Run test build: Refactor usage.
It turns out the tests don't need to replace javac behaviour,
they just want to perform custom action after the compilation.
Let the python script do the javac compilation as usual
(which automatically adds RBE support for those tests),
add call after the compilation instead.
Test: Build artifacts are identical as before.
Change-Id: I9093968ba678706815bc7c2eef6380d454975f9b
diff --git a/test/091-override-package-private-method/ b/test/091-override-package-private-method/
similarity index 98%
rename from test/091-override-package-private-method/
rename to test/091-override-package-private-method/
index 0e2b2e1..d2dd7e6 100755
--- a/test/091-override-package-private-method/
+++ b/test/091-override-package-private-method/
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@
# limitations under the License.
set -e # Stop on error - the caller script may not have this set.
-$JAVAC "$@"
mkdir -p classes-ex
mv classes/OverridePackagePrivateMethodSuper.class classes-ex