dex2oat: Pack likely-dirty objects together when generating the boot image

This introduces a new algorithm into image writer which "bins" objects
by how likely they are to be dirtied at runtime. Objects in the same bin
are placed contiguously in memory (i.e. into the same page). We try to
tune the bin selection based on how clean or how dirty the object will
likely be at runtime.

As-is, this saves about 150KB per-process (private-dirty pages) and 700KB in
zygote (shared-dirty).

There is still about 800KB of objects that are clean but located in
dirty pages, so with more analysis we can tune the bin selection and get
even more memory savings.

(cherry picked from commit 3f735bd4f9d09a0f9b2b01321e4c6917879dcae6)

Bug: 17611661
Change-Id: Ia1455e4c56ffd0a36ae2a723d35b7e06502980f7
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index b03727b..4f5026d 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
 #include "runtime.h"
 #include "scoped_thread_state_change.h"
 #include "handle_scope-inl.h"
-#include "utils.h"
+#include <numeric>
 using ::art::mirror::ArtField;
 using ::art::mirror::ArtMethod;
@@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
 namespace art {
+// Separate objects into multiple bins to optimize dirty memory use.
+static constexpr bool kBinObjects = true;
 bool ImageWriter::PrepareImageAddressSpace() {
   target_ptr_size_ = InstructionSetPointerSize(compiler_driver_.GetInstructionSet());
@@ -191,54 +195,43 @@
   return true;
-void ImageWriter::SetImageOffset(mirror::Object* object, size_t offset) {
+void ImageWriter::SetImageOffset(mirror::Object* object,
+                                 ImageWriter::BinSlot bin_slot,
+                                 size_t offset) {
   DCHECK(object != nullptr);
   DCHECK_NE(offset, 0U);
-  DCHECK(!IsImageOffsetAssigned(object));
   mirror::Object* obj = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(image_->Begin() + offset);
   DCHECK_ALIGNED(obj, kObjectAlignment);
-  image_bitmap_->Set(obj);
-  // Before we stomp over the lock word, save the hash code for later.
-  Monitor::Deflate(Thread::Current(), object);;
-  LockWord lw(object->GetLockWord(false));
-  switch (lw.GetState()) {
-    case LockWord::kFatLocked: {
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Fat locked object " << obj << " found during object copy";
-      break;
+  image_bitmap_->Set(obj);  // Mark the obj as mutated, since we will end up changing it.
+  {
+    // Remember the object-inside-of-the-image's hash code so we can restore it after the copy.
+    auto hash_it = saved_hashes_map_.find(bin_slot);
+    if (hash_it != saved_hashes_map_.end()) {
+      std::pair<BinSlot, uint32_t> slot_hash = *hash_it;
+      saved_hashes_.push_back(std::make_pair(obj, slot_hash.second));
+      saved_hashes_map_.erase(hash_it);
-    case LockWord::kThinLocked: {
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Thin locked object " << obj << " found during object copy";
-      break;
-    }
-    case LockWord::kUnlocked:
-      // No hash, don't need to save it.
-      break;
-    case LockWord::kHashCode:
-      saved_hashes_.push_back(std::make_pair(obj, lw.GetHashCode()));
-      break;
-    default:
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable.";
+  // The object is already deflated from when we set the bin slot. Just overwrite the lock word.
   object->SetLockWord(LockWord::FromForwardingAddress(offset), false);
-void ImageWriter::AssignImageOffset(mirror::Object* object) {
+void ImageWriter::AssignImageOffset(mirror::Object* object, ImageWriter::BinSlot bin_slot) {
   DCHECK(object != nullptr);
-  SetImageOffset(object, image_end_);
-  size_t object_size;
-  if (object->IsArtMethod()) {
-    // Methods are sized based on the target pointer size.
-    object_size = mirror::ArtMethod::InstanceSize(target_ptr_size_);
-  } else {
-    object_size = object->SizeOf();
-  }
-  image_end_ += RoundUp(object_size, 8);  // 64-bit alignment
-  DCHECK_LT(image_end_, image_->Size());
+  DCHECK_NE(image_objects_offset_begin_, 0u);
+  size_t previous_bin_sizes = GetBinSizeSum(bin_slot.GetBin());  // sum sizes in [0..bin#)
+  size_t new_offset = image_objects_offset_begin_ + previous_bin_sizes + bin_slot.GetIndex();
+  DCHECK_ALIGNED(new_offset, kObjectAlignment);
+  SetImageOffset(object, bin_slot, new_offset);
+  DCHECK_LT(new_offset, image_end_);
 bool ImageWriter::IsImageOffsetAssigned(mirror::Object* object) const {
+  // Will also return true if the bin slot was assigned since we are reusing the lock word.
