More advanced timing loggers.
The new timing loggers have lower overhead since they only push into
a vector. The new format has two types, a start timing and a stop
timing. You can thing of these as brackets associated with a
timestamp. It uses these to construct various statistics when needed,
such as: Total time, exclusive time, and nesting depth.
Changed PrettyDuration to have a default of 3 digits after the decimal
Exaple of a GC dump with exclusive / total times and indenting:
I/art (23546): GC iteration timing logger [Exclusive time] [Total time]
I/art (23546): 0ms InitializePhase
I/art (23546): 0.305ms/167.746ms MarkingPhase
I/art (23546): 0ms BindBitmaps
I/art (23546): 0ms FindDefaultSpaceBitmap
I/art (23546): 0ms/1.709ms ProcessCards
I/art (23546): 0.183ms ImageModUnionClearCards
I/art (23546): 0.916ms ZygoteModUnionClearCards
I/art (23546): 0.610ms AllocSpaceClearCards
I/art (23546): 1.373ms AllocSpaceClearCards
I/art (23546): 0.305ms/6.318ms MarkRoots
I/art (23546): 2.106ms MarkRootsCheckpoint
I/art (23546): 0.153ms MarkNonThreadRoots
I/art (23546): 4.287ms MarkConcurrentRoots
I/art (23546): 43.461ms UpdateAndMarkImageModUnionTable
I/art (23546): 0ms/112.712ms RecursiveMark
I/art (23546): 112.712ms ProcessMarkStack
I/art (23546): 0.610ms/2.777ms PreCleanCards
I/art (23546): 0.305ms/0.855ms ProcessCards
I/art (23546): 0.153ms ImageModUnionClearCards
I/art (23546): 0.610ms ZygoteModUnionClearCards
I/art (23546): 0.610ms AllocSpaceClearCards
I/art (23546): 0.549ms AllocSpaceClearCards
I/art (23546): 0.549ms MarkRootsCheckpoint
I/art (23546): 0.610ms MarkNonThreadRoots
I/art (23546): 0ms MarkConcurrentRoots
I/art (23546): 0.610ms ScanGrayImageSpaceObjects
I/art (23546): 0.305ms ScanGrayZygoteSpaceObjects
I/art (23546): 0.305ms ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects
I/art (23546): 1.129ms ScanGrayAllocSpaceObjects
I/art (23546): 0ms ProcessMarkStack
I/art (23546): 0ms/0.977ms (Paused)PausePhase
I/art (23546): 0.244ms ReMarkRoots
I/art (23546): 0.672ms (Paused)ScanGrayObjects
I/art (23546): 0ms (Paused)ProcessMarkStack
I/art (23546): 0ms/0.610ms SwapStacks
I/art (23546): 0.610ms RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks
I/art (23546): 0ms PreSweepingGcVerification
I/art (23546): 0ms/10.621ms ReclaimPhase
I/art (23546): 0.610ms/0.702ms ProcessReferences
I/art (23546): 0.214ms/0.641ms EnqueueFinalizerReferences
I/art (23546): 0.427ms ProcessMarkStack
I/art (23546): 0.488ms SweepSystemWeaks
I/art (23546): 0.824ms/9.400ms Sweep
I/art (23546): 0ms SweepMallocSpace
I/art (23546): 0.214ms SweepZygoteSpace
I/art (23546): 0.122ms SweepMallocSpace
I/art (23546): 6.226ms SweepMallocSpace
I/art (23546): 0ms SweepMallocSpace
I/art (23546): 2.144ms SweepLargeObjects
I/art (23546): 0.305ms SwapBitmaps
I/art (23546): 0ms UnBindBitmaps
I/art (23546): 0.275ms FinishPhase
I/art (23546): GC iteration timing logger: end, 178.971ms
Change-Id: Ia55b65609468f212b3cd65cda66b843da42be645
diff --git a/runtime/base/ b/runtime/base/
index a155002..b6a2aaf 100644
--- a/runtime/base/
+++ b/runtime/base/
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
constexpr size_t CumulativeLogger::kLowMemoryBucketCount;
constexpr size_t CumulativeLogger::kDefaultBucketCount;
+constexpr size_t TimingLogger::kIndexNotFound;
CumulativeLogger::CumulativeLogger(const std::string& name)
: name_(name),
lock_name_("CumulativeLoggerLock" + name),
@@ -66,10 +68,12 @@
void CumulativeLogger::AddLogger(const TimingLogger &logger) {
MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), lock_);
- for (const TimingLogger::SplitTiming& split : logger.GetSplits()) {
- uint64_t split_time = split.first;
- const char* split_name = split.second;
- AddPair(split_name, split_time);
+ TimingLogger::TimingData timing_data(logger.CalculateTimingData());
+ const std::vector<TimingLogger::Timing>& timings = logger.GetTimings();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < timings.size(); ++i) {
+ if (timings[i].IsStartTiming()) {
+ AddPair(timings[i].GetName(), timing_data.GetExclusiveTime(i));
+ }
@@ -124,166 +128,125 @@
TimingLogger::TimingLogger(const char* name, bool precise, bool verbose)
- : name_(name), precise_(precise), verbose_(verbose), current_split_(NULL) {
+ : name_(name), precise_(precise), verbose_(verbose) {
void TimingLogger::Reset() {
- current_split_ = NULL;
- splits_.clear();
+ timings_.clear();
-void TimingLogger::StartSplit(const char* new_split_label) {
- DCHECK(new_split_label != nullptr) << "Starting split with null label.";
- TimingLogger::ScopedSplit* explicit_scoped_split =
- new TimingLogger::ScopedSplit(new_split_label, this);
- explicit_scoped_split->explicit_ = true;
+void TimingLogger::StartTiming(const char* label) {
+ DCHECK(label != nullptr);
+ timings_.push_back(Timing(NanoTime(), label));
+ ATRACE_BEGIN(label);
-void TimingLogger::EndSplit() {
- CHECK(current_split_ != nullptr) << "Ending a non-existent split.";
- DCHECK(current_split_->label_ != nullptr);
- DCHECK(current_split_->explicit_ == true)
- << "Explicitly ending scoped split: " << current_split_->label_;
- delete current_split_;
- // TODO: current_split_ = nullptr;
-// Ends the current split and starts the one given by the label.
