Load app images

Support in-place patching of the app image based on boot image
location and app oat location. Only loads for art run test so far
since we do not automatically generate app images for app installs.

N5 maps launch time (~200 runs):
Before: 930ms
After: 878.18ms
After + image class table: 864.57ms

Oatdump support.
Store class loaders as class roots in image.

Bug: 22858531

Change-Id: I9cbc645645e62ea2ed1ad8e139e91af7d88514c1
diff --git a/cmdline/cmdline_types.h b/cmdline/cmdline_types.h
index 6c0a0e1..97c672c 100644
--- a/cmdline/cmdline_types.h
+++ b/cmdline/cmdline_types.h
@@ -616,6 +616,8 @@
         log_verbosity.threads = true;
       } else if (verbose_options[j] == "verifier") {
         log_verbosity.verifier = true;
+      } else if (verbose_options[j] == "image") {
+        log_verbosity.image = true;
       } else {
         return Result::Usage(std::string("Unknown -verbose option ") + verbose_options[j]);
diff --git a/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.cc b/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.cc
index d021525..818d50a 100644
--- a/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.cc
+++ b/compiler/driver/compiler_driver.cc
@@ -730,8 +730,8 @@
 bool CompilerDriver::IsImageClass(const char* descriptor) const {
   if (!IsBootImage()) {
-    // NOTE: Currently unreachable, all callers check IsImage().
-    return false;
+    // NOTE: Currently only reachable from InitImageMethodVisitor for the app image case.
+    return true;
   } else {
     return image_classes_->find(descriptor) != image_classes_->end();
diff --git a/compiler/image_test.cc b/compiler/image_test.cc
index 12132c0..b841675 100644
--- a/compiler/image_test.cc
+++ b/compiler/image_test.cc
@@ -155,7 +155,11 @@
     std::vector<const char*> dup_oat_filename(1, dup_oat->GetPath().c_str());
     std::vector<const char*> dup_image_filename(1, image_file.GetFilename().c_str());
-    bool success_image = writer->Write(kInvalidImageFd, dup_image_filename, dup_oat_filename);
+    bool success_image = writer->Write(kInvalidFd,
+                                       dup_image_filename,
+                                       kInvalidFd,
+                                       dup_oat_filename,
+                                       dup_oat_filename[0]);
     bool success_fixup = ElfWriter::Fixup(dup_oat.get(),
@@ -292,11 +296,17 @@
+                             /*boot_image_begin*/0U,
+                             /*boot_image_size*/0U,
+                             /*boot_oat_begin*/0U,
+                             /*boot_oat_size_*/0U,
+                             /*is_pic*/false,
+    ASSERT_TRUE(!image_header.IsAppImage());
     char* magic = const_cast<char*>(image_header.GetMagic());
     strcpy(magic, "");  // bad magic
diff --git a/compiler/image_writer.cc b/compiler/image_writer.cc
index d0bb201..72c615e 100644
--- a/compiler/image_writer.cc
+++ b/compiler/image_writer.cc
@@ -159,17 +159,45 @@
 bool ImageWriter::Write(int image_fd,
                         const std::vector<const char*>& image_filenames,
-                        const std::vector<const char*>& oat_filenames) {
+                        int oat_fd,
+                        const std::vector<const char*>& oat_filenames,
+                        const std::string& oat_location) {
+  // If image_fd or oat_fd are not kInvalidFd then we may have empty strings in image_filenames or
+  // oat_filenames.
+  if (image_fd != kInvalidFd) {
+    CHECK_EQ(image_filenames.size(), 1u);
+  }
+  if (oat_fd != kInvalidFd) {
+    CHECK_EQ(oat_filenames.size(), 1u);
+  }
   CHECK_EQ(image_filenames.size(), oat_filenames.size());
   size_t oat_file_offset = 0;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < oat_filenames.size(); ++i) {
     const char* oat_filename = oat_filenames[i];
-    std::unique_ptr<File> oat_file(OS::OpenFileReadWrite(oat_filename));
-    if (oat_file.get() == nullptr) {
+    std::unique_ptr<File> oat_file;
+    if (oat_fd != -1) {
+      if (strlen(oat_filename) == 0u) {
+        oat_file.reset(new File(oat_fd, false));
+      } else {
+        oat_file.reset(new File(oat_fd, oat_filename, false));
+      }
+      int length = oat_file->GetLength();
+      if (length < 0) {
+        PLOG(ERROR) << "Oat file has negative length " << length;
+        return false;
+      } else {
+        // Leave the fd open since dex2oat still needs to write out the oat file with the fd.
+        oat_file->DisableAutoClose();
+      }
+    } else {
+      oat_file.reset(OS::OpenFileReadWrite(oat_filename));
+    }
+    if (oat_file == nullptr) {
       PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open oat file " << oat_filename;
       return false;
@@ -181,7 +209,7 @@
       return false;
-      std::unique_ptr<const OatFile>(oat_file_));
+        std::unique_ptr<const OatFile>(oat_file_));
     const OatHeader& oat_header = oat_file_->GetOatHeader();
     ImageInfo& image_info = GetImageInfo(oat_filename);
@@ -220,8 +248,15 @@
-    if (oat_file->FlushCloseOrErase() != 0) {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush and close oat file " << oat_filename;
+    if (oat_fd != -1) {
+      // Leave fd open for caller.
+      if (oat_file->Flush() != 0) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush oat file " << oat_filename << " for " << oat_location;
+        return false;
+      }
+    } else if (oat_file->FlushCloseOrErase() != 0) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to flush and close oat file " << oat_filename
+                 << " for " << oat_location;
       return false;
@@ -238,16 +273,22 @@
     const char* oat_filename = oat_filenames[i];
     ImageInfo& image_info = GetImageInfo(oat_filename);
     std::unique_ptr<File> image_file;
-    if (image_fd != kInvalidImageFd) {
-      image_file.reset(new File(image_fd, image_filename, unix_file::kCheckSafeUsage));
+    if (image_fd != kInvalidFd) {
+      if (strlen(image_filename) == 0u) {
+        image_file.reset(new File(image_fd, unix_file::kCheckSafeUsage));
+      } else {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "image fd " << image_fd << " name " << image_filename;
+      }
     } else {
     if (image_file == nullptr) {
       LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open image file " << image_filename;
       return false;
-    if (fchmod(image_file->Fd(), 0644) != 0) {
+    if (!compile_app_image_ && fchmod(image_file->Fd(), 0644) != 0) {
       PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to make image file world readable: " << image_filename;
       return EXIT_FAILURE;
@@ -701,6 +742,7 @@
     std::unordered_set<mirror::Class*>* visited) {
   DCHECK(early_exit != nullptr);
   DCHECK(visited != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(compile_app_image_);
   if (klass == nullptr) {
     return false;
@@ -717,6 +759,13 @@
   bool result = IsBootClassLoaderNonImageClass(klass);
   bool my_early_exit = false;  // Only for ourselves, ignore caller.
+  // Remove classes that failed to verify since we don't want to have java.lang.VerifyError in the
+  // app image.
+  if (klass->GetStatus() == mirror::Class::kStatusError) {
+    result = true;
+  } else {
+    CHECK(klass->GetVerifyError() == nullptr) << PrettyClass(klass);
+  }
   if (!result) {
     // Check interfaces since these wont be visited through VisitReferences.)
     mirror::IfTable* if_table = klass->GetIfTable();
@@ -727,6 +776,12 @@
+  if (klass->IsObjectArrayClass()) {
+    result = result || ContainsBootClassLoaderNonImageClassInternal(
+        klass->GetComponentType(),
+        &my_early_exit,
+        visited);
+  }
   // Check static fields and their classes.
   size_t num_static_fields = klass->NumReferenceStaticFields();
   if (num_static_fields != 0 && klass->IsResolved()) {
@@ -780,7 +835,9 @@
   if (compile_app_image_) {
     // For app images, we need to prune boot loader classes that are not in the boot image since
     // these may have already been loaded when the app image is loaded.
-    return !ContainsBootClassLoaderNonImageClass(klass);
+    // Keep classes in the boot image space since we don't want to re-resolve these.
+    return Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(klass) ||
+        !ContainsBootClassLoaderNonImageClass(klass);
   std::string temp;
   return compiler_driver_.IsImageClass(klass->GetDescriptor(&temp));
@@ -843,25 +900,25 @@
     for (size_t i = 0, num = dex_cache->NumResolvedMethods(); i != num; ++i) {
       ArtMethod* method =
           mirror::DexCache::GetElementPtrSize(resolved_methods, i, target_ptr_size_);
-      if (method != nullptr) {
-        auto* declaring_class = method->GetDeclaringClass();
-        // Miranda methods may be held live by a class which was not an image class but have a
-        // declaring class which is an image class. Set it to the resolution method to be safe and
-        // prevent dangling pointers.
-        if (method->IsMiranda() || !KeepClass(declaring_class)) {
-          mirror::DexCache::SetElementPtrSize(resolved_methods,
-                                              i,
-                                              resolution_method,
-                                              target_ptr_size_);
-        } else {
-          // Check that the class is still in the classes table.
-          DCHECK(class_linker->ClassInClassTable(declaring_class)) << "Class "
-              << PrettyClass(declaring_class) << " not in class linker table";
-        }
+      DCHECK(method != nullptr) << "Expected resolution method instead of null method";
+      mirror::Class* declaring_class = method->GetDeclaringClass();
+      // Miranda methods may be held live by a class which was not an image class but have a
+      // declaring class which is an image class. Set it to the resolution method to be safe and
+      // prevent dangling pointers.
+      if (method->IsMiranda() || !KeepClass(declaring_class)) {
+        mirror::DexCache::SetElementPtrSize(resolved_methods,
+                                            i,
+                                            resolution_method,
+                                            target_ptr_size_);
+      } else {
+        // Check that the class is still in the classes table.
+        DCHECK(class_linker->ClassInClassTable(declaring_class)) << "Class "
+            << PrettyClass(declaring_class) << " not in class linker table";
+    ArtField** resolved_fields = dex_cache->GetResolvedFields();
     for (size_t i = 0; i < dex_cache->NumResolvedFields(); i++) {
-      ArtField* field = dex_cache->GetResolvedField(i, target_ptr_size_);
+      ArtField* field = mirror::DexCache::GetElementPtrSize(resolved_fields, i, target_ptr_size_);
       if (field != nullptr && !KeepClass(field->GetDeclaringClass())) {
         dex_cache->SetResolvedField(i, nullptr, target_ptr_size_);
@@ -906,6 +963,32 @@
+mirror::String* ImageWriter::FindInternedString(mirror::String* string) {
+  Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
+  for (auto& pair : image_info_map_) {
+    const ImageInfo& image_info = pair.second;
+    mirror::String* const found = image_info.intern_table_->LookupStrong(self, string);
+    DCHECK(image_info.intern_table_->LookupWeak(self, string) == nullptr)
+        << string->ToModifiedUtf8();
+    if (found != nullptr) {
+      return found;
+    }
+  }
+  if (compile_app_image_) {
+    Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
+    mirror::String* found = runtime->GetInternTable()->LookupStrong(self, string);
+    // If we found it in the runtime intern table it could either be in the boot image or interned
+    // during app image compilation. If it was in the boot image return that, otherwise return null
+    // since it belongs to another image space.
+    if (found != nullptr && runtime->GetHeap()->ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(found)) {
+      return found;
+    }
+    DCHECK(runtime->GetInternTable()->LookupWeak(self, string) == nullptr)
+        << string->ToModifiedUtf8();
+  }
+  return nullptr;
 void ImageWriter::CalculateObjectBinSlots(Object* obj) {
   DCHECK(obj != nullptr);
   // if it is a string, we want to intern it if its not interned.
@@ -915,13 +998,16 @@
     // we must be an interned string that was forward referenced and already assigned
     if (IsImageBinSlotAssigned(obj)) {
-      DCHECK_EQ(obj, image_info.intern_table_->InternStrongImageString(obj->AsString()));
+      DCHECK_EQ(obj, FindInternedString(obj->AsString()));
-    // InternImageString allows us to intern while holding the heap bitmap lock. This is safe since
-    // we are guaranteed to not have GC during image writing.
-    mirror::String* const interned = image_info.intern_table_->InternStrongImageString(
-        obj->AsString());
+    // Need to check if the string is already interned in another image info so that we don't have
+    // the intern tables of two different images contain the same string.
+    mirror::String* interned = FindInternedString(obj->AsString());
+    if (interned == nullptr) {
+      // Not in another image space, insert to our table.
+      interned = image_info.intern_table_->InternStrongImageString(obj->AsString());
+    }
     if (obj != interned) {
       if (!IsImageBinSlotAssigned(interned)) {
         // interned obj is after us, allocate its location early
@@ -1066,6 +1152,11 @@
       // Visit and assign offsets for fields and field arrays.
       auto* as_klass = h_obj->AsClass();
       mirror::DexCache* dex_cache = as_klass->GetDexCache();
+      DCHECK_NE(klass->GetStatus(), mirror::Class::kStatusError);
+      if (compile_app_image_) {
+        // Extra sanity, no boot loader classes should be left!
+        CHECK(!IsBootClassLoaderClass(as_klass)) << PrettyClass(as_klass);
+      }
       LengthPrefixedArray<ArtField>* fields[] = {
           as_klass->GetSFieldsPtr(), as_klass->GetIFieldsPtr(),
@@ -1405,6 +1496,13 @@
               << " Oat data end=" << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(oat_data_end)
               << " Oat file end=" << reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(oat_file_end);
+  // Store boot image info for app image so that we can relocate.
+  uint32_t boot_image_begin = 0;
+  uint32_t boot_image_end = 0;
+  uint32_t boot_oat_begin = 0;
+  uint32_t boot_oat_end = 0;
+  gc::Heap* const heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
+  heap->GetBootImagesSize(&boot_image_begin, &boot_image_end, &boot_oat_begin, &boot_oat_end);
   // Create the header, leave 0 for data size since we will fill this in as we are writing the
   // image.
@@ -1417,8 +1515,13 @@
+                                               boot_image_begin,
+                                               boot_image_end - boot_image_begin,
+                                               boot_oat_begin,
+                                               boot_oat_end - boot_oat_begin,
+                                               /*is_pic*/compile_app_image_,
@@ -1805,13 +1908,14 @@
       if (klass == class_linker->GetClassRoot(ClassLinker::kJavaLangDexCache)) {
         FixupDexCache(down_cast<mirror::DexCache*>(orig), down_cast<mirror::DexCache*>(copy));
       } else if (klass->IsClassLoaderClass()) {
+        mirror::ClassLoader* copy_loader = down_cast<mirror::ClassLoader*>(copy);
         // If src is a ClassLoader, set the class table to null so that it gets recreated by the
         // ClassLoader.
-        down_cast<mirror::ClassLoader*>(copy)->SetClassTable(nullptr);
+        copy_loader->SetClassTable(nullptr);
         // Also set allocator to null to be safe. The allocator is created when we create the class
         // table. We also never expect to unload things in the image since they are held live as
         // roots.
-        down_cast<mirror::ClassLoader*>(copy)->SetAllocator(nullptr);
+        copy_loader->SetAllocator(nullptr);
     FixupVisitor visitor(this, copy);
@@ -1896,7 +2000,7 @@
   // If we are compiling an app image, we need to use the stubs of the boot image.
   if (compile_app_image_) {
     // Use the current image pointers.
-    std::vector<gc::space::ImageSpace*> image_spaces =
+    const std::vector<gc::space::ImageSpace*>& image_spaces =
     const OatFile* oat_file = image_spaces[0]->GetOatFile();
diff --git a/compiler/image_writer.h b/compiler/image_writer.h
index ad69038..622eb19 100644
--- a/compiler/image_writer.h
+++ b/compiler/image_writer.h
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 class ClassTable;
-static constexpr int kInvalidImageFd = -1;
+static constexpr int kInvalidFd = -1;
 // Write a Space built during compilation for use during execution.
 class ImageWriter FINAL {
@@ -103,11 +103,15 @@
   uint8_t* GetOatFileBegin(const char* oat_filename) const;
-  // If image_fd is not kInvalidImageFd, then we use that for the file. Otherwise we open
+  // If image_fd is not kInvalidFd, then we use that for the image file. Otherwise we open
   // the names in image_filenames.
+  // If oat_fd is not kInvalidFd, then we use that for the oat file. Otherwise we open
+  // the names in oat_filenames.
   bool Write(int image_fd,
              const std::vector<const char*>& image_filenames,
-             const std::vector<const char*>& oat_filenames)
+             int oat_fd,
+             const std::vector<const char*>& oat_filenames,
+             const std::string& oat_location)
   uintptr_t GetOatDataBegin(const char* oat_filename) {
@@ -447,6 +451,10 @@
   const ImageInfo& GetConstImageInfo(const char* oat_filename) const;
   const ImageInfo& GetImageInfo(size_t index) const;
+  // Find an already strong interned string in the other images or in the boot image. Used to
+  // remove duplicates in the multi image and app image case.
+  mirror::String* FindInternedString(mirror::String* string) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   const CompilerDriver& compiler_driver_;
   // Beginning target image address for the first image.
diff --git a/compiler/oat_writer.cc b/compiler/oat_writer.cc
index c74c41f..1e405db 100644
--- a/compiler/oat_writer.cc
+++ b/compiler/oat_writer.cc
@@ -958,30 +958,40 @@
     ClassLinker* linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
-    InvokeType invoke_type = it.GetMethodInvokeType(dex_file_->GetClassDef(class_def_index_));
     // Unchecked as we hold mutator_lock_ on entry.
     ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(Thread::Current());
     StackHandleScope<1> hs(soa.Self());
     Handle<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache(hs.NewHandle(linker->FindDexCache(
         Thread::Current(), *dex_file_)));
-    ArtMethod* method = linker->ResolveMethod<ClassLinker::kNoICCECheckForCache>(
-        *dex_file_,
-        it.GetMemberIndex(),
-        dex_cache,
-        ScopedNullHandle<mirror::ClassLoader>(),
-        nullptr,
-        invoke_type);
-    if (method == nullptr) {
-      LOG(INTERNAL_FATAL) << "Unexpected failure to resolve a method: "
-                          << PrettyMethod(it.GetMemberIndex(), *dex_file_, true);
-      soa.Self()->AssertPendingException();
-      mirror::Throwable* exc = soa.Self()->GetException();
-      std::string dump = exc->Dump();
-      LOG(FATAL) << dump;
+    ArtMethod* method;
+    if (writer_->HasBootImage()) {
+      const InvokeType invoke_type = it.GetMethodInvokeType(
+          dex_file_->GetClassDef(class_def_index_));
+      method = linker->ResolveMethod<ClassLinker::kNoICCECheckForCache>(
+          *dex_file_,
+          it.GetMemberIndex(),
+          dex_cache,
+          ScopedNullHandle<mirror::ClassLoader>(),
+          nullptr,
+          invoke_type);
+      if (method == nullptr) {
+        LOG(INTERNAL_FATAL) << "Unexpected failure to resolve a method: "
+            << PrettyMethod(it.GetMemberIndex(), *dex_file_, true);
+        soa.Self()->AssertPendingException();
+        mirror::Throwable* exc = soa.Self()->GetException();
+        std::string dump = exc->Dump();
+        LOG(FATAL) << dump;
+        UNREACHABLE();
+      }
+    } else {
+      // Should already have been resolved by the compiler, just peek into the dex cache.
+      // It may not be resolved if the class failed to verify, in this case, don't set the
+      // entrypoint. This is not fatal since the dex cache will contain a resolution method.
+      method = dex_cache->GetResolvedMethod(it.GetMemberIndex(), linker->GetImagePointerSize());
-    if (compiled_method != nullptr && compiled_method->GetQuickCode().size() != 0) {
+    if (method != nullptr &&
+        compiled_method != nullptr &&
+        compiled_method->GetQuickCode().size() != 0) {
           reinterpret_cast<void*>(offsets.code_offset_), pointer_size_);
@@ -1467,7 +1477,7 @@
     } while (false)
-  if (compiler_driver_->IsBootImage()) {
+  if (HasImage()) {
diff --git a/dex2oat/dex2oat.cc b/dex2oat/dex2oat.cc
index 918a01b..86f51e1 100644
--- a/dex2oat/dex2oat.cc
+++ b/dex2oat/dex2oat.cc
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@
-      app_image_fd_(kInvalidImageFd),
+      app_image_fd_(kInvalidFd),
       timings_(timings) {}
   ~Dex2Oat() {
@@ -1442,6 +1442,11 @@
     return true;
+  // If we need to keep the oat file open for the image writer.
