odrefresh: Report dex2oat result for each stage.

This is the first step to improve odrefresh metrics collection. More CLs
will follow.

After the change, the metrics should tell:
- whether dex2oat is invoked or not
- whether dex2oat crashed or exited with a code

Bug: 246534524
Test: m test-art-host-gtest-art_runtime_tests
Test: m test-art-host-gtest-art_artd_tests
Test: atest ArtGtestsTargetChroot:OdRefreshTest
Ignore-AOSP-First: Contains internal-only changes. Will cherry-pick the
  AOSP part.
Change-Id: Id962a6e6a765371d290a836c51059d725c9250f3
diff --git a/artd/artd.cc b/artd/artd.cc
index 24d5205..db317f9 100644
--- a/artd/artd.cc
+++ b/artd/artd.cc
@@ -871,14 +871,13 @@
 android::base::Result<int> Artd::ExecAndReturnCode(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
                                                    int timeout_sec,
                                                    ProcessStat* stat) const {
-  bool ignored_timed_out = false;  // This information is encoded in the error message.
   std::string error_msg;
-  int exit_code = exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnCode(
-      args, timeout_sec, ExecCallbacks(), &ignored_timed_out, stat, &error_msg);
-  if (exit_code < 0) {
+  ExecResult result =
+      exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnResult(args, timeout_sec, ExecCallbacks(), stat, &error_msg);
+  if (result.status != ExecResult::kExited) {
     return Error() << error_msg;
-  return exit_code;
+  return result.exit_code;
 }  // namespace artd
diff --git a/artd/artd_test.cc b/artd/artd_test.cc
index 3a3b29a..92180b1 100644
--- a/artd/artd_test.cc
+++ b/artd/artd_test.cc
@@ -172,16 +172,19 @@
   // A workaround to avoid MOCK_METHOD on a method with an `std::string*` parameter, which will lead
   // to a conflict between gmock and android-base/logging.h (b/132668253).
-  int ExecAndReturnCode(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
-                        int,
-                        const ExecCallbacks&,
-                        bool*,
-                        ProcessStat* stat,
-                        std::string*) const override {
-    return DoExecAndReturnCode(arg_vector, stat);
+  ExecResult ExecAndReturnResult(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
+                                 int,
+                                 const ExecCallbacks&,
+                                 ProcessStat* stat,
+                                 std::string*) const override {
+    Result<int> code = DoExecAndReturnCode(arg_vector, stat);
+    if (code.ok()) {
+      return {.status = ExecResult::kExited, .exit_code = code.value()};
+    }
+    return {.status = ExecResult::kUnknown};
+  MOCK_METHOD(Result<int>,
               (const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector, ProcessStat* stat),
diff --git a/odrefresh/Android.bp b/odrefresh/Android.bp
index 55a1fde..9958e3a 100644
--- a/odrefresh/Android.bp
+++ b/odrefresh/Android.bp
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
     host_supported: true,
     export_include_dirs: ["include"],
     local_include_dirs: ["include"],
+    header_libs: ["libart_headers"],
     shared_libs: ["libartbase"],
     target: {
         android: {
diff --git a/odrefresh/odr_metrics.cc b/odrefresh/odr_metrics.cc
index a2ce51f..57a0241 100644
--- a/odrefresh/odr_metrics.cc
+++ b/odrefresh/odr_metrics.cc
@@ -79,7 +79,26 @@
     case Stage::kComplete:
     case Stage::kPreparation:
     case Stage::kUnknown:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected stage " << stage_ << " when setting compilation time";
+  }
+void OdrMetrics::SetDex2OatResult(const ExecResult& dex2oat_result) {
+  switch (stage_) {
+    case Stage::kPrimaryBootClasspath:
+      primary_bcp_dex2oat_result_ = dex2oat_result;
+    case Stage::kSecondaryBootClasspath:
+      secondary_bcp_dex2oat_result_ = dex2oat_result;
+      break;
+    case Stage::kSystemServerClasspath:
+      system_server_dex2oat_result_ = dex2oat_result;
+      break;
+    case Stage::kCheck:
+    case Stage::kComplete:
+    case Stage::kPreparation:
+    case Stage::kUnknown:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected stage " << stage_ << " when setting dex2oat result";
diff --git a/odrefresh/odr_metrics.h b/odrefresh/odr_metrics.h
index 7ebc148..afe3efd 100644
--- a/odrefresh/odr_metrics.h
+++ b/odrefresh/odr_metrics.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include "base/macros.h"
+#include "exec_utils.h"
 #include "odr_metrics_record.h"
 namespace art {
@@ -115,6 +116,9 @@
   // Sets the current odrefresh processing stage.