-void TimingLogger::NewSplit(const char* new_split_label) {
- if (current_split_ == nullptr) {
- StartSplit(new_split_label);
- } else {
- DCHECK(new_split_label != nullptr) << "New split (" << new_split_label << ") with null label.";
- current_split_->TailInsertSplit(new_split_label);
- }
+void TimingLogger::EndTiming() {
+ timings_.push_back(Timing(NanoTime(), nullptr));
uint64_t TimingLogger::GetTotalNs() const {
- uint64_t total_ns = 0;
- for (const TimingLogger::SplitTiming& split : splits_) {
- total_ns += split.first;
+ if (timings_.size() < 2) {
+ return 0;
- return total_ns;
+ return timings_.back().GetTime() - timings_.front().GetTime();
-void TimingLogger::Dump(std::ostream &os) const {
+size_t TimingLogger::FindTimingIndex(const char* name, size_t start_idx) const {
+ DCHECK_LT(start_idx, timings_.size());
+ for (size_t i = start_idx; i < timings_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (timings_[i].IsStartTiming() && strcmp(timings_[i].GetName(), name) == 0) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return kIndexNotFound;
+TimingLogger::TimingData TimingLogger::CalculateTimingData() const {
+ TimingLogger::TimingData ret;
+ ret.data_.resize(timings_.size());
+ std::vector<size_t> open_stack;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < timings_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (timings_[i].IsEndTiming()) {
+ CHECK(!open_stack.empty()) << "No starting split for ending split at index " << i;
+ size_t open_idx = open_stack.back();
+ uint64_t time = timings_[i].GetTime() - timings_[open_idx].GetTime();
+ ret.data_[open_idx].exclusive_time += time;
+ DCHECK_EQ(ret.data_[open_idx].total_time, 0U);
+ ret.data_[open_idx].total_time += time;
+ // Each open split has exactly one end.
+ open_stack.pop_back();
+ // If there is a parent node, subtract from the exclusive time.
+ if (!open_stack.empty()) {
+ // Note this may go negative, but will work due to 2s complement when we add the value
+ // total time value later.
+ ret.data_[open_stack.back()].exclusive_time -= time;
+ }
+ } else {
+ open_stack.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+ CHECK(open_stack.empty()) << "Missing ending for timing "
+ << timings_[open_stack.back()].GetName() << " at index " << open_stack.back();
+ return ret; // No need to fear, C++11 move semantics are here.
+void TimingLogger::Dump(std::ostream &os, const char* indent_string) const {
+ static constexpr size_t kFractionalDigits = 3;
+ TimingLogger::TimingData timing_data(CalculateTimingData());
uint64_t longest_split = 0;
- uint64_t total_ns = 0;
- for (const SplitTiming& split : splits_) {
- uint64_t split_time = split.first;
- longest_split = std::max(longest_split, split_time);
- total_ns += split_time;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < timings_.size(); ++i) {
+ longest_split = std::max(longest_split, timing_data.GetTotalTime(i));
// Compute which type of unit we will use for printing the timings.
TimeUnit tu = GetAppropriateTimeUnit(longest_split);
uint64_t divisor = GetNsToTimeUnitDivisor(tu);
+ uint64_t mod_fraction = divisor >= 1000 ? divisor / 1000 : 1;
// Print formatted splits.
- for (const SplitTiming& split : splits_) {
- uint64_t split_time = split.first;
- if (!precise_ && divisor >= 1000) {
- // Make the fractional part 0.