+  bool ShouldKeepOatFileOpen() const {
+    return IsImage() && oat_fd_ != kInvalidFd;
+  }
   // Create and invoke the compiler driver. This will compile all the dex files.
   void Compile() {
     TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t("dex2oat Compile", timings_);
@@ -1593,13 +1598,17 @@
     if (IsImage()) {
       if (app_image_ && image_base_ == 0) {
-        std::vector<gc::space::ImageSpace*> image_spaces =
-            Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->GetBootImageSpaces();
-        for (gc::space::ImageSpace* image_space : image_spaces) {
+        gc::Heap* const heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
+        for (gc::space::ImageSpace* image_space : heap->GetBootImageSpaces()) {
           image_base_ = std::max(image_base_, RoundUp(
+        // The non moving space is right after the oat file. Put the preferred app image location
+        // right after the non moving space so that we ideally get a continuous immune region for
+        // the GC.
+        const size_t non_moving_space_capacity = heap->GetNonMovingSpace()->Capacity();
+        image_base_ += non_moving_space_capacity;
         VLOG(compiler) << "App image base=" << reinterpret_cast<void*>(image_base_);
@@ -2139,9 +2148,14 @@
       REQUIRES(!Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     CHECK(image_writer_ != nullptr);
     if (!IsBootImage()) {
+      CHECK(image_filenames_.empty());
-    if (!image_writer_->Write(app_image_fd_, image_filenames_, oat_filenames_)) {
+    if (!image_writer_->Write(app_image_fd_,
+                              image_filenames_,
+                              oat_fd_,
+                              oat_filenames_,
+                              oat_location_)) {
       LOG(ERROR) << "Failure during image file creation";
       return false;
@@ -2423,9 +2437,14 @@
     return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  // Close the image oat files. We always expect the output file by name, and it will be
-  // re-opened from the unstripped name. Note: it's easier to *flush* and close...
-  if (!dex2oat.FlushCloseOatFiles()) {
+  // Flush boot.oat. We always expect the output file by name, and it will be re-opened from the
+  // unstripped name. Do not close the file if we are compiling the image with an oat fd since the
+  // image writer will require this fd to generate the image.
+  if (dex2oat.ShouldKeepOatFileOpen()) {
+    if (!dex2oat.FlushOatFiles()) {
+      return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+  } else if (!dex2oat.FlushCloseOatFiles()) {
     return EXIT_FAILURE;
diff --git a/patchoat/patchoat.cc b/patchoat/patchoat.cc
index d836532..7e4ce91 100644
--- a/patchoat/patchoat.cc
+++ b/patchoat/patchoat.cc
@@ -547,6 +547,9 @@
 void PatchOat::PatchClassTable(const ImageHeader* image_header) {
   const auto& section = image_header->GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionClassTable);
+  if (section.Size() == 0) {
+    return;
+  }
   // Note that we require that ReadFromMemory does not make an internal copy of the elements.
   // This also relies on visit roots not doing any verification which could fail after we update
   // the roots to be the image addresses.
diff --git a/runtime/art_field-inl.h b/runtime/art_field-inl.h
index 4166e22..3463b0d 100644
--- a/runtime/art_field-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/art_field-inl.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
   GcRootSource gc_root_source(this);
   mirror::Class* result = declaring_class_.Read(&gc_root_source);
   DCHECK(result != nullptr);
-  DCHECK(result->IsLoaded() || result->IsErroneous());
+  DCHECK(result->IsLoaded() || result->IsErroneous()) << result->GetStatus();
   return result;
@@ -334,6 +334,15 @@
+template <typename Visitor>
+inline void ArtField::UpdateObjects(const Visitor& visitor) {
+  mirror::Class* old_class = DeclaringClassRoot().Read<kWithoutReadBarrier>();
+  mirror::Class* new_class = visitor(old_class);
+  if (old_class != new_class) {
+    SetDeclaringClass(new_class);
+  }
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/art_field.h b/runtime/art_field.h
index a943a34..ee1ba1f 100644
--- a/runtime/art_field.h
+++ b/runtime/art_field.h
@@ -190,6 +190,11 @@
     return declaring_class_;
+  // Update the declaring class with the passed in visitor. Does not use read barrier.
+  template <typename Visitor>
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void UpdateObjects(const Visitor& visitor)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   mirror::Class* ProxyFindSystemClass(const char* descriptor)
diff --git a/runtime/art_method-inl.h b/runtime/art_method-inl.h
index a5f5c49..74eb722 100644
--- a/runtime/art_method-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/art_method-inl.h
@@ -467,6 +467,43 @@
+template <typename Visitor>
+inline void ArtMethod::UpdateObjectsForImageRelocation(const Visitor& visitor) {
+  mirror::Class* old_class = GetDeclaringClassNoBarrier();
+  mirror::Class* new_class = visitor(old_class);
+  if (old_class != new_class) {
+    SetDeclaringClass(new_class);
+  }
+  ArtMethod** old_methods = GetDexCacheResolvedMethods(sizeof(void*));
+  ArtMethod** new_methods = visitor(old_methods);
+  if (old_methods != new_methods) {
+    SetDexCacheResolvedMethods(new_methods, sizeof(void*));
+  }
+  GcRoot<mirror::Class>* old_types = GetDexCacheResolvedTypes(sizeof(void*));
+  GcRoot<mirror::Class>* new_types = visitor(old_types);
+  if (old_types != new_types) {
+    SetDexCacheResolvedTypes(new_types, sizeof(void*));
+  }
+template <typename Visitor>
+inline void ArtMethod::UpdateEntrypoints(const Visitor& visitor) {
+  if (IsNative()) {
+    const void* old_native_code = GetEntryPointFromJni();
+    const void* new_native_code = visitor(old_native_code);
+    if (old_native_code != new_native_code) {
+      SetEntryPointFromJni(new_native_code);
+    }
+  } else {
+    DCHECK(GetEntryPointFromJni() == nullptr);
+  }
+  const void* old_code = GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
+  const void* new_code = visitor(old_code);
+  if (old_code != new_code) {
+    SetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode(new_code);
+  }
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/art_method.h b/runtime/art_method.h
index 0be2fa2..440e796 100644
--- a/runtime/art_method.h
+++ b/runtime/art_method.h
@@ -477,6 +477,17 @@
   // Returns whether the method has any compiled code, JIT or AOT.
   bool HasAnyCompiledCode() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // Update heap objects and non-entrypoint pointers by the passed in visitor for image relocation.
+  // Does not use read barrier.
+  template <typename Visitor>
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void UpdateObjectsForImageRelocation(const Visitor& visitor)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // Update entry points by passing them through the visitor.
+  template <typename Visitor>
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void UpdateEntrypoints(const Visitor& visitor);
   // Field order required by test "ValidateFieldOrderOfJavaCppUnionClasses".
   // The class we are a part of.
diff --git a/runtime/base/logging.h b/runtime/base/logging.h
index 115c260..de46b0c 100644
--- a/runtime/base/logging.h
+++ b/runtime/base/logging.h
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
   bool third_party_jni;  // Enabled with "-verbose:third-party-jni".
   bool threads;
   bool verifier;
+  bool image;
 // Global log verbosity setting, initialized by InitLogging.
diff --git a/runtime/class_linker.cc b/runtime/class_linker.cc
index ed833c4..be9310a 100644
--- a/runtime/class_linker.cc
+++ b/runtime/class_linker.cc
@@ -336,6 +336,10 @@
   // Use the pointer size from the runtime since we are probably creating the image.
   image_pointer_size_ = InstructionSetPointerSize(runtime->GetInstructionSet());
+  if (!ValidPointerSize(image_pointer_size_)) {
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Invalid image pointer size: %zu", image_pointer_size_);
+    return false;
+  }
   // java_lang_Class comes first, it's needed for AllocClass
   // The GC can't handle an object with a null class since we can't get the size of this object.
@@ -489,7 +493,7 @@
       return false;
     AppendToBootClassPath(self, *dex_file);
-    opened_dex_files_.push_back(std::move(dex_file));
+    boot_dex_files_.push_back(std::move(dex_file));
   // now we can use FindSystemClass
@@ -878,6 +882,7 @@
   ArtMethod* m;
   bool error;
 static void CheckTrampolines(mirror::Object* obj, void* arg) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
   if (obj->IsClass()) {
     mirror::Class* klass = obj->AsClass();
@@ -896,8 +901,8 @@
-bool ClassLinker::InitFromImage(std::string* error_msg) {
-  VLOG(startup) << "ClassLinker::InitFromImage entering";
+bool ClassLinker::InitFromBootImage(std::string* error_msg) {
+  VLOG(startup) << __FUNCTION__ << " entering";
   Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
@@ -906,6 +911,21 @@
   std::vector<gc::space::ImageSpace*> spaces = heap->GetBootImageSpaces();
   image_pointer_size_ = spaces[0]->GetImageHeader().GetPointerSize();
+  if (!ValidPointerSize(image_pointer_size_)) {
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Invalid image pointer size: %zu", image_pointer_size_);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!runtime->IsAotCompiler()) {
+    // Only the Aot compiler supports having an image with a different pointer size than the
+    // runtime. This happens on the host for compiling 32 bit tests since we use a 64 bit libart
+    // compiler. We may also use 32 bit dex2oat on a system with 64 bit apps.
+    if (image_pointer_size_ != sizeof(void*)) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Runtime must use current image pointer size: %zu vs %zu",
+                                image_pointer_size_,
+                                sizeof(void*));
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
   dex_cache_boot_image_class_lookup_required_ = true;
   std::vector<const OatFile*> oat_files =
@@ -957,19 +977,10 @@
-  StackHandleScopeCollection handles(self);
-  std::vector<Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::DexCache>>> dex_caches_vector;
-  for (gc::space::ImageSpace* space : spaces) {
-    Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::DexCache>> dex_caches(handles.NewHandle(
-        space->GetImageHeader().GetImageRoot(ImageHeader::kDexCaches)->
-        AsObjectArray<mirror::DexCache>()));
-    dex_caches_vector.push_back(dex_caches);
-  }
-  Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>> class_roots(handles.NewHandle(
-      spaces[0]->GetImageHeader().GetImageRoot(ImageHeader::kClassRoots)->
-      AsObjectArray<mirror::Class>()));
-  class_roots_ = GcRoot<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>>(class_roots.Get());
+  class_roots_ = GcRoot<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>>(
+      down_cast<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>*>(
+          spaces[0]->GetImageHeader().GetImageRoot(ImageHeader::kClassRoots)));
+  mirror::Class::SetClassClass(class_roots_.Read()->Get(kJavaLangClass));
   // Special case of setting up the String class early so that we can test arbitrary objects
   // as being Strings or not
@@ -982,116 +993,6 @@
       self, java_lang_Object, java_lang_Object->GetObjectSize(), VoidFunctor()));
-  uint32_t dex_file_count = 0;
-  for (const OatFile* oat_file : oat_files) {
-    dex_file_count += oat_file->GetOatHeader().GetDexFileCount();
-  }
-  uint32_t dex_caches_count = 0;
-  for (auto dex_caches : dex_caches_vector) {
-    dex_caches_count += dex_caches->GetLength();
-  }
-  if (dex_file_count != dex_caches_count) {
-    *error_msg = "Dex cache count and dex file count mismatch while trying to initialize from "
-                 "image";
-    return false;
-  }
-  for (auto dex_caches : dex_caches_vector) {
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < dex_caches->GetLength(); i++) {
-      StackHandleScope<1> hs2(self);
-      Handle<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache(hs2.NewHandle(dex_caches->Get(i)));
-      const std::string& dex_file_location(dex_cache->GetLocation()->ToModifiedUtf8());
-      const OatFile::OatDexFile* oat_dex_file = nullptr;
-      for (const OatFile* oat_file : oat_files) {
-        const OatFile::OatDexFile* oat_dex =
-            oat_file->GetOatDexFile(dex_file_location.c_str(), nullptr, false);
-        if (oat_dex != nullptr) {
-          DCHECK(oat_dex_file == nullptr);
-          oat_dex_file = oat_dex;
-        }
-      }
-      if (oat_dex_file == nullptr) {
-        *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed finding oat dex file for %s",
-                                  dex_file_location.c_str());
-        return false;
-      }
-      std::string inner_error_msg;
-      std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file = oat_dex_file->OpenDexFile(&inner_error_msg);
-      if (dex_file == nullptr) {
-        *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to open dex file %s error '%s'",
-                                  dex_file_location.c_str(),
-                                  inner_error_msg.c_str());
-        return false;
-      }
-      if (kSanityCheckObjects) {
-        SanityCheckArtMethodPointerArray(dex_cache->GetResolvedMethods(),
-                                         dex_cache->NumResolvedMethods(),
-                                         image_pointer_size_,
-                                         spaces);
-      }
-      if (dex_file->GetLocationChecksum() != oat_dex_file->GetDexFileLocationChecksum()) {
-        *error_msg = StringPrintf("Checksums do not match for %s: %x vs %x",
-                                  dex_file_location.c_str(),
-                                  dex_file->GetLocationChecksum(),
-                                  oat_dex_file->GetDexFileLocationChecksum());
-        return false;
-      }
-      AppendToBootClassPath(*dex_file.get(), dex_cache);
-      opened_dex_files_.push_back(std::move(dex_file));
-    }
-  }
-  if (!ValidPointerSize(image_pointer_size_)) {
-    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Invalid image pointer size: %zu", image_pointer_size_);
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Set classes on AbstractMethod early so that IsMethod tests can be performed during the live
-  // bitmap walk.
-  if (!runtime->IsAotCompiler()) {
-    // Only the Aot compiler supports having an image with a different pointer size than the
-    // runtime. This happens on the host for compile 32 bit tests since we use a 64 bit libart
-    // compiler. We may also use 32 bit dex2oat on a system with 64 bit apps.
-    if (image_pointer_size_ != sizeof(void*)) {
-      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Runtime must use current image pointer size: %zu vs %zu",
-                                image_pointer_size_ ,
-                                sizeof(void*));
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (kSanityCheckObjects) {
-    for (auto dex_caches : dex_caches_vector) {
-      for (int32_t i = 0; i < dex_caches->GetLength(); i++) {
-        auto* dex_cache = dex_caches->Get(i);
-        for (size_t j = 0; j < dex_cache->NumResolvedFields(); ++j) {
-          auto* field = dex_cache->GetResolvedField(j, image_pointer_size_);
-          if (field != nullptr) {
-            CHECK(field->GetDeclaringClass()->GetClass() != nullptr);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    heap->VisitObjects(SanityCheckObjectsCallback, nullptr);
-  }
-  // Set entry point to interpreter if in InterpretOnly mode.
-  if (!runtime->IsAotCompiler() && runtime->GetInstrumentation()->InterpretOnly()) {
-    for (gc::space::ImageSpace* space : spaces) {
-      const ImageHeader& header = space->GetImageHeader();
-      const ImageSection& methods = header.GetMethodsSection();
-      SetInterpreterEntrypointArtMethodVisitor visitor(image_pointer_size_);
-      methods.VisitPackedArtMethods(&visitor, space->Begin(), image_pointer_size_);
-    }
-  }
-  // reinit class_roots_
-  mirror::Class::SetClassClass(class_roots->Get(kJavaLangClass));
-  class_roots_ = GcRoot<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>>(class_roots.Get());
   // reinit array_iftable_ from any array class instance, they should be ==
   array_iftable_ = GcRoot<mirror::IfTable>(GetClassRoot(kObjectArrayClass)->GetIfTable());
   DCHECK_EQ(array_iftable_.Read(), GetClassRoot(kBooleanArrayClass)->GetIfTable());
@@ -1114,30 +1015,573 @@
-  size_t class_tables_added = 0;
-  for (gc::space::ImageSpace* space : spaces) {
-    const ImageHeader& header = space->GetImageHeader();
-    const ImageSection& section = header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionClassTable);
-    if (section.Size() > 0u) {
-      WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_);
-      ClassTable* const class_table = InsertClassTableForClassLoader(nullptr);
-      class_table->ReadFromMemory(space->Begin() + section.Offset());
-      ++class_tables_added;
+  for (gc::space::ImageSpace* image_space : spaces) {
+    // Boot class loader, use a null handle.
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
+    if (!AddImageSpace(image_space,
+                       ScopedNullHandle<mirror::ClassLoader>(),
+                       /*dex_elements*/nullptr,
+                       /*dex_location*/nullptr,
+                       /*out*/&dex_files,
+                       error_msg)) {
+      return false;
+    // Append opened dex files at the end.
+    boot_dex_files_.insert(boot_dex_files_.end(),
+                           std::make_move_iterator(dex_files.begin()),
+                           std::make_move_iterator(dex_files.end()));
-  if (class_tables_added != 0) {
-    // Either all of the image spaces have an empty class section or none do. In the case where
-    // an image space has no classes, it will still have a non-empty class section that contains
-    // metadata.
-    CHECK_EQ(spaces.size(), class_tables_added)
-        << "Expected non-empty class section for each image space.";
-    dex_cache_boot_image_class_lookup_required_ = false;
-  }
-  VLOG(startup) << "ClassLinker::InitFromImage exiting";
+  VLOG(startup) << __FUNCTION__ << " exiting";
+  return true;
+static bool IsBootClassLoader(ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable& soa,
+                              mirror::ClassLoader* class_loader)
+    SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+  return class_loader == nullptr ||
+      class_loader->GetClass() ==
+          soa.Decode<mirror::Class*>(WellKnownClasses::java_lang_BootClassLoader);
+static mirror::String* GetDexPathListElementName(ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked& soa,
+                                                 mirror::Object* element)
+    SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+  ArtField* const dex_file_field =
+      soa.DecodeField(WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_DexPathList__Element_dexFile);
+  ArtField* const dex_file_name_field =
+      soa.DecodeField(WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_DexFile_fileName);
+  DCHECK(dex_file_field != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(dex_file_name_field != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(element != nullptr);
+  CHECK_EQ(dex_file_field->GetDeclaringClass(), element->GetClass()) << PrettyTypeOf(element);
+  mirror::Object* dex_file = dex_file_field->GetObject(element);
+  if (dex_file == nullptr) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  mirror::Object* const name_object = dex_file_name_field->GetObject(dex_file);
+  if (name_object != nullptr) {
+    return name_object->AsString();
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+static bool FlattenPathClassLoader(mirror::ClassLoader* class_loader,
+                                   std::list<mirror::String*>* out_dex_file_names,
+                                   std::string* error_msg)
+    SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+  DCHECK(out_dex_file_names != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(error_msg != nullptr);
+  ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(Thread::Current());
+  ArtField* const dex_path_list_field =
+      soa.DecodeField(WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_PathClassLoader_pathList);
+  ArtField* const dex_elements_field =
+      soa.DecodeField(WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_DexPathList_dexElements);
+  CHECK(dex_path_list_field != nullptr);
+  CHECK(dex_elements_field != nullptr);
+  while (!IsBootClassLoader(soa, class_loader)) {
+    if (class_loader->GetClass() !=
+        soa.Decode<mirror::Class*>(WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_PathClassLoader)) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Unknown class loader type %s", PrettyTypeOf(class_loader).c_str());
+      // Unsupported class loader.
+      return false;
+    }
+    mirror::Object* dex_path_list = dex_path_list_field->GetObject(class_loader);
+    if (dex_path_list != nullptr) {
+      // DexPathList has an array dexElements of Elements[] which each contain a dex file.
+      mirror::Object* dex_elements_obj = dex_elements_field->GetObject(dex_path_list);
+      // Loop through each dalvik.system.DexPathList$Element's dalvik.system.DexFile and look
+      // at the mCookie which is a DexFile vector.
+      if (dex_elements_obj != nullptr) {
+        mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>* dex_elements =
+            dex_elements_obj->AsObjectArray<mirror::Object>();
+        // Reverse order since we insert the parent at the front.
+        for (int32_t i = dex_elements->GetLength() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+          mirror::Object* const element = dex_elements->GetWithoutChecks(i);
+          if (element == nullptr) {
+            *error_msg = StringPrintf("Null dex element at index %d", i);
+            return false;
+          }
+          mirror::String* const name = GetDexPathListElementName(soa, element);
+          if (name == nullptr) {
+            *error_msg = StringPrintf("Null name for dex element at index %d", i);
+            return false;
+          }
+          out_dex_file_names->push_front(name);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    class_loader = class_loader->GetParent();
+  }
+  return true;
+class FixupArtMethodArrayVisitor : public ArtMethodVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit FixupArtMethodArrayVisitor(const ImageHeader& header) : header_(header) {}
+  virtual void Visit(ArtMethod* method) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    GcRoot<mirror::Class>* resolved_types = method->GetDexCacheResolvedTypes(sizeof(void*));
+    const bool is_miranda = method->IsMiranda();
+    if (resolved_types != nullptr) {
+      bool in_image_space = false;
+      if (kIsDebugBuild || is_miranda) {
+        in_image_space = header_.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionDexCacheArrays).Contains(
+            reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(resolved_types) - header_.GetImageBegin());
+      }
+      // Must be in image space for non-miranda method.
