Implement halving add idiom (with checker tests).

First of several idioms that map to very efficient SIMD instructions.
Note that the is-zero-ext and is-sign-ext are general-purpose utilities
that will be widely used in the vectorizer to detect low precision
idioms, so expect that code to be shared with many CLs to come.

Test: test-art-host, test-art-target
Change-Id: If7dc2926c72a2e4b5cea15c44ef68cf5503e9be9
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes_vector.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes_vector.h
index 0cbbf2a..bff58d0 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes_vector.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes_vector.h
@@ -338,6 +338,42 @@
+// Performs halving add on every component in the two vectors, viz.
+// rounded [ x1, .. , xn ] hradd [ y1, .. , yn ] = [ (x1 + y1 + 1) >> 1, .. , (xn + yn + 1) >> 1 ]
+// or      [ x1, .. , xn ] hadd  [ y1, .. , yn ] = [ (x1 + y1)     >> 1, .. , (xn + yn )    >> 1 ]
+// for signed operands x, y (sign extension) or unsigned operands x, y (zero extension).
+class HVecHalvingAdd FINAL : public HVecBinaryOperation {
+ public:
+  HVecHalvingAdd(ArenaAllocator* arena,
+                 HInstruction* left,
+                 HInstruction* right,
+                 Primitive::Type packed_type,
+                 size_t vector_length,
+                 bool is_unsigned,
+                 bool is_rounded,
+                 uint32_t dex_pc = kNoDexPc)
+      : HVecBinaryOperation(arena, packed_type, vector_length, dex_pc),
+        is_unsigned_(is_unsigned),
+        is_rounded_(is_rounded) {
+    DCHECK(left->IsVecOperation() && right->IsVecOperation());
+    DCHECK_EQ(left->AsVecOperation()->GetPackedType(), packed_type);
+    DCHECK_EQ(right->AsVecOperation()->GetPackedType(), packed_type);
+    SetRawInputAt(0, left);
+    SetRawInputAt(1, right);
+  }
+  bool IsUnsigned() const { return is_unsigned_; }
+  bool IsRounded() const { return is_rounded_; }
+ private:
+  bool is_unsigned_;
+  bool is_rounded_;
 // Subtracts every component in the two vectors,
 // viz. [ x1, .. , xn ] - [ y1, .. , yn ] = [ x1 - y1, .. , xn - yn ].
 class HVecSub FINAL : public HVecBinaryOperation {
@@ -404,6 +440,50 @@
+// Takes minimum of every component in the two vectors,
+// viz. MIN( [ x1, .. , xn ] , [ y1, .. , yn ]) = [ min(x1, y1), .. , min(xn, yn) ].
+class HVecMin FINAL : public HVecBinaryOperation {
+ public:
+  HVecMin(ArenaAllocator* arena,
+          HInstruction* left,
+          HInstruction* right,
+          Primitive::Type packed_type,
+          size_t vector_length,
+          uint32_t dex_pc = kNoDexPc)
+      : HVecBinaryOperation(arena, packed_type, vector_length, dex_pc) {
+    DCHECK(left->IsVecOperation() && right->IsVecOperation());
+    DCHECK_EQ(left->AsVecOperation()->GetPackedType(), packed_type);
+    DCHECK_EQ(right->AsVecOperation()->GetPackedType(), packed_type);
+    SetRawInputAt(0, left);
+    SetRawInputAt(1, right);
+  }
+ private:
+// Takes maximum of every component in the two vectors,
+// viz. MAX( [ x1, .. , xn ] , [ y1, .. , yn ]) = [ max(x1, y1), .. , max(xn, yn) ].
+class HVecMax FINAL : public HVecBinaryOperation {
+ public:
+  HVecMax(ArenaAllocator* arena,
+          HInstruction* left,
+          HInstruction* right,
+          Primitive::Type packed_type,
+          size_t vector_length,
+          uint32_t dex_pc = kNoDexPc)
+      : HVecBinaryOperation(arena, packed_type, vector_length, dex_pc) {
+    DCHECK(left->IsVecOperation() && right->IsVecOperation());
+    DCHECK_EQ(left->AsVecOperation()->GetPackedType(), packed_type);
+    DCHECK_EQ(right->AsVecOperation()->GetPackedType(), packed_type);
+    SetRawInputAt(0, left);
+    SetRawInputAt(1, right);
+  }
+ private:
 // Bitwise-ands every component in the two vectors,
 // viz. [ x1, .. , xn ] & [ y1, .. , yn ] = [ x1 & y1, .. , xn & yn ].
 class HVecAnd FINAL : public HVecBinaryOperation {