upstream recovery doesn't provide a menu for non ENG/UserDebug


Change-Id: I01b285a40287be4147d15a70b91ad17a3c93da68
diff --git a/recovery.cpp b/recovery.cpp
index 7ac5045..632b396 100644
--- a/recovery.cpp
+++ b/recovery.cpp
@@ -860,12 +860,10 @@
     status = ApplyFromAdb(device, true /* rescue_mode */, &next_action);
     ui->Print("\nInstall from ADB complete (status: %d).\n", status);
   } else if (!just_exit) {
-    // If this is an eng or userdebug build, automatically turn on the text display if no command
-    // is specified. Note that this should be called before setting the background to avoid
+    // Always show menu if no command is specified.
+    // Note that this should be called before setting the background to avoid
     // flickering the background image.
-    if (IsRoDebuggable()) {
-      ui->ShowText(true);
-    }
+    ui->ShowText(true);
     status = INSTALL_NONE;  // No command specified