+      DCHECK(is_miranda || in_image_space)
+          << resolved_types << " is not in image starting at "
+          << reinterpret_cast<void*>(header_.GetImageBegin());
+      if (!is_miranda || in_image_space) {
+        // Go through the array so that we don't need to do a slow map lookup.
+        method->SetDexCacheResolvedTypes(*reinterpret_cast<GcRoot<mirror::Class>**>(resolved_types),
+                                         sizeof(void*));
+      }
+    }
+    ArtMethod** resolved_methods = method->GetDexCacheResolvedMethods(sizeof(void*));
+    if (resolved_methods != nullptr) {
+      bool in_image_space = false;
+      if (kIsDebugBuild || is_miranda) {
+        in_image_space = header_.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionDexCacheArrays).Contains(
+              reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(resolved_methods) - header_.GetImageBegin());
+      }
+      // Must be in image space for non-miranda method.
+      DCHECK(is_miranda || in_image_space)
+          << resolved_methods << " is not in image starting at "
+          << reinterpret_cast<void*>(header_.GetImageBegin());
+      if (!is_miranda || in_image_space) {
+        // Go through the array so that we don't need to do a slow map lookup.
+        method->SetDexCacheResolvedMethods(*reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod***>(resolved_methods),
+                                           sizeof(void*));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  const ImageHeader& header_;
+class VerifyClassInTableArtMethodVisitor : public ArtMethodVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit VerifyClassInTableArtMethodVisitor(ClassTable* table) : table_(table) {}
+  virtual void Visit(ArtMethod* method)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_) {
+    mirror::Class* klass = method->GetDeclaringClass();
+    if (klass != nullptr && !Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(klass)) {
+      CHECK_EQ(table_->LookupByDescriptor(klass), klass) << PrettyClass(klass);
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  ClassTable* const table_;
+void ClassLinker::UpdateAppImageClassLoadersAndDexCaches(
+    gc::space::ImageSpace* space,
+    Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader,
+    Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::DexCache>> dex_caches,
+    bool added_class_table) {
+  Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
+  gc::Heap* const heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
+  const ImageHeader& header = space->GetImageHeader();
+  // Add image classes into the class table for the class loader, and fixup the dex caches and
+  // class loader fields.
+  WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_);
+  ClassTable* table = InsertClassTableForClassLoader(class_loader.Get());
+  // TODO: Store class table in the image to avoid manually adding the classes.
+  for (int32_t i = 0, num_dex_caches = dex_caches->GetLength(); i < num_dex_caches; i++) {
+    mirror::DexCache* const dex_cache = dex_caches->Get(i);
+    const DexFile* const dex_file = dex_cache->GetDexFile();
+    // If the oat file expects the dex cache arrays to be in the BSS, then allocate there and
+    // copy over the arrays.
+    DCHECK(dex_file != nullptr);
+    const size_t num_strings = dex_file->NumStringIds();
+    const size_t num_types = dex_file->NumTypeIds();
+    const size_t num_methods = dex_file->NumMethodIds();
+    const size_t num_fields = dex_file->NumFieldIds();
+    CHECK_EQ(num_strings, dex_cache->NumStrings());
+    CHECK_EQ(num_types, dex_cache->NumResolvedTypes());
+    CHECK_EQ(num_methods, dex_cache->NumResolvedMethods());
+    CHECK_EQ(num_fields, dex_cache->NumResolvedFields());
+    if (dex_file->GetOatDexFile() != nullptr &&
+        dex_file->GetOatDexFile()->GetDexCacheArrays() != nullptr) {
+      DexCacheArraysLayout layout(image_pointer_size_, dex_file);
+      uint8_t* const raw_arrays = dex_file->GetOatDexFile()->GetDexCacheArrays();
+      // The space is not yet visible to the GC, we can avoid the read barriers and use
+      // std::copy_n.
+      if (num_strings != 0u) {
+        GcRoot<mirror::String>* const strings =
+            reinterpret_cast<GcRoot<mirror::String>*>(raw_arrays + layout.StringsOffset());
+        for (size_t j = 0; kIsDebugBuild && j < num_strings; ++j) {
+          DCHECK(strings[j].IsNull());
+        }
+        std::copy_n(dex_cache->GetStrings(), num_strings, strings);
+        dex_cache->SetStrings(strings);
+      }
+      if (num_types != 0u) {
+        GcRoot<mirror::Class>* const image_resolved_types = dex_cache->GetResolvedTypes();
+        GcRoot<mirror::Class>* const types =
+            reinterpret_cast<GcRoot<mirror::Class>*>(raw_arrays + layout.TypesOffset());
+        for (size_t j = 0; kIsDebugBuild && j < num_types; ++j) {
+          DCHECK(types[j].IsNull());
+        }
+        std::copy_n(image_resolved_types, num_types, types);
+        // Store a pointer to the new location for fast ArtMethod patching without requiring map.
+        // This leaves random garbage at the start of the dex cache array, but nobody should ever
+        // read from it again.
+        *reinterpret_cast<GcRoot<mirror::Class>**>(image_resolved_types) = types;
+        dex_cache->SetResolvedTypes(types);
+      }
+      if (num_methods != 0u) {
+        ArtMethod** const methods = reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod**>(
+            raw_arrays + layout.MethodsOffset());
+        ArtMethod** const image_resolved_methods = dex_cache->GetResolvedMethods();
+        for (size_t j = 0; kIsDebugBuild && j < num_methods; ++j) {
+          DCHECK(methods[j] == nullptr);
+        }
+        std::copy_n(image_resolved_methods, num_methods, methods);
+        // Store a pointer to the new location for fast ArtMethod patching without requiring map.
+        *reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod***>(image_resolved_methods) = methods;
+        dex_cache->SetResolvedMethods(methods);
+      }
+      if (num_fields != 0u) {
+        ArtField** const fields = reinterpret_cast<ArtField**>(raw_arrays + layout.FieldsOffset());
+        for (size_t j = 0; kIsDebugBuild && j < num_fields; ++j) {
+          DCHECK(fields[j] == nullptr);
+        }
+        std::copy_n(dex_cache->GetResolvedFields(), num_fields, fields);
+        dex_cache->SetResolvedFields(fields);
+      }
+    }
+    {
+      WriterMutexLock mu2(self, dex_lock_);
+      // Make sure to do this after we update the arrays since we store the resolved types array
+      // in DexCacheData in RegisterDexFileLocked. We need the array pointer to be the one in the
+      // BSS.
+      mirror::DexCache* existing_dex_cache = FindDexCacheLocked(self,
+                                                                *dex_file,
+                                                                /*allow_failure*/true);
+      CHECK(existing_dex_cache == nullptr);
+      StackHandleScope<1> hs3(self);
+      RegisterDexFileLocked(*dex_file, hs3.NewHandle(dex_cache));
+    }
+    GcRoot<mirror::Class>* const types = dex_cache->GetResolvedTypes();
+    if (!added_class_table) {
+      for (int32_t j = 0; j < static_cast<int32_t>(num_types); j++) {
+        // The image space is not yet added to the heap, avoid read barriers.
+        mirror::Class* klass = types[j].Read<kWithoutReadBarrier>();
+        if (klass != nullptr) {
+          DCHECK_NE(klass->GetStatus(), mirror::Class::kStatusError);
+          // Update the class loader from the one in the image class loader to the one that loaded
+          // the app image.
+          klass->SetClassLoader(class_loader.Get());
+          // If there are multiple dex caches, there may be the same class multiple times
+          // in different dex caches. Check for this since inserting will add duplicates
+          // otherwise.
+          if (num_dex_caches > 1) {
+            mirror::Class* existing = table->LookupByDescriptor(klass);
+            if (existing != nullptr) {
+              DCHECK_EQ(existing, klass) << PrettyClass(klass);
+            } else {
+              table->Insert(klass);
+            }
+          } else {
+            table->Insert(klass);
+          }
+          // Double checked VLOG to avoid overhead.
+          if (VLOG_IS_ON(image)) {
+            VLOG(image) << PrettyClass(klass) << " " << klass->GetStatus();
+            if (!klass->IsArrayClass()) {
+              VLOG(image) << "From " << klass->GetDexCache()->GetDexFile()->GetBaseLocation();
+            }
+            VLOG(image) << "Direct methods";
+            for (ArtMethod& m : klass->GetDirectMethods(sizeof(void*))) {
+              VLOG(image) << PrettyMethod(&m);
+            }
+            VLOG(image) << "Virtual methods";
+            for (ArtMethod& m : klass->GetVirtualMethods(sizeof(void*))) {
+              VLOG(image) << PrettyMethod(&m);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+      for (int32_t j = 0; j < static_cast<int32_t>(num_types); j++) {
+        // The image space is not yet added to the heap, avoid read barriers.
+        mirror::Class* klass = types[j].Read<kWithoutReadBarrier>();
+        if (klass != nullptr) {
+          DCHECK_NE(klass->GetStatus(), mirror::Class::kStatusError);
+          if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+            DCHECK_EQ(table->LookupByDescriptor(klass), klass);
+            mirror::Class* super_class = klass->GetSuperClass();
+            if (super_class != nullptr && !heap->ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(super_class)) {
+              CHECK_EQ(table->LookupByDescriptor(super_class), super_class);
+            }
+          }
+          DCHECK_EQ(klass->GetClassLoader(), class_loader.Get());
+          if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+            for (ArtMethod& m : klass->GetDirectMethods(sizeof(void*))) {
+                const void* code = m.GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
+                const void* oat_code = m.IsInvokable() ? GetQuickOatCodeFor(&m) : code;
+                if (!IsQuickResolutionStub(code) &&
+                    !IsQuickGenericJniStub(code) &&
+                    !IsQuickToInterpreterBridge(code) &&
+                    !m.IsNative()) {
+                  DCHECK_EQ(code, oat_code) << PrettyMethod(&m);
+                }
+              }
+              VLOG(image) << "Virtual methods";
+              for (ArtMethod& m : klass->GetVirtualMethods(sizeof(void*))) {
+                const void* code = m.GetEntryPointFromQuickCompiledCode();
+                const void* oat_code = m.IsInvokable() ? GetQuickOatCodeFor(&m) : code;
+                if (!IsQuickResolutionStub(code) &&
+                    !IsQuickGenericJniStub(code) &&
+                    !IsQuickToInterpreterBridge(code) &&
+                    !m.IsNative()) {
+                  DCHECK_EQ(code, oat_code) << PrettyMethod(&m);
+                }
+              }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    FixupArtMethodArrayVisitor visitor(header);
+    header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionArtMethods).VisitPackedArtMethods(
+        &visitor, space->Begin(), sizeof(void*));
+    Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->WriteBarrierEveryFieldOf(class_loader.Get());
+  }
+  if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+    ClassTable* const class_table = class_loader.Get()->GetClassTable();
+    VerifyClassInTableArtMethodVisitor visitor2(class_table);
+    header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionArtMethods).VisitPackedArtMethods(
+        &visitor2, space->Begin(), sizeof(void*));
+  }
+bool ClassLinker::AddImageSpace(
+    gc::space::ImageSpace* space,
+    Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader,
+    jobjectArray dex_elements,
+    const char* dex_location,
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>* out_dex_files,
+    std::string* error_msg) {
+  DCHECK(out_dex_files != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(error_msg != nullptr);
+  const uint64_t start_time = NanoTime();
+  const bool app_image = class_loader.Get() != nullptr;
+  const ImageHeader& header = space->GetImageHeader();
+  mirror::Object* dex_caches_object = header.GetImageRoot(ImageHeader::kDexCaches);
+  DCHECK(dex_caches_object != nullptr);
+  Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
+  gc::Heap* const heap = runtime->GetHeap();
+  Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
+  StackHandleScope<2> hs(self);
+  Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::DexCache>> dex_caches(
+      hs.NewHandle(dex_caches_object->AsObjectArray<mirror::DexCache>()));
+  Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Class>> class_roots(hs.NewHandle(
+      header.GetImageRoot(ImageHeader::kClassRoots)->AsObjectArray<mirror::Class>()));
+  const OatFile* oat_file = space->GetOatFile();
+  std::unordered_set<mirror::ClassLoader*> image_class_loaders;
+  // Check that the image is what we are expecting.
+  if (image_pointer_size_ != space->GetImageHeader().GetPointerSize()) {
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Application image pointer size does not match runtime: %zu vs %zu",
+                              static_cast<size_t>(space->GetImageHeader().GetPointerSize()),
+                              image_pointer_size_);
+    return false;
+  }
+  DCHECK(class_roots.Get() != nullptr);
+  if (class_roots->GetLength() != static_cast<int32_t>(kClassRootsMax)) {
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Expected %d class roots but got %d",
+                              class_roots->GetLength(),
+                              static_cast<int32_t>(kClassRootsMax));
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Check against existing class roots to make sure they match the ones in the boot image.
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < kClassRootsMax; i++) {
+    if (class_roots->Get(i) != GetClassRoot(static_cast<ClassRoot>(i))) {
+      *error_msg = "App image class roots must have pointer equality with runtime ones.";
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  if (oat_file->GetOatHeader().GetDexFileCount() !=
+      static_cast<uint32_t>(dex_caches->GetLength())) {
+    *error_msg = "Dex cache count and dex file count mismatch while trying to initialize from "
+                 "image";
+    return false;
+  }
+  StackHandleScope<1> hs2(self);
+  MutableHandle<mirror::DexCache> h_dex_cache(hs2.NewHandle<mirror::DexCache>(nullptr));
+  for (int32_t i = 0; i < dex_caches->GetLength(); i++) {
+    h_dex_cache.Assign(dex_caches->Get(i));
+    std::string dex_file_location(h_dex_cache->GetLocation()->ToModifiedUtf8());
+    // TODO: Only store qualified paths.
+    // If non qualified, qualify it.
+    if (dex_file_location.find('/') == std::string::npos) {
+      std::string dex_location_path = dex_location;
+      const size_t pos = dex_location_path.find_last_of('/');
+      CHECK_NE(pos, std::string::npos);
+      dex_location_path = dex_location_path.substr(0, pos + 1);  // Keep trailing '/'
+      dex_file_location = dex_location_path + dex_file_location;
+    }
+    const OatFile::OatDexFile* oat_dex_file = oat_file->GetOatDexFile(dex_file_location.c_str(),
+                                                                      nullptr);
+    if (oat_dex_file == nullptr) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed finding oat dex file for %s %s",
+                                oat_file->GetLocation().c_str(),
+                                dex_file_location.c_str());
+      return false;
+    }
+    std::string inner_error_msg;
+    std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file = oat_dex_file->OpenDexFile(&inner_error_msg);
+    if (dex_file == nullptr) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to open dex file %s from within oat file %s error '%s'",
+                                dex_file_location.c_str(),
+                                oat_file->GetLocation().c_str(),
+                                inner_error_msg.c_str());
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (dex_file->GetLocationChecksum() != oat_dex_file->GetDexFileLocationChecksum()) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Checksums do not match for %s: %x vs %x",
+                                dex_file_location.c_str(),
+                                dex_file->GetLocationChecksum(),
+                                oat_dex_file->GetDexFileLocationChecksum());
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (app_image) {
+      // The current dex file field is bogus, overwrite it so that we can get the dex file in the
+      // loop below.
+      h_dex_cache->SetDexFile(dex_file.get());
+      // Check that each class loader resolved the same way.
+      // TODO: Store image class loaders as image roots.
+      GcRoot<mirror::Class>* const types = h_dex_cache->GetResolvedTypes();
+      for (int32_t j = 0, num_types = h_dex_cache->NumResolvedTypes(); j < num_types; j++) {
+        mirror::Class* klass = types[j].Read();
+        if (klass != nullptr) {
+          DCHECK_NE(klass->GetStatus(), mirror::Class::kStatusError);
+          mirror::ClassLoader* image_class_loader = klass->GetClassLoader();
+          image_class_loaders.insert(image_class_loader);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (kSanityCheckObjects) {
+        SanityCheckArtMethodPointerArray(h_dex_cache->GetResolvedMethods(),
+                                         h_dex_cache->NumResolvedMethods(),
+                                         image_pointer_size_,
+                                         heap->GetBootImageSpaces());
+      }
+      // Register dex files, keep track of existing ones that are conflicts.
+      AppendToBootClassPath(*dex_file.get(), h_dex_cache);
+    }
+    out_dex_files->push_back(std::move(dex_file));
+  }
+  if (app_image) {
+    ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(Thread::Current());
+    // Check that the class loader resolves the same way as the ones in the image.
+    // Image class loader [A][B][C][image dex files]
+    // Class loader = [???][dex_elements][image dex files]
+    // Need to ensure that [???][dex_elements] == [A][B][C].
+    // For each class loader, PathClassLoader, the laoder checks the parent first. Also the logic
+    // for PathClassLoader does this by looping through the array of dex files. To ensure they
+    // resolve the same way, simply flatten the hierarchy in the way the resolution order would be,
+    // and check that the dex file names are the same.
+    for (mirror::ClassLoader* image_class_loader : image_class_loaders) {
+      std::list<mirror::String*> image_dex_file_names;
+      std::string temp_error_msg;
+      if (!FlattenPathClassLoader(image_class_loader, &image_dex_file_names, &temp_error_msg)) {
+        *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to flatten image class loader hierarchy '%s'",
+                                  temp_error_msg.c_str());
+        return false;
+      }
+      std::list<mirror::String*> loader_dex_file_names;
+      if (!FlattenPathClassLoader(class_loader.Get(), &loader_dex_file_names, &temp_error_msg)) {
+        *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to flatten class loader hierarchy '%s'",
+                                  temp_error_msg.c_str());
+        return false;
+      }
+      // Add the temporary dex path list elements at the end.
+      auto* elements = soa.Decode<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::Object>*>(dex_elements);
+      for (size_t i = 0, num_elems = elements->GetLength(); i < num_elems; ++i) {
+        mirror::Object* element = elements->GetWithoutChecks(i);
+        if (element != nullptr) {
+          // If we are somewhere in the middle of the array, there may be nulls at the end.
+          loader_dex_file_names.push_back(GetDexPathListElementName(soa, element));
+        }
+      }
+      // Ignore the number of image dex files since we are adding those to the class loader anyways.
+      CHECK_GE(static_cast<size_t>(image_dex_file_names.size()),
+               static_cast<size_t>(dex_caches->GetLength()));
+      size_t image_count = image_dex_file_names.size() - dex_caches->GetLength();
+      // Check that the dex file names match.
+      bool equal = image_count == loader_dex_file_names.size();
+      if (equal) {
+        auto it1 = image_dex_file_names.begin();
+        auto it2 = loader_dex_file_names.begin();
+        for (size_t i = 0; equal && i < image_count; ++i, ++it1, ++it2) {
+          equal = equal && (*it1)->Equals(*it2);
+        }
+      }
+      if (!equal) {
+        *error_msg = "Rejecting application image due to class loader mismatch";
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (kSanityCheckObjects) {
+    for (int32_t i = 0; i < dex_caches->GetLength(); i++) {
+      auto* dex_cache = dex_caches->Get(i);
+      for (size_t j = 0; j < dex_cache->NumResolvedFields(); ++j) {
+        auto* field = dex_cache->GetResolvedField(j, image_pointer_size_);
+        if (field != nullptr) {
+          CHECK(field->GetDeclaringClass()->GetClass() != nullptr);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!app_image) {
+      heap->VisitObjects(SanityCheckObjectsCallback, nullptr);
+    }
+  }
+  // Set entry point to interpreter if in InterpretOnly mode.
+  if (!runtime->IsAotCompiler() && runtime->GetInstrumentation()->InterpretOnly()) {
+    const ImageSection& methods = header.GetMethodsSection();
+    SetInterpreterEntrypointArtMethodVisitor visitor(image_pointer_size_);
+    methods.VisitPackedArtMethods(&visitor, space->Begin(), image_pointer_size_);
+  }
+  const ImageSection& class_table_section = header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionClassTable);
+  bool added_class_table = false;
+  if (app_image) {
+    GetOrCreateAllocatorForClassLoader(class_loader.Get());  // Make sure we have a linear alloc.