   void SetStage(Stage stage);
+  // Sets the result of the current dex2oat invocation.
+  void SetDex2OatResult(const ExecResult& dex2oat_result);
   // Record metrics into an OdrMetricsRecord.
   // returns true on success, false if instance is not valid (because the trigger value is not set).
   bool ToRecord(/*out*/OdrMetricsRecord* record) const;
@@ -139,10 +143,28 @@
   int32_t cache_space_free_start_mib_ = 0;
   int32_t cache_space_free_end_mib_ = 0;
+  // The total time spent on compiling primary BCP.
   int32_t primary_bcp_compilation_millis_ = 0;
+  // The result of the dex2oat invocation for compiling primary BCP, or `std::nullopt` if dex2oat is
+  // not invoked.
+  std::optional<ExecResult> primary_bcp_dex2oat_result_;
+  // The total time spent on compiling secondary BCP.
   int32_t secondary_bcp_compilation_millis_ = 0;
+  // The result of the dex2oat invocation for compiling secondary BCP, or `std::nullopt` if dex2oat
+  // is not invoked.
+  std::optional<ExecResult> secondary_bcp_dex2oat_result_;
+  // The total time spent on compiling system server.
   int32_t system_server_compilation_millis_ = 0;
+  // The result of the last dex2oat invocation for compiling system server, or `std::nullopt` if
+  // dex2oat is not invoked.
+  std::optional<ExecResult> system_server_dex2oat_result_;
   friend class ScopedOdrCompilationTimer;
diff --git a/odrefresh/odrefresh.cc b/odrefresh/odrefresh.cc
index ba32b0a..618163a 100644
--- a/odrefresh/odrefresh.cc
+++ b/odrefresh/odrefresh.cc
@@ -1549,15 +1549,11 @@
     return true;
-  bool timed_out = false;
-  int dex2oat_exit_code = exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnCode(args, timeout, &timed_out, error_msg);
+  ExecResult dex2oat_result = exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnResult(args, timeout, error_msg);
+  metrics.SetDex2OatResult(dex2oat_result);
-  if (dex2oat_exit_code != 0) {
-    if (timed_out) {
-      metrics.SetStatus(OdrMetrics::Status::kTimeLimitExceeded);
-    } else {
-      metrics.SetStatus(OdrMetrics::Status::kDex2OatError);
-    }
+  if (dex2oat_result.status != ExecResult::kExited || dex2oat_result.exit_code != 0) {
+    metrics.SetStatus(OdrMetrics::Status::kDex2OatError);
     return false;
@@ -1708,15 +1704,11 @@
       return true;
-    bool timed_out = false;
-    int dex2oat_exit_code = exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnCode(args, timeout, &timed_out, error_msg);
+    ExecResult dex2oat_result = exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnResult(args, timeout, error_msg);
+    metrics.SetDex2OatResult(dex2oat_result);
-    if (dex2oat_exit_code != 0) {
-      if (timed_out) {
-        metrics.SetStatus(OdrMetrics::Status::kTimeLimitExceeded);
-      } else {
-        metrics.SetStatus(OdrMetrics::Status::kDex2OatError);
-      }
+    if (dex2oat_result.status != ExecResult::kExited || dex2oat_result.exit_code != 0) {
+      metrics.SetStatus(OdrMetrics::Status::kDex2OatError);
       return false;
diff --git a/odrefresh/odrefresh_test.cc b/odrefresh/odrefresh_test.cc
index d28c0d8..cb6bee0 100644
--- a/odrefresh/odrefresh_test.cc
+++ b/odrefresh/odrefresh_test.cc
@@ -71,11 +71,10 @@
   // A workaround to avoid MOCK_METHOD on a method with an `std::string*` parameter, which will lead
   // to a conflict between gmock and android-base/logging.h (b/132668253).
