runtime: Bitstring implementation for subtype checking (2/4).

Implement the subtype checking label as a stand-alone data type.

This stores the bitstring and overflow bits. The bitstring
contains the encoded (path to root, next) bits.

Test: art/ -b -j32 --host --target
Bug: 64692057
Change-Id: I2229e1938f5377d637595ba3f81b8af3464d1ae7
diff --git a/runtime/Android.bp b/runtime/Android.bp
index 3059533..0e9e989 100644
--- a/runtime/Android.bp
+++ b/runtime/Android.bp
@@ -604,6 +604,7 @@
+        "",
diff --git a/runtime/subtype_check_bits.h b/runtime/subtype_check_bits.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4305ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/subtype_check_bits.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "base/bit_string.h"
+#include "base/bit_struct.h"
+#include "base/bit_utils.h"
+namespace art {
+ * The SubtypeCheckBits memory layout (in bits):
+ *
+ *                                 Variable
+ *                                     |
+ *        <---- up to 23 bits ---->    v               +---> 1 bit
+ *                                                     |
+ *  +-------------------------+--------+-----------+---++
+ *  |             Bitstring                        |    |
+ *  +-------------------------+--------+-----------+    |
+ *  |      Path To Root       |  Next  | (unused)  | OF |
+ *  +---+---------------------+--------+           |    |
+ *  |   |    |    |    | ...  |        | (0....0)  |    |
+ *  +---+---------------------+--------+-----------+----+
+ * MSB                                                LSB
+ *
+ * The bitstring takes up to 23 bits; anything exceeding that is truncated:
+ * - Path To Root is a list of chars, encoded as a BitString:
+ *     starting at the root (in MSB), each character is a sibling index unique to the parent,
+ *   Paths longer than BitString::kCapacity are truncated to fit within the BitString.
+ * - Next is a single BitStringChar (immediatelly following Path To Root)
+ *     When new children are assigned paths, they get allocated the parent's Next value.
+ *     The next value is subsequently incremented.
+ *
+ * The exact bit position of (unused) is variable-length:
+ * In the cases that the "Path To Root" + "Next" does not fill up the entire
+ * BitString capacity, the remaining bits are (unused) and left as 0s.
+ *
+ * There is also an additional "OF" (overflow) field to indicate that the
+ * PathToRoot has been truncated.
+ *
+ * See subtype_check.h and subtype_check_info.h for more details.
+ */
+BITSTRUCT_DEFINE_START(SubtypeCheckBits, /*size*/ BitString::BitStructSizeOf() + 1u)
+  BitStructUint</*lsb*/0, /*width*/1> overflow_;
+  BitStructField<BitString, /*lsb*/1> bitstring_;
+}  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/subtype_check_info.h b/runtime/subtype_check_info.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f60e0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/subtype_check_info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "base/bit_string.h"
+#include "subtype_check_bits.h"
+// Forward-declare for testing purposes.
+struct SubtypeCheckInfoTest;
+namespace art {
+ * SubtypeCheckInfo is a logical label for the class SubtypeCheck data, which is necessary to
+ * perform efficient O(1) subtype comparison checks. See also subtype_check.h
+ * for the more general explanation of how the labels are used overall.
+ *
+ * For convenience, we also store the class depth within an SubtypeCheckInfo, since nearly all
+ * calculations are dependent on knowing the depth of the class.
+ *
+ * A SubtypeCheckInfo logically has:
+ *          * Depth - How many levels up to the root (j.l.Object)?
+ *          * PathToRoot - Possibly truncated BitString that encodes path to root
+ *          * Next - The value a newly inserted Child would get appended to its path.
+ *          * Overflow - If this path can never become a full path.
