[metrics] Add total-gc-time and adjust other metrics

This change introduces the following:
1) Added total-gc-collection-time in ms as a counter so that, at anytime,
we can know how much time is spent in GC.
2) Added MetricsAverage to report average of the given data point.
3) Changed mutator-paue-time to average, which makes more sense. Also it
is renamed to world-stop-time.
4) Added averages of gc-throughputs.
5) Removed gc-meta-data-size metric as we don't capture it normally due
to the high cost of capturing this data.

Test: Observe pitot data
Bug: 191404436
Change-Id: I9da7f8c588ac4b42414beedb1b4004e0ac4b5fc2
diff --git a/libartbase/base/metrics/metrics.h b/libartbase/base/metrics/metrics.h
index 78a6387..c9110ee 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/metrics/metrics.h
+++ b/libartbase/base/metrics/metrics.h
@@ -36,22 +36,26 @@
 #pragma clang diagnostic error "-Wconversion"
 // See README.md in this directory for how to define metrics.
-#define ART_METRICS(METRIC)                                        \
-  METRIC(ClassLoadingTotalTime, MetricsCounter)                    \
-  METRIC(ClassVerificationTotalTime, MetricsCounter)               \
-  METRIC(ClassVerificationCount, MetricsCounter)                   \
-  METRIC(MutatorPauseTimeDuringGC, MetricsCounter)                 \
-  METRIC(YoungGcCount, MetricsCounter)                             \
-  METRIC(FullGcCount, MetricsCounter)                              \
-  METRIC(TotalBytesAllocated, MetricsCounter)                      \
-  METRIC(TotalGcMetaDataSize, MetricsCounter)                      \
-  METRIC(JitMethodCompileTime, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 1'000'000) \
-  METRIC(JitMethodCompileCount, MetricsCounter)                    \
-  METRIC(YoungGcCollectionTime, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 60'000)   \
-  METRIC(FullGcCollectionTime, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 60'000)    \
-  METRIC(YoungGcThroughput, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 10'000)       \
-  METRIC(FullGcThroughput, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 10'000)        \
-  METRIC(YoungGcTracingThroughput, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 10'000)   \
+#define ART_METRICS(METRIC)                                             \
+  METRIC(ClassLoadingTotalTime, MetricsCounter)                         \
+  METRIC(ClassVerificationTotalTime, MetricsCounter)                    \
+  METRIC(ClassVerificationCount, MetricsCounter)                        \
+  METRIC(WorldStopTimeDuringGCAvg, MetricsAverage)                      \
+  METRIC(YoungGcCount, MetricsCounter)                                  \
+  METRIC(FullGcCount, MetricsCounter)                                   \
+  METRIC(TotalBytesAllocated, MetricsCounter)                           \
+  METRIC(TotalGcCollectionTime, MetricsCounter)                         \
+  METRIC(YoungGcThroughputAvg, MetricsAverage)                          \
+  METRIC(FullGcThroughputAvg, MetricsAverage)                           \
+  METRIC(YoungGcTracingThroughputAvg, MetricsAverage)                   \
+  METRIC(FullGcTracingThroughputAvg, MetricsAverage)                    \
+  METRIC(JitMethodCompileTime, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 1'000'000)      \
+  METRIC(JitMethodCompileCount, MetricsCounter)                         \
+  METRIC(YoungGcCollectionTime, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 60'000)        \
+  METRIC(FullGcCollectionTime, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 60'000)         \
+  METRIC(YoungGcThroughput, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 10'000)            \
+  METRIC(FullGcThroughput, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 10'000)             \
+  METRIC(YoungGcTracingThroughput, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 10'000)     \
   METRIC(FullGcTracingThroughput, MetricsHistogram, 15, 0, 10'000)
 // A lot of the metrics implementation code is generated by passing one-off macros into ART_COUNTERS
@@ -262,6 +266,8 @@
   friend class MetricsHistogram;
   template <DatumId datum_id, typename T, const T& AccumulatorFunction(const T&, const T&)>
   friend class MetricsAccumulator;
+  template <DatumId datum_id, typename T>
+  friend class MetricsAverage;
   friend class ArtMetrics;
@@ -273,7 +279,7 @@
 template <DatumId counter_type, typename T = uint64_t>
-class MetricsCounter final : public MetricsBase<T> {
+class MetricsCounter : public MetricsBase<T> {
   using value_t = T;
   explicit constexpr MetricsCounter(uint64_t value = 0) : value_{value} {
@@ -294,15 +300,62 @@
     value_ = 0;
- private:
   value_t Value() const { return value_.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed); }
+ private:
   std::atomic<value_t> value_;
   friend class ArtMetrics;
+template <DatumId datum_id, typename T = uint64_t>
+class MetricsAverage final : public MetricsCounter<datum_id, T> {
+ public:
+  using value_t = T;
+  using count_t = T;
+  explicit constexpr MetricsAverage(uint64_t value = 0, uint64_t count = 0) :
+      MetricsCounter<datum_id, value_t>(value), count_(count) {
+    // Ensure we do not have any unnecessary data in this class.