- split_time -= split_time % (divisor / 1000);
+ size_t tab_count = 1;
+ os << name_ << " [Exclusive time] [Total time]\n";
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < timings_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (timings_[i].IsStartTiming()) {
+ uint64_t exclusive_time = timing_data.GetExclusiveTime(i);
+ uint64_t total_time = timing_data.GetTotalTime(i);
+ if (!precise_) {
+ // Make the fractional part 0.
+ exclusive_time -= exclusive_time % mod_fraction;
+ total_time -= total_time % mod_fraction;
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < tab_count; ++j) {
+ os << indent_string;
+ }
+ os << FormatDuration(exclusive_time, tu, kFractionalDigits);
+ // If they are the same, just print one value to prevent spam.
+ if (exclusive_time != total_time) {
+ os << "/" << FormatDuration(total_time, tu, kFractionalDigits);
+ }
+ os << " " << timings_[i].GetName() << "\n";
+ ++tab_count;
+ } else {
+ --tab_count;
- os << name_ << ": " << std::setw(8) << FormatDuration(split_time, tu) << " "
- << split.second << "\n";
- os << name_ << ": end, " << NsToMs(total_ns) << " ms\n";
+ os << name_ << ": end, " << PrettyDuration(GetTotalNs()) << "\n";
-TimingLogger::ScopedSplit::ScopedSplit(const char* label, TimingLogger* timing_logger) {
- DCHECK(label != NULL) << "New scoped split (" << label << ") with null label.";
- CHECK(timing_logger != NULL) << "New scoped split (" << label << ") without TimingLogger.";
- timing_logger_ = timing_logger;
- label_ = label;
- running_ns_ = 0;
- explicit_ = false;
- // Stash away the current split and pause it.
- enclosing_split_ = timing_logger->current_split_;
- if (enclosing_split_ != NULL) {
- enclosing_split_->Pause();
+void TimingLogger::Verify() {
+ size_t counts[2] = { 0 };
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < timings_.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ CHECK_LE(timings_[i - 1].GetTime(), timings_[i].GetTime());
+ }
+ ++counts[timings_[i].IsStartTiming() ? 0 : 1];
- timing_logger_->current_split_ = this;
- ATRACE_BEGIN(label_);
- start_ns_ = NanoTime();
- if (timing_logger_->verbose_) {
- LOG(INFO) << "Begin: " << label_;
- }
+ CHECK_EQ(counts[0], counts[1]) << "Number of StartTiming and EndTiming doesn't match";
-TimingLogger::ScopedSplit::~ScopedSplit() {
- uint64_t current_time = NanoTime();
- uint64_t split_time = current_time - start_ns_;
- running_ns_ += split_time;
- if (timing_logger_->verbose_) {
- LOG(INFO) << "End: " << label_ << " " << PrettyDuration(split_time);
+TimingLogger::~TimingLogger() {
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ Verify();
- // If one or more enclosed explicitly started splits are not terminated we can
- // either fail or "unwind" the stack of splits in the timing logger to 'this'
- // (by deleting the intervening scoped splits). This implements the latter.
- TimingLogger::ScopedSplit* current = timing_logger_->current_split_;
- while ((current != NULL) && (current != this)) {
- delete current;
- current = timing_logger_->current_split_;
- }
- CHECK(current != NULL) << "Missing scoped split (" << this->label_
- << ") in timing logger (" << timing_logger_->name_ << ").";
- CHECK(timing_logger_->current_split_ == this);
- timing_logger_->splits_.push_back(SplitTiming(running_ns_, label_));
- timing_logger_->current_split_ = enclosing_split_;
- if (enclosing_split_ != NULL) {
- enclosing_split_->Resume();
- }
-void TimingLogger::ScopedSplit::TailInsertSplit(const char* label) {
- // Sleight of hand here: Rather than embedding a new scoped split, we're updating the current
- // scoped split in place. Basically, it's one way to make explicit and scoped splits compose
- // well while maintaining the current semantics of NewSplit. An alternative is to push a new split
- // since we unwind the stack of scoped splits in the scoped split destructor. However, this implies
- // that the current split is not ended by NewSplit (which calls TailInsertSplit), which would
- // be different from what we had before.
- uint64_t current_time = NanoTime();
- uint64_t split_time = current_time - start_ns_;
- timing_logger_->splits_.push_back(std::pair<uint64_t, const char*>(split_time, label_));
- if (timing_logger_->verbose_) {
- LOG(INFO) << "End: " << label_ << " " << PrettyDuration(split_time) << "\n"
- << "Begin: " << label;
- }
- label_ = label;
- start_ns_ = current_time;
- running_ns_ = 0;
- ATRACE_BEGIN(label);
-void TimingLogger::ScopedSplit::Pause() {
- uint64_t current_time = NanoTime();
- uint64_t split_time = current_time - start_ns_;
- running_ns_ += split_time;
-void TimingLogger::ScopedSplit::Resume() {
- uint64_t current_time = NanoTime();
- start_ns_ = current_time;
- ATRACE_BEGIN(label_);
} // namespace art