   DCHECK(object != nullptr);
   return object->GetLockWord(false).GetState() == LockWord::kForwardingAddress;
@@ -252,6 +245,178 @@
   return offset;
+void ImageWriter::SetImageBinSlot(mirror::Object* object, BinSlot bin_slot) {
+  DCHECK(object != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(!IsImageOffsetAssigned(object));
+  DCHECK(!IsImageBinSlotAssigned(object));
+  // Before we stomp over the lock word, save the hash code for later.
+  Monitor::Deflate(Thread::Current(), object);;
+  LockWord lw(object->GetLockWord(false));
+  switch (lw.GetState()) {
+    case LockWord::kFatLocked: {
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Fat locked object " << object << " found during object copy";
+      break;
+    }
+    case LockWord::kThinLocked: {
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Thin locked object " << object << " found during object copy";
+      break;
+    }
+    case LockWord::kUnlocked:
+      // No hash, don't need to save it.
+      break;
+    case LockWord::kHashCode:
+      saved_hashes_map_[bin_slot] = lw.GetHashCode();
+      break;
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable.";
+  }
+  object->SetLockWord(LockWord::FromForwardingAddress(static_cast<uint32_t>(bin_slot)),
+                      false);
+  DCHECK(IsImageBinSlotAssigned(object));
+void ImageWriter::AssignImageBinSlot(mirror::Object* object) {
+  DCHECK(object != nullptr);
+  size_t object_size;
+  if (object->IsArtMethod()) {
+    // Methods are sized based on the target pointer size.
+    object_size = mirror::ArtMethod::InstanceSize(target_ptr_size_);
+  } else {
+    object_size = object->SizeOf();
+  }
+  // The magic happens here. We segregate objects into different bins based
+  // on how likely they are to get dirty at runtime.
+  //
+  // Likely-to-dirty objects get packed together into the same bin so that
+  // at runtime their page dirtiness ratio (how many dirty objects a page has) is
+  // maximized.
+  //
+  // This means more pages will stay either clean or shared dirty (with zygote) and
+  // the app will use less of its own (private) memory.
+  Bin bin = kBinRegular;
+  if (kBinObjects) {
+    //
+    // Changing the bin of an object is purely a memory-use tuning.
+    // It has no change on runtime correctness.
+    //
+    // Memory analysis has determined that the following types of objects get dirtied
+    // the most:
+    //
+    // * Class'es which are verified [their clinit runs only at runtime]
+    //   - classes in general [because their static fields get overwritten]
+    //   - initialized classes with all-final statics are unlikely to be ever dirty,
+    //     so bin them separately
+    // * Art Methods that are:
+    //   - native [their native entry point is not looked up until runtime]
+    //   - have declaring classes that aren't initialized
+    //            [their interpreter/quick entry points are trampolines until the class
+    //             becomes initialized]
+    //
+    // We also assume the following objects get dirtied either never or extremely rarely:
+    //  * Strings (they are immutable)
+    //  * Art methods that aren't native and have initialized declared classes
+    //
+    // We assume that "regular" bin objects are highly unlikely to become dirtied,
+    // so packing them together will not result in a noticeably tighter dirty-to-clean ratio.
+    //
+    if (object->IsClass()) {
+      bin = kBinClassVerified;
+      mirror::Class* klass = object->AsClass();
+      if (klass->GetStatus() == Class::kStatusInitialized) {
+        bin = kBinClassInitialized;
+        // If the class's static fields are all final, put it into a separate bin
+        // since it's very likely it will stay clean.
+        uint32_t num_static_fields = klass->NumStaticFields();
+        if (num_static_fields == 0) {
+          bin = kBinClassInitializedFinalStatics;
+        } else {
+          // Maybe all the statics are final?
+          bool all_final = true;
+          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_static_fields; ++i) {
+            ArtField* field = klass->GetStaticField(i);
+            if (!field->IsFinal()) {
+              all_final = false;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          if (all_final) {
+            bin = kBinClassInitializedFinalStatics;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    } else if (object->IsArtMethod<kVerifyNone>()) {
+      mirror::ArtMethod* art_method = down_cast<ArtMethod*>(object);
+      if (art_method->IsNative()) {
+        bin = kBinArtMethodNative;
+      } else {
+        mirror::Class* declaring_class = art_method->GetDeclaringClass();
+        if (declaring_class->GetStatus() != Class::kStatusInitialized) {
+          bin = kBinArtMethodNotInitialized;
+        } else {
+          // This is highly unlikely to dirty since there's no entry points to mutate.
+          bin = kBinArtMethodsManagedInitialized;
+        }
+      }
+    } else if (object->GetClass<kVerifyNone>()->IsStringClass()) {
+      bin = kBinString;  // Strings are almost always immutable (except for object header).
