Improve ahat dominators computation.

Improve the space complexity of the ahat dominators computation
algorithm to be linear in the size of the heap dump being processed.

Performance of the algorithm is on par with the previous version of the
algorithm, verified by running it on a collection of 150 or so Android
heap dumps laying around from old memory investigations. For example:

  old          new
0m1.161s --> 0m1.333s
0m2.800s --> 0m3.350s
0m2.805s --> 0m2.429s
0m4.161s --> 0m5.547s
0m4.553s --> 0m3.482s
0m5.714s --> 0m6.373s
0m6.254s --> 0m5.439s
0m11.615s --> 0m11.456s
0m14.377s --> 0m14.543s

The new algorithm performs considerably better in those cases where the
old algorithm has excessive memory requirements. For example:

   old          new
0m11.135s --> 0m5.915s
0m11.596s --> 0m7.805s
0m31.886s --> 0m10.569s
1m10.972s --> 0m14.350s

For the heap dump in b/79200800, the old algorithm would be killed after
trying to use more than 64GB of memory. The new algorithm takes roughly
2m30s and 5GB of memory to process that same heap dump.

Bug: 79200800
Test: m ahat-test
Test: Open a non-trivial heap dump and compare retained sizes for the
      top 30 or so rooted instances between the old and new version of
      the algorithm.