+  }
+  if (class_table_section.Size() > 0u) {
+    const uint64_t start_time2 = NanoTime();
+    WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_);
+    ClassTable* const class_table = InsertClassTableForClassLoader(class_loader.Get());
+    class_table->ReadFromMemory(space->Begin() + class_table_section.Offset());
+    if (app_image) {
+      class_table->SetClassLoader(class_loader.Get());
+    } else {
+      dex_cache_boot_image_class_lookup_required_ = false;
+    }
+    VLOG(image) << "Adding class table classes took " << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start_time2);
+    added_class_table = true;
+  }
+  if (app_image) {
+    UpdateAppImageClassLoadersAndDexCaches(space, class_loader, dex_caches, added_class_table);
+  }
+  VLOG(class_linker) << "Adding image space took " << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start_time);
   return true;
@@ -1527,14 +1971,6 @@
   return ClassPathEntry(nullptr, nullptr);
-static bool IsBootClassLoader(ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable& soa,
-                              mirror::ClassLoader* class_loader)
-    SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
-  return class_loader == nullptr ||
-      class_loader->GetClass() ==
-          soa.Decode<mirror::Class*>(WellKnownClasses::java_lang_BootClassLoader);
 bool ClassLinker::FindClassInPathClassLoader(ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable& soa,
                                              Thread* self,
                                              const char* descriptor,
@@ -1820,6 +2256,7 @@
   // inserted before we allocate / fill in these fields.
   LoadClass(self, dex_file, dex_class_def, klass);
   if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
+    VLOG(class_linker) << self->GetException()->Dump();
     // An exception occured during load, set status to erroneous while holding klass' lock in case
     // notification is necessary.
     if (!klass->IsErroneous()) {
@@ -2487,7 +2924,20 @@
   Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
   CHECK(dex_cache.Get() != nullptr) << dex_file.GetLocation();
-  CHECK(dex_cache->GetLocation()->Equals(dex_file.GetLocation()))
+  // For app images, the dex cache location may be a suffix of the dex file location since the
+  // dex file location is an absolute path.
+  const size_t dex_cache_length = dex_cache->GetLocation()->GetLength();
+  CHECK_GT(dex_cache_length, 0u) << dex_file.GetLocation();
+  std::string dex_file_location = dex_file.GetLocation();
+  CHECK_GE(dex_file_location.length(), dex_cache_length)
+      << dex_cache->GetLocation()->ToModifiedUtf8() << " " << dex_file.GetLocation();
+  // Take suffix.
+  const std::string dex_file_suffix = dex_file_location.substr(
+      dex_file_location.length() - dex_cache_length,
+      dex_cache_length);
+  // Example dex_cache location is SettingsProvider.apk and
+  // dex file location is /system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/SettingsProvider.apk
+  CHECK(dex_cache->GetLocation()->Equals(dex_file_suffix))
       << dex_cache->GetLocation()->ToModifiedUtf8() << " " << dex_file.GetLocation();
   // Clean up pass to remove null dex caches.
   // Null dex caches can occur due to class unloading and we are lazily removing null entries.
@@ -6931,10 +7381,13 @@
   ArtField* cookie_field = soa.DecodeField(WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_DexFile_cookie);
   DCHECK_EQ(cookie_field->GetDeclaringClass(), element_file_field->GetType<false>());
+  ArtField* file_name_field = soa.DecodeField(WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_DexFile_fileName);
+  DCHECK_EQ(file_name_field->GetDeclaringClass(), element_file_field->GetType<false>());
   // Fill the elements array.
   int32_t index = 0;
   for (const DexFile* dex_file : dex_files) {
-    StackHandleScope<3> hs2(self);
+    StackHandleScope<4> hs2(self);
     // CreatePathClassLoader is only used by gtests. Index 0 of h_long_array is supposed to be the
     // oat file but we can leave it null.
@@ -6949,6 +7402,11 @@
     DCHECK(h_dex_file.Get() != nullptr);
     cookie_field->SetObject<false>(h_dex_file.Get(), h_long_array.Get());
+    Handle<mirror::String> h_file_name = hs2.NewHandle(
+        mirror::String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8(self, dex_file->GetLocation().c_str()));
+    DCHECK(h_file_name.Get() != nullptr);
+    file_name_field->SetObject<false>(h_dex_file.Get(), h_file_name.Get());
     Handle<mirror::Object> h_element = hs2.NewHandle(h_dex_element_class->AllocObject(self));
     DCHECK(h_element.Get() != nullptr);
     element_file_field->SetObject<false>(h_element.Get(), h_dex_file.Get());
@@ -7048,6 +7506,7 @@
     if (class_loader != nullptr) {
     } else {
+      VLOG(class_linker) << "Freeing class loader";
       DeleteClassLoader(self, data);
       it = class_loaders_.erase(it);
diff --git a/runtime/class_linker.h b/runtime/class_linker.h
index f1fd0c3..d503dd4 100644
--- a/runtime/class_linker.h
+++ b/runtime/class_linker.h
@@ -120,11 +120,25 @@
-  // Initialize class linker from one or more images.
-  bool InitFromImage(std::string* error_msg)
+  // Initialize class linker from one or more boot images.
+  bool InitFromBootImage(std::string* error_msg)
+  // Add an image space to the class linker, may fix up classloader fields and dex cache fields.
+  // The dex files that were newly opened for the space are placed in the out argument
+  // out_dex_files. Returns true if the operation succeeded.
+  // The space must be already added to the heap before calling AddImageSpace since we need to
+  // properly handle read barriers and object marking.
+  bool AddImageSpace(gc::space::ImageSpace* space,
+                     Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader,
+                     jobjectArray dex_elements,
+                     const char* dex_location,
+                     std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>* out_dex_files,
+                     std::string* error_msg)
+      REQUIRES(!dex_lock_)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   // Finds a class by its descriptor, loading it if necessary.
   // If class_loader is null, searches boot_class_path_.
   mirror::Class* FindClass(Thread* self,
@@ -985,8 +999,16 @@
+  void UpdateAppImageClassLoadersAndDexCaches(
+      gc::space::ImageSpace* space,
+      Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader,
+      Handle<mirror::ObjectArray<mirror::DexCache>> dex_caches,
+      bool added_class_table)
+      REQUIRES(!dex_lock_)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   std::vector<const DexFile*> boot_class_path_;
-  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> opened_dex_files_;
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> boot_dex_files_;
   mutable ReaderWriterMutex dex_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
   // JNI weak globals and side data to allow dex caches to get unloaded. We lazily delete weak
diff --git a/runtime/class_table.cc b/runtime/class_table.cc
index df2dbf4..2a4f0e01 100644
--- a/runtime/class_table.cc
+++ b/runtime/class_table.cc
@@ -40,6 +40,16 @@
   return false;
+mirror::Class* ClassTable::LookupByDescriptor(mirror::Class* klass) {
+  for (ClassSet& class_set : classes_) {
+    auto it = class_set.Find(GcRoot<mirror::Class>(klass));
+    if (it != class_set.end()) {
+      return it->Read();
+    }
+  }
+  return nullptr;
 mirror::Class* ClassTable::UpdateClass(const char* descriptor, mirror::Class* klass, size_t hash) {
   // Should only be updating latest table.
   auto existing_it = classes_.back().FindWithHash(descriptor, hash);
@@ -173,4 +183,12 @@
   return read_count;
+void ClassTable::SetClassLoader(mirror::ClassLoader* class_loader) {
+  for (const ClassSet& class_set : classes_) {
+    for (const GcRoot<mirror::Class>& root : class_set) {
+      root.Read()->SetClassLoader(class_loader);
+    }
+  }
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/class_table.h b/runtime/class_table.h
index 911f3c2..0b42035 100644
--- a/runtime/class_table.h
+++ b/runtime/class_table.h
@@ -84,9 +84,14 @@
   bool Visit(ClassVisitor* visitor)
       SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // Return the first class that matches the descriptor. Returns null if there are none.
   mirror::Class* Lookup(const char* descriptor, size_t hash)
       SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // Return the first class that matches the descriptor of klass. Returns null if there are none.
+  mirror::Class* LookupByDescriptor(mirror::Class* klass)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_);
   void Insert(mirror::Class* klass)
@@ -107,10 +112,17 @@
   // Combines all of the tables into one class set.
   size_t WriteToMemory(uint8_t* ptr) const
       SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // Read a table from ptr and put it at the front of the class set.
   size_t ReadFromMemory(uint8_t* ptr)
+  // Change the class loader of all the contained classes.
+  void SetClassLoader(mirror::ClassLoader* class_loader)
+    REQUIRES(Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_)
+    SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   class ClassDescriptorHashEquals {
diff --git a/runtime/gc/accounting/card_table.h b/runtime/gc/accounting/card_table.h
index 88a6c6c..b6af908 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/accounting/card_table.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/accounting/card_table.h
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@
   // Resets all of the bytes in the card table to clean.
   void ClearCardTable();
+  // Clear a range of cards that covers start to end, start and end must be aligned to kCardSize.
   void ClearCardRange(uint8_t* start, uint8_t* end);
   // Resets all of the bytes in the card table which do not map to the image space.
diff --git a/runtime/gc/accounting/space_bitmap-inl.h b/runtime/gc/accounting/space_bitmap-inl.h
index 61c67f8..4cf5b4f 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/accounting/space_bitmap-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/accounting/space_bitmap-inl.h
@@ -167,8 +167,12 @@
   uintptr_t* address = &bitmap_begin_[index];
   uintptr_t old_word = *address;
   if (kSetBit) {
+    // Check the bit before setting the word incase we are trying to mark a read only bitmap
+    // like an image space bitmap. This bitmap is mapped as read only and will fault if we
+    // attempt to change any words. Since all of the objects are marked, this will never
+    // occur if we check before setting the bit. This also prevents dirty pages that would
+    // occur if the bitmap was read write and we did not check the bit.
     if ((old_word & mask) == 0) {
-      // Avoid dirtying the page if possible.
       *address = old_word | mask;
   } else {
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/immune_spaces_test.cc b/runtime/gc/collector/immune_spaces_test.cc
index 4884e66..ea290dd 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/immune_spaces_test.cc
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/immune_spaces_test.cc
@@ -112,8 +112,13 @@
         /*oat_data_end*/PointerToLowMemUInt32(map->End() + oat_size),
         /*oat_file_end*/PointerToLowMemUInt32(map->End() + oat_size),
+        /*boot_image_begin*/0u,
+        /*boot_image_size*/0u,
+        /*boot_oat_begin*/0u,
+        /*boot_oat_size*/0u,
+        /*is_pic*/false,
     return new DummyImageSpace(map.release(), live_bitmap.release());
diff --git a/runtime/gc/heap.cc b/runtime/gc/heap.cc
index d6c1817..767d8ad 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/heap.cc
+++ b/runtime/gc/heap.cc
@@ -273,10 +273,11 @@
       std::string& image_name = image_file_names[index];
       std::string error_msg;
-      space::ImageSpace* boot_image_space = space::ImageSpace::Create(image_name.c_str(),
-                                                                      image_instruction_set,
-                                                                      index > 0,
-                                                                      &error_msg);
+      space::ImageSpace* boot_image_space = space::ImageSpace::CreateBootImage(
+          image_name.c_str(),
+          image_instruction_set,
+          index > 0,
+          &error_msg);
       if (boot_image_space != nullptr) {
@@ -375,12 +376,13 @@
   // Attempt to create 2 mem maps at or after the requested begin.
   if (foreground_collector_type_ != kCollectorTypeCC) {
-    if (separate_non_moving_space) {
+    if (separate_non_moving_space || !is_zygote) {
       main_mem_map_1.reset(MapAnonymousPreferredAddress(kMemMapSpaceName[0], request_begin,
                                                         capacity_, &error_str));
     } else {
-      // If no separate non-moving space, the main space must come
-      // right after the image space to avoid a gap.
+      // If no separate non-moving space and we are the zygote, the main space must come right
+      // after the image space to avoid a gap. This is required since we want the zygote space to
+      // be adjacent to the image space.
       main_mem_map_1.reset(MemMap::MapAnonymous(kMemMapSpaceName[0], request_begin, capacity_,
                                                 PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, true, false,
@@ -488,7 +490,15 @@
   // Allocate the card table.
   ATRACE_BEGIN("Create card table");
-  card_table_.reset(accounting::CardTable::Create(heap_begin, heap_capacity));
+  // We currently don't support dynamically resizing the card table.
+  // Since we don't know where in the low_4gb the app image will be located, make the card table
+  // cover the whole low_4gb. TODO: Extend the card table in AddSpace.
+  UNUSED(heap_capacity);
+  // Start at 64 KB, we can be sure there are no spaces mapped this low since the address range is
+  // reserved by the kernel.
+  static constexpr size_t kMinHeapAddress = 4 * KB;
+  card_table_.reset(accounting::CardTable::Create(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(kMinHeapAddress),
+                                                  4 * GB - kMinHeapAddress));
   CHECK(card_table_.get() != nullptr) << "Failed to create card table";
   if (foreground_collector_type_ == kCollectorTypeCC && kUseTableLookupReadBarrier) {
@@ -1249,10 +1259,6 @@
   return FindDiscontinuousSpaceFromObject(obj, fail_ok);
-std::vector<space::ImageSpace*> Heap::GetBootImageSpaces() const {
-  return boot_image_spaces_;
 void Heap::ThrowOutOfMemoryError(Thread* self, size_t byte_count, AllocatorType allocator_type) {
   std::ostringstream oss;
   size_t total_bytes_free = GetFreeMemory();
@@ -3191,7 +3197,13 @@
     } else if (process_alloc_space_cards) {
       TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t2("AllocSpaceClearCards", timings);
       if (clear_alloc_space_cards) {
-        card_table_->ClearCardRange(space->Begin(), space->End());
+        uint8_t* end = space->End();
+        if (space->IsImageSpace()) {
+          // Image space end is the end of the mirror objects, it is not necessarily page or card
+          // aligned. Align up so that the check in ClearCardRange does not fail.
+          end = AlignUp(end, accounting::CardTable::kCardSize);
+        }
+        card_table_->ClearCardRange(space->Begin(), end);
       } else {
         // No mod union table for the AllocSpace. Age the cards so that the GC knows that these
         // cards were dirty before the GC started.
@@ -3986,5 +3998,43 @@
   gc_disabled_for_shutdown_ = true;
+bool Heap::ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(mirror::Object* obj) const {
+  for (gc::space::ImageSpace* space : boot_image_spaces_) {
+    if (space->HasAddress(obj)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+void Heap::GetBootImagesSize(uint32_t* boot_image_begin,
+                             uint32_t* boot_image_end,
+                             uint32_t* boot_oat_begin,
+                             uint32_t* boot_oat_end) {
+  DCHECK(boot_image_begin != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(boot_image_end != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(boot_oat_begin != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(boot_oat_end != nullptr);
+  *boot_image_begin = 0u;
+  *boot_image_end = 0u;
+  *boot_oat_begin = 0u;
+  *boot_oat_end = 0u;
+  for (gc::space::ImageSpace* space_ : GetBootImageSpaces()) {
+    const uint32_t image_begin = PointerToLowMemUInt32(space_->Begin());
+    const uint32_t image_size = space_->GetImageHeader().GetImageSize();
+    if (*boot_image_begin == 0 || image_begin < *boot_image_begin) {
+      *boot_image_begin = image_begin;
+    }
+    *boot_image_end = std::max(*boot_image_end, image_begin + image_size);
+    const OatFile* boot_oat_file = space_->GetOatFile();
+    const uint32_t oat_begin = PointerToLowMemUInt32(boot_oat_file->Begin());
+    const uint32_t oat_size = boot_oat_file->Size();
+    if (*boot_oat_begin == 0 || oat_begin < *boot_oat_begin) {
+      *boot_oat_begin = oat_begin;
+    }
+    *boot_oat_end = std::max(*boot_oat_end, oat_begin + oat_size);
+  }
 }  // namespace gc
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/gc/heap.h b/runtime/gc/heap.h
index 7b531ba..1b7e2c9 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/heap.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/heap.h
@@ -580,7 +580,17 @@
   void UnBindBitmaps() REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
   // Returns the boot image spaces. There may be multiple boot image spaces.
-  std::vector<space::ImageSpace*> GetBootImageSpaces() const;
+  const std::vector<space::ImageSpace*>& GetBootImageSpaces() const {
+    return boot_image_spaces_;
+  }
+  bool ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(mirror::Object* obj) const
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  void GetBootImagesSize(uint32_t* boot_image_begin,
+                         uint32_t* boot_image_end,
+                         uint32_t* boot_oat_begin,
+                         uint32_t* boot_oat_end);
   // Permenantly disable moving garbage collection.
   void DisableMovingGc() REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
diff --git a/runtime/gc/space/image_space.cc b/runtime/gc/space/image_space.cc
index 5f6bb8e..9ff3d8d 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/space/image_space.cc
+++ b/runtime/gc/space/image_space.cc
@@ -475,10 +475,10 @@
   return true;
-ImageSpace* ImageSpace::Create(const char* image_location,
-                               const InstructionSet image_isa,
-                               bool secondary_image,
-                               std::string* error_msg) {
+ImageSpace* ImageSpace::CreateBootImage(const char* image_location,
+                                        const InstructionSet image_isa,
+                                        bool secondary_image,
+                                        std::string* error_msg) {
   std::string system_filename;
   bool has_system = false;
   std::string cache_filename;
@@ -584,8 +584,13 @@
       // assume this if we are using a relocated image (i.e. image checksum
       // matches) since this is only different by the offset. We need this to
       // make sure that host tests continue to work.
-      space = ImageSpace::Init(image_filename->c_str(), image_location,
-                               !(is_system || relocated_version_used), error_msg);
+      // Since we are the boot image, pass null since we load the oat file from the boot image oat
+      // file name.
+      space = ImageSpace::Init(image_filename->c_str(),
+                               image_location,
+                               !(is_system || relocated_version_used),
+                               /* oat_file */nullptr,
+                               error_msg);
     if (space != nullptr) {
       return space;
@@ -646,7 +651,7 @@
     // we leave Create.
     ScopedFlock image_lock;
     image_lock.Init(cache_filename.c_str(), error_msg);
-    space = ImageSpace::Init(cache_filename.c_str(), image_location, true, error_msg);
+    space = ImageSpace::Init(cache_filename.c_str(), image_location, true, nullptr, error_msg);
     if (space == nullptr) {
       *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to load generated image '%s': %s",
                                 cache_filename.c_str(), error_msg->c_str());
@@ -669,34 +674,494 @@
-ImageSpace* ImageSpace::Init(const char* image_filename, const char* image_location,
-                             bool validate_oat_file, std::string* error_msg) {
+// Helper class for relocating from one range of memory to another.
+class RelocationRange {
+ public:
+  RelocationRange() = default;
+  RelocationRange(const RelocationRange&) = default;
+  RelocationRange(uintptr_t source, uintptr_t dest, uintptr_t length)
+      : source_(source),
+        dest_(dest),
+        length_(length) {}
+  bool ContainsSource(uintptr_t address) const {
+    return address - source_ < length_;
+  }
+  // Translate a source address to the destination space.
+  uintptr_t ToDest(uintptr_t address) const {
+    DCHECK(ContainsSource(address));
+    return address + Delta();
+  }
+  // Returns the delta between the dest from the source.
+  off_t Delta() const {
+    return dest_ - source_;
+  }
+  uintptr_t Source() const {
+    return source_;
+  }
+  uintptr_t Dest() const {
+    return dest_;
+  }
+  uintptr_t Length() const {
+    return length_;
+  }
+ private:
+  const uintptr_t source_;
+  const uintptr_t dest_;
+  const uintptr_t length_;
+class FixupVisitor : public ValueObject {
+ public:
+  FixupVisitor(const RelocationRange& boot_image,
+               const RelocationRange& boot_oat,
+               const RelocationRange& app_image,
+               const RelocationRange& app_oat)
+      : boot_image_(boot_image),
+        boot_oat_(boot_oat),
+        app_image_(app_image),
+        app_oat_(app_oat) {}
+  // Return the relocated address of a heap object.
+  template <typename T>
+  ALWAYS_INLINE T* ForwardObject(T* src) const {
+    const uintptr_t uint_src = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(src);
+    if (boot_image_.ContainsSource(uint_src)) {
+      return reinterpret_cast<T*>(boot_image_.ToDest(uint_src));
+    }
+    if (app_image_.ContainsSource(uint_src)) {
+      return reinterpret_cast<T*>(app_image_.ToDest(uint_src));
+    }
+    return src;
+  }
+  // Return the relocated address of a code pointer (contained by an oat file).