+    // Adding intptr_t to accommodate vtable, and rounding up to incorporate
+    // padding.
+    static_assert(RoundUp(sizeof(*this), sizeof(uint64_t))
+                  == RoundUp(sizeof(intptr_t) + sizeof(value_t) + sizeof(count_t),
+                             sizeof(uint64_t)));
+  }
+  // We use release memory-order here and then acquire in Report() to ensure
+  // that at least the non-racy reads/writes to this metric are consistent. This
+  // doesn't guarantee the atomicity of the change to both fields, but that
+  // may not be desired because:
+  // 1. The metric eventually becomes consistent.
+  // 2. For sufficiently large count_, a few data points which are off shouldn't
+  // make a huge difference to the reporter.
+  void Add(value_t value) {
+    MetricsCounter<datum_id, value_t>::Add(value);
+    count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order::memory_order_release);
+  }
+  void Report(MetricsBackend* backend) const {
+    count_t count = count_.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire);
+    backend->ReportCounter(datum_id,
+                           // Avoid divide-by-0.
+                           count != 0 ? MetricsCounter<datum_id, value_t>::Value() / count : 0);
+  }
+ protected:
+  void Reset() {
+    count_ = 0;
+    MetricsCounter<datum_id, value_t>::Reset();
+  }
+ private:
+  std::atomic<count_t> count_;
+  static_assert(std::atomic<count_t>::is_always_lock_free);
+  friend class ArtMetrics;
 template <DatumId histogram_type_,
           size_t num_buckets_,
           int64_t minimum_value_,
diff --git a/libartbase/base/metrics/metrics_test.cc b/libartbase/base/metrics/metrics_test.cc
index eae9367..77f1b97 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/metrics/metrics_test.cc
+++ b/libartbase/base/metrics/metrics_test.cc
@@ -110,6 +110,26 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(CounterValue(accumulator), kMaxValue);
+TEST_F(MetricsTest, AverageMetric) {
+  MetricsAverage<DatumId::kClassLoadingTotalTime, uint64_t> avg;
+  std::vector<std::thread> threads;
+  constexpr uint64_t kMaxValue = 100;
+  for (uint64_t i = 0; i <= kMaxValue; i++) {
+    threads.emplace_back(std::thread{[&avg, i]() {
+      avg.Add(i);
+    }});
+  }
+  for (auto& thread : threads) {
+    thread.join();
+  }
+  EXPECT_EQ(CounterValue(avg), (kMaxValue + 1) / 2);
 TEST_F(MetricsTest, DatumName) {
   EXPECT_EQ("ClassVerificationTotalTime", DatumName(DatumId::kClassVerificationTotalTime));
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.cc b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.cc
index 96c792b..538d7be 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.cc
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.cc
@@ -156,16 +156,21 @@
   // Return type of these functions are different. And even though the base class
   // is same, using ternary operator complains.
   metrics::ArtMetrics* metrics = GetMetrics();
+  are_metrics_initialized_ = true;
   if (young_gen_) {
     gc_time_histogram_ = metrics->YoungGcCollectionTime();
     metrics_gc_count_ = metrics->YoungGcCount();
     gc_throughput_histogram_ = metrics->YoungGcThroughput();
     gc_tracing_throughput_hist_ = metrics->YoungGcTracingThroughput();
+    gc_throughput_avg_ = metrics->YoungGcThroughputAvg();
+    gc_tracing_throughput_avg_ = metrics->YoungGcTracingThroughputAvg();
   } else {
     gc_time_histogram_ = metrics->FullGcCollectionTime();
     metrics_gc_count_ = metrics->FullGcCount();
     gc_throughput_histogram_ = metrics->FullGcThroughput();
     gc_tracing_throughput_hist_ = metrics->FullGcTracingThroughput();
+    gc_throughput_avg_ = metrics->FullGcThroughputAvg();
+    gc_tracing_throughput_avg_ = metrics->FullGcTracingThroughputAvg();
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/garbage_collector.cc b/runtime/gc/collector/garbage_collector.cc
index 70aec9a..80b3982 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/garbage_collector.cc
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/garbage_collector.cc
@@ -74,9 +74,12 @@
+      gc_throughput_avg_(nullptr),
+      gc_tracing_throughput_avg_(nullptr),
       pause_histogram_lock_("pause histogram lock", kDefaultMutexLevel, true),
-      is_transaction_active_(false) {
+      is_transaction_active_(false),
+      are_metrics_initialized_(false) {
@@ -145,10 +148,6 @@
   rss *= kPageSize;
   rss_histogram_.AddValue(rss / KB);
-  // Add up all the GC meta-data in bytes. It doesn't make sense in itself as it
-  // cannot be accumulated over GCs. So must be divided by gc-count while
-  // reporting.