Change-Id: I8f939b35cf3867d3062863fd9dedeee487db9591
diff --git a/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/ b/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/
index d3fea48..6185dee 100644
--- a/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/
+++ b/tools/ahat/src/main/com/android/ahat/dominators/
@@ -17,9 +17,8 @@
 import java.util.ArrayDeque;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Deque;
-import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Queue;
@@ -106,43 +105,133 @@
     // dominator of B.
     public long id;
-    // Upper bound on the id of this node's dominator.
-    // The true immediate dominator of this node must have id <= domid.
-    // This upper bound is slowly tightened as part of the dominators
-    // computation.
-    public long domid;
+    // The largest id of all nodes reachable from this node.
+    // If > this.maxReachableId, then foo is not reachable from this
+    // node.
+    public long maxReachableId;
+    // The set of ids of nodes that have references to this node.
+    public IdSet inRefIds = new IdSet();
     // The current candidate dominator for this node.
-    // Invariant: (domid < implies this node is on the queue of
-    // nodes to be revisited.
+    // The true immediate dominator of this node must have id <=
     public NodeS domS;
-    // A node with a reference to this node that is one step closer to the
-    // root than this node.
-    // Invariant: <
-    public NodeS srcS;
+    // The previous candidate dominator for this node.
+    // Invariant:
+    // * There are no nodes xS reachable from this node on a path of nodes
+    //   with increasing ids (not counting for which
+    // > >
+    // This ensures that when all nodes xS satisfy xS.domS == xS.oldDomS, we
+    // have found the true immediate dominator of each node.
+    //
+    // Note: We only use this field to tell if this node is scheduled to be
+    // revisited. We could replace it with a boolean to save space, but it
+    // probably doesn't save that much space and it's easier to explain the
+    // algorithm if we can refer to this field.
+    public NodeS oldDomS;
-    // The largest id of the nodes we have seen so far on a path from the root
-    // to this node. Used to keep track of which nodes we have already seen
-    // and avoid processing them again.
-    public long seenid;
+    // The set of nodes that this node is the candidate immediate dominator
+    // of. More precisely, the set of nodes xS such that xS.domS == this.
+    public NodeSet dominated = new NodeSet();
-    // The set of nodes X reachable by 'this' on a path of nodes from the
-    // root with increasing ids (possibly excluding X) that this node does not
-    // dominate ( > X.domid).
-    // We can use a List instead of a Set for this because we guarentee based
-    // on seenid that we don't add the same node more than once to the list.
-    public List<NodeS> undom = new ArrayList<NodeS>();
+    // The set of nodes that this node is the old candidate immediate
+    // dominator of that need to be revisited. Specifically, the set of nodes
+    // xS such that:
+    //   xS.oldDomS == this && xS.oldDomS != xS.domS.
+    //
+    // The empty set is represented as null instead of an empty NodeSet to
+    // save memory.
+    // Invariant:
+    //   If revisit != null, this node is on the global list of nodes to be
+    //   revisited.
+    public NodeSet revisit = null;
-  private static class Link {
-    public NodeS srcS;
-    public Node dst;
+  // A collection of node ids.
+  private static class IdSet {
+    private int size = 0;
+    private long[] ids = new long[4];
+    // Adds an id to the set.
+    public void add(long id) {
+      if (size == ids.length) {
+        ids = Arrays.copyOf(ids, size * 2);
+      }
+      ids[size++] = id;
+    }
+    // Returns the most recent id added to the set. Behavior is undefined if
+    // the set is empty.
+    public long last() {
+      assert size != 0;
+      return ids[size - 1];
+    }
+    // Returns true if the set contains an id in the range [low, high]
+    // inclusive, false otherwise.
+    public boolean hasIdInRange(long low, long high) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+        if (low <= ids[i] && ids[i] <= high) {
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  // An unordered set of nodes data structure supporting efficient iteration
+  // over elements. The bulk of the time spent in the dominators algorithm is
+  // iterating over these sets. Using an array to store the set provides
+  // noticable performance improvements over ArrayList or a linked list.
+  private static class NodeSet {
+    public int size = 0;
+    public NodeS[] nodes = new NodeS[4];
+    public void add(NodeS nodeS) {
+      if (size == nodes.length) {
+        nodes = Arrays.copyOf(nodes, size * 2);
+      }
+      nodes[size++] = nodeS;
+    }
+    public void remove(NodeS nodeS) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+        if (nodes[i] == nodeS) {
+          remove(i);
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    public void remove(int index) {
+      nodes[index] = nodes[--size];
+      nodes[size] = null;
+    }
+  }
+  // A reference from a source node to a destination node to be processed
+  // during the initial depth-first traversal of nodes.
+  //
+  // Also used as a marker to indicate when the depth-first traversal has been
+  // completed for a node. In that case, srcS is the node depth-first
+  // traversal has been completed for, and dst will be set to null.
+  private static class Link {
+    public final NodeS srcS;
+    public final Node dst;
+    // Constructor for a reference from srcS to dst.
     public Link(NodeS srcS, Node dst) {
       this.srcS = srcS;
       this.dst = dst;
+    // Constructor for a marker indicating depth-first traversal has been
+    // completed for srcS.
+    public Link(NodeS srcS) {
+      this.srcS = srcS;