+ *
+ * Depending on the values of the above, it can be in one of these logical states,
+ * which are introduced in subtype_check.h:
+ *
+ *               Transient States                         Terminal States
+ *
+ *  +-----------------+     +--------------------+     +-------------------+
+ *  |                 |     |                    |     |                   |
+ *  |  Uninitialized  | +--->    Initialized     | +--->     Assigned      |
+ *  |                 |     |                    |     |                   |
+ *  +--------+--------+     +---------+----------+     +-------------------+
+ *           |                        |
+ *           |                        |
+ *           |                        |                +-------------------+
+ *           |                        +---------------->                   |
+ *           |                                         |     Overflowed    |
+ *           +----------------------------------------->                   |
+ *                                                     +-------------------+
+ *
+ * Invariants:
+ *
+ *   Initialized      => Parent >= Initialized
+ *
+ *   Assigned         => Parent == Assigned
+ *
+ *   Overflowed       => Parent == Overflowed || Parent.Next == Overflowed
+ *
+ * Thread-safety invariants:
+ *
+ *   Initialized      => Parent == Assigned
+ *   // For a class that has an Initialized bitstring, its superclass needs to have an
+ *   // Assigned bitstring since if its super class's bitstring is not Assigned yet,
+ *   // once it becomes Assigned, we cannot update its children's bitstrings to maintain
+ *   // all the tree invariants (below) atomically.
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Knowing these transitions above, we can more closely define the various terms and operations:
+ *
+ * Definitions:
+ *   (see also base/bit_string.h definitions).
+ *
+ *           Depth :=  Distance(Root, Class)
+ *     Safe(Depth) :=  Min(Depth, MaxBitstringLen)
+ *      PathToRoot :=  Bitstring[0..Safe(Depth))
+ *           Next  :=  Bitstring[Depth]
+ *           OF    ∈   {False, True}
+ *    TruncPath(D) :=  PathToRoot[0..D)
+ *
+ * Local Invariants:
+ *
+ *   Uninitialized <=> StrLen(PathToRoot) == 0
+ *                     Next == 0
+ *   Initialized   <=> StrLen(PathToRoot) < Depth
+ *                     Next == 0
+ *   Assigned      <=> StrLen(PathToRoot) == Depth
+ *                     Next > 1
+ *   Overflowed    <=> OF == True
+ *
+ * Tree Invariants:
+ *
+ *   Uninitialized =>
+ *     forall child ∈ Children(Class):
+ *       child.State == Uninitialized
+ *
+ *   Assigned       =>
+ *     forall child ∈ Children(Class):
+ *       Next > Child.PathToRoot[Child.Depth-1]
+ *
+ *   ! Uninitialized =>
+ *     forall ancestor ∈ Ancestors(Class):
+ *       TruncPath(ancestor.Depth) == ancestor.PathToRoot
+ *     forall unrelated ∈ (Classes - Ancestors(Class))
+ *         s.t. unrelated.State == Assigned:
+ *       TruncPath(unrelated.Depth) != unrelated.PathToRoot
+ *
+ * Thread-safety invariants:
+ *
+ *   Initialized   <=> StrLen(PathToRoot) == Safe(Depth - 1)
+ *   // Initialized State corresponds to exactly 1 bitstring.
+ *   // Cannot transition from Initialized to Initialized.
+ */
+struct SubtypeCheckInfo {
+  // See above documentation for possible state transitions.
+  enum State {
+    kUninitialized,
+    kInitialized,
+    kAssigned,
+    kOverflowed
+  };
+  // The result of a "src IsSubType target" check:
+  enum Result {
+    kUnknownSubtypeOf,  // Not enough data. Operand states weren't high enough.
+    kNotSubtypeOf,      // Enough data. src is not a subchild of the target.
+    kSubtypeOf          // Enough data. src is a subchild of the target.
+  };
+  // Chop off the depth, returning only the bitstring+of state.
+  // (Used to store into memory, since storing the depth would be redundant.)
+  SubtypeCheckBits GetSubtypeCheckBits() const {
+    return bitstring_and_of_;
+  }
+  // Create from the depth and the bitstring+of state.
