Temporarily exclude `JniCompilerTests` from the ART MTS definition.

Test cases `JniCompilerTests` from ART gtest
`art_standalone_compiler_tests` are currently failing because of
linking issues on configurations where the copies of `libunwindstack`
in the non-Mainline-updatable Android platform and in the ART Mainline
Module differ (see b/247108425).

This is currently affecting ART MTS continuous test runs. Temporarily
exlude these test cases from MTS to minimize noise in continuous runs
while we investigate.

Test: m mts && mts-tradefed run commandAndExit mts-art
Test: m mts && mts-tradefed run commandAndExit mts-art-shard-03
Bug: 247108425
Change-Id: I2c97c686e73c53ed8ffb0891f5f05af54f6468d2
diff --git a/test/utils/regen-test-files b/test/utils/regen-test-files
index b2f2f16..40ce38a 100755
--- a/test/utils/regen-test-files
+++ b/test/utils/regen-test-files
@@ -302,6 +302,15 @@
+# Tests failing because of linking issues, currently exluded from MTS
+# to minimize noise in continuous runs while we investigate.
+# TODO(b/247108425): Address the linking issues and re-enable these
+# tests.
+failing_tests_excluded_from_mts = [
+    "art_standalone_compiler_tests JniCompilerTests",
 # Is `run_test` a Checker test (i.e. a test containing Checker
 # assertions)?
 def is_checker_test(run_test):
@@ -716,19 +725,24 @@
       include.setAttribute("name", f"mts-art-tests-list-user-shard-{s:02}")
-    # Excluded flaky tests.
-    xml_comment = root.createComment(f" Excluded flaky tests (b/209958457). ")
-    configuration.appendChild(xml_comment)
     def append_test_exclusion(test):
       option = root.createElement("option")
       option.setAttribute("name", "compatibility:exclude-filter")
       option.setAttribute("value", test)
+    # Excluded flaky tests.
+    xml_comment = root.createComment(" Excluded flaky tests (b/209958457). ")
+    configuration.appendChild(xml_comment)
     for t in flaky_tests_excluded_from_mts:
+    # Excluded failing tests.
+    xml_comment = root.createComment(" Excluded failing tests (b/247108425). ")
+    configuration.appendChild(xml_comment)
+    for t in failing_tests_excluded_from_mts:
+      append_test_exclusion(t)
     xml_str = root.toprettyxml(indent = XML_INDENT, encoding = "utf-8")
     mts_art_tests_list_user_file = os.path.join(self.mts_config_dir, "mts-art-tests-list-user.xml")