+      this.dst = null;
+    }
@@ -158,16 +247,10 @@
   public static void computeDominators(Node root) {
     long id = 0;
-    // List of all nodes seen. We keep track of this here to update all the
-    // dominators once we are done.
-    List<NodeS> nodes = new ArrayList<NodeS>();
-    // The set of nodes N such that N.domid < These nodes need
-    // to be revisisted because their dominator is clearly wrong.
+    // The set of nodes xS such that xS.revisit != null.
     // Use a Queue instead of a Set because performance will be better. We
-    // avoid adding nodes already on the queue by checking whether it was
-    // already true that N.domid <, in which case the node is
-    // already on the queue.
+    // avoid adding nodes already on the queue by checking
+    // xS == null before adding the node to the queue.
     Queue<NodeS> revisit = new ArrayDeque<NodeS>();
     // Set up the root node specially.
@@ -176,107 +259,166 @@ = id++;
-    // 1. Do a depth first search of the nodes, label them with ids and come
-    // up with intial candidate dominators for them.
     Deque<Link> dfs = new ArrayDeque<Link>();
+    dfs.push(new Link(rootS));
     for (Node child : root.getReferencesForDominators()) {
       dfs.push(new Link(rootS, child));
+    // 1. Do a depth first search of the nodes, label them with ids and come
+    // up with initial candidate dominators for them.
     while (!dfs.isEmpty()) {
       Link link = dfs.pop();
-      NodeS dstS = (NodeS)link.dst.getDominatorsComputationState();
-      if (dstS == null) {
-        // This is the first time we have seen the node. The candidate
-        // dominator is link src.
-        dstS = new NodeS();
-        dstS.node = link.dst;
- = id++;
-        dstS.domid =;
-        dstS.domS = link.srcS;
-        dstS.srcS = link.srcS;
-        dstS.seenid = dstS.domid;
-        nodes.add(dstS);
-        link.dst.setDominatorsComputationState(dstS);
-        for (Node child : link.dst.getReferencesForDominators()) {
-          dfs.push(new Link(dstS, child));
-        }
+      if (link.dst == null) {
+        // This is the marker link indicating we have now visited all
+        // nodes reachable from link.srcS.
+        link.srcS.maxReachableId = id - 1;
       } else {
-        // We have seen the node already. Update the state based on the new
-        // potential dominator.
-        NodeS srcS = link.srcS;
-        boolean revisiting = dstS.domid <;
+        NodeS dstS = (NodeS)link.dst.getDominatorsComputationState();
+        if (dstS == null) {
+          // We are seeing the destination node for the first time.
+          // The candidate dominator is the source node.
+          dstS = new NodeS();
+          link.dst.setDominatorsComputationState(dstS);
-        while ( > dstS.seenid) {
-          srcS.undom.add(dstS);
-          srcS = srcS.srcS;
-        }
-        dstS.seenid =;
+          dstS.node = link.dst;
+ = id++;
+          dstS.inRefIds.add(;
+          dstS.domS = link.srcS;
+          dstS.domS.dominated.add(dstS);
+          dstS.oldDomS = link.srcS;
-        if ( < dstS.domid) {
-          // In this case, dstS.domid must be wrong, because we just found a
-          // path to dstS that does not go through dstS.domid:
-          // All nodes from root to srcS have id < domid, and all nodes from
-          // srcS to dstS had id > domid, so dstS.domid cannot be on this path
-          // from root to dstS.
-          dstS.domid =;
-          if (!revisiting) {
-            revisit.add(dstS);
+          dfs.push(new Link(dstS));
+          for (Node child : link.dst.getReferencesForDominators()) {
+            dfs.push(new Link(dstS, child));
+          }
+        } else {
+          // We have seen the destination node before. Update the state based
+          // on the new potential dominator.
+          long seenid = dstS.inRefIds.last();
+          dstS.inRefIds.add(;
+          // Go up the dominator chain until we reach a node we haven't already
+          // seen with a path to dstS.
+          NodeS xS = link.srcS;
+          while ( > seenid) {
+            xS = xS.domS;
+          }
+          // The new dominator for dstS must have an id less than the node we
+          // just reached. Pull the dominator for dstS up its dominator
+          // chain until we find a suitable new dominator for dstS.
+          long domid =;
+          if ( > domid) {
+            // Mark the node as needing to be revisited.
+            if (dstS.domS == dstS.oldDomS) {
+              if (dstS.oldDomS.revisit == null) {
+                dstS.oldDomS.revisit = new NodeSet();
+                revisit.add(dstS.oldDomS);
+              }
+              dstS.oldDomS.revisit.add(dstS);
+            }
+            // Update the node's candidate dominator.
+            dstS.domS.dominated.remove(dstS);
+            do {
+              dstS.domS = dstS.domS.domS;
+            } while ( > domid);
+            dstS.domS.dominated.add(dstS);
-    // 2. Continue revisiting nodes until they all satisfy the requirement
-    // that <= domid.
+    // 2. Continue revisiting nodes until every node satisfies the requirement
+    // that ==
+    while (!revisit.isEmpty()) {
+      NodeS oldDomS = revisit.poll();
+      assert oldDomS.revisit != null;
+      NodeSet nodes = oldDomS.revisit;
+      oldDomS.revisit = null;
+      // Search for pairs of nodes nodeS, xS for which
+      // > >
+      // and there is a path of nodes with increasing ids from nodeS to xS.
+      // In that case, xS.domS must be wrong, because there is a path to xS
+      // from the root that does not go through xS.domS:
+      // * There is a path from the root to nodeS.oldDomS that doesn't go
+      //   through xS.domS. Otherwise xS.domS would be a dominator of
+      //   nodeS.oldDomS, but it can't be because >
+      // * There is a path from nodeS.oldDomS to nodeS that doesn't go through
+      //   xS.domS, because xS.domS is not a dominator of nodeS.
