Revert "ART: Update DCE to work with try/catch"

This reverts commit ce52901e2c8377fc1c331ae0faf7fbcb46b9da97.

Change-Id: I6b3a1f2a3dc036030b089b0df2005ecefa66b949
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 4d79b55..68fb0ac 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -366,11 +366,7 @@
     HBasicBlock* first_predecessor = block->GetPredecessors()[0];
     DCHECK(!block->IsLoopHeader() || !block->GetLoopInformation()->IsBackEdge(*first_predecessor));
     const HTryBoundary* try_entry = first_predecessor->ComputeTryEntryOfSuccessors();
-    if (try_entry != nullptr &&
-        (block->GetTryCatchInformation() == nullptr ||
-         try_entry != &block->GetTryCatchInformation()->GetTryEntry())) {
-      // We are either setting try block membership for the first time or it
-      // has changed.
+    if (try_entry != nullptr) {
       block->SetTryCatchInformation(new (arena_) TryCatchInformation(*try_entry));
@@ -1376,30 +1372,13 @@
   // instructions.
   for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : predecessors_) {
     HInstruction* last_instruction = predecessor->GetLastInstruction();
-    if (last_instruction->IsTryBoundary() && !IsCatchBlock()) {
-      // This block is the only normal-flow successor of the TryBoundary which
-      // makes `predecessor` dead. Since DCE removes blocks in post order,
-      // exception handlers of this TryBoundary were already visited and any
-      // remaining handlers therefore must be live. We remove `predecessor` from
-      // their list of predecessors.
-      DCHECK_EQ(last_instruction->AsTryBoundary()->GetNormalFlowSuccessor(), this);
-      while (predecessor->GetSuccessors().size() > 1) {
-        HBasicBlock* handler = predecessor->GetSuccessors()[1];
-        DCHECK(handler->IsCatchBlock());
-        predecessor->RemoveSuccessor(handler);
-        handler->RemovePredecessor(predecessor);
-      }
-    }
     uint32_t num_pred_successors = predecessor->GetSuccessors().size();
     if (num_pred_successors == 1u) {
       // If we have one successor after removing one, then we must have
-      // had an HIf, HPackedSwitch or HTryBoundary, as they have more than one
-      // successor. Replace those with a HGoto.
-      DCHECK(last_instruction->IsIf() ||
-             last_instruction->IsPackedSwitch() ||
-             (last_instruction->IsTryBoundary() && IsCatchBlock()));
+      // had an HIf or HPackedSwitch, as they have more than one successor.
+      // Replace those with a HGoto.
+      DCHECK(last_instruction->IsIf() || last_instruction->IsPackedSwitch());
       predecessor->AddInstruction(new (graph_->GetArena()) HGoto(last_instruction->GetDexPc()));
     } else if (num_pred_successors == 0u) {
@@ -1408,12 +1387,10 @@
       // SSAChecker fails unless it is not removed during the pass too.
     } else {
-      // There are multiple successors left. The removed block might be a successor
-      // of a PackedSwitch which will be completely removed (perhaps replaced with
-      // a Goto), or we are deleting a catch block from a TryBoundary. In either
-      // case, leave `last_instruction` as is for now.
-      DCHECK(last_instruction->IsPackedSwitch() ||
-             (last_instruction->IsTryBoundary() && IsCatchBlock()));
+      // There are multiple successors left.  This must come from a HPackedSwitch
+      // and we are in the middle of removing the HPackedSwitch. Like above, leave
+      // this alone, and the SSAChecker will fail if it is not removed as well.
+      DCHECK(last_instruction->IsPackedSwitch());