-  int ExecAndReturnCode(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
-                        int,
-                        bool*,
-                        std::string*) const override {
-    return DoExecAndReturnCode(arg_vector);
+  ExecResult ExecAndReturnResult(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
+                                 int,
+                                 std::string*) const override {
+    return {.status = ExecResult::kExited, .exit_code = DoExecAndReturnCode(arg_vector)};
   MOCK_METHOD(int, DoExecAndReturnCode, (const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector), (const));
diff --git a/runtime/exec_utils.cc b/runtime/exec_utils.cc
index 929f09f..dd389f8 100644
--- a/runtime/exec_utils.cc
+++ b/runtime/exec_utils.cc
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@
-int WaitChild(pid_t pid,
-              const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
-              bool no_wait,
-              std::string* error_msg) {
+ExecResult WaitChild(pid_t pid,
+                     const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
+                     bool no_wait,
+                     std::string* error_msg) {
   siginfo_t info;
   // WNOWAIT leaves the child in a waitable state. The call is still blocking.
   int options = WEXITED | (no_wait ? WNOWAIT : 0);
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
-    return -1;
+    return {.status = ExecResult::kUnknown};
   if (info.si_pid != pid) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("waitid failed for (%s): wanted pid %d, got %d: %s",
@@ -122,38 +122,38 @@
-    return -1;
+    return {.status = ExecResult::kUnknown};
   if (info.si_code != CLD_EXITED) {
     *error_msg =
         StringPrintf("Failed to execute (%s) because the child process is terminated by signal %d",
-    return -1;
+    return {.status = ExecResult::kSignaled, .signal = info.si_status};
-  return info.si_status;
+  return {.status = ExecResult::kExited, .exit_code = info.si_status};
 // A fallback implementation of `WaitChildWithTimeout` that creates a thread to wait instead of
 // relying on `pidfd_open`.
-int WaitChildWithTimeoutFallback(pid_t pid,
-                                 const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
-                                 int timeout_ms,
-                                 bool* timed_out,
-                                 std::string* error_msg) {
+ExecResult WaitChildWithTimeoutFallback(pid_t pid,
+                                        const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
+                                        int timeout_ms,
+                                        std::string* error_msg) {
   bool child_exited = false;
+  bool timed_out = false;
   std::condition_variable cv;
   std::mutex m;
   std::thread wait_thread([&]() {
     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
     if (!cv.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout_ms), [&] { return child_exited; })) {
-      *timed_out = true;
+      timed_out = true;
       kill(pid, SIGKILL);
-  int status = WaitChild(pid, arg_vector, /*no_wait=*/true, error_msg);
+  ExecResult result = WaitChild(pid, arg_vector, /*no_wait=*/true, error_msg);
     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);
@@ -163,24 +163,23 @@
   // The timeout error should have a higher priority than any other error.
-  if (*timed_out) {
+  if (timed_out) {
     *error_msg =
         StringPrintf("Failed to execute (%s) because the child process timed out after %dms",
-    return -1;
+    return ExecResult{.status = ExecResult::kTimedOut};
-  return status;
+  return result;
 // Waits for the child process to finish and leaves the child in a waitable state.
