lambda: Infrastructure to support capture/liberate-variable dex opcodes
* ArtLambdaMethod - wrap an ArtMethod with extra runtime lambda info
* Closure - data representation for a runtime lambda closure (read-only)
* ClosureBuilder - writer for creating a Closure at runtime
* ShortyFieldType - char/enum wrapper for shorty_field_type in dex
* Closure, ClosureBuilder, ShortyFieldType have full unit test coverage.
* ArtLambdaMethod does not, but it is tested indirectly and is otherwise
trivial getters.
Future CLs will include interpreter integration with minimal changes to
this Closure infrastructure.
Change-Id: I38a7aea8df1da7b154fd6623258c6c228c8e51df
diff --git a/runtime/lambda/closure.h b/runtime/lambda/closure.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60d117e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/lambda/closure.h
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/mutex.h" // For Locks::mutator_lock_.
+#include "lambda/shorty_field_type.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace art {
+class ArtMethod; // forward declaration
+namespace mirror {
+class Object; // forward declaration
+} // namespace mirror
+namespace lambda {
+class ArtLambdaMethod; // forward declaration
+class ClosureBuilder; // forward declaration
+// Inline representation of a lambda closure.
+// Contains the target method and the set of packed captured variables as a copy.
+// The closure itself is logically immutable, although in practice any object references
+// it (recursively) contains can be moved and updated by the GC.
+struct PACKED(sizeof(ArtLambdaMethod*)) Closure {
+ // Get the size of the Closure in bytes.
+ // This is necessary in order to allocate a large enough area to copy the Closure into.
+ // Do *not* copy the closure with memcpy, since references also need to get moved.
+ size_t GetSize() const;
+ // Copy this closure into the target, whose memory size is specified by target_size.
+ // Any object references are fixed up during the copy (if there was a read barrier).
+ // The target_size must be at least as large as GetSize().
+ void CopyTo(void* target, size_t target_size) const;
+ // How many variables were captured?
+ size_t GetNumberOfCapturedVariables() const;
+ // Returns a type descriptor string that represents each captured variable.
+ // e.g. "Ljava/lang/Object;ZB" would mean a capture tuple of (Object, boolean, byte)
+ const char* GetCapturedVariablesTypeDescriptor() const;
+ // Returns the short type for the captured variable at index.
+ // Index must be less than the number of captured variables.
+ ShortyFieldType GetCapturedShortyType(size_t index) const;
+ // Returns the 32-bit representation of a non-wide primitive at the captured variable index.
+ // Smaller types are zero extended.
+ // Index must be less than the number of captured variables.
+ uint32_t GetCapturedPrimitiveNarrow(size_t index) const;
+ // Returns the 64-bit representation of a wide primitive at the captured variable index.
+ // Smaller types are zero extended.
+ // Index must be less than the number of captured variables.
+ uint64_t GetCapturedPrimitiveWide(size_t index) const;
+ // Returns the object reference at the captured variable index.
+ // The type at the index *must* be an object reference or a CHECK failure will occur.
+ // Index must be less than the number of captured variables.
+ mirror::Object* GetCapturedObject(size_t index) const SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+ // Gets the size of a nested capture closure in bytes, at the captured variable index.
+ // The type at the index *must* be a lambda closure or a CHECK failure will occur.
+ size_t GetCapturedClosureSize(size_t index) const;
+ // Copies a nested lambda closure at the captured variable index.
+ // The destination must have enough room for the closure (see GetCapturedClosureSize).
+ void CopyCapturedClosure(size_t index, void* destination, size_t destination_room) const;
+ private:
+ // Read out any non-lambda value as a copy.
+ template <typename T>
+ T GetCapturedVariable(size_t index) const;
+ // Reconstruct the closure's captured variable info at runtime.
+ struct VariableInfo {
+ size_t index_;
+ ShortyFieldType variable_type_;
+ size_t offset_;
+ size_t count_;
+ enum Flags {
+ kIndex = 0x1,
+ kVariableType = 0x2,
+ kOffset = 0x4,
+ kCount = 0x8,
+ };
+ // Traverse to the end of the type descriptor list instead of stopping at some particular index.
+ static constexpr size_t kUpToIndexMax = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
+ };
+ // Parse a type descriptor, stopping at index "upto_index".
+ // Returns only the information requested in flags. All other fields are indeterminate.
+ template <VariableInfo::Flags flags>
+ inline VariableInfo ALWAYS_INLINE ParseTypeDescriptor(const char* type_descriptor,
+ size_t upto_index) const;
+ // Convenience function to call ParseTypeDescriptor with just the type and offset.
+ void GetCapturedVariableTypeAndOffset(size_t index,
+ ShortyFieldType* out_type,
+ size_t* out_offset) const;
+ // How many bytes do the captured variables take up? Runtime sizeof(captured_variables).
+ size_t GetCapturedVariablesSize() const;
+ // Get the size in bytes of the variable_type which is potentially stored at offset.
+ size_t GetCapturedVariableSize(ShortyFieldType variable_type, size_t offset) const;
+ // Get the starting offset (in bytes) for the 0th captured variable.
+ // All offsets are relative to 'captured_'.
+ size_t GetStartingOffset() const;
+ // Get the offset for this index.
+ // All offsets are relative to 'captuerd_'.
+ size_t GetCapturedVariableOffset(size_t index) const;
+ // Cast the data at '(char*)captured_[offset]' into T, returning its address.
+ // This value should not be de-referenced directly since its unaligned.
+ template <typename T>
+ inline const uint8_t* GetUnsafeAtOffset(size_t offset) const;
+ // Copy the data at the offset into the destination. DCHECKs that
+ // the destination_room is large enough (in bytes) to fit the data.
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void CopyUnsafeAtOffset(size_t offset,
+ void* destination,
+ size_t src_size = sizeof(T),
+ size_t destination_room = sizeof(T)) const;
+ // Get the closure size from an unaligned (i.e. interior) closure pointer.
+ static size_t GetClosureSize(const uint8_t* closure);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Compile-time known lambda information such as the type descriptor and size.
+ ArtLambdaMethod* lambda_info_;
+ // A contiguous list of captured variables, and possibly the closure size.
+ // The runtime size can always be determined through GetSize().
+ union {
+ // Read from here if the closure size is static (ArtLambdaMethod::IsStatic)
+ uint8_t static_variables_[0];
+ struct {
+ // Read from here if the closure size is dynamic (ArtLambdaMethod::IsDynamic)
+ size_t size_; // The lambda_info_ and the size_ itself is also included as part of the size.
+ uint8_t variables_[0];
+ } dynamic_;
+ } captured_[0];
+ // captured_ will always consist of one array element at runtime.
+ // Set to [0] so that 'size_' is not counted in sizeof(Closure).
+ friend class ClosureBuilder;
+ friend class ClosureTest;
+} // namespace lambda
+} // namespace art