Improve the implementation of UnsafeCASObject with Baker read barriers.

On ARM and ARM64, avoid loading the reference altogether when the
GC is not marking.

Also, extract the code logic for updating a reference field from
GenerateReferenceLoadWithBakerReadBarrier routines and move it to
new routines (UpdateReferenceFieldWithBakerReadBarrier), to make
the implementation more legible.

Test: Run ART target tests in Baker read barrier configuration.
Bug: 29516974
Change-Id: I11c53f0607e997cd02ec7911725e98ef3dc97d90
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index eee832a..2d95a2e 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@
     // Baker's read barriers, we need to perform the load of
     // mirror::Object::monitor_ *before* the original reference load.
     // This load-load ordering is required by the read barrier.
-    // The fast path/slow path (for Baker's algorithm) should look like:
+    // The slow path (for Baker's algorithm) should look like:
     //   uint32_t rb_state = Lockword(obj->monitor_).ReadBarrierState();
     //   lfence;  // Load fence or artificial data dependency to prevent load-load reordering
@@ -1002,6 +1002,18 @@
     __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
+    // The implementation is similar to LoadReferenceWithBakerReadBarrierSlowPathARM64's:
+    //
+    //   uint32_t rb_state = Lockword(obj->monitor_).ReadBarrierState();
+    //   lfence;  // Load fence or artificial data dependency to prevent load-load reordering
+    //   HeapReference<mirror::Object> ref = *src;  // Original reference load.
+    //   bool is_gray = (rb_state == ReadBarrier::GrayState());
+    //   if (is_gray) {
+    //     old_ref = ref;
+    //     ref = entrypoint(ref);  // ref = ReadBarrier::Mark(ref);  // Runtime entry point call.
+    //     compareAndSwapObject(obj, field_offset, old_ref, ref);
+    //   }
     // /* int32_t */ monitor = obj->monitor_
     uint32_t monitor_offset = mirror::Object::MonitorOffset().Int32Value();
     __ Ldr(temp_, HeapOperand(obj_, monitor_offset));
@@ -6230,8 +6242,7 @@
                                                                    size_t scale_factor,
                                                                    Register temp,
                                                                    bool needs_null_check,
-                                                                   bool use_load_acquire,
-                                                                   bool always_update_field) {
+                                                                   bool use_load_acquire) {
   // If we are emitting an array load, we should not be using a
@@ -6268,41 +6279,18 @@
   // entrypoint will already be loaded in `temp2`.
   Register temp2 = lr;
   Location temp2_loc = LocationFrom(temp2);
-  SlowPathCodeARM64* slow_path;
-  if (always_update_field) {
-    // LoadReferenceWithBakerReadBarrierAndUpdateFieldSlowPathARM64
-    // only supports address of the form `obj + field_offset`, where
-    // `obj` is a register and `field_offset` is a register. Thus
-    // `offset` and `scale_factor` above are expected to be null in
-    // this code path.
-    DCHECK_EQ(offset, 0u);
-    DCHECK_EQ(scale_factor, 0u);  /* "times 1" */
-    Location field_offset = index;
-    slow_path =
-        new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadReferenceWithBakerReadBarrierAndUpdateFieldSlowPathARM64(
-            instruction,
-            ref,
-            obj,
-            offset,
-            /* index */ field_offset,
-            scale_factor,
-            needs_null_check,
-            use_load_acquire,
-            temp,
-            /* entrypoint */ temp2_loc);
-  } else {
-    slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadReferenceWithBakerReadBarrierSlowPathARM64(
-        instruction,
-        ref,
-        obj,
-        offset,
-        index,
-        scale_factor,
-        needs_null_check,
-        use_load_acquire,
-        temp,
-        /* entrypoint */ temp2_loc);
-  }
+  SlowPathCodeARM64* slow_path =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadReferenceWithBakerReadBarrierSlowPathARM64(
+          instruction,
+          ref,
+          obj,
+          offset,
+          index,
+          scale_factor,
+          needs_null_check,
+          use_load_acquire,
+          temp,
+          /* entrypoint */ temp2_loc);
   // temp2 = Thread::Current()->pReadBarrierMarkReg ## ref.reg()