-int WaitChildWithTimeout(pid_t pid,
-                         unique_fd pidfd,
-                         const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
-                         int timeout_ms,
-                         bool* timed_out,
-                         std::string* error_msg) {
+ExecResult WaitChildWithTimeout(pid_t pid,
+                                unique_fd pidfd,
+                                const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
+                                int timeout_ms,
+                                std::string* error_msg) {
   auto cleanup = android::base::make_scope_guard([&]() {
     kill(pid, SIGKILL);
     std::string ignored_error_msg;
@@ -196,15 +195,14 @@
   if (poll_ret < 0) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("poll failed for pid %d: %s", pid, strerror(errno));
-    return -1;
+    return {.status = ExecResult::kUnknown};
   if (poll_ret == 0) {
-    *timed_out = true;
     *error_msg =
         StringPrintf("Failed to execute (%s) because the child process timed out after %dms",
-    return -1;
+    return {.status = ExecResult::kTimedOut};
@@ -242,54 +240,47 @@
 int ExecUtils::ExecAndReturnCode(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
                                  std::string* error_msg) const {
-  bool ignored_timed_out;
-  return ExecAndReturnCode(arg_vector, /*timeout_sec=*/-1, &ignored_timed_out, error_msg);
+  return ExecAndReturnResult(arg_vector, /*timeout_sec=*/-1, error_msg).exit_code;
-int ExecUtils::ExecAndReturnCode(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
-                                 int timeout_sec,
-                                 bool* timed_out,
-                                 std::string* error_msg) const {
-  return ExecAndReturnCode(
-      arg_vector, timeout_sec, ExecCallbacks(), timed_out, /*stat=*/nullptr, error_msg);
+ExecResult ExecUtils::ExecAndReturnResult(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
+                                          int timeout_sec,
+                                          std::string* error_msg) const {
+  return ExecAndReturnResult(arg_vector, timeout_sec, ExecCallbacks(), /*stat=*/nullptr, error_msg);
-int ExecUtils::ExecAndReturnCode(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
-                                 int timeout_sec,
-                                 const ExecCallbacks& callbacks,
-                                 /*out*/ bool* timed_out,
-                                 /*out*/ ProcessStat* stat,
-                                 /*out*/ std::string* error_msg) const {
-  *timed_out = false;
+ExecResult ExecUtils::ExecAndReturnResult(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
+                                          int timeout_sec,
+                                          const ExecCallbacks& callbacks,
+                                          /*out*/ ProcessStat* stat,
+                                          /*out*/ std::string* error_msg) const {
   if (timeout_sec > INT_MAX / 1000) {
     *error_msg = "Timeout too large";
-    return -1;
+    return {.status = ExecResult::kStartFailed};
   // Start subprocess.
   pid_t pid = ExecWithoutWait(arg_vector, error_msg);
   if (pid == -1) {
-    return -1;
+    return {.status = ExecResult::kStartFailed};
   // Wait for subprocess to finish.
-  int status;
+  ExecResult result;
   if (timeout_sec >= 0) {
     unique_fd pidfd = PidfdOpen(pid);
     if (pidfd.get() >= 0) {
-      status = WaitChildWithTimeout(
-          pid, std::move(pidfd), arg_vector, timeout_sec * 1000, timed_out, error_msg);
+      result =
+          WaitChildWithTimeout(pid, std::move(pidfd), arg_vector, timeout_sec * 1000, error_msg);
     } else {
       LOG(DEBUG) << StringPrintf(
           "pidfd_open failed for pid %d: %s, falling back", pid, strerror(errno));
-      status =
-          WaitChildWithTimeoutFallback(pid, arg_vector, timeout_sec * 1000, timed_out, error_msg);
+      result = WaitChildWithTimeoutFallback(pid, arg_vector, timeout_sec * 1000, error_msg);
   } else {
-    status = WaitChild(pid, arg_vector, /*no_wait=*/true, error_msg);
+    result = WaitChild(pid, arg_vector, /*no_wait=*/true, error_msg);
   if (stat != nullptr) {
@@ -303,12 +294,12 @@
   std::string local_error_msg;
   // TODO(jiakaiz): Use better logic to detect waitid failure.