+  ALWAYS_INLINE const void* ForwardCode(const void* src) const {
+    const uintptr_t uint_src = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(src);
+    if (boot_oat_.ContainsSource(uint_src)) {
+     return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(boot_oat_.ToDest(uint_src));
+    }
+    if (app_oat_.ContainsSource(uint_src)) {
+      return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(app_oat_.ToDest(uint_src));
+    }
+    return src;
+  }
+ protected:
+  // Source section.
+  const RelocationRange boot_image_;
+  const RelocationRange boot_oat_;
+  const RelocationRange app_image_;
+  const RelocationRange app_oat_;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RelocationRange& reloc) {
+  return os << "(" << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(reloc.Source()) << "-"
+            << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(reloc.Source() + reloc.Length()) << ")->("
+            << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(reloc.Dest()) << "-"
+            << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(reloc.Dest() + reloc.Length()) << ")";
+// Adapt for mirror::Class::FixupNativePointers.
+class FixupObjectAdapter : public FixupVisitor {
+ public:
+  template<typename... Args>
+  explicit FixupObjectAdapter(Args... args) : FixupVisitor(args...) {}
+  template <typename T>
+  T* operator()(T* obj) const {
+    return ForwardObject(obj);
+  }
+class FixupClassVisitor : public FixupVisitor {
+ public:
+  template<typename... Args>
+  explicit FixupClassVisitor(Args... args) : FixupVisitor(args...) {}
+  // The image space is contained so the GC doesn't need to know about it. Avoid requiring mutator
+  // lock to prevent possible pauses.
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void operator()(mirror::Object* obj) const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+    mirror::Class* klass = obj->GetClass<kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>();
+    DCHECK(klass != nullptr) << "Null class in image";
+    // No AsClass since our fields aren't quite fixed up yet.
+    mirror::Class* new_klass = down_cast<mirror::Class*>(ForwardObject(klass));
+    // Keep clean if possible.
+    if (klass != new_klass) {
+      obj->SetClass<kVerifyNone>(new_klass);
+    }
+  }
+class FixupRootVisitor : public FixupVisitor {
+ public:
+  template<typename... Args>
+  explicit FixupRootVisitor(Args... args) : FixupVisitor(args...) {}
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRootIfNonNull(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root) const
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    if (!root->IsNull()) {
+      VisitRoot(root);
+    }
+  }
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRoot(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root) const
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    mirror::Object* ref = root->AsMirrorPtr();
+    mirror::Object* new_ref = ForwardObject(ref);
+    if (ref != new_ref) {
+      root->Assign(new_ref);
+    }
+  }
+class FixupObjectVisitor : public FixupVisitor {
+ public:
+  template<typename... Args>
+  explicit FixupObjectVisitor(Args... args) : FixupVisitor(args...) {}
+  // Fix up separately since we also need to fix up method entrypoints.
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRootIfNonNull(
+      mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const {}
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitRoot(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
+      const {}
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void operator()(mirror::Object* obj,
+                                MemberOffset offset,
+                                bool is_static ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) const
+    // There could be overlap between ranges, we must avoid visiting the same reference twice.
+    // Avoid the class field since we already fixed it up in FixupClassVisitor.
+    if (offset.Uint32Value() != mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Uint32Value()) {
+      // Space is not yet added to the heap, don't do a read barrier.
+      mirror::Object* ref = obj->GetFieldObject<mirror::Object, kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>(
+          offset);
+      // Use SetFieldObjectWithoutWriteBarrier to avoid card marking since we are writing to the
+      // image.
+      obj->SetFieldObjectWithoutWriteBarrier<false, true, kVerifyNone>(offset, ForwardObject(ref));
+    }
+  }
+  // java.lang.ref.Reference visitor.
+  void operator()(mirror::Class* klass ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, mirror::Reference* ref) const
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) {
+    mirror::Object* obj = ref->GetReferent<kWithoutReadBarrier>();
+    ref->SetFieldObjectWithoutWriteBarrier<false, true, kVerifyNone>(
+        mirror::Reference::ReferentOffset(),
+        ForwardObject(obj));
+  }
+  ALWAYS_INLINE void operator()(mirror::Object* obj) const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+    obj->VisitReferences</*visit native roots*/false, kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>(
+        *this,
+        *this);
+    // We want to use our own class loader and not the one in the image.
+    if (obj->IsClass<kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>()) {
+      mirror::Class* klass = obj->AsClass<kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>();
+      FixupObjectAdapter visitor(boot_image_, boot_oat_, app_image_, app_oat_);
+      klass->FixupNativePointers(klass, sizeof(void*), visitor);
+      // Deal with the arrays.
+      mirror::PointerArray* vtable = klass->GetVTable<kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>();
+      if (vtable != nullptr) {
+        vtable->Fixup(vtable, sizeof(void*), visitor);
+      }
+      mirror::IfTable* iftable = klass->GetIfTable<kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>();
+      if (iftable != nullptr) {
+        for (int32_t i = 0; i < klass->GetIfTableCount(); ++i) {
+          if (iftable->GetMethodArrayCount(i) > 0) {
+            mirror::PointerArray* methods =
+                iftable->GetMethodArray<kVerifyNone, kWithoutReadBarrier>(i);
+            DCHECK(methods != nullptr);
+            methods->Fixup(methods, sizeof(void*), visitor);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+class ForwardObjectAdapter {
+ public:
+  ALWAYS_INLINE ForwardObjectAdapter(const FixupVisitor* visitor) : visitor_(visitor) {}
+  template <typename T>
+  ALWAYS_INLINE T* operator()(T* src) const {
+    return visitor_->ForwardObject(src);
+  }
+ private:
+  const FixupVisitor* const visitor_;
+class ForwardCodeAdapter {
+ public:
+  ALWAYS_INLINE ForwardCodeAdapter(const FixupVisitor* visitor) : visitor_(visitor) {}
+  template <typename T>
+  ALWAYS_INLINE T* operator()(T* src) const {
+    return visitor_->ForwardCode(src);
+  }
+ private:
+  const FixupVisitor* const visitor_;
+class FixupArtMethodVisitor : public FixupVisitor, public ArtMethodVisitor {
+ public:
+  template<typename... Args>
+  explicit FixupArtMethodVisitor(bool fixup_heap_objects, Args... args)
+      : FixupVisitor(args...),
+        fixup_heap_objects_(fixup_heap_objects) {}
+  virtual void Visit(ArtMethod* method) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+    if (fixup_heap_objects_) {
+      method->UpdateObjectsForImageRelocation(ForwardObjectAdapter(this));
+    }
+    method->UpdateEntrypoints(ForwardCodeAdapter(this));
+  }
+ private:
+  const bool fixup_heap_objects_;
+class FixupArtFieldVisitor : public FixupVisitor, public ArtFieldVisitor {
+ public:
+  template<typename... Args>
+  explicit FixupArtFieldVisitor(Args... args) : FixupVisitor(args...) {}
+  virtual void Visit(ArtField* field) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+    field->UpdateObjects(ForwardObjectAdapter(this));
+  }
+// Relocate an image space mapped at target_base which possibly used to be at a different base
+// address. Only needs a single image space, not one for both source and destination.
+// In place means modifying a single ImageSpace in place rather than relocating from one ImageSpace
+// to another.
+static bool RelocateInPlace(ImageHeader& image_header,
+                            uint8_t* target_base,
+                            accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* bitmap,
+                            const OatFile* app_oat_file,
+                            std::string* error_msg) {
+  DCHECK(error_msg != nullptr);
+  if (!image_header.IsPic()) {
+    if (image_header.GetImageBegin() == target_base) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Cannot relocate non-pic image for oat file %s",
+                              (app_oat_file != nullptr) ? app_oat_file->GetLocation().c_str() : "");
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Set up sections.
+  uint32_t boot_image_begin = 0;
+  uint32_t boot_image_end = 0;
+  uint32_t boot_oat_begin = 0;
+  uint32_t boot_oat_end = 0;
+  gc::Heap* const heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
+  heap->GetBootImagesSize(&boot_image_begin, &boot_image_end, &boot_oat_begin, &boot_oat_end);
+  CHECK_NE(boot_image_begin, boot_image_end)
+      << "Can not relocate app image without boot image space";
+  CHECK_NE(boot_oat_begin, boot_oat_end) << "Can not relocate app image without boot oat file";
+  const uint32_t boot_image_size = boot_image_end - boot_image_begin;
+  const uint32_t boot_oat_size = boot_oat_end - boot_oat_begin;
+  const uint32_t image_header_boot_image_size = image_header.GetBootImageSize();
+  const uint32_t image_header_boot_oat_size = image_header.GetBootOatSize();
+  if (boot_image_size != image_header_boot_image_size) {
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Boot image size %" PRIu64 " does not match expected size %"
+                                  PRIu64,
+                              static_cast<uint64_t>(boot_image_size),
+                              static_cast<uint64_t>(image_header_boot_image_size));
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (boot_oat_size != image_header_boot_oat_size) {
+    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Boot oat size %" PRIu64 " does not match expected size %"
+                                  PRIu64,
+                              static_cast<uint64_t>(boot_oat_size),
+                              static_cast<uint64_t>(image_header_boot_oat_size));
+    return false;
+  }
+  TimingLogger logger(__FUNCTION__, true, false);
+  RelocationRange boot_image(image_header.GetBootImageBegin(),
+                             boot_image_begin,
+                             boot_image_size);
+  RelocationRange boot_oat(image_header.GetBootOatBegin(),
+                           boot_oat_begin,
+                           boot_oat_size);
+  RelocationRange app_image(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(image_header.GetImageBegin()),
+                            reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target_base),
+                            image_header.GetImageSize());
+  // Use the oat data section since this is where the OatFile::Begin is.
+  RelocationRange app_oat(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(image_header.GetOatDataBegin()),
+                          // Not necessarily in low 4GB.
+                          reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(app_oat_file->Begin()),
+                          image_header.GetOatDataEnd() - image_header.GetOatDataBegin());
+  VLOG(image) << "App image " << app_image;
+  VLOG(image) << "App oat " << app_oat;
+  VLOG(image) << "Boot image " << boot_image;
+  VLOG(image) << "Boot oat " << boot_oat;
+  // True if we need to fixup any heap pointers, otherwise only code pointers.
+  const bool fixup_image = boot_image.Delta() != 0 || app_image.Delta() != 0;
+  const bool fixup_code = boot_oat.Delta() != 0 || app_oat.Delta() != 0;
+  if (!fixup_image && !fixup_code) {
+    // Nothing to fix up.
+    return true;
+  }
+  // Need to update the image to be at the target base.
+  const ImageSection& objects_section = image_header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionObjects);
+  uintptr_t objects_begin = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target_base + objects_section.Offset());
+  uintptr_t objects_end = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(target_base + objects_section.End());
+  // Two pass approach, fix up all classes first, then fix up non class-objects.
+  FixupObjectVisitor fixup_object_visitor(boot_image, boot_oat, app_image, app_oat);
+  if (fixup_image) {
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("Fixup classes", &logger);
+    // Fixup class only touches app image classes, don't need the mutator lock since the space is
+    // not yet visible to the GC.
+    FixupClassVisitor fixup_class_visitor(boot_image, boot_oat, app_image, app_oat);
+    bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(objects_begin, objects_end, fixup_class_visitor);
+    // Fixup objects may read fields in the boot image, use the mutator lock here for sanity. Though
+    // its probably not required.
+    ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+    timing.NewTiming("Fixup objects");
+    bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(objects_begin, objects_end, fixup_object_visitor);
+    FixupObjectAdapter fixup_adapter(boot_image, boot_oat, app_image, app_oat);
+    // Fixup image roots.
+    CHECK(app_image.ContainsSource(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(image_header.GetImageRoots())));
+    image_header.RelocateImageObjects(app_image.Delta());
+    CHECK_EQ(image_header.GetImageBegin(), target_base);
+    // Fix up dex cache DexFile pointers.
+    auto* dex_caches = image_header.GetImageRoot(ImageHeader::kDexCaches)->
+        AsObjectArray<mirror::DexCache>();
+    for (int32_t i = 0, count = dex_caches->GetLength(); i < count; ++i) {
+      mirror::DexCache* dex_cache = dex_caches->Get(i);
+      // Fix up dex cache pointers.
+      GcRoot<mirror::String>* strings = dex_cache->GetStrings();
+      if (strings != nullptr) {
+        GcRoot<mirror::String>* new_strings = fixup_adapter.ForwardObject(strings);
+        if (strings != new_strings) {
+          dex_cache->SetFieldPtr64<false>(mirror::DexCache::StringsOffset(), new_strings);
+        }
+        dex_cache->FixupStrings(new_strings, fixup_adapter);
+      }
+      GcRoot<mirror::Class>* types = dex_cache->GetResolvedTypes();
+      if (types != nullptr) {
+        GcRoot<mirror::Class>* new_types = fixup_adapter.ForwardObject(types);
+        if (types != new_types) {
+          dex_cache->SetFieldPtr64<false>(mirror::DexCache::ResolvedTypesOffset(), new_types);
+        }
+        dex_cache->FixupResolvedTypes(new_types, fixup_adapter);
+      }
+      ArtMethod** methods = dex_cache->GetResolvedMethods();
+      if (methods != nullptr) {
+        ArtMethod** new_methods = fixup_adapter.ForwardObject(methods);
+        if (methods != new_methods) {
+          dex_cache->SetFieldPtr64<false>(mirror::DexCache::ResolvedMethodsOffset(), new_methods);
+        }
+        for (size_t j = 0, num = dex_cache->NumResolvedMethods(); j != num; ++j) {
+          ArtMethod* orig = mirror::DexCache::GetElementPtrSize(new_methods, j, sizeof(void*));
+          ArtMethod* copy = fixup_adapter.ForwardObject(orig);
+          if (orig != copy) {
+            mirror::DexCache::SetElementPtrSize(new_methods, j, copy, sizeof(void*));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      ArtField** fields = dex_cache->GetResolvedFields();
+      if (fields != nullptr) {
+        ArtField** new_fields = fixup_adapter.ForwardObject(fields);
+        if (fields != new_fields) {
+          dex_cache->SetFieldPtr64<false>(mirror::DexCache::ResolvedFieldsOffset(), new_fields);
+        }
+        for (size_t j = 0, num = dex_cache->NumResolvedFields(); j != num; ++j) {
+          ArtField* orig = mirror::DexCache::GetElementPtrSize(new_fields, j, sizeof(void*));
+          ArtField* copy = fixup_adapter.ForwardObject(orig);
+          if (orig != copy) {
+            mirror::DexCache::SetElementPtrSize(new_fields, j, copy, sizeof(void*));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    // Only touches objects in the app image, no need for mutator lock.
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("Fixup methods", &logger);
+    FixupArtMethodVisitor method_visitor(fixup_image, boot_image, boot_oat, app_image, app_oat);
+    image_header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionArtMethods).VisitPackedArtMethods(
+        &method_visitor,
+        target_base,
+        sizeof(void*));
+  }
+  if (fixup_image) {
+    {
+      // Only touches objects in the app image, no need for mutator lock.
+      TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("Fixup fields", &logger);
+      FixupArtFieldVisitor field_visitor(boot_image, boot_oat, app_image, app_oat);
+      image_header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionArtFields).VisitPackedArtFields(
+          &field_visitor,
+          target_base);
+    }
+    // In the app image case, the image methods are actually in the boot image.
+    image_header.RelocateImageMethods(boot_image.Delta());
+    const auto& class_table_section = image_header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionClassTable);
+    if (class_table_section.Size() > 0u) {
+      // Note that we require that ReadFromMemory does not make an internal copy of the elements.
+      // This also relies on visit roots not doing any verification which could fail after we update
+      // the roots to be the image addresses.
+      ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+      WriterMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_);
+      ClassTable temp_table;
+      temp_table.ReadFromMemory(target_base + class_table_section.Offset());
+      FixupRootVisitor root_visitor(boot_image, boot_oat, app_image, app_oat);
+      temp_table.VisitRoots(root_visitor);
+    }
+  }
+  if (VLOG_IS_ON(image)) {
+    logger.Dump(LOG(INFO));
+  }
+  return true;
+ImageSpace* ImageSpace::Init(const char* image_filename,
+                             const char* image_location,
+                             bool validate_oat_file,
+                             const OatFile* oat_file,
+                             std::string* error_msg) {
   CHECK(image_filename != nullptr);
   CHECK(image_location != nullptr);
-  uint64_t start_time = 0;
-  if (VLOG_IS_ON(heap) || VLOG_IS_ON(startup)) {
-    start_time = NanoTime();
-    LOG(INFO) << "ImageSpace::Init entering image_filename=" << image_filename;
-  }
+  TimingLogger logger(__FUNCTION__, true, false);
+  VLOG(image) << "ImageSpace::Init entering image_filename=" << image_filename;
-  std::unique_ptr<File> file(OS::OpenFileForReading(image_filename));
-  if (file.get() == nullptr) {
-    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to open '%s'", image_filename);
-    return nullptr;
+  std::unique_ptr<File> file;
+  {
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("OpenImageFile", &logger);
+    file.reset(OS::OpenFileForReading(image_filename));
+    if (file == nullptr) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to open '%s'", image_filename);
+      return nullptr;
+    }
-  ImageHeader image_header;
-  bool success = file->ReadFully(&image_header, sizeof(image_header));
-  if (!success || !image_header.IsValid()) {
-    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Invalid image header in '%s'", image_filename);
-    return nullptr;
+  ImageHeader temp_image_header;
+  ImageHeader* image_header = &temp_image_header;
+  {
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("ReadImageHeader", &logger);
+    bool success = file->ReadFully(image_header, sizeof(*image_header));
+    if (!success || !image_header->IsValid()) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Invalid image header in '%s'", image_filename);
+      return nullptr;
+    }
   // Check that the file is larger or equal to the header size + data size.
   const uint64_t image_file_size = static_cast<uint64_t>(file->GetLength());
-  if (image_file_size < sizeof(ImageHeader) + image_header.GetDataSize()) {
+  if (image_file_size < sizeof(ImageHeader) + image_header->GetDataSize()) {
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Image file truncated: %" PRIu64 " vs. %" PRIu64 ".",
-                              image_header.GetDataSize());
+                              sizeof(ImageHeader) + image_header->GetDataSize());
     return nullptr;
@@ -704,17 +1169,17 @@
     LOG(INFO) << "Dumping image sections";
     for (size_t i = 0; i < ImageHeader::kSectionCount; ++i) {
       const auto section_idx = static_cast<ImageHeader::ImageSections>(i);
-      auto& section = image_header.GetImageSection(section_idx);
+      auto& section = image_header->GetImageSection(section_idx);
       LOG(INFO) << section_idx << " start="
-          << reinterpret_cast<void*>(image_header.GetImageBegin() + section.Offset()) << " "
-          << section;
+                << reinterpret_cast<void*>(image_header->GetImageBegin() + section.Offset()) << " "
+                << section;
-  const auto& bitmap_section = image_header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionImageBitmap);
+  const auto& bitmap_section = image_header->GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionImageBitmap);
   // The location we want to map from is the first aligned page after the end of the stored
   // (possibly compressed) data.
-  const size_t image_bitmap_offset = RoundUp(sizeof(image_header) + image_header.GetDataSize(),
+  const size_t image_bitmap_offset = RoundUp(sizeof(ImageHeader) + image_header->GetDataSize(),
   const size_t end_of_bitmap = image_bitmap_offset + bitmap_section.Size();
   if (end_of_bitmap != image_file_size) {
@@ -724,67 +1189,84 @@
     return nullptr;
+  // The preferred address to map the image, null specifies any address. If we manage to map the
+  // image at the image begin, the amount of fixup work required is minimized.
+  std::vector<uint8_t*> addresses(1, image_header->GetImageBegin());
+  if (image_header->IsPic()) {
+    // Can also map at a random low_4gb address since we can relocate in-place.
+    addresses.push_back(nullptr);
+  }
   // Note: The image header is part of the image due to mmap page alignment required of offset.
   std::unique_ptr<MemMap> map;
-  if (image_header.GetStorageMode() == ImageHeader::kStorageModeUncompressed) {
-    map.reset(MemMap::MapFileAtAddress(image_header.GetImageBegin(),
-                                       image_header.GetImageSize(),
-                                       PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
-                                       MAP_PRIVATE,
-                                       file->Fd(),
-                                       0,
-                                       /*low_4gb*/false,
-                                       /*reuse*/false,
-                                       image_filename,
-                                       error_msg));
-  } else {
-    // Reserve output and decompress into it.
-    map.reset(MemMap::MapAnonymous(image_location,
-                                   image_header.GetImageBegin(),
-                                   image_header.GetImageSize(),
-                                   PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
-                                   /*low_4gb*/false,
-                                   /*reuse*/false,
-                                   error_msg));
+  std::string temp_error_msg;
+  for (uint8_t* address : addresses) {
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("MapImageFile", &logger);
+    // Only care about the error message for the last address in addresses. We want to avoid the
+    // overhead of printing the process maps if we can relocate.