+      // * There is a path from nodeS to xS that doesn't go through xS.domS,
+      //   because we have a path of increasing ids from nodeS to xS, none of
+      //   which can have an id smaller than nodeS as xS.domS does.
+      for (int i = 0; i < oldDomS.dominated.size; ++i) {
+        NodeS xS = oldDomS.dominated.nodes[i];
+        for (int j = 0; j < nodes.size; ++j) {
+          NodeS nodeS = nodes.nodes[j];
+          assert nodeS.oldDomS == oldDomS;
+          if (isReachableAscending(nodeS, xS)) {
+            // Update the dominator for xS.
+            if (xS.domS == xS.oldDomS) {
+              if (xS.oldDomS.revisit == null) {
+                xS.oldDomS.revisit = new NodeSet();
+                revisit.add(xS.oldDomS);
+              }
+              xS.oldDomS.revisit.add(xS);
+            }
+            oldDomS.dominated.remove(i--);
+            xS.domS = nodeS.domS;
+            xS.domS.dominated.add(xS);
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // We can now safely update oldDomS for each of the nodes nodeS while
+      // preserving the oldDomS invariant.
+      for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size; ++i) {
+        NodeS nodeS = nodes.nodes[i];
+        nodeS.oldDomS = oldDomS.oldDomS;
+        if (nodeS.oldDomS != nodeS.domS) {
+          if (nodeS.oldDomS.revisit == null) {
+            nodeS.oldDomS.revisit = new NodeSet();
+            revisit.add(nodeS.oldDomS);
+          }
+          nodeS.oldDomS.revisit.add(nodeS);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // 3. We have figured out the correct dominator for each node. Notify the
+    // user of the results by doing one last traversal of the nodes.
+    assert revisit.isEmpty();
+    revisit.add(rootS);
     while (!revisit.isEmpty()) {
       NodeS nodeS = revisit.poll();
-      NodeS domS = nodeS.domS;
-      assert nodeS.domid <;
-      while ( > nodeS.domid) {
-        if ( < nodeS.domid) {
-          // In this case, nodeS.domid must be wrong, because there is a path
-          // from root to nodeS that does not go through nodeS.domid:
-          //  * We can go from root to domS without going through nodeS.domid,
-          //    because otherwise nodeS.domid would dominate domS, not
-          //    domS.domS.
-          //  * We can go from domS to nodeS without going through nodeS.domid
-          //    because we know nodeS is reachable from domS on a path of nodes
-          //    with increases ids, which cannot include nodeS.domid, which
-          //    has a smaller id than domS.
-          nodeS.domid =;
-        }
-        domS.undom.add(nodeS);
-        domS = domS.srcS;
-      }
-      nodeS.domS = domS;
-      nodeS.domid =;
-      for (NodeS xS : nodeS.undom) {
-        if ( < xS.domid) {
-          // In this case, xS.domid must be wrong, because there is a path
-          // from the root to xX that does not go through xS.domid:
-          //  * We can go from root to nodeS without going through xS.domid,
-          //    because otherwise xS.domid would dominate nodeS, not domS.
-          //  * We can go from nodeS to xS without going through xS.domid
-          //    because we know xS is reachable from nodeS on a path of nodes
-          //    with increasing ids, which cannot include xS.domid, which has
-          //    a smaller id than nodeS.
-          boolean revisiting = xS.domid <;
-          xS.domid =;
-          if (!revisiting) {
-            revisit.add(xS);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // 3. Update the dominators of the nodes.
-    root.setDominatorsComputationState(null);
-    for (NodeS nodeS : nodes) {
-      nodeS.node.setDominator(nodeS.domS.node);
+      assert nodeS.domS == nodeS.oldDomS;
+      assert nodeS.revisit == null;
+      for (int i = 0; i < nodeS.dominated.size; ++i) {
+        NodeS xS = nodeS.dominated.nodes[i];
+        xS.node.setDominator(nodeS.node);
+        revisit.add(xS);
+      }
+  // Returns true if there is a path from srcS to dstS of nodes with ascending
+  // ids (not including
+  private static boolean isReachableAscending(NodeS srcS, NodeS dstS) {
+    if ( < {
+      // The first time we saw dstS was before we saw srcS. See if srcS is on
+      // the source chain for any nodes with direct references to dstS.
+      return dstS.inRefIds.hasIdInRange(, srcS.maxReachableId);
+    }
+    // Otherwise dstS is only reachable from srcS on a node with ascending ids
+    // if it was visited for the first time while performing the depth-first
+    // traversal of srcS.
+    return <= srcS.maxReachableId;
+  }
diff --git a/tools/ahat/src/test/com/android/ahat/ b/tools/ahat/src/test/com/android/ahat/
index 0424e10..d9af363 100644
--- a/tools/ahat/src/test/com/android/ahat/
+++ b/tools/ahat/src/test/com/android/ahat/
@@ -295,4 +295,35 @@
     assertEquals(p, d.dominator);
     assertEquals(p, e.dominator);
+  @Test
+  public void twiceRevisit() {
+    //       /---->---\
+    //      /     /--> f -->-\
+    // --> a --> b -->--x---> c --> d
+    //            \----------->----/
+    // A regression test for a bug where we failed to ever revisit a node more
+    // than once. The node c is revisited a first time to bring its dominator
+    // up to b. c needs to be revisited again after the dominator for f is
+    // pulled up to a, and that revisit of c is necessary to ensure the
+    // dominator for d is pulled up to a.
+    Node a = new Node("a");
+    Node b = new Node("b");
+    Node x = new Node("x");
+    Node c = new Node("c");
+    Node d = new Node("d");
+    Node f = new Node("f");
+    a.depends = Arrays.asList(f, b);
+    b.depends = Arrays.asList(f, d, x);
+    x.depends = Arrays.asList(c);
+    c.depends = Arrays.asList(d);
+    f.depends = Arrays.asList(c);
+    a.computeDominators();
+    assertEquals(a, b.dominator);
+    assertEquals(b, x.dominator);
+    assertEquals(a, c.dominator);
+    assertEquals(a, d.dominator);
+    assertEquals(a, f.dominator);
+  }