+    }  // else bin = kBinRegular
+  }
+  size_t current_offset = bin_slot_sizes_[bin];  // How many bytes the current bin is at (aligned).
+  // Move the current bin size up to accomodate the object we just assigned a bin slot.
+  size_t offset_delta = RoundUp(object_size, kObjectAlignment);  // 64-bit alignment
+  bin_slot_sizes_[bin] += offset_delta;
+  BinSlot new_bin_slot(bin, current_offset);
+  SetImageBinSlot(object, new_bin_slot);
+  ++bin_slot_count_[bin];
+  DCHECK_LT(GetBinSizeSum(), image_->Size());
+  // Grow the image closer to the end by the object we just assigned.
+  image_end_ += offset_delta;
+  DCHECK_LT(image_end_, image_->Size());
+bool ImageWriter::IsImageBinSlotAssigned(mirror::Object* object) const {
+  DCHECK(object != nullptr);
+  // We always stash the bin slot into a lockword, in the 'forwarding address' state.
+  // If it's in some other state, then we haven't yet assigned an image bin slot.
+  if (object->GetLockWord(false).GetState() != LockWord::kForwardingAddress) {
+    return false;
+  } else if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+    LockWord lock_word = object->GetLockWord(false);
+    size_t offset = lock_word.ForwardingAddress();
+    BinSlot bin_slot(offset);
+    DCHECK_LT(bin_slot.GetIndex(), bin_slot_sizes_[bin_slot.GetBin()])
+      << "bin slot offset should not exceed the size of that bin";
+  }
+  return true;
+ImageWriter::BinSlot ImageWriter::GetImageBinSlot(mirror::Object* object) const {
+  DCHECK(object != nullptr);
+  DCHECK(IsImageBinSlotAssigned(object));
+  LockWord lock_word = object->GetLockWord(false);
+  size_t offset = lock_word.ForwardingAddress();  // TODO: ForwardingAddress should be uint32_t
+  DCHECK_LE(offset, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+  BinSlot bin_slot(static_cast<uint32_t>(offset));
+  DCHECK_LT(bin_slot.GetIndex(), bin_slot_sizes_[bin_slot.GetBin()]);
+  return bin_slot;
 bool ImageWriter::AllocMemory() {
   size_t length = RoundUp(Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->GetTotalMemory(), kPageSize);
   std::string error_msg;
@@ -555,29 +720,29 @@
-void ImageWriter::CalculateObjectOffsets(Object* obj) {
+void ImageWriter::CalculateObjectBinSlots(Object* obj) {
   DCHECK(obj != NULL);
   // if it is a string, we want to intern it if its not interned.
   if (obj->GetClass()->IsStringClass()) {
     // we must be an interned string that was forward referenced and already assigned
-    if (IsImageOffsetAssigned(obj)) {
+    if (IsImageBinSlotAssigned(obj)) {
       DCHECK_EQ(obj, obj->AsString()->Intern());
     mirror::String* const interned = obj->AsString()->Intern();
     if (obj != interned) {
-      if (!IsImageOffsetAssigned(interned)) {
+      if (!IsImageBinSlotAssigned(interned)) {
         // interned obj is after us, allocate its location early
-        AssignImageOffset(interned);
+        AssignImageBinSlot(interned);
       // point those looking for this object to the interned version.
-      SetImageOffset(obj, GetImageOffset(interned));
+      SetImageBinSlot(obj, GetImageBinSlot(interned));
     // else (obj == interned), nothing to do but fall through to the normal case
-  AssignImageOffset(obj);
+  AssignImageBinSlot(obj);
 ObjectArray<Object>* ImageWriter::CreateImageRoots() const {
@@ -658,13 +823,15 @@
 // For an unvisited object, visit it then all its children found via fields.
 void ImageWriter::WalkFieldsInOrder(mirror::Object* obj) {
-  if (!IsImageOffsetAssigned(obj)) {
+  // Use our own visitor routine (instead of GC visitor) to get better locality between
+  // an object and its fields
+  if (!IsImageBinSlotAssigned(obj)) {
     // Walk instance fields of all objects
     StackHandleScope<2> hs(Thread::Current());
     Handle<mirror::Object> h_obj(hs.NewHandle(obj));
     Handle<mirror::Class> klass(hs.NewHandle(obj->GetClass()));
     // visit the object itself.