+    std::string* out_error_msg = (address == addresses.back()) ? &temp_error_msg : nullptr;
+    if (image_header->GetStorageMode() == ImageHeader::kStorageModeUncompressed) {
+      map.reset(MemMap::MapFileAtAddress(address,
+                                         image_header->GetImageSize(),
+                                         PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                                         MAP_PRIVATE,
+                                         file->Fd(),
+                                         0,
+                                         /*low_4gb*/true,
+                                         /*reuse*/false,
+                                         image_filename,
+                                         /*out*/out_error_msg));
+    } else {
+      // Reserve output and decompress into it.
+      map.reset(MemMap::MapAnonymous(image_location,
+                                     address,
+                                     image_header->GetImageSize(),
+                                     PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                                     /*low_4gb*/true,
+                                     /*reuse*/false,
+                                     out_error_msg));
+      if (map != nullptr) {
+        const size_t stored_size = image_header->GetDataSize();
+        const size_t write_offset = sizeof(ImageHeader);  // Skip the header.
+        std::unique_ptr<MemMap> temp_map(MemMap::MapFile(sizeof(ImageHeader) + stored_size,
+                                                         PROT_READ,
+                                                         MAP_PRIVATE,
+                                                         file->Fd(),
+                                                         /*offset*/0,
+                                                         /*low_4gb*/false,
+                                                         image_filename,
+                                                         out_error_msg));
+        if (temp_map == nullptr) {
+          DCHECK(!out_error_msg->empty());
+          return nullptr;
+        }
+        memcpy(map->Begin(), image_header, sizeof(ImageHeader));
+        const uint64_t start = NanoTime();
+        const size_t decompressed_size = LZ4_decompress_safe(
+            reinterpret_cast<char*>(temp_map->Begin()) + sizeof(ImageHeader),
+            reinterpret_cast<char*>(map->Begin()) + write_offset,
+            stored_size,
+            map->Size());
+        VLOG(image) << "Decompressing image took " << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start);
+        if (decompressed_size + sizeof(ImageHeader) != image_header->GetImageSize()) {
+          *error_msg = StringPrintf("Decompressed size does not match expected image size %zu vs %zu",
+                                    decompressed_size + sizeof(ImageHeader),
+                                    image_header->GetImageSize());
+          return nullptr;
+        }
+      }
+    }
     if (map != nullptr) {
-      const size_t stored_size = image_header.GetDataSize();
-      const size_t write_offset = sizeof(image_header);  // Skip the header.
-      std::unique_ptr<MemMap> temp_map(MemMap::MapFile(sizeof(ImageHeader) + stored_size,
-                                                       PROT_READ,
-                                                       MAP_PRIVATE,
-                                                       file->Fd(),
-                                                       /*offset*/0,
-                                                       /*low_4gb*/false,
-                                                       image_filename,
-                                                       error_msg));
-      if (temp_map == nullptr) {
-        DCHECK(!error_msg->empty());
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-      memcpy(map->Begin(), &image_header, sizeof(image_header));
-      const uint64_t start = NanoTime();
-      const size_t decompressed_size = LZ4_decompress_safe(
-          reinterpret_cast<char*>(temp_map->Begin()) + sizeof(ImageHeader),
-          reinterpret_cast<char*>(map->Begin()) + write_offset,
-          stored_size,
-          map->Size());
-      // TODO: VLOG(image)
-      VLOG(class_linker) << "Decompressing image took " << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start);
-      if (decompressed_size + sizeof(ImageHeader) != image_header.GetImageSize()) {
-        *error_msg = StringPrintf("Decompressed size does not match expected image size %zu vs %zu",
-                                  decompressed_size + sizeof(ImageHeader),
-                                  image_header.GetImageSize());
-        return nullptr;
-      }
+      break;
   if (map == nullptr) {
-    DCHECK(!error_msg->empty());
+    DCHECK(!temp_error_msg.empty());
+    *error_msg = temp_error_msg;
     return nullptr;
-  CHECK_EQ(image_header.GetImageBegin(), map->Begin());
-  DCHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(&image_header, map->Begin(), sizeof(ImageHeader)));
+  DCHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(image_header, map->Begin(), sizeof(ImageHeader)));
   std::unique_ptr<MemMap> image_bitmap_map(MemMap::MapFileAtAddress(nullptr,
@@ -799,25 +1281,42 @@
     *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to map image bitmap: %s", error_msg->c_str());
     return nullptr;
-  uint32_t bitmap_index = bitmap_index_.FetchAndAddSequentiallyConsistent(1);
-  std::string bitmap_name(StringPrintf("imagespace %s live-bitmap %u", image_filename,
+  // Loaded the map, use the image header from the file now in case we patch it with
+  // RelocateInPlace.
+  image_header = reinterpret_cast<ImageHeader*>(map->Begin());
+  const uint32_t bitmap_index = bitmap_index_.FetchAndAddSequentiallyConsistent(1);
+  std::string bitmap_name(StringPrintf("imagespace %s live-bitmap %u",
+                                       image_filename,
   // Bitmap only needs to cover until the end of the mirror objects section.
-  const ImageSection& image_objects = image_header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionObjects);
-  std::unique_ptr<accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap> bitmap(
+  const ImageSection& image_objects = image_header->GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionObjects);
+  // We only want the mirror object, not the ArtFields and ArtMethods.
+  uint8_t* const image_end = map->Begin() + image_objects.End();
+  std::unique_ptr<accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap> bitmap;
+  {
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("CreateImageBitmap", &logger);
+    bitmap.reset(
-  if (bitmap == nullptr) {
-    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Could not create bitmap '%s'", bitmap_name.c_str());
-    return nullptr;
+    if (bitmap == nullptr) {
+      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Could not create bitmap '%s'", bitmap_name.c_str());
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+  {
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("RelocateImage", &logger);
+    if (!RelocateInPlace(*image_header,
+                         map->Begin(),
+                         bitmap.get(),
+                         oat_file,
+                         error_msg)) {
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+  }
   // We only want the mirror object, not the ArtFields and ArtMethods.
-  uint8_t* const image_end =
-      map->Begin() + image_header.GetImageSection(ImageHeader::kSectionObjects).End();
   std::unique_ptr<ImageSpace> space(new ImageSpace(image_filename,
@@ -829,38 +1328,61 @@
   // and ArtField::java_lang_reflect_ArtField_, which are used from
   // Object::SizeOf() which VerifyImageAllocations() calls, are not
   // set yet at this point.
-  space->oat_file_.reset(space->OpenOatFile(image_filename, error_msg));
-  if (space->oat_file_.get() == nullptr) {
-    DCHECK(!error_msg->empty());
-    return nullptr;
+  if (oat_file == nullptr) {
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("OpenOatFile", &logger);
+    space->oat_file_.reset(space->OpenOatFile(image_filename, error_msg));
+    if (space->oat_file_ == nullptr) {
+      DCHECK(!error_msg->empty());
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    space->oat_file_non_owned_ = space->oat_file_.get();
+  } else {
+    space->oat_file_non_owned_ = oat_file;
-  space->oat_file_non_owned_ = space->oat_file_.get();
-  if (validate_oat_file && !space->ValidateOatFile(error_msg)) {
-    DCHECK(!error_msg->empty());
-    return nullptr;
+  if (validate_oat_file) {
+    TimingLogger::ScopedTiming timing("ValidateOatFile", &logger);
+    if (!space->ValidateOatFile(error_msg)) {
+     DCHECK(!error_msg->empty());
+      return nullptr;
+    }
   Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
-  runtime->SetInstructionSet(space->oat_file_->GetOatHeader().GetInstructionSet());
-  if (!runtime->HasResolutionMethod()) {
-    runtime->SetResolutionMethod(image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kResolutionMethod));
-    runtime->SetImtConflictMethod(image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kImtConflictMethod));
+  // If oat_file is null, then it is the boot image space. Use oat_file_non_owned_ from the space
+  // to set the runtime methods.
+  CHECK_EQ(oat_file != nullptr, image_header->IsAppImage());
+  if (image_header->IsAppImage()) {
+    CHECK_EQ(runtime->GetResolutionMethod(),
+             image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kResolutionMethod));
+    CHECK_EQ(runtime->GetImtConflictMethod(),
+             image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kImtConflictMethod));
+    CHECK_EQ(runtime->GetImtUnimplementedMethod(),
+             image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kImtUnimplementedMethod));
+    CHECK_EQ(runtime->GetCalleeSaveMethod(Runtime::kSaveAll),
+             image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kCalleeSaveMethod));
+    CHECK_EQ(runtime->GetCalleeSaveMethod(Runtime::kRefsOnly),
+             image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kRefsOnlySaveMethod));
+    CHECK_EQ(runtime->GetCalleeSaveMethod(Runtime::kRefsAndArgs),
+             image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kRefsAndArgsSaveMethod));
+  } else if (!runtime->HasResolutionMethod()) {
+    runtime->SetInstructionSet(space->oat_file_non_owned_->GetOatHeader().GetInstructionSet());
+    runtime->SetResolutionMethod(image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kResolutionMethod));
+    runtime->SetImtConflictMethod(image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kImtConflictMethod));
-        image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kImtUnimplementedMethod));
+        image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kImtUnimplementedMethod));
-        image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kCalleeSaveMethod), Runtime::kSaveAll);
+        image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kCalleeSaveMethod), Runtime::kSaveAll);
-        image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kRefsOnlySaveMethod), Runtime::kRefsOnly);
+        image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kRefsOnlySaveMethod), Runtime::kRefsOnly);
-        image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kRefsAndArgsSaveMethod), Runtime::kRefsAndArgs);
+        image_header->GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kRefsAndArgsSaveMethod), Runtime::kRefsAndArgs);
-  if (VLOG_IS_ON(heap) || VLOG_IS_ON(startup)) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "ImageSpace::Init exiting (" << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start_time)
-             << ") " << *space.get();
+  VLOG(image) << "ImageSpace::Init exiting " << *space.get();
+  if (VLOG_IS_ON(image)) {
+    logger.Dump(LOG(INFO));
   return space.release();
@@ -1002,6 +1524,16 @@
+ImageSpace* ImageSpace::CreateFromAppImage(const char* image,
+                                           const OatFile* oat_file,
+                                           std::string* error_msg) {
+  return gc::space::ImageSpace::Init(image,
+                                     image,
+                                     /*validate_oat_file*/false,
+                                     oat_file,
+                                     /*out*/error_msg);
 }  // namespace space
 }  // namespace gc
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h b/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h
index 9c8e8b2..f2f4163 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/space/image_space.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
     return kSpaceTypeImageSpace;
-  // Create a Space from an image file for a specified instruction
+  // Create a boot image space from an image file for a specified instruction
   // set. Cannot be used for future allocation or collected.
   // Create also opens the OatFile associated with the image file so
@@ -43,10 +43,16 @@
   // creation of the alloc space. The ReleaseOatFile will later be
   // used to transfer ownership of the OatFile to the ClassLinker when
   // it is initialized.
-  static ImageSpace* Create(const char* image,
-                            InstructionSet image_isa,
-                            bool secondary_image,
-                            std::string* error_msg)
+  static ImageSpace* CreateBootImage(const char* image,
+                                     InstructionSet image_isa,
+                                     bool secondary_image,
+                                     std::string* error_msg)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // Try to open an existing app image space.
+  static ImageSpace* CreateFromAppImage(const char* image,
+                                        const OatFile* oat_file,
+                                        std::string* error_msg)
   // Reads the image header from the specified image location for the
@@ -144,15 +150,17 @@
-  // Tries to initialize an ImageSpace from the given image path,
-  // returning null on error.
+  // Tries to initialize an ImageSpace from the given image path, returning null on error.
-  // If validate_oat_file is false (for /system), do not verify that
-  // image's OatFile is up-to-date relative to its DexFile
-  // inputs. Otherwise (for /data), validate the inputs and generate
-  // the OatFile in /data/dalvik-cache if necessary.
-  static ImageSpace* Init(const char* image_filename, const char* image_location,
-                          bool validate_oat_file, std::string* error_msg)
+  // If validate_oat_file is false (for /system), do not verify that image's OatFile is up-to-date
+  // relative to its DexFile inputs. Otherwise (for /data), validate the inputs and generate the
+  // OatFile in /data/dalvik-cache if necessary. If the oat_file is null, it uses the oat file from
+  // the image.
+  static ImageSpace* Init(const char* image_filename,
+                          const char* image_location,
+                          bool validate_oat_file,
+                          const OatFile* oat_file,
+                          std::string* error_msg)
   OatFile* OpenOatFile(const char* image, std::string* error_msg) const
diff --git a/runtime/image.cc b/runtime/image.cc
index 3cb6642..cafd53a 100644
--- a/runtime/image.cc
+++ b/runtime/image.cc
@@ -35,8 +35,13 @@
                          uint32_t oat_data_begin,
                          uint32_t oat_data_end,
                          uint32_t oat_file_end,
+                         uint32_t boot_image_begin,
+                         uint32_t boot_image_size,
+                         uint32_t boot_oat_begin,
+                         uint32_t boot_oat_size,
                          uint32_t pointer_size,
                          bool compile_pic,
+                         bool is_pic,
                          StorageMode storage_mode,
                          size_t data_size)
   : image_begin_(image_begin),
@@ -46,10 +51,15 @@
+    boot_image_begin_(boot_image_begin),
+    boot_image_size_(boot_image_size),
+    boot_oat_begin_(boot_oat_begin),
+    boot_oat_size_(boot_oat_size),
+    is_pic_(is_pic),
     data_size_(data_size) {
   CHECK_EQ(image_begin, RoundUp(image_begin, kPageSize));
@@ -67,13 +77,21 @@
 void ImageHeader::RelocateImage(off_t delta) {
   CHECK_ALIGNED(delta, kPageSize) << " patch delta must be page aligned";
-  image_begin_ += delta;
   oat_file_begin_ += delta;
   oat_data_begin_ += delta;
   oat_data_end_ += delta;
   oat_file_end_ += delta;
-  image_roots_ += delta;
   patch_delta_ += delta;
+  RelocateImageObjects(delta);
+  RelocateImageMethods(delta);
+void ImageHeader::RelocateImageObjects(off_t delta) {
+  image_begin_ += delta;
+  image_roots_ += delta;
+void ImageHeader::RelocateImageMethods(off_t delta) {
   for (size_t i = 0; i < kImageMethodsCount; ++i) {
     image_methods_[i] += delta;
diff --git a/runtime/image.h b/runtime/image.h
index 7418f66..b3f177b 100644
--- a/runtime/image.h
+++ b/runtime/image.h
@@ -93,10 +93,15 @@
+        boot_image_begin_(0U),
+        boot_image_size_(0U),
+        boot_oat_begin_(0U),
+        boot_oat_size_(0U),
+        is_pic_(0),
         data_size_(0) {}
@@ -109,8 +114,13 @@
               uint32_t oat_data_begin,
               uint32_t oat_data_end,
               uint32_t oat_file_end,
+              uint32_t boot_image_begin,
+              uint32_t boot_image_size,
+              uint32_t boot_oat_begin,
+              uint32_t boot_oat_size,
               uint32_t pointer_size,
               bool compile_pic,
+              bool is_pic,
               StorageMode storage_mode,
               size_t data_size);
@@ -208,11 +218,33 @@
   void RelocateImage(off_t delta);
+  void RelocateImageMethods(off_t delta);
+  void RelocateImageObjects(off_t delta);
   bool CompilePic() const {
     return compile_pic_ != 0;
+  bool IsPic() const {
+    return is_pic_ != 0;
+  }
+  uint32_t GetBootImageBegin() const {
+    return boot_image_begin_;
+  }
+  uint32_t GetBootImageSize() const {
+    return boot_image_size_;
+  }
+  uint32_t GetBootOatBegin() const {
+    return boot_oat_begin_;
+  }
+  uint32_t GetBootOatSize() const {
+    return boot_oat_size_;
+  }
   StorageMode GetStorageMode() const {
     return storage_mode_;
@@ -221,6 +253,12 @@
     return data_size_;
+  bool IsAppImage() const {
+    // App images currently require a boot image, if the size is non zero then it is an app image
+    // header.
+    return boot_image_size_ != 0u;
+  }
   static const uint8_t kImageMagic[4];
   static const uint8_t kImageVersion[4];
@@ -250,6 +288,16 @@
   // .so files. Used for positioning a following alloc spaces.
   uint32_t oat_file_end_;
+  // Boot image begin and end (app image headers only).
+  uint32_t boot_image_begin_;
+  uint32_t boot_image_size_;
+  // Boot oat begin and end (app image headers only).
+  uint32_t boot_oat_begin_;
+  uint32_t boot_oat_size_;
+  // TODO: We should probably insert a boot image checksum for app images.
   // The total delta that this image has been patched.
   int32_t patch_delta_;
@@ -262,10 +310,15 @@
   // Boolean (0 or 1) to denote if the image was compiled with --compile-pic option
   const uint32_t compile_pic_;
+  // Boolean (0 or 1) to denote if the image can be mapped at a random address, this only refers to
+  // the .art file. Currently, app oat files do not depend on their app image. There are no pointers
+  // from the app oat code to the app image.
+  const uint32_t is_pic_;
   // Image section sizes/offsets correspond to the uncompressed form.
   ImageSection sections_[kSectionCount];
-  // Image methods.
+  // Image methods, may be inside of the boot image for app images.
   uint64_t image_methods_[kImageMethodsCount];
   // Storage method for the image, the image may be compressed.
diff --git a/runtime/intern_table.cc b/runtime/intern_table.cc
index 015bf98..96854da 100644
--- a/runtime/intern_table.cc
+++ b/runtime/intern_table.cc
@@ -86,14 +86,24 @@
   // Note: we deliberately don't visit the weak_interns_ table and the immutable image roots.
-mirror::String* InternTable::LookupStrong(mirror::String* s) {
-  return strong_interns_.Find(s);
+mirror::String* InternTable::LookupWeak(Thread* self, mirror::String* s) {
+  MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::intern_table_lock_);
+  return LookupWeakLocked(s);
-mirror::String* InternTable::LookupWeak(mirror::String* s) {
+mirror::String* InternTable::LookupStrong(Thread* self, mirror::String* s) {
+  MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::intern_table_lock_);
+  return LookupStrongLocked(s);
+mirror::String* InternTable::LookupWeakLocked(mirror::String* s) {
   return weak_interns_.Find(s);
+mirror::String* InternTable::LookupStrongLocked(mirror::String* s) {
+  return strong_interns_.Find(s);
 void InternTable::AddNewTable() {
   MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::intern_table_lock_);
@@ -169,7 +179,7 @@
         for (size_t j = 0; j < num_strings; ++j) {
           mirror::String* image_string = dex_cache->GetResolvedString(j);
           if (image_string != nullptr) {
-            mirror::String* found = LookupStrong(image_string);
+            mirror::String* found = LookupStrongLocked(image_string);
             if (found == nullptr) {
             } else {
@@ -250,7 +260,7 @@
     // Check the strong table for a match.
-    mirror::String* strong = LookupStrong(s);
+    mirror::String* strong = LookupStrongLocked(s);
     if (strong != nullptr) {
       return strong;
@@ -272,7 +282,7 @@
   // There is no match in the strong table, check the weak table.
-  mirror::String* weak = LookupWeak(s);
+  mirror::String* weak = LookupWeakLocked(s);
   if (weak != nullptr) {
     if (is_strong) {
       // A match was found in the weak table. Promote to the strong table.
@@ -317,8 +327,7 @@
 bool InternTable::ContainsWeak(mirror::String* s) {
-  MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::intern_table_lock_);
-  return LookupWeak(s) == s;
+  return LookupWeak(Thread::Current(), s) == s;
 void InternTable::SweepInternTableWeaks(IsMarkedVisitor* visitor) {
diff --git a/runtime/intern_table.h b/runtime/intern_table.h
index 2b2176e..274f5ad 100644
--- a/runtime/intern_table.h
+++ b/runtime/intern_table.h
@@ -84,10 +84,22 @@
   bool ContainsWeak(mirror::String* s) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_)
+  // Lookup a strong intern, returns null if not found.
+  mirror::String* LookupStrong(Thread* self, mirror::String* s)
+      REQUIRES(!Locks::intern_table_lock_)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  // Lookup a weak intern, returns null if not found.