+  // This is done for convenience to avoid passing in "depth" everywhere,
+  // since our current state is almost always a function of depth.
+  static SubtypeCheckInfo Create(SubtypeCheckBits compressed_value, size_t depth) {
+    SubtypeCheckInfo io;
+    io.depth_ = depth;
+    io.bitstring_and_of_ = compressed_value;
+    io.DcheckInvariants();
+    return io;
+  }
+  // Is this a subtype of the target?
+  //
+  // The current state must be at least Initialized, and the target state
+  // must be Assigned, otherwise the result will return kUnknownSubtypeOf.
+  //
+  // Normally, return kSubtypeOf or kNotSubtypeOf.
+  Result IsSubtypeOf(const SubtypeCheckInfo& target) {
+    if (target.GetState() != SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned) {
+      return Result::kUnknownSubtypeOf;
+    } else if (GetState() == SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized) {
+      return Result::kUnknownSubtypeOf;
+    }
+    BitString::StorageType source_value = GetEncodedPathToRoot();
+    BitString::StorageType target_value = target.GetEncodedPathToRoot();
+    BitString::StorageType target_mask = target.GetEncodedPathToRootMask();
+    bool result = (source_value & target_mask) == (target_value);
+    if (result) {
+      DCHECK_EQ(GetPathToRoot().Truncate(target.GetSafeDepth()), target.GetPathToRoot())
+          << "Source: " << *this << ", Target: " << target;
+    } else {
+      DCHECK_NE(GetPathToRoot().Truncate(target.GetSafeDepth()), target.GetPathToRoot())
+          << "Source: " << *this << ", Target: " << target;
+    }
+    // Note: We could've also used shifts here, as described in subtype_check_bits.h,
+    // but it doesn't make much of a difference in the Runtime since we aren't trying to optimize
+    // for code size.
+    return result ? Result::kSubtypeOf : Result::kNotSubtypeOf;
+  }
+  // Returns a new root SubtypeCheckInfo with a blank PathToRoot.
+  // Post-condition: The return valued has an Assigned state.
+  static SubtypeCheckInfo CreateRoot() {
+    SubtypeCheckInfo io{};  // NOLINT
+    io.depth_ = 0u;
+    io.SetNext(io.GetNext() + 1u);
+    // The root is always considered assigned once it is no longer Initialized.
+    DCHECK_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, io.GetState());
+    return io;
+  }
+  // Copies the current PathToRoot into the child.
+  //
+  // If assign_next is true, then also assign a new SubtypeCheckInfo for a child by
+  // assigning the current Next value to its PathToRoot[Depth] component.
+  // Updates the current Next value as a side effect.
+  //
+  // Preconditions: State is either Assigned or Overflowed.
+  // Returns: A new child >= Initialized state.
+  SubtypeCheckInfo CreateChild(bool assign_next) {
+    SubtypeCheckInfo child = *this;  // Copy everything (path, next, of).
+    child.depth_ = depth_ + 1u;
+    // Must be Assigned or Overflowed in order to create a subchild.
+    DCHECK(GetState() == kAssigned || GetState() == kOverflowed)
+        << "Unexpected bitstring state: " << GetState();
+    // Begin transition to >= Initialized.
+    // Always attempt to re-initialize Child's Next value.
+    // Next must be non-0 to disambiguate it from Uninitialized.
+    child.MaybeInitNext();
+    // Always clear the inherited Parent's next Value on the child.
+    OverwriteNextValueFromParent(/*inout*/&child, BitStringChar{});  // NOLINT
+    // The state is now Initialized | Overflowed.
+    DCHECK_NE(kAssigned, child.GetState()) << child.GetBitString();
+    DCHECK_NE(kUninitialized, child.GetState()) << child.GetBitString();
+    if (assign_next == false) {
+      child.DcheckInvariants();
+      return child;
+    }
+    // Begin transition to >= Assigned.
