Regenerate ART test files (2021-11-26 (a)).

This change enables run-time support in automated executions for the
following test:

* `art-run-test-096-array-copy-concurrent-gc`

Output of `art/test/utils/regen-test-files`:

  $ art/test/utils/regen-test-files
  Generated Blueprint files for 656 ART run-tests out of 946 (69%).
  Generated TEST_MAPPING entries for 404 ART run-tests out of 946 (42%):
    404 ART run-tests (100%) in `mainline-presubmit` test group.
     18 ART gtests (94%) in `mainline-presubmit` test group.
    404 ART run-tests (100%) in `presubmit` test group.
     19 ART gtests (100%) in `presubmit` test group.
      0 ART run-tests (0%) in `postsubmit` test group.

Test: atest -a art-run-test-096-array-copy-concurrent-gc
Test: atest --test-mapping art:presubmit
Bug: 147812905
Bug: 152374989
Change-Id: I860fe2989f2b42eb8445f9a7f3819919e3c84fea
diff --git a/test/096-array-copy-concurrent-gc/Android.bp b/test/096-array-copy-concurrent-gc/Android.bp
index 1921041..e65cdfb 100644
--- a/test/096-array-copy-concurrent-gc/Android.bp
+++ b/test/096-array-copy-concurrent-gc/Android.bp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 java_test {
     name: "art-run-test-096-array-copy-concurrent-gc",
     defaults: ["art-run-test-defaults"],
-    test_config_template: ":art-run-test-target-no-test-suite-tag-template",
+    test_config_template: ":art-run-test-target-template",
     srcs: ["src/**/*.java"],
     data: [