+  mirror::String* LookupWeak(Thread* self, mirror::String* s)
+      REQUIRES(!Locks::intern_table_lock_)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   // Total number of interned strings.
   size_t Size() const REQUIRES(!Locks::intern_table_lock_);
   // Total number of weakly live interned strings.
   size_t StrongSize() const REQUIRES(!Locks::intern_table_lock_);
   // Total number of strongly live interned strings.
   size_t WeakSize() const REQUIRES(!Locks::intern_table_lock_);
@@ -186,9 +198,9 @@
   mirror::String* Insert(mirror::String* s, bool is_strong, bool holding_locks)
       REQUIRES(!Locks::intern_table_lock_) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
-  mirror::String* LookupStrong(mirror::String* s)
+  mirror::String* LookupStrongLocked(mirror::String* s)
       SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(Locks::intern_table_lock_);
-  mirror::String* LookupWeak(mirror::String* s)
+  mirror::String* LookupWeakLocked(mirror::String* s)
       SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(Locks::intern_table_lock_);
   mirror::String* InsertStrong(mirror::String* s)
       SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(Locks::intern_table_lock_);
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/class-inl.h b/runtime/mirror/class-inl.h
index 53118e0..75a3f1a 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/class-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/class-inl.h
@@ -47,11 +47,15 @@
   return GetField32(ObjectSizeOffset());
+template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
 inline Class* Class::GetSuperClass() {
   // Can only get super class for loaded classes (hack for when runtime is
   // initializing)
-  DCHECK(IsLoaded() || IsErroneous() || !Runtime::Current()->IsStarted()) << IsLoaded();
-  return GetFieldObject<Class>(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(Class, super_class_));
+  DCHECK(IsLoaded<kVerifyFlags>() ||
+         IsErroneous<kVerifyFlags>() ||
+         !Runtime::Current()->IsStarted()) << IsLoaded();
+  return GetFieldObject<Class, kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(
+      OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(Class, super_class_));
 inline ClassLoader* Class::GetClassLoader() {
@@ -226,9 +230,12 @@
   return &GetVirtualMethodsSliceUnchecked(pointer_size).At(i);
+template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags,
+         ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
 inline PointerArray* Class::GetVTable() {
-  DCHECK(IsResolved() || IsErroneous());
-  return GetFieldObject<PointerArray>(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(Class, vtable_));
+  DCHECK(IsResolved<kVerifyFlags>() || IsErroneous<kVerifyFlags>());
+  return GetFieldObject<PointerArray, kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(
+      OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(Class, vtable_));
 inline PointerArray* Class::GetVTableDuringLinking() {
@@ -499,8 +506,11 @@
   return FindVirtualMethodForVirtual(method, pointer_size);
+template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags,
+         ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
 inline IfTable* Class::GetIfTable() {
-  return GetFieldObject<IfTable>(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(Class, iftable_));
+  return GetFieldObject<IfTable, kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(
+      OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(Class, iftable_));
 inline int32_t Class::GetIfTableCount() {
@@ -516,7 +526,7 @@
 inline LengthPrefixedArray<ArtField>* Class::GetIFieldsPtr() {
-  DCHECK(IsLoaded() || IsErroneous());
+  DCHECK(IsLoaded() || IsErroneous()) << GetStatus();
   return GetFieldPtr<LengthPrefixedArray<ArtField>*>(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(Class, ifields_));
@@ -747,9 +757,12 @@
   return size;
-template <typename Visitor>
+template <bool kVisitNativeRoots,
+          VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags,
+          ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption,
+          typename Visitor>
 inline void Class::VisitReferences(mirror::Class* klass, const Visitor& visitor) {
-  VisitInstanceFieldsReferences(klass, visitor);
+  VisitInstanceFieldsReferences<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(klass, visitor);
   // Right after a class is allocated, but not yet loaded
   // (kStatusNotReady, see ClassLinker::LoadClass()), GC may find it
   // and scan it. IsTemp() may call Class::GetAccessFlags() but may
@@ -757,14 +770,16 @@
   // status is kStatusNotReady. To avoid it, rely on IsResolved()
   // only. This is fine because a temp class never goes into the
   // kStatusResolved state.
-  if (IsResolved()) {
+  if (IsResolved<kVerifyFlags>()) {
     // Temp classes don't ever populate imt/vtable or static fields and they are not even
     // allocated with the right size for those. Also, unresolved classes don't have fields
     // linked yet.
-    VisitStaticFieldsReferences(this, visitor);
+    VisitStaticFieldsReferences<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(this, visitor);
-  // Since this class is reachable, we must also visit the associated roots when we scan it.
-  VisitNativeRoots(visitor, Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize());
+  if (kVisitNativeRoots) {
+    // Since this class is reachable, we must also visit the associated roots when we scan it.
+    VisitNativeRoots(visitor, Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->GetImagePointerSize());
+  }
 template<ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/class.h b/runtime/mirror/class.h
index 6b5ed91..3017820 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/class.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/class.h
@@ -494,10 +494,11 @@
         (IsAbstract() && IsArrayClass());
-  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags>
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
   bool IsObjectArrayClass() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
-    return GetComponentType<kVerifyFlags>() != nullptr &&
-        !GetComponentType<kVerifyFlags>()->IsPrimitive();
+    mirror::Class* const component_type = GetComponentType<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>();
+    return component_type != nullptr && !component_type->IsPrimitive();
   template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags>
@@ -656,6 +657,8 @@
   // to themselves. Classes for primitive types may not assign to each other.
   ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsAssignableFrom(Class* src) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
   ALWAYS_INLINE Class* GetSuperClass() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   // Get first common super class. It will never return null.
@@ -791,6 +794,8 @@
   ArtMethod* GetVirtualMethodDuringLinking(size_t i, size_t pointer_size)
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
   ALWAYS_INLINE PointerArray* GetVTable() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   ALWAYS_INLINE PointerArray* GetVTableDuringLinking() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -941,6 +946,8 @@
   ALWAYS_INLINE int32_t GetIfTableCount() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
   ALWAYS_INLINE IfTable* GetIfTable() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   ALWAYS_INLINE void SetIfTable(IfTable* new_iftable) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -1226,7 +1233,8 @@
   // Fix up all of the native pointers in the class by running them through the visitor. Only sets
   // the corresponding entry in dest if visitor(obj) != obj to prevent dirty memory. Dest should be
-  // initialized to a copy of *this to prevent issues.
+  // initialized to a copy of *this to prevent issues. Does not visit the ArtMethod and ArtField
+  // roots.
   template <typename Visitor>
   void FixupNativePointers(mirror::Class* dest, size_t pointer_size, const Visitor& visitor)
@@ -1277,7 +1285,10 @@
   static MemberOffset EmbeddedImTableOffset(size_t pointer_size);
   static MemberOffset EmbeddedVTableOffset(size_t pointer_size);
-  template <typename Visitor>
+  template <bool kVisitNativeRoots,
+            VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+            ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier,
+            typename Visitor>
   void VisitReferences(mirror::Class* klass, const Visitor& visitor)
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/class_loader-inl.h b/runtime/mirror/class_loader-inl.h
index e22ddd7..84fa80f 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/class_loader-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/class_loader-inl.h
@@ -25,15 +25,20 @@
 namespace art {
 namespace mirror {
-template <VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, typename Visitor>
+template <bool kVisitClasses,
+          VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags,
+          ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption,
+          typename Visitor>
 inline void ClassLoader::VisitReferences(mirror::Class* klass, const Visitor& visitor) {
   // Visit instance fields first.
-  VisitInstanceFieldsReferences(klass, visitor);
-  // Visit classes loaded after.
-  ReaderMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_);
-  ClassTable* const class_table = GetClassTable();
-  if (class_table != nullptr) {
-    class_table->VisitRoots(visitor);
+  VisitInstanceFieldsReferences<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(klass, visitor);
+  if (kVisitClasses) {
+    // Visit classes loaded after.
+    ReaderMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_);
+    ClassTable* const class_table = GetClassTable();
+    if (class_table != nullptr) {
+      class_table->VisitRoots(visitor);
+    }
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/class_loader.h b/runtime/mirror/class_loader.h
index c2a65d6..1957e13 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/class_loader.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/class_loader.h
@@ -63,7 +63,10 @@
   // Visit instance fields of the class loader as well as its associated classes.
   // Null class loader is handled by ClassLinker::VisitClassRoots.
-  template <VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, typename Visitor>
+  template <bool kVisitClasses,
+            VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+            ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier,
+            typename Visitor>
   void VisitReferences(mirror::Class* klass, const Visitor& visitor)
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/dex_cache-inl.h b/runtime/mirror/dex_cache-inl.h
index 975af61..2ecc9fb 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/dex_cache-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/dex_cache-inl.h
@@ -122,18 +122,23 @@
-template <VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, typename Visitor>
+template <bool kVisitNativeRoots,
+          VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags,
+          ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption,
+          typename Visitor>
 inline void DexCache::VisitReferences(mirror::Class* klass, const Visitor& visitor) {
   // Visit instance fields first.
-  VisitInstanceFieldsReferences(klass, visitor);
+  VisitInstanceFieldsReferences<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(klass, visitor);
   // Visit arrays after.
-  GcRoot<mirror::String>* strings = GetStrings();
-  for (size_t i = 0, num_strings = NumStrings(); i != num_strings; ++i) {
-    visitor.VisitRootIfNonNull(strings[i].AddressWithoutBarrier());
-  }
-  GcRoot<mirror::Class>* resolved_types = GetResolvedTypes();
-  for (size_t i = 0, num_types = NumResolvedTypes(); i != num_types; ++i) {
-    visitor.VisitRootIfNonNull(resolved_types[i].AddressWithoutBarrier());
+  if (kVisitNativeRoots) {
+    GcRoot<mirror::String>* strings = GetStrings();
+    for (size_t i = 0, num_strings = NumStrings(); i != num_strings; ++i) {
+      visitor.VisitRootIfNonNull(strings[i].AddressWithoutBarrier());
+    }
+    GcRoot<mirror::Class>* resolved_types = GetResolvedTypes();
+    for (size_t i = 0, num_types = NumResolvedTypes(); i != num_types; ++i) {
+      visitor.VisitRootIfNonNull(resolved_types[i].AddressWithoutBarrier());
+    }
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/dex_cache.cc b/runtime/mirror/dex_cache.cc
index 349a319..7b058d0 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/dex_cache.cc
+++ b/runtime/mirror/dex_cache.cc
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
   SetFieldObject<false>(OFFSET_OF_OBJECT_MEMBER(DexCache, location_), location);
-  SetField64<false>(StringsOffset(), reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(strings));
-  SetField64<false>(ResolvedTypesOffset(), reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(resolved_types));
-  SetField64<false>(ResolvedMethodsOffset(), reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(resolved_methods));
-  SetField64<false>(ResolvedFieldsOffset(), reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(resolved_fields));
+  SetStrings(strings);
+  SetResolvedTypes(resolved_types);
+  SetResolvedMethods(resolved_methods);
+  SetResolvedFields(resolved_fields);
   SetField32<false>(NumStringsOffset(), num_strings);
   SetField32<false>(NumResolvedTypesOffset(), num_resolved_types);
   SetField32<false>(NumResolvedMethodsOffset(), num_resolved_methods);
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/dex_cache.h b/runtime/mirror/dex_cache.h
index 32eb595..5ed061f 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/dex_cache.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/dex_cache.h
@@ -137,18 +137,40 @@
     return GetFieldPtr<GcRoot<String>*>(StringsOffset());
+  void SetStrings(GcRoot<String>* strings) ALWAYS_INLINE SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    SetFieldPtr<false>(StringsOffset(), strings);
+  }
   GcRoot<Class>* GetResolvedTypes() ALWAYS_INLINE SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     return GetFieldPtr<GcRoot<Class>*>(ResolvedTypesOffset());
+  void SetResolvedTypes(GcRoot<Class>* resolved_types)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    SetFieldPtr<false>(ResolvedTypesOffset(), resolved_types);
+  }
   ArtMethod** GetResolvedMethods() ALWAYS_INLINE SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     return GetFieldPtr<ArtMethod**>(ResolvedMethodsOffset());
+  void SetResolvedMethods(ArtMethod** resolved_methods)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    SetFieldPtr<false>(ResolvedMethodsOffset(), resolved_methods);
+  }
   ArtField** GetResolvedFields() ALWAYS_INLINE SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     return GetFieldPtr<ArtField**>(ResolvedFieldsOffset());
+  void SetResolvedFields(ArtField** resolved_fields)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    SetFieldPtr<false>(ResolvedFieldsOffset(), resolved_fields);
+  }
   size_t NumStrings() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     return GetField32(NumStringsOffset());
@@ -186,7 +208,10 @@
   // Visit instance fields of the dex cache as well as its associated arrays.
-  template <VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, typename Visitor>
+  template <bool kVisitNativeRoots,
+            VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+            ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier,
+            typename Visitor>
   void VisitReferences(mirror::Class* klass, const Visitor& visitor)
       SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/iftable.h b/runtime/mirror/iftable.h
index b21ecdf..605deac 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/iftable.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/iftable.h
@@ -34,8 +34,11 @@
   ALWAYS_INLINE void SetInterface(int32_t i, Class* interface)
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
   PointerArray* GetMethodArray(int32_t i) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
-    auto* method_array = down_cast<PointerArray*>(Get((i * kMax) + kMethodArray));
+    auto* method_array = down_cast<PointerArray*>(Get<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(
+        (i * kMax) + kMethodArray));
     DCHECK(method_array != nullptr);
     return method_array;
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/object-inl.h b/runtime/mirror/object-inl.h
index 4603428..760de9a 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/object-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/object-inl.h
@@ -1031,7 +1031,10 @@
   return success;
-template<bool kIsStatic, typename Visitor>
+template<bool kIsStatic,
+         VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags,
+         ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption,
+         typename Visitor>
 inline void Object::VisitFieldsReferences(uint32_t ref_offsets, const Visitor& visitor) {
   if (!kIsStatic && (ref_offsets != mirror::Class::kClassWalkSuper)) {
     // Instance fields and not the slow-path.
@@ -1047,9 +1050,12 @@
     // There is no reference offset bitmap. In the non-static case, walk up the class
     // inheritance hierarchy and find reference offsets the hard way. In the static case, just
     // consider this class.
-    for (mirror::Class* klass = kIsStatic ? AsClass() : GetClass(); klass != nullptr;
-        klass = kIsStatic ? nullptr : klass->GetSuperClass()) {
-      size_t num_reference_fields =
+    for (mirror::Class* klass = kIsStatic
+            ? AsClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>()
+            : GetClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>();
+        klass != nullptr;
+        klass = kIsStatic ? nullptr : klass->GetSuperClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>()) {
+      const size_t num_reference_fields =
           kIsStatic ? klass->NumReferenceStaticFields() : klass->NumReferenceInstanceFields();
       if (num_reference_fields == 0u) {
@@ -1072,49 +1078,54 @@
-template<typename Visitor>
+template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption, typename Visitor>
 inline void Object::VisitInstanceFieldsReferences(mirror::Class* klass, const Visitor& visitor) {
-  VisitFieldsReferences<false>(klass->GetReferenceInstanceOffsets<kVerifyNone>(), visitor);
+  VisitFieldsReferences<false, kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(
+      klass->GetReferenceInstanceOffsets<kVerifyFlags>(), visitor);
-template<typename Visitor>
+template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption, typename Visitor>
 inline void Object::VisitStaticFieldsReferences(mirror::Class* klass, const Visitor& visitor) {
-  klass->VisitFieldsReferences<true>(0, visitor);
+  klass->VisitFieldsReferences<true, kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(0, visitor);
-template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags>
+template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
 inline bool Object::IsClassLoader() {
-  return GetClass<kVerifyFlags>()->IsClassLoaderClass();
+  return GetClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>()->IsClassLoaderClass();
-template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags>
+template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
 inline mirror::ClassLoader* Object::AsClassLoader() {
-  DCHECK(IsClassLoader<kVerifyFlags>());
+  DCHECK((IsClassLoader<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>()));
   return down_cast<mirror::ClassLoader*>(this);
-template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags>
+template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
 inline bool Object::IsDexCache() {
-  return GetClass<kVerifyFlags>()->IsDexCacheClass();
+  return GetClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>()->IsDexCacheClass();
-template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags>
+template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
 inline mirror::DexCache* Object::AsDexCache() {
-  DCHECK(IsDexCache<kVerifyFlags>());
+  DCHECK((IsDexCache<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>()));
   return down_cast<mirror::DexCache*>(this);
-template <VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, typename Visitor, typename JavaLangRefVisitor>
+template <bool kVisitNativeRoots,
+          VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags,
+          ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption,
+          typename Visitor,
+          typename JavaLangRefVisitor>
 inline void Object::VisitReferences(const Visitor& visitor,
                                     const JavaLangRefVisitor& ref_visitor) {
-  mirror::Class* klass = GetClass<kVerifyFlags>();
+  mirror::Class* klass = GetClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>();
   visitor(this, ClassOffset(), false);
   const uint32_t class_flags = klass->GetClassFlags<kVerifyNone>();
   if (LIKELY(class_flags == kClassFlagNormal)) {
     VisitInstanceFieldsReferences(klass, visitor);
-    DCHECK(!klass->IsClassClass());
+    DCHECK((!klass->IsClassClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>()));
@@ -1123,23 +1134,29 @@
       if (class_flags == kClassFlagClass) {
-        AsClass<kVerifyNone>()->VisitReferences(klass, visitor);
+        AsClass<kVerifyNone>()->VisitReferences<kVisitNativeRoots,
+                                                kVerifyFlags,
+                                                kReadBarrierOption>(klass, visitor);
       } else if (class_flags == kClassFlagObjectArray) {
-        DCHECK(klass->IsObjectArrayClass());
+        DCHECK((klass->IsObjectArrayClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>()));
         AsObjectArray<mirror::Object, kVerifyNone>()->VisitReferences(visitor);
       } else if ((class_flags & kClassFlagReference) != 0) {
         VisitInstanceFieldsReferences(klass, visitor);
         ref_visitor(klass, AsReference());
       } else if (class_flags == kClassFlagDexCache) {
-        mirror::DexCache* const dex_cache = AsDexCache<kVerifyFlags>();
-        dex_cache->VisitReferences<kVerifyFlags>(klass, visitor);
+        mirror::DexCache* const dex_cache = AsDexCache<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>();
+        dex_cache->VisitReferences<kVisitNativeRoots,
+                                   kVerifyFlags,
+                                   kReadBarrierOption>(klass, visitor);
       } else {
-        mirror::ClassLoader* const class_loader = AsClassLoader<kVerifyFlags>();
-        class_loader->VisitReferences<kVerifyFlags>(klass, visitor);
+        mirror::ClassLoader* const class_loader = AsClassLoader<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>();
+        class_loader->VisitReferences<kVisitNativeRoots,
+                                      kVerifyFlags,
+                                      kReadBarrierOption>(klass, visitor);
     } else if (kIsDebugBuild) {
-      CHECK(!klass->IsClassClass());
-      CHECK(!klass->IsObjectArrayClass());
+      CHECK((!klass->IsClassClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>()));
+      CHECK((!klass->IsObjectArrayClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>()));
       // String still has instance fields for reflection purposes but these don't exist in
       // actual string instances.
       if (!klass->IsStringClass()) {
@@ -1147,7 +1164,7 @@
         mirror::Class* super_class = klass;
         do {
           total_reference_instance_fields += super_class->NumReferenceInstanceFields();
-          super_class = super_class->GetSuperClass();
+          super_class = super_class->GetSuperClass<kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>();
         } while (super_class != nullptr);
         // The only reference field should be the object's class. This field is handled at the
         // beginning of the function.
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/object.h b/runtime/mirror/object.h
index 71e704e..d635002 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/object.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/object.h
@@ -164,14 +164,18 @@
   template<class T, VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags>
   ObjectArray<T>* AsObjectArray() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
-  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags>
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
   bool IsClassLoader() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
-  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags>
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
   ClassLoader* AsClassLoader() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
-  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags>
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
   bool IsDexCache() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
-  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags>
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
   DexCache* AsDexCache() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
@@ -456,6 +460,13 @@
     SetFieldPtrWithSize<kTransactionActive, kCheckTransaction, kVerifyFlags>(
         field_offset, new_value, sizeof(void*));
+  template<bool kTransactionActive, bool kCheckTransaction = true,
+      VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags, typename T>
+  void SetFieldPtr64(MemberOffset field_offset, T new_value)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    SetFieldPtrWithSize<kTransactionActive, kCheckTransaction, kVerifyFlags>(
+        field_offset, new_value, 8u);
+  }
   template<bool kTransactionActive, bool kCheckTransaction = true,
       VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags, typename T>
@@ -475,7 +486,9 @@
   // TODO fix thread safety analysis broken by the use of template. This should be
   // SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_).
