Minor suspend check tweak

Rearrange the suspend check branch for unconditional backwards
branches.  Now, the conditional branch on rSUSPEND will go directly
to the target in the common case, and fallthrough to an
unconditional branch to the suspend launchpad in the uncommon case.

Change-Id: Ie1a2b2fe720efde6e131a8d5274b7487fb644881
diff --git a/src/compiler/codegen/GenCommon.cc b/src/compiler/codegen/GenCommon.cc
index 54b8e5f..3cc594c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/codegen/GenCommon.cc
+++ b/src/compiler/codegen/GenCommon.cc
@@ -2503,4 +2503,34 @@
+/* Check if we need to check for pending suspend request */
+void genSuspendTestAndBranch(CompilationUnit* cUnit, MIR* mir, LIR* target)
+    if (NO_SUSPEND || (mir->optimizationFlags & MIR_IGNORE_SUSPEND_CHECK)) {
+        opUnconditionalBranch(cUnit, target);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (cUnit->genDebugger) {
+        genSuspendTest(cUnit, mir);
+        opUnconditionalBranch(cUnit, target);
+    } else {
+#if defined(TARGET_ARM)
+        // In non-debug case, only check periodically
+        newLIR2(cUnit, kThumbSubRI8, rSUSPEND, 1);
+        opCondBranch(cUnit, kCondNe, target);
+#elif defined(TARGET_X86)
+        newLIR2(cUnit, kX86Cmp32TI, Thread::SuspendCountOffset().Int32Value(), 0);
+        opCondBranch(cUnit, kCondEq, target);
+        opRegImm(cUnit, kOpSub, rSUSPEND, 1);
+        opCmpImmBranch(cUnit, kCondNe, rSUSPEND, 0, target);
+        LIR* launchPad = rawLIR(cUnit, cUnit->currentDalvikOffset,
+                                kPseudoSuspendTarget, (intptr_t)target, mir->offset);
+        oatFlushAllRegs(cUnit);
+        opUnconditionalBranch(cUnit, launchPad);
+        oatInsertGrowableList(cUnit, &cUnit->suspendLaunchpads, (intptr_t)launchPad);
+    }
 }  // namespace art