-  if (WaitChild(pid, arg_vector, /*no_wait=*/false, &local_error_msg) < 0 &&
-      local_error_msg.find("waitid failed") == 0) {
+  if (WaitChild(pid, arg_vector, /*no_wait=*/false, &local_error_msg).status ==
+      ExecResult::kUnknown) {
     LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to clean up child process '" << arg_vector[0] << "': " << local_error_msg;
-  return status;
+  return result;
 bool ExecUtils::Exec(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector, std::string* error_msg) const {
diff --git a/runtime/exec_utils.h b/runtime/exec_utils.h
index aa0d0fc..c280e3e 100644
--- a/runtime/exec_utils.h
+++ b/runtime/exec_utils.h
@@ -43,6 +43,29 @@
   std::function<void(pid_t pid)> on_end = [](pid_t) {};
+struct ExecResult {
+  enum Status {
+    // Unable to get the status.
+    kUnknown = 0,
+    // Process exited normally with an exit code.
+    kExited = 1,
+    // Process terminated by a signal.
+    kSignaled = 2,
+    // Process timed out and killed.
+    kTimedOut = 3,
+    // Failed to start the process.
+    kStartFailed = 4,
+  };
+  Status status = kUnknown;
+  // The process exit code, if `status` is `kExited`, or -1.
+  int exit_code = -1;
+  // The signal that terminated the process, if `status` is `kSignaled`, or 0.
+  int signal = 0;
 // Wrapper on fork/execv to run a command in a subprocess.
 // These spawn child processes using the environment as it was set when the single instance
 // of the runtime (Runtime::Current()) was started.  If no instance of the runtime was started, it
@@ -59,21 +82,19 @@
   // Executes the command specified in `arg_vector` in a subprocess with a timeout.
   // If `timeout_sec` is negative, blocks until the subprocess exits.
-  // Returns the process exit code on success, -1 otherwise.
-  // Sets `timed_out` to true if the process times out, or false otherwise.
-  virtual int ExecAndReturnCode(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
-                                int timeout_sec,
-                                /*out*/ bool* timed_out,
-                                /*out*/ std::string* error_msg) const;
+  // Returns a structured result. If the status is not `kExited`, also returns a non-empty
+  // `error_msg`.
+  virtual ExecResult ExecAndReturnResult(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
+                                         int timeout_sec,
+                                         /*out*/ std::string* error_msg) const;
   // Same as above, but also collects stat of the process and calls callbacks. The stat is collected
   // no matter the child process succeeds or not.
-  virtual int ExecAndReturnCode(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
-                                int timeout_sec,
-                                const ExecCallbacks& callbacks,
-                                /*out*/ bool* timed_out,
-                                /*out*/ ProcessStat* stat,
-                                /*out*/ std::string* error_msg) const;
+  virtual ExecResult ExecAndReturnResult(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector,
+                                         int timeout_sec,
+                                         const ExecCallbacks& callbacks,
+                                         /*out*/ ProcessStat* stat,
+                                         /*out*/ std::string* error_msg) const;
   virtual android::base::unique_fd PidfdOpen(pid_t pid) const;
diff --git a/runtime/exec_utils_test.cc b/runtime/exec_utils_test.cc
index e9bbd8f..e89180b 100644
--- a/runtime/exec_utils_test.cc
+++ b/runtime/exec_utils_test.cc
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #include <sys/utsname.h>
+#include <csignal>
 #include <cstring>
 #include <filesystem>
 #include <memory>
@@ -120,7 +121,9 @@
   std::string error_msg;
   // Historical note: Running on Valgrind failed due to some memory