+    // Assign attempt.
+    if (HasNext() && !bitstring_and_of_.overflow_) {
+      // Do not bother assigning if parent had overflowed.
+      BitStringChar next = GetNext();
+      if (next != next.MaximumValue()) {
+        // The parent's "next" value is now the child's latest path element.
+        OverwriteNextValueFromParent(/*inout*/&child, next);
+        // Update self next value, so that future CreateChild calls
+        // do not get the same path value.
+        SetNext(next + 1u);
+      } else {
+        child.MarkOverflowed();  // Too wide.
+      }
+    } else {
+      child.MarkOverflowed();  // Too deep, or parent was already overflowed.
+    }
+    // The state is now Assigned | Overflowed.
+    DCHECK(child.GetState() == kAssigned || child.GetState() == kOverflowed);
+    child.DcheckInvariants();
+    return child;
+  }
+  // Get the current state (Uninitialized, Initialized, Assigned, or Overflowed).
+  // See the "SubtypeCheckInfo" documentation above which explains how a state is determined.
+  State GetState() const {
+    if (GetBitString() == BitString{}) {  // NOLINT
+      // Empty bitstring (all 0s) -> uninitialized.
+      DCHECK(!bitstring_and_of_.overflow_);
+      return kUninitialized;
+    }
+    if (bitstring_and_of_.overflow_) {
+      // Overflowed if and only if the OF bit was set.
+      return kOverflowed;
+    }
+    // Either Assigned or Initialized.
+    BitString path_to_root = GetPathToRoot();
+    DCHECK(!HasNext() || GetNext() != BitStringChar{})  // NOLINT
+        << "Expected (Assigned|Initialized) state to have >0 Next value: "
+        << GetNext() << " path: " << path_to_root;
+    if (path_to_root.Length() == depth_) {
+      return kAssigned;
+    }
+    return kInitialized;
+  }
+  // Retrieve the path to root bitstring as a plain uintN_t value that is amenable to
+  // be used by a fast check "encoded_src & mask_target == encoded_target".
+  BitString::StorageType GetEncodedPathToRoot() const {
+    BitString::StorageType data = static_cast<BitString::StorageType>(GetPathToRoot());
+    // Bit strings are logically in the least-significant memory.
+    // Shift it so the bits are all most-significant.
+    return data << (BitSizeOf(data) - BitStructSizeOf<BitString>());
+  }
+  // Retrieve the path to root bitstring mask as a plain uintN_t that is amenable to
+  // be used by a fast check "encoded_src & mask_target == encoded_target".
+  BitString::StorageType GetEncodedPathToRootMask() const {
+    size_t num_bitchars = GetSafeDepth();
+    size_t bitlength = BitString::GetBitLengthTotalAtPosition(num_bitchars);
+    BitString::StorageType mask_all =
+        std::numeric_limits<BitString::StorageType>::max();
+    BitString::StorageType mask_lsb =
+        MaskLeastSignificant<BitString::StorageType>(
+            BitSizeOf<BitString::StorageType>() - bitlength);
+    BitString::StorageType result = mask_all & ~mask_lsb;
+    // TODO: refactor above code into MaskMostSignificant?
+    return result;
+  }
+  // Get the "Next" bitchar, assuming that there is one to get.
+  BitStringChar GetNext() const {
+    DCHECK(HasNext());
+    return GetBitString()[depth_];
+  }
+  // Try to get the Next value, if there is one.
+  // Returns: Whether or not there was a Next value.
+  bool MaybeGetNext(/*out*/BitStringChar* next) const {
+    DCHECK(next != nullptr);
+    if (HasNext()) {
+      *next = GetBitString()[depth_];
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+ private:
+  // Constructor intended for testing. Runs all invariant checks.
