ahat: add support for diffing two heap dumps.

ahat now has the option to specify a --baseline hprof file to use as
the basis for comparing two heap dumps. When a baseline hprof file is
provided, ahat will highlight how the heap dump has changed relative
to the hprof file.

Differences that are highlighted include:
* overall heap sizes
* total bytes and number of allocations by type
* new and deleted instances of a given type
* retained sizes of objects
* instance fields, static fields, and array elements of modified objects

* Remove support for showing NativeAllocations, because I haven't ever
  found it to be useful, it is not obvious what a "native" allocation
  is, and I don't feel like adding diff support for them.
* Remove help page. Because it is outdated, not well maintained, and
  not very helpful in the first place.

Test: m ahat-test
Test: Run in diff mode for tests and added new tests for diff.
Test: Manually run with and without diff mode on heap dumps from system server.
Bug: 33770653
Change-Id: Id9a392ac75588200e716bbc3edbae6e9cd97c26b
diff --git a/tools/ahat/test-dump/Main.java b/tools/ahat/test-dump/Main.java
index e0b3da7..4a2234c 100644
--- a/tools/ahat/test-dump/Main.java
+++ b/tools/ahat/test-dump/Main.java
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference;
 import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
 import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
-import libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry;
 import org.apache.harmony.dalvik.ddmc.DdmVmInternal;
@@ -40,6 +39,25 @@
+  public static class AddedObject {
+  }
+  public static class RemovedObject {
+  }
+  public static class UnchangedObject {
+  }
+  public static class ModifiedObject {
+    public int value;
+    public String modifiedRefField;
+    public String unmodifiedRefField;
+  }
+  public static class StackSmasher {
+    public StackSmasher child;
+  }
   // We will take a heap dump that includes a single instance of this
   // DumpedStuff class. Objects stored as fields in this class can be easily
   // found in the hprof dump by searching for the instance of the DumpedStuff
@@ -62,17 +80,44 @@
           new ObjectTree(null, null)),
     public Object[] basicStringRef;
+    public AddedObject addedObject;
+    public UnchangedObject unchangedObject = new UnchangedObject();
+    public RemovedObject removedObject;
+    public ModifiedObject modifiedObject;
+    public StackSmasher stackSmasher;
+    public StackSmasher stackSmasherAdded;
+    public static String modifiedStaticField;
+    public int[] modifiedArray;
-    DumpedStuff() {
-      int N = 1000000;
+    DumpedStuff(boolean baseline) {
+      int N = baseline ? 400000 : 1000000;
       bigArray = new byte[N];
       for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
         bigArray[i] = (byte)((i*i) & 0xFF);
-      NativeAllocationRegistry registry = new NativeAllocationRegistry(
-          Main.class.getClassLoader(), 0x12345, 42);
-      registry.registerNativeAllocation(anObject, 0xABCDABCD);
+      addedObject = baseline ? null : new AddedObject();
+      removedObject = baseline ? new RemovedObject() : null;
+      modifiedObject = new ModifiedObject();
+      modifiedObject.value = baseline ? 5 : 8;
+      modifiedObject.modifiedRefField = baseline ? "A1" : "A2";
+      modifiedObject.unmodifiedRefField = "B";
+      modifiedStaticField = baseline ? "C1" : "C2";
+      modifiedArray = baseline ? new int[]{0,1,2,3} : new int[]{3,1,2,0};
+      // Deep matching dominator trees shouldn't smash the stack when we try
+      // to diff them. Make some deep dominator trees to help test it.
+      for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
+        StackSmasher smasher = new StackSmasher();
+        smasher.child = stackSmasher;
+        stackSmasher = smasher;
+        if (!baseline) {
+          smasher = new StackSmasher();
+          smasher.child = stackSmasherAdded;
+          stackSmasherAdded = smasher;
+        }
+      }
       gcPathArray[2].right.left = gcPathArray[2].left.right;
@@ -85,11 +130,15 @@
     String file = args[0];
+    // If a --base argument is provided, it means we should generate a
+    // baseline hprof file suitable for using in testing diff.
+    boolean baseline = args.length > 1 && args[1].equals("--base");
     // Enable allocation tracking so we get stack traces in the heap dump.
     // Allocate the instance of DumpedStuff.
-    stuff = new DumpedStuff();
+    stuff = new DumpedStuff(baseline);
     // Create a bunch of unreachable objects pointing to basicString for the
     // reverseReferencesAreNotUnreachable test