-  template <VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+  template <bool kVisitNativeRoots = true,
+            VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+            ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier,
             typename Visitor,
             typename JavaLangRefVisitor = VoidFunctor>
   void VisitReferences(const Visitor& visitor, const JavaLangRefVisitor& ref_visitor)
@@ -495,6 +508,11 @@
       SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
     return GetFieldPtrWithSize<T, kVerifyFlags, kIsVolatile>(field_offset, sizeof(void*));
+  template<class T, VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags, bool kIsVolatile = false>
+  T GetFieldPtr64(MemberOffset field_offset)
+      SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    return GetFieldPtrWithSize<T, kVerifyFlags, kIsVolatile>(field_offset, 8u);
+  }
   template<class T, VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags, bool kIsVolatile = false>
   ALWAYS_INLINE T GetFieldPtrWithSize(MemberOffset field_offset, size_t pointer_size)
@@ -511,13 +529,20 @@
   // TODO: Fixme when anotatalysis works with visitors.
-  template<bool kIsStatic, typename Visitor>
+  template<bool kIsStatic,
+          VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+          ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier,
+          typename Visitor>
   void VisitFieldsReferences(uint32_t ref_offsets, const Visitor& visitor) HOT_ATTR
-  template<typename Visitor>
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier,
+           typename Visitor>
   void VisitInstanceFieldsReferences(mirror::Class* klass, const Visitor& visitor) HOT_ATTR
-  template<typename Visitor>
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier,
+           typename Visitor>
   void VisitStaticFieldsReferences(mirror::Class* klass, const Visitor& visitor) HOT_ATTR
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/object_array-inl.h b/runtime/mirror/object_array-inl.h
index 5337760..6f9d642 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/object_array-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/object_array-inl.h
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@
-template<class T>
+template<class T> template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags, ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption>
 inline T* ObjectArray<T>::Get(int32_t i) {
   if (!CheckIsValidIndex(i)) {
     return nullptr;
-  return GetFieldObject<T>(OffsetOfElement(i));
+  return GetFieldObject<T, kVerifyFlags, kReadBarrierOption>(OffsetOfElement(i));
 template<class T> template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags>
diff --git a/runtime/mirror/object_array.h b/runtime/mirror/object_array.h
index b45cafd..1b1295c 100644
--- a/runtime/mirror/object_array.h
+++ b/runtime/mirror/object_array.h
@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@
   static ObjectArray<T>* Alloc(Thread* self, Class* object_array_class, int32_t length)
       SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(!Roles::uninterruptible_);
-  T* Get(int32_t i) ALWAYS_INLINE SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  template<VerifyObjectFlags kVerifyFlags = kDefaultVerifyFlags,
+           ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier>
+  ALWAYS_INLINE T* Get(int32_t i) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   // Returns true if the object can be stored into the array. If not, throws
   // an ArrayStoreException and returns false.
diff --git a/runtime/native/dalvik_system_DexFile.cc b/runtime/native/dalvik_system_DexFile.cc
index da6cf1f..6643ac2 100644
--- a/runtime/native/dalvik_system_DexFile.cc
+++ b/runtime/native/dalvik_system_DexFile.cc
@@ -154,10 +154,8 @@
                                          jstring javaSourceName,
                                          jstring javaOutputName,
                                          jint flags ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                         // class_loader will be used for app images.
-                                         jobject class_loader ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                         // dex_elements will be used for app images.
-                                         jobject dex_elements ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+                                         jobject class_loader,
+                                         jobjectArray dex_elements) {
   ScopedUtfChars sourceName(env, javaSourceName);
   if (sourceName.c_str() == nullptr) {
     return 0;
@@ -174,6 +172,8 @@
   dex_files = runtime->GetOatFileManager().OpenDexFilesFromOat(sourceName.c_str(),
+                                                               class_loader,
+                                                               dex_elements,
                                                                /*out*/ &oat_file,
                                                                /*out*/ &error_msgs);
diff --git a/runtime/oat_file_assistant.cc b/runtime/oat_file_assistant.cc
index d6b0868..2bd5c76 100644
--- a/runtime/oat_file_assistant.cc
+++ b/runtime/oat_file_assistant.cc
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 #include "os.h"
 #include "profiler.h"
 #include "runtime.h"
+#include "scoped_thread_state_change.h"
 #include "ScopedFd.h"
 #include "utils.h"
@@ -326,6 +327,17 @@
   return cached_odex_file_is_up_to_date_;
+std::string OatFileAssistant::ArtFileName(const OatFile* oat_file) const {
+  const std::string oat_file_location = oat_file->GetLocation();
+  // Replace extension with .art
+  const size_t last_ext = oat_file_location.find_last_of('.');
+  if (last_ext == std::string::npos) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "No extension in oat file " << oat_file_location;
+    return std::string();
+  }
+  return oat_file_location.substr(0, last_ext) + ".art";
 const std::string* OatFileAssistant::OatFileName() {
   if (!cached_oat_file_name_attempted_) {
     cached_oat_file_name_attempted_ = true;
@@ -1003,5 +1015,22 @@
   return old_profile_load_succeeded_ ? &cached_old_profile_ : nullptr;
+gc::space::ImageSpace* OatFileAssistant::OpenImageSpace(const OatFile* oat_file) {
+  DCHECK(oat_file != nullptr);
+  std::string art_file = ArtFileName(oat_file);
+  if (art_file.empty()) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  std::string error_msg;
+  ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+  gc::space::ImageSpace* ret = gc::space::ImageSpace::CreateFromAppImage(art_file.c_str(),
+                                                                         oat_file,
+                                                                         &error_msg);
+  if (ret == nullptr) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Failed to open app image " << art_file.c_str() << " " << error_msg;
+  }
+  return ret;
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h b/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h
index f781532..7b45bca 100644
--- a/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h
+++ b/runtime/oat_file_assistant.h
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@
 namespace art {
+namespace gc {
+namespace space {
+class ImageSpace;
+}  // namespace space
+}  // namespace gc
 // Class for assisting with oat file management.
 // This class collects common utilities for determining the status of an oat
@@ -163,6 +169,9 @@
   // the OatFileAssistant object.
   std::unique_ptr<OatFile> GetBestOatFile();
+  // Open and returns an image space associated with the oat file.
+  gc::space::ImageSpace* OpenImageSpace(const OatFile* oat_file);
   // Loads the dex files in the given oat file for the given dex location.
   // The oat file should be up to date for the given dex location.
   // This loads multiple dex files in the case of multidex.
@@ -214,6 +223,9 @@
   bool OatFileNeedsRelocation();
   bool OatFileIsUpToDate();
+  // Return image file name. Does not cache since it relies on the oat file.
+  std::string ArtFileName(const OatFile* oat_file) const;
   // These methods return the status for a given opened oat file with respect
   // to the dex location.
   OatStatus GivenOatFileStatus(const OatFile& file);
diff --git a/runtime/oat_file_assistant_test.cc b/runtime/oat_file_assistant_test.cc
index f994f0c..25dcbe4 100644
--- a/runtime/oat_file_assistant_test.cc
+++ b/runtime/oat_file_assistant_test.cc
@@ -996,6 +996,8 @@
     dex_files = Runtime::Current()->GetOatFileManager().OpenDexFilesFromOat(
+        /*class_loader*/nullptr,
+        /*dex_elements*/nullptr,
     CHECK(!dex_files.empty()) << Join(error_msgs, '\n');
diff --git a/runtime/oat_file_manager.cc b/runtime/oat_file_manager.cc
index 7f216f9..b34b550 100644
--- a/runtime/oat_file_manager.cc
+++ b/runtime/oat_file_manager.cc
@@ -22,9 +22,13 @@
 #include "base/logging.h"
 #include "base/stl_util.h"
+#include "class_linker.h"
 #include "dex_file-inl.h"
 #include "gc/space/image_space.h"
+#include "handle_scope-inl.h"
+#include "mirror/class_loader.h"
 #include "oat_file_assistant.h"
+#include "scoped_thread_state_change.h"
 #include "thread-inl.h"
 namespace art {
@@ -34,6 +38,9 @@
 // normal builds.
 static constexpr bool kDuplicateClassesCheck = kIsDebugBuild;
+// If true, then we attempt to load the application image if it exists.
+static constexpr bool kEnableAppImage = true;
 const OatFile* OatFileManager::RegisterOatFile(std::unique_ptr<const OatFile> oat_file) {
   WriterMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::oat_file_manager_lock_);
   DCHECK(oat_file != nullptr);
@@ -284,6 +291,8 @@
 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> OatFileManager::OpenDexFilesFromOat(
     const char* dex_location,
     const char* oat_location,
+    jobject class_loader,
+    jobjectArray dex_elements,
     const OatFile** out_oat_file,
     std::vector<std::string>* error_msgs) {
   CHECK(dex_location != nullptr);
@@ -291,12 +300,13 @@
   // Verify we aren't holding the mutator lock, which could starve GC if we
   // have to generate or relocate an oat file.
-  Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertNotHeld(Thread::Current());
+  Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
+  Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertNotHeld(self);
+  Runtime* const runtime = Runtime::Current();
   OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(dex_location,
-                                      !Runtime::Current()->IsAotCompiler());
+                                      !runtime->IsAotCompiler());
   // Lock the target oat location to avoid races generating and loading the
   // oat file.
@@ -317,6 +327,7 @@
   // Get the oat file on disk.
   std::unique_ptr<const OatFile> oat_file(oat_file_assistant.GetBestOatFile().release());
   if (oat_file != nullptr) {
     // Take the file only if it has no collisions, or we must take it because of preopting.
     bool accept_oat_file = !HasCollisions(oat_file.get(), /*out*/ &error_msg);
@@ -351,7 +362,42 @@
   // Load the dex files from the oat file.
   if (source_oat_file != nullptr) {
-    dex_files = oat_file_assistant.LoadDexFiles(*source_oat_file, dex_location);
+    bool added_image_space = false;
+    if (source_oat_file->IsExecutable()) {
+      std::unique_ptr<gc::space::ImageSpace> image_space(
+          kEnableAppImage ? oat_file_assistant.OpenImageSpace(source_oat_file) : nullptr);
+      if (image_space != nullptr) {
+        ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
+        StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
+        Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> h_loader(
+            hs.NewHandle(soa.Decode<mirror::ClassLoader*>(class_loader)));
+        // Can not load app image without class loader.
+        if (h_loader.Get() != nullptr) {
+          std::string temp_error_msg;
+          // Add image space has a race condition since other threads could be reading from the
+          // spaces array.
+          runtime->GetHeap()->AddSpace(image_space.get());
+          added_image_space = true;
+          if (!runtime->GetClassLinker()->AddImageSpace(image_space.get(),
+                                                        h_loader,
+                                                        dex_elements,
+                                                        dex_location,
+                                                        /*out*/&dex_files,
+                                                        /*out*/&temp_error_msg)) {
+            LOG(INFO) << "Failed to add image file " << temp_error_msg;
+            dex_files.clear();
+            runtime->GetHeap()->RemoveSpace(image_space.get());
+            added_image_space = false;
+            // Non-fatal, don't update error_msg.
+          }
+          image_space.release();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (!added_image_space) {
+      DCHECK(dex_files.empty());
+      dex_files = oat_file_assistant.LoadDexFiles(*source_oat_file, dex_location);
+    }
     if (dex_files.empty()) {
       error_msgs->push_back("Failed to open dex files from " + source_oat_file->GetLocation());
diff --git a/runtime/oat_file_manager.h b/runtime/oat_file_manager.h
index 4690e45..c508c4b 100644
--- a/runtime/oat_file_manager.h
+++ b/runtime/oat_file_manager.h
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "base/macros.h"
 #include "base/mutex.h"
+#include "jni.h"
 namespace art {
@@ -101,6 +102,8 @@
   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> OpenDexFilesFromOat(
       const char* dex_location,
       const char* oat_location,
+      jobject class_loader,
+      jobjectArray dex_elements,
       /*out*/ const OatFile** out_oat_file,
       /*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* error_msgs)
       REQUIRES(!Locks::oat_file_manager_lock_, !Locks::mutator_lock_);
diff --git a/runtime/runtime.cc b/runtime/runtime.cc
index e30c26d..f138c81 100644
--- a/runtime/runtime.cc
+++ b/runtime/runtime.cc
@@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@
   if (GetHeap()->HasBootImageSpace()) {
     std::string error_msg;
-    bool result = class_linker_->InitFromImage(&error_msg);
+    bool result = class_linker_->InitFromBootImage(&error_msg);
     if (!result) {
       LOG(ERROR) << "Could not initialize from image: " << error_msg;
diff --git a/runtime/runtime.h b/runtime/runtime.h
index 20acffb..c8c2ee5 100644
--- a/runtime/runtime.h
+++ b/runtime/runtime.h
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
   // Returns a special method that calls into a trampoline for runtime method resolution
-  ArtMethod* GetResolutionMethod() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  ArtMethod* GetResolutionMethod();
   bool HasResolutionMethod() const {
     return resolution_method_ != nullptr;
@@ -377,8 +377,8 @@
   ArtMethod* CreateResolutionMethod() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   // Returns a special method that calls into a trampoline for runtime imt conflicts.
-  ArtMethod* GetImtConflictMethod() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
-  ArtMethod* GetImtUnimplementedMethod() SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
+  ArtMethod* GetImtConflictMethod();
+  ArtMethod* GetImtUnimplementedMethod();
   bool HasImtConflictMethod() const {
     return imt_conflict_method_ != nullptr;
diff --git a/runtime/thread_list.cc b/runtime/thread_list.cc
index 727ffe5..c8714a6 100644
--- a/runtime/thread_list.cc
+++ b/runtime/thread_list.cc
@@ -1191,6 +1191,7 @@
   LOG(WARNING) << "timed out suspending all daemon threads";
 void ThreadList::Register(Thread* self) {
   DCHECK_EQ(self, Thread::Current());
diff --git a/runtime/utils/dex_cache_arrays_layout-inl.h b/runtime/utils/dex_cache_arrays_layout-inl.h
index 90e24b9..f6ee6a2 100644
--- a/runtime/utils/dex_cache_arrays_layout-inl.h
+++ b/runtime/utils/dex_cache_arrays_layout-inl.h
@@ -60,7 +60,9 @@
 inline size_t DexCacheArraysLayout::TypesSize(size_t num_elements) const {
-  return ArraySize(sizeof(GcRoot<mirror::Class>), num_elements);
+  // App image patching relies on having enough room for a forwarding pointer in the types array.
+  // See FixupArtMethodArrayVisitor and ClassLinker::AddImageSpace.
+  return std::max(ArraySize(sizeof(GcRoot<mirror::Class>), num_elements), pointer_size_);
 inline size_t DexCacheArraysLayout::TypesAlignment() const {
@@ -72,7 +74,8 @@
 inline size_t DexCacheArraysLayout::MethodsSize(size_t num_elements) const {
-  return ArraySize(pointer_size_, num_elements);
+  // App image patching relies on having enough room for a forwarding pointer in the methods array.
+  return std::max(ArraySize(pointer_size_, num_elements), pointer_size_);
 inline size_t DexCacheArraysLayout::MethodsAlignment() const {
diff --git a/runtime/well_known_classes.cc b/runtime/well_known_classes.cc
index 8300921..cfa8329 100644
--- a/runtime/well_known_classes.cc
+++ b/runtime/well_known_classes.cc
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
 jmethodID WellKnownClasses::org_apache_harmony_dalvik_ddmc_DdmServer_dispatch;
 jfieldID WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_DexFile_cookie;
+jfieldID WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_DexFile_fileName;
 jfieldID WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_PathClassLoader_pathList;
 jfieldID WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_DexPathList_dexElements;
 jfieldID WellKnownClasses::dalvik_system_DexPathList__Element_dexFile;
@@ -333,6 +334,7 @@
        true, "newStringFromStringBuilder", "(Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;)Ljava/lang/String;");
   dalvik_system_DexFile_cookie = CacheField(env, dalvik_system_DexFile, false, "mCookie", "Ljava/lang/Object;");
+  dalvik_system_DexFile_fileName = CacheField(env, dalvik_system_DexFile, false, "mFileName", "Ljava/lang/String;");
   dalvik_system_PathClassLoader_pathList = CacheField(env, dalvik_system_PathClassLoader, false, "pathList", "Ldalvik/system/DexPathList;");
   dalvik_system_DexPathList_dexElements = CacheField(env, dalvik_system_DexPathList, false, "dexElements", "[Ldalvik/system/DexPathList$Element;");
   dalvik_system_DexPathList__Element_dexFile = CacheField(env, dalvik_system_DexPathList__Element, false, "dexFile", "Ldalvik/system/DexFile;");
diff --git a/runtime/well_known_classes.h b/runtime/well_known_classes.h
index 55158a7..482ff0a 100644
--- a/runtime/well_known_classes.h
+++ b/runtime/well_known_classes.h
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@
   static jmethodID org_apache_harmony_dalvik_ddmc_DdmServer_dispatch;
   static jfieldID dalvik_system_DexFile_cookie;
+  static jfieldID dalvik_system_DexFile_fileName;
   static jfieldID dalvik_system_DexPathList_dexElements;
   static jfieldID dalvik_system_DexPathList__Element_dexFile;
   static jfieldID dalvik_system_PathClassLoader_pathList;
diff --git a/test/496-checker-inlining-and-class-loader/src/Main.java b/test/496-checker-inlining-and-class-loader/src/Main.java
index 39c031a..ea6df62 100644
--- a/test/496-checker-inlining-and-class-loader/src/Main.java
+++ b/test/496-checker-inlining-and-class-loader/src/Main.java
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 class MyClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
@@ -30,18 +31,31 @@
     Object pathList = f.get(loader);
     // Some magic to get access to the dexField field of pathList.
+    // Need to make a copy of the dex elements since we don't want an app image with pre-resolved
+    // things.
     f = pathList.getClass().getDeclaredField("dexElements");
-    dexElements = (Object[]) f.get(pathList);
-    dexFileField = dexElements[0].getClass().getDeclaredField("dexFile");
-    dexFileField.setAccessible(true);
+    Object[] dexElements = (Object[]) f.get(pathList);
+    f = dexElements[0].getClass().getDeclaredField("dexFile");
+    f.setAccessible(true);
+    for (Object element : dexElements) {
+      Object dexFile = f.get(element);
+      // Make copy.
+      Field fileNameField = dexFile.getClass().getDeclaredField("mFileName");
+      fileNameField.setAccessible(true);
+      dexFiles.add(dexFile.getClass().getDeclaredConstructor(String.class).newInstance(
+        fileNameField.get(dexFile)));
+    }
-  Object[] dexElements;
+  ArrayList<Object> dexFiles = new ArrayList<Object>();
   Field dexFileField;
   protected Class<?> loadClass(String className, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {
-    System.out.println("Request for " + className);
+    // Other classes may also get loaded, ignore those.
+    if (className.equals("LoadedByMyClassLoader") || className.equals("FirstSeenByMyClassLoader")) {
+      System.out.println("Request for " + className);
+    }
     // We're only going to handle LoadedByMyClassLoader.
     if (className != "LoadedByMyClassLoader") {
@@ -50,13 +64,12 @@
     // Mimic what DexPathList.findClass is doing.
     try {
-      for (Object element : dexElements) {
-        Object dex = dexFileField.get(element);
-        Method method = dex.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(
+      for (Object dexFile : dexFiles) {
+        Method method = dexFile.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(
             "loadClassBinaryName", String.class, ClassLoader.class, List.class);
-        if (dex != null) {
-          Class clazz = (Class)method.invoke(dex, className, this, null);
+        if (dexFile != null) {
+          Class clazz = (Class)method.invoke(dexFile, className, this, null);
           if (clazz != null) {
             return clazz;
diff --git a/test/506-verify-aput/src/Main.java b/test/506-verify-aput/src/Main.java
index 8359f2c..08368d4 100644
--- a/test/506-verify-aput/src/Main.java
+++ b/test/506-verify-aput/src/Main.java
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@
     try {
       throw new Error("expected verification error");
-    } catch (VerifyError e) { /* ignore */ }
+    } catch (VerifyError e) { /* ignore */
+    } catch (Error e) { System.out.println(e.getClass() + " " + e.getClass().getClassLoader()); }
     try {
       throw new Error("expected verification error");
-    } catch (VerifyError e) { /* ignore */ }
+    } catch (VerifyError e) { /* ignore */
+    } catch (Error e) { System.out.println(e.getClass() + " " + e.getClass().getClassLoader()); }