+  SubtypeCheckInfo(BitString path_to_root, BitStringChar next, bool overflow, size_t depth) {
+    SubtypeCheckBits iod;
+    iod.bitstring_ = path_to_root;
+    iod.overflow_ = overflow;
+    bitstring_and_of_ = iod;
+    depth_ = depth;
+    // Len(Path-to-root) <= Depth.
+    DCHECK_GE(depth_, path_to_root.Length())
+        << "Path was too long for the depth, path: " << path_to_root;
+    bool did_overlap = false;
+    if (HasNext()) {
+      if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+        did_overlap = (GetNext() != BitStringChar{});  // NOLINT
+      }
+      SetNext(next);
+      DCHECK_EQ(next, GetNext());
+    }
+    // "Next" must be set before we can check the invariants.
+    DcheckInvariants();
+    DCHECK(!did_overlap)
+          << "Path to root overlapped with Next value, path: " << path_to_root;
+    DCHECK_EQ(path_to_root, GetPathToRoot());
+  }
+  // Factory intended for testing. Skips DcheckInvariants.
+  static SubtypeCheckInfo MakeUnchecked(BitString bitstring, bool overflow, size_t depth) {
+    SubtypeCheckBits iod;
+    iod.bitstring_ = bitstring;
+    iod.overflow_ = overflow;
+    SubtypeCheckInfo io;
+    io.depth_ = depth;
+    io.bitstring_and_of_ = iod;
+    return io;
+  }
+  void SetNext(BitStringChar next) {
+    DCHECK(HasNext());
+    BitString bs = GetBitString();
+    bs.SetAt(depth_, next);
+    SetBitString(bs);
+  }
+  void SetNextUnchecked(BitStringChar next) {
+    BitString bs = GetBitString();
+    bs.SetAt(depth_, next);
+    SetBitStringUnchecked(bs);
+  }
+  void MaybeInitNext() {
+    if (HasNext()) {
+      // Clearing out the "Next" value like this
+      // is often an intermediate operation which temporarily
+      // violates the invariants. Do not do the extra dchecks.
+      SetNextUnchecked(BitStringChar{});  // NOLINT
+      SetNextUnchecked(GetNext()+1u);
+    }
+  }
+  BitString GetPathToRoot() const {
+    size_t end = GetSafeDepth();
+    return GetBitString().Truncate(end);
+  }
+  bool HasNext() const {
+    return depth_ < BitString::kCapacity;
+  }
+  void MarkOverflowed() {
+    bitstring_and_of_.overflow_ = true;
+  }
+  static constexpr bool HasBitStringCharStorage(size_t idx) {
+    return idx < BitString::kCapacity;
+  }
+  size_t GetSafeDepth() const {
+    return GetSafeDepth(depth_);
+  }
+  // Get a "safe" depth, one that is truncated to the bitstring max capacity.
+  // Using a value larger than this will cause undefined behavior.
+  static size_t GetSafeDepth(size_t depth) {
+    return std::min(depth, BitString::kCapacity);
+  }
+  BitString GetBitString() const {
+    return bitstring_and_of_.bitstring_;
+  }
+  void SetBitString(const BitString& val) {
+    SetBitStringUnchecked(val);
+    DcheckInvariants();
+  }
+  void SetBitStringUnchecked(const BitString& val) {
+    bitstring_and_of_.bitstring_ = val;
+  }
+  void OverwriteNextValueFromParent(/*inout*/SubtypeCheckInfo* child, BitStringChar value) const {
+    // Helper function for CreateChild.
+    if (HasNext()) {
+      // When we copied the "Next" value, it is now our
+      // last path component in the child.
+      // Always overwrite it with either a cleared value or the parent's Next value.
+      BitString bs = child->GetBitString();
+      // Safe write. This.Next always occupies same slot as Child[Depth_].
+      DCHECK(child->HasBitStringCharStorage(depth_));
+      bs.SetAt(depth_, value);
+      // The child is temporarily in a bad state until it is fixed up further.
