Simplify boolean condition compared to 0
CaffeineMarkRR Logic has some boolean flipping which can be helped by
some simplification.
Simplify non-FP (A COND_OP B) != 0 to A OPPOSITE_COND_OP B.
This is better than the original code, which would use a HBooleanNot
after the condition.
Also simplify non-FP (A COND_OP B) == 1 to A OPPOSITE_COND_OP B.
Move GetOppositeCondition to nodes.h/ to share with Boolean
Simplification, renaming it to InsertOppositeCondition, as it inserts
the new HInstruction (unless it is a constant).
Change-Id: I34ded7758836e375de0d6fdba9239d2d451928d0
Signed-off-by: Mark Mendell <>
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 0a39ff3..1680c07 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -2090,4 +2090,43 @@
+// Returns an instruction with the opposite boolean value from 'cond'.
+HInstruction* HGraph::InsertOppositeCondition(HInstruction* cond, HInstruction* cursor) {
+ ArenaAllocator* allocator = GetArena();
+ if (cond->IsCondition() &&
+ !Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(cond->InputAt(0)->GetType())) {
+ // Can't reverse floating point conditions. We have to use HBooleanNot in that case.
+ HInstruction* lhs = cond->InputAt(0);
+ HInstruction* rhs = cond->InputAt(1);
+ HInstruction* replacement;
+ switch (cond->AsCondition()->GetOppositeCondition()) { // get *opposite*
+ case kCondEQ: replacement = new (allocator) HEqual(lhs, rhs); break;
+ case kCondNE: replacement = new (allocator) HNotEqual(lhs, rhs); break;
+ case kCondLT: replacement = new (allocator) HLessThan(lhs, rhs); break;
+ case kCondLE: replacement = new (allocator) HLessThanOrEqual(lhs, rhs); break;
+ case kCondGT: replacement = new (allocator) HGreaterThan(lhs, rhs); break;
+ case kCondGE: replacement = new (allocator) HGreaterThanOrEqual(lhs, rhs); break;
+ case kCondB: replacement = new (allocator) HBelow(lhs, rhs); break;
+ case kCondBE: replacement = new (allocator) HBelowOrEqual(lhs, rhs); break;
+ case kCondA: replacement = new (allocator) HAbove(lhs, rhs); break;
+ case kCondAE: replacement = new (allocator) HAboveOrEqual(lhs, rhs); break;
+ }
+ cursor->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(replacement, cursor);
+ return replacement;
+ } else if (cond->IsIntConstant()) {
+ HIntConstant* int_const = cond->AsIntConstant();
+ if (int_const->IsZero()) {
+ return GetIntConstant(1);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(int_const->IsOne());
+ return GetIntConstant(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ HInstruction* replacement = new (allocator) HBooleanNot(cond);
+ cursor->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(replacement, cursor);
+ return replacement;
+ }
} // namespace art