-    CalculateObjectOffsets(h_obj.Get());
+    CalculateObjectBinSlots(h_obj.Get());
     WalkInstanceFields(h_obj.Get(), klass.Get());
     // Walk static fields of a Class.
     if (h_obj->IsClass()) {
@@ -698,6 +865,24 @@
+void ImageWriter::UnbinObjectsIntoOffsetCallback(mirror::Object* obj, void* arg) {
+  ImageWriter* writer = reinterpret_cast<ImageWriter*>(arg);
+  DCHECK(writer != nullptr);
+  writer->UnbinObjectsIntoOffset(obj);
+void ImageWriter::UnbinObjectsIntoOffset(mirror::Object* obj) {
+  CHECK(obj != nullptr);
+  // We know the bin slot, and the total bin sizes for all objects by now,
+  // so calculate the object's final image offset.
+  DCHECK(IsImageBinSlotAssigned(obj));
+  BinSlot bin_slot = GetImageBinSlot(obj);
+  // Change the lockword from a bin slot into an offset
+  AssignImageOffset(obj, bin_slot);
 void ImageWriter::CalculateNewObjectOffsets() {
   Thread* self = Thread::Current();
   StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
@@ -708,16 +893,22 @@
   // Leave space for the header, but do not write it yet, we need to
   // know where image_roots is going to end up
-  image_end_ += RoundUp(sizeof(ImageHeader), 8);  // 64-bit-alignment
+  image_end_ += RoundUp(sizeof(ImageHeader), kObjectAlignment);  // 64-bit-alignment
     WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
     // TODO: Image spaces only?
     DCHECK_LT(image_end_, image_->Size());
-    // Clear any pre-existing monitors which may have been in the monitor words.
+    image_objects_offset_begin_ = image_end_;
+    // Clear any pre-existing monitors which may have been in the monitor words, assign bin slots.
     heap->VisitObjects(WalkFieldsCallback, this);
+    // Transform each object's bin slot into an offset which will be used to do the final copy.
+    heap->VisitObjects(UnbinObjectsIntoOffsetCallback, this);
+    DCHECK(saved_hashes_map_.empty());  // All binslot hashes should've been put into vector by now.
+  DCHECK_GT(image_end_, GetBinSizeSum());
   image_roots_address_ = PointerToLowMemUInt32(GetImageAddress(image_roots.Get()));
   // Note that image_end_ is left at end of used space
@@ -727,6 +918,7 @@
   CHECK_NE(0U, oat_loaded_size);
   const uint8_t* oat_file_begin = GetOatFileBegin();
   const uint8_t* oat_file_end = oat_file_begin + oat_loaded_size;
   oat_data_begin_ = oat_file_begin + oat_data_offset;
   const uint8_t* oat_data_end = oat_data_begin_ + oat_file_->Size();
@@ -788,6 +980,7 @@
   image_writer->FixupObject(obj, copy);
+// Rewrite all the references in the copied object to point to their image address equivalent
 class FixupVisitor {
   FixupVisitor(ImageWriter* image_writer, Object* copy) : image_writer_(image_writer), copy_(copy) {
@@ -823,8 +1016,9 @@
   void operator()(Object* obj, MemberOffset offset, bool /*is_static*/) const
       EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_, Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) {
-    FixupVisitor::operator()(obj, offset, false);
+    FixupVisitor::operator()(obj, offset, /*is_static*/false);
+    // TODO: Remove dead code
     if (offset.Uint32Value() < mirror::Class::EmbeddedVTableOffset().Uint32Value()) {
@@ -1038,4 +1232,32 @@
+size_t ImageWriter::GetBinSizeSum(ImageWriter::Bin up_to) const {
+  DCHECK_LE(up_to, kBinSize);
+  return std::accumulate(&bin_slot_sizes_[0], &bin_slot_sizes_[up_to], /*init*/0);
+ImageWriter::BinSlot::BinSlot(uint32_t lockword) : lockword_(lockword) {
+  // These values may need to get updated if more bins are added to the enum Bin
+  static_assert(kBinBits == 3, "wrong number of bin bits");
+  static_assert(kBinShift == 29, "wrong number of shift");
+  static_assert(sizeof(BinSlot) == sizeof(LockWord), "BinSlot/LockWord must have equal sizes");
+  DCHECK_LT(GetBin(), kBinSize);
+  DCHECK_ALIGNED(GetIndex(), kObjectAlignment);
+ImageWriter::BinSlot::BinSlot(Bin bin, uint32_t index)
+    : BinSlot(index | (static_cast<uint32_t>(bin) << kBinShift)) {
+  DCHECK_EQ(index, GetIndex());
+ImageWriter::Bin ImageWriter::BinSlot::GetBin() const {
+  return static_cast<Bin>((lockword_ & kBinMask) >> kBinShift);
+uint32_t ImageWriter::BinSlot::GetIndex() const {
+  return lockword_ & ~kBinMask;
 }  // namespace art