+      // Do not do the normal dchecks which do not allow transient badness.
+      child->SetBitStringUnchecked(bs);
+    }
+  }
+  void DcheckInvariants() const {
+    if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+      CHECK_GE(GetSafeDepth(depth_ + 1u), GetBitString().Length())
+          << "Bitstring too long for depth, bitstring: " << GetBitString() << ", depth: " << depth_;
+      BitString path_to_root = GetPathToRoot();
+      // A 'null' (\0) character in path-to-root must be followed only
+      // by other null characters.
+      size_t i;
+      for (i = 0; i < BitString::kCapacity; ++i) {
+        BitStringChar bc = path_to_root[i];
+        if (bc == 0u) {
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      // All characters following a 0 must also be 0.
+      for (; i < BitString::kCapacity; ++i) {
+        BitStringChar bc = path_to_root[i];
+        if (bc != 0u) {
+          LOG(FATAL) << "Path to root had non-0s following 0s: " << path_to_root;
+        }
+      }
+       // Trigger any dchecks in GetState.
+      (void)GetState();
+    }
+  }
+  SubtypeCheckInfo() = default;
+  size_t depth_;
+  SubtypeCheckBits bitstring_and_of_;
+  friend struct ::SubtypeCheckInfoTest;
+  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SubtypeCheckInfo& io);
+// Prints the SubtypeCheckInfo::State, e.g. "kUnitialized".
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SubtypeCheckInfo::State& state) {
+  switch (state) {
+    case SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized:
+      os << "kUninitialized";
+      break;
+    case SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized:
+      os << "kInitialized";
+      break;
+    case SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned:
+      os << "kAssigned";
+      break;
+    case SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed:
+      os << "kOverflowed";
+      break;
+    default:
+      os << "(Invalid SubtypeCheckInfo::State " << static_cast<int>(state) << ")";
+  }
+  return os;
+// Prints e.g. "SubtypeCheckInfo{BitString[1,2,3], depth: 3, of:1}"
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SubtypeCheckInfo& io) {
+  os << "SubtypeCheckInfo{" << io.GetBitString() << ", "
+     << "depth: " << io.depth_ << ", of:" << io.bitstring_and_of_.overflow_ << "}";
+  return os;
+}  // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc2e84e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "subtype_check_info.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "android-base/logging.h"
+namespace art {
+constexpr size_t BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[BitString::kCapacity];
+constexpr size_t BitString::kCapacity;
+};  // namespace art
+using namespace art;  // NOLINT
+// These helper functions are only used by the test,
+// so they are not in the main BitString class.
+std::string Stringify(BitString bit_string) {
+  std::stringstream ss;
+  ss << bit_string;
+  return ss.str();
+BitStringChar MakeBitStringChar(size_t idx, size_t val) {
+  return BitStringChar(val, BitString::MaybeGetBitLengthAtPosition(idx));
+BitStringChar MakeBitStringChar(size_t val) {
+  return BitStringChar(val, MinimumBitsToStore(val));
+BitString MakeBitString(std::initializer_list<size_t> values = {}) {
+  CHECK_GE(BitString::kCapacity, values.size());
+  BitString bs{};  // NOLINT
+  size_t i = 0;
+  for (size_t val : values) {
+    bs.SetAt(i, MakeBitStringChar(i, val));
+    ++i;
+  }
+  return bs;
+template <typename T>
+size_t AsUint(const T& value) {
+  size_t uint_value = 0;
+  memcpy(&uint_value, &value, sizeof(value));
+  return uint_value;
+// Make max bistring, e.g. BitString[4095,7,255] for {12,3,8}
+template <size_t kCount = BitString::kCapacity>
+BitString MakeBitStringMax() {
+  BitString bs{};  // NOLINT
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < kCount; ++i) {
+    bs.SetAt(i,
+             MakeBitStringChar(i, MaxInt<BitStringChar::StorageType>(BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[i])));
+  }
+  return bs;
+BitString SetBitStringCharAt(BitString bit_string, size_t i, size_t val) {
+  BitString bs = bit_string;
+  bs.SetAt(i, MakeBitStringChar(i, val));
+  return bs;
+struct SubtypeCheckInfoTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ protected:
+  virtual void SetUp() {
+    android::base::InitLogging(/*argv*/nullptr);
+  }
+  virtual void TearDown() {
+  }
+  static SubtypeCheckInfo MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(BitString path_to_root = {},
+                                               BitStringChar next = {},
+                                               bool overflow = false,
+                                               size_t depth = 1u) {
+    // Depth=1 is good default because it will go through all state transitions,
+    // and its children will also go through all state transitions.