   // that leaks in thread alternate signal stacks.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(exec_utils_->Exec(command, &error_msg));
+  ExecResult result = exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnResult(command, /*timeout_sec=*/-1, &error_msg);
+  EXPECT_EQ(result.status, ExecResult::kSignaled);
+  EXPECT_EQ(result.signal, SIGABRT);
@@ -173,9 +176,9 @@
   static constexpr int kWaitSeconds = 1;
   std::vector<std::string> command = SleepCommand(kSleepSeconds);
   std::string error_msg;
-  bool timed_out;
-  ASSERT_EQ(exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnCode(command, kWaitSeconds, &timed_out, &error_msg), -1);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(timed_out) << error_msg;
+  EXPECT_EQ(exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnResult(command, kWaitSeconds, &error_msg).status,
+            ExecResult::kTimedOut)
+      << error_msg;
   EXPECT_THAT(error_msg, HasSubstr("timed out"));
@@ -184,10 +187,9 @@
   static constexpr int kWaitSeconds = 5;
   std::vector<std::string> command = SleepCommand(kSleepSeconds);
   std::string error_msg;
-  bool timed_out;
-  ASSERT_EQ(exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnCode(command, kWaitSeconds, &timed_out, &error_msg), 0)
+  EXPECT_EQ(exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnResult(command, kWaitSeconds, &error_msg).status,
+            ExecResult::kExited)
       << error_msg;
-  EXPECT_FALSE(timed_out);
 TEST_P(ExecUtilsTest, ExecStat) {
@@ -195,7 +197,6 @@
   std::string error_msg;
-  bool timed_out;
   ProcessStat stat;
   // The process filename is "a) b".
@@ -206,9 +207,11 @@
   EXPECT_CALL(*exec_utils_, GetUptimeMs()).WillOnce(Return(1620344887ll));
   EXPECT_CALL(*exec_utils_, GetTicksPerSec()).WillOnce(Return(100));
-  ASSERT_EQ(exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnCode(
-                command, /*timeout_sec=*/-1, ExecCallbacks(), &timed_out, &stat, &error_msg),
-            0)
+      exec_utils_
+          ->ExecAndReturnResult(command, /*timeout_sec=*/-1, ExecCallbacks(), &stat, &error_msg)
+          .status,
+      ExecResult::kExited)
       << error_msg;
   EXPECT_EQ(stat.cpu_time_ms, 990);
@@ -219,7 +222,6 @@
   std::vector<std::string> command = SleepCommand(5);
   std::string error_msg;
-  bool timed_out;
   ProcessStat stat;
   EXPECT_CALL(*exec_utils_, GetProcStat(_))
@@ -230,8 +232,11 @@
   EXPECT_CALL(*exec_utils_, GetTicksPerSec()).WillOnce(Return(100));
   // This will always time out.
-  exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnCode(
-      command, /*timeout_sec=*/1, ExecCallbacks(), &timed_out, &stat, &error_msg);
+      exec_utils_
+          ->ExecAndReturnResult(command, /*timeout_sec=*/1, ExecCallbacks(), &stat, &error_msg)
+          .status,
+      ExecResult::kTimedOut);
   EXPECT_EQ(stat.cpu_time_ms, 990);
   EXPECT_EQ(stat.wall_time_ms, 1007);
@@ -251,17 +256,14 @@
   std::string error_msg;
-  bool timed_out;
-  exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnCode(command,
-                                 /*timeout_sec=*/-1,
-                                 ExecCallbacks{
-                                     .on_start = on_start.AsStdFunction(),
-                                     .on_end = on_end.AsStdFunction(),
-                                 },
-                                 &timed_out,
-                                 /*stat=*/nullptr,
-                                 &error_msg);
+  exec_utils_->ExecAndReturnResult(command,
+                                   /*timeout_sec=*/-1,
+                                   ExecCallbacks{
+                                       .on_start = on_start.AsStdFunction(),
+                                       .on_end = on_end.AsStdFunction(),
+                                   },
+                                   /*stat=*/nullptr,
+                                   &error_msg);
 INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(AlwaysOrNeverFallback, ExecUtilsTest, testing::Values(true, false));