-  GetMetrics()->TotalGcMetaDataSize()->Add(rss);
   return rss;
@@ -190,10 +189,6 @@
   total_time_ns_ += duration_ns;
-  if (gc_time_histogram_ != nullptr) {
-    // Report GC time in milliseconds.
-    gc_time_histogram_->Add(NsToMs(duration_ns));
-  }
   uint64_t total_pause_time = 0;
   for (uint64_t pause_time : current_iteration->GetPauseTimes()) {
     MutexLock mu(self, pause_histogram_lock_);
@@ -202,22 +197,25 @@
   metrics::ArtMetrics* metrics = runtime->GetMetrics();
   // Report STW pause time in microseconds.
-  metrics->MutatorPauseTimeDuringGC()->Add(total_pause_time / 1'000);
-  if (metrics_gc_count_ != nullptr) {
+  metrics->WorldStopTimeDuringGCAvg()->Add(total_pause_time / 1'000);
+  // Report total collection time of all GCs put together.
+  metrics->TotalGcCollectionTime()->Add(NsToMs(duration_ns));
+  if (are_metrics_initialized_) {
-  }
-  if (gc_tracing_throughput_hist_ != nullptr) {
+    // Report GC time in milliseconds.
+    gc_time_histogram_->Add(NsToMs(duration_ns));
     // Throughput in bytes/s. Add 1us to prevent possible division by 0.
     uint64_t throughput = (current_iteration->GetScannedBytes() * 1'000'000)
             / (NsToUs(duration_ns) + 1);
     // Report in MB/s.
-    gc_tracing_throughput_hist_->Add(throughput / MB);
-  }
+    throughput /= MB;
+    gc_tracing_throughput_hist_->Add(throughput);
+    gc_tracing_throughput_avg_->Add(throughput);
-  if (gc_throughput_histogram_ != nullptr) {
     // Report GC throughput in MB/s.
-    gc_throughput_histogram_->Add(current_iteration->GetEstimatedThroughput() / MB);
+    throughput = current_iteration->GetEstimatedThroughput() / MB;
+    gc_throughput_histogram_->Add(throughput);
+    gc_throughput_avg_->Add(throughput);
   is_transaction_active_ = false;
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/garbage_collector.h b/runtime/gc/collector/garbage_collector.h
index d2b1170..d439914 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/garbage_collector.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/garbage_collector.h
@@ -164,6 +164,8 @@
   metrics::MetricsBase<uint64_t>* metrics_gc_count_;
   metrics::MetricsBase<int64_t>* gc_throughput_histogram_;
   metrics::MetricsBase<int64_t>* gc_tracing_throughput_hist_;
+  metrics::MetricsBase<uint64_t>* gc_throughput_avg_;
+  metrics::MetricsBase<uint64_t>* gc_tracing_throughput_avg_;
   uint64_t total_thread_cpu_time_ns_;
   uint64_t total_time_ns_;
   uint64_t total_freed_objects_;
@@ -172,6 +174,10 @@
   CumulativeLogger cumulative_timings_;
   mutable Mutex pause_histogram_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
   bool is_transaction_active_;
+  // The garbage collector algorithms will either have all the metrics pointers
+  // (above) initialized, or none of them. So instead of checking each time, we
+  // use this flag.
+  bool are_metrics_initialized_;
diff --git a/runtime/metrics/statsd.cc b/runtime/metrics/statsd.cc
index 7e74cf6..725a965 100644
--- a/runtime/metrics/statsd.cc
+++ b/runtime/metrics/statsd.cc
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
     case DatumId::kClassVerificationCount:
       return std::make_optional(
-    case DatumId::kMutatorPauseTimeDuringGC:
+    case DatumId::kWorldStopTimeDuringGCAvg:
       return std::make_optional(
     case DatumId::kYoungGcCount:
       return std::make_optional(
@@ -64,9 +64,6 @@
     case DatumId::kTotalBytesAllocated:
       return std::make_optional(
-    case DatumId::kTotalGcMetaDataSize:
-      return std::make_optional(
     case DatumId::kYoungGcCollectionTime:
       return std::make_optional(
@@ -93,6 +90,21 @@
       return std::make_optional(
+    case DatumId::kTotalGcCollectionTime:
+      return std::make_optional(
+    case DatumId::kYoungGcThroughputAvg:
+      return std::make_optional(
+    case DatumId::kFullGcThroughputAvg:
+      return std::make_optional(
+    case DatumId::kYoungGcTracingThroughputAvg:
+      return std::make_optional(
+    case DatumId::kFullGcTracingThroughputAvg:
+      return std::make_optional(