@@ -6314,12 +6302,83 @@
   // The entrypoint is null when the GC is not marking, this prevents one load compared to
   // checking GetIsGcMarking.
   __ Cbnz(temp2, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
-  // Fast path: just load the reference.
+  // Fast path: the GC is not marking: just load the reference.
       instruction, ref, obj, offset, index, scale_factor, needs_null_check, use_load_acquire);
   __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
+void CodeGeneratorARM64::UpdateReferenceFieldWithBakerReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                                                  Location ref,
+                                                                  Register obj,
+                                                                  Location field_offset,
+                                                                  Register temp,
+                                                                  bool needs_null_check,
+                                                                  bool use_load_acquire) {
+  DCHECK(kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+  DCHECK(kUseBakerReadBarrier);
+  // If we are emitting an array load, we should not be using a
+  // Load Acquire instruction.  In other words:
+  // `instruction->IsArrayGet()` => `!use_load_acquire`.
+  DCHECK(!instruction->IsArrayGet() || !use_load_acquire);
+  // Query `art::Thread::Current()->GetIsGcMarking()` to decide
+  // whether we need to enter the slow path to update the reference
+  // field within `obj`.  Then, in the slow path, check the gray bit
+  // in the lock word of the reference's holder (`obj`) to decide
+  // whether to mark `ref` and update the field or not.
+  //
+  // Note that we do not actually check the value of `GetIsGcMarking()`;
+  // instead, we load into `temp2` the read barrier mark entry point
+  // corresponding to register `ref`. If `temp2` is null, it means
+  // that `GetIsGcMarking()` is false, and vice versa.
+  //
+  //   temp2 = Thread::Current()->pReadBarrierMarkReg ## root.reg()
+  //   if (temp2 != nullptr) {  // <=> Thread::Current()->GetIsGcMarking()
+  //     // Slow path.
+  //     uint32_t rb_state = Lockword(obj->monitor_).ReadBarrierState();
+  //     lfence;  // Load fence or artificial data dependency to prevent load-load reordering
+  //     HeapReference<mirror::Object> ref = *(obj + field_offset);  // Reference load.
+  //     bool is_gray = (rb_state == ReadBarrier::GrayState());
+  //     if (is_gray) {
+  //       old_ref = ref;
+  //       ref = temp2(ref);  // ref = ReadBarrier::Mark(ref);  // Runtime entry point call.
+  //       compareAndSwapObject(obj, field_offset, old_ref, ref);
+  //     }
+  //   }
+  // Slow path updating the object reference at address `obj + field_offset`
+  // when the GC is marking. The entrypoint will already be loaded in `temp2`.
+  Register temp2 = lr;
+  Location temp2_loc = LocationFrom(temp2);
+  SlowPathCodeARM64* slow_path =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadReferenceWithBakerReadBarrierAndUpdateFieldSlowPathARM64(
+          instruction,
+          ref,
+          obj,
+          /* offset */ 0u,
+          /* index */ field_offset,
+          /* scale_factor */ 0u /* "times 1" */,
+          needs_null_check,
+          use_load_acquire,
+          temp,
+          /* entrypoint */ temp2_loc);
+  AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+  // temp2 = Thread::Current()->pReadBarrierMarkReg ## ref.reg()
+  const int32_t entry_point_offset =
+      CodeGenerator::GetReadBarrierMarkEntryPointsOffset<kArm64PointerSize>(ref.reg());
+  // Loading the entrypoint does not require a load acquire since it is only changed when
+  // threads are suspended or running a checkpoint.
+  __ Ldr(temp2, MemOperand(tr, entry_point_offset));
+  // The entrypoint is null when the GC is not marking, this prevents one load compared to
+  // checking GetIsGcMarking.
+  __ Cbnz(temp2, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+  // Fast path: the GC is not marking: nothing to do (the field is
+  // up-to-date, and we don't need to load the reference).
+  __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
 void CodeGeneratorARM64::GenerateRawReferenceLoad(HInstruction* instruction,
                                                   Location ref,
                                                   Register obj,