+    return SubtypeCheckInfo(path_to_root, next, overflow, depth);
+  }
+  static SubtypeCheckInfo MakeSubtypeCheckInfoInfused(BitString bs = {},
+                                                      bool overflow = false,
+                                                      size_t depth = 1u) {
+    // Depth=1 is good default because it will go through all state transitions,
+    // and its children will also go through all state transitions.
+    SubtypeCheckBits iod;
+    iod.bitstring_ = bs;
+    iod.overflow_ = overflow;
+    return SubtypeCheckInfo::Create(iod, depth);
+  }
+  static SubtypeCheckInfo MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(BitString bs = {},
+                                                        bool overflow = false,
+                                                        size_t depth = 1u) {
+    // Depth=1 is good default because it will go through all state transitions,
+    // and its children will also go through all state transitions.
+    return SubtypeCheckInfo::MakeUnchecked(bs, overflow, depth);
+  }
+  static bool HasNext(SubtypeCheckInfo io) {
+    return io.HasNext();
+  }
+  static BitString GetPathToRoot(SubtypeCheckInfo io) {
+    return io.GetPathToRoot();
+  }
+  // Create an SubtypeCheckInfo with the same depth, but with everything else reset.
+  // Returns: SubtypeCheckInfo in the Uninitialized state.
+  static SubtypeCheckInfo CopyCleared(SubtypeCheckInfo sc) {
+    SubtypeCheckInfo cleared_copy{};  // NOLINT
+    cleared_copy.depth_ = sc.depth_;
+    DCHECK_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, cleared_copy.GetState());
+    return cleared_copy;
+  }
+const char* GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest(const char* msg) {
+  // On Android, dcheck failure messages go to logcat,
+  // which gtest death tests does not check, and thus the tests would fail with
+  // "unexpected message ''"
+  UNUSED(msg);
+  return "";  // Still ensures there was a bad return code, but match anything.
+  return msg;
+TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, IllegalValues) {
+  // This test relies on BitString being at least 3 large.
+  // It will need to be updated otherwise.
+  ASSERT_LE(3u, BitString::kCapacity);
+  // Illegal values during construction would cause a Dcheck failure and crash.
+  ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(MakeBitString({1u}),
+                                    /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
+                                    /*overflow*/false,
+                                    /*depth*/0u),
+               GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Path was too long for the depth"));
+  ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfoInfused(MakeBitString({1u, 1u}),
+                                           /*overflow*/false,
+                                           /*depth*/0u),
+               GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Bitstring too long for depth"));
+  ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(MakeBitString({1u}),
+                                    /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
+                                    /*overflow*/false,
+                                    /*depth*/1u),
+               GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Expected \\(Assigned\\|Initialized\\) "
+                                              "state to have >0 Next value"));
+  ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfoInfused(MakeBitString({0u, 2u, 1u}),
+                                           /*overflow*/false,
+                                           /*depth*/2u),
+               GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Path to root had non-0s following 0s"));
+  ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(MakeBitString({0u, 2u}),
+                                    /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(1u),
+                                    /*overflow*/false,
+                                    /*depth*/2u),
+               GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Path to root had non-0s following 0s"));
+  ASSERT_DEATH(MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(MakeBitString({0u, 1u, 1u}),
+                                    /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
+                                    /*overflow*/false,
+                                    /*depth*/3u),
+               GetExpectedMessageForDeathTest("Path to root had non-0s following 0s"));
+  // These are really slow (~1sec per death test on host),
+  // keep them down to a minimum.
+TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, States) {
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, MakeSubtypeCheckInfo().GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized,
+            MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/{}, /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(1)).GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed,
+            MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/{},
+                                 /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(1),
+                                 /*overflow*/true,
+                                 /*depth*/1u).GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned,
+            MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/MakeBitString({1u}),
+                                 /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(1),
+                                 /*overflow*/false,
+                                 /*depth*/1u).GetState());
+  // Test edge conditions: depth == BitString::kCapacity (No Next value).
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned,
+            MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/MakeBitStringMax(),
+                                 /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
+                                 /*overflow*/false,
+                                 /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity).GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized,
+            MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/MakeBitStringMax<BitString::kCapacity - 1u>(),
+                                 /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
+                                 /*overflow*/false,
+                                 /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity).GetState());
+  // Test edge conditions: depth > BitString::kCapacity (Must overflow).
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed,
+            MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path*/MakeBitStringMax(),
+                                 /*next*/MakeBitStringChar(0),
+                                 /*overflow*/true,
+                                 /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity + 1u).GetState());
+TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, NextValue) {
+  // Validate "Next" is correctly aliased as the Bitstring[Depth] character.
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitString({1u, 2u, 3u}),
+                                                           /*overflow*/false,
+                                                           /*depth*/0u).GetNext());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(2u), MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitString({1u, 2u, 3u}),
+                                                           /*overflow*/false,
+                                                           /*depth*/1u).GetNext());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(3u), MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitString({1u, 2u, 3u}),
+                                                           /*overflow*/false,
+                                                           /*depth*/2u).GetNext());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitString({0u, 2u, 1u}),
+                                                           /*overflow*/false,
+                                                           /*depth*/2u).GetNext());
+  // Test edge conditions: depth == BitString::kCapacity (No Next value).
+  EXPECT_FALSE(HasNext(MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitStringMax<BitString::kCapacity>(),
+                                                     /*overflow*/false,
+                                                     /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity)));
+  // Anything with depth >= BitString::kCapacity has no next value.
+  EXPECT_FALSE(HasNext(MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitStringMax<BitString::kCapacity>(),
+                                                     /*overflow*/false,
+                                                     /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity + 1u)));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(HasNext(MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitStringMax(),
+                                                     /*overflow*/false,
+                                                     /*depth*/std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max())));
+template <size_t kPos = BitString::kCapacity>
+size_t LenForPos() { return BitString::GetBitLengthTotalAtPosition(kPos); }
+TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, EncodedPathToRoot) {
+  using StorageType = BitString::StorageType;
+  SubtypeCheckInfo io =
+      MakeSubtypeCheckInfo(/*path_to_root*/MakeBitStringMax(),
+                           /*next*/BitStringChar{},  // NOLINT
+                           /*overflow*/false,
+                           /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity);
+  // 0b11111...000 where MSB == 1, and leading 1s = the maximum bitstring representation.
+  EXPECT_EQ(MaxInt<StorageType>(LenForPos()) << (BitSizeOf<StorageType>() - LenForPos()),
+            io.GetEncodedPathToRoot());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MaxInt<StorageType>(LenForPos()) << (BitSizeOf<StorageType>() - LenForPos()),
+            io.GetEncodedPathToRootMask());
+  // 0b11111...000 where MSB == 1, and leading 1s = the maximum bitstring representation.
+  // The rest of this test is written assuming kCapacity == 3 for convenience.
+  // Please update the test if this changes.
+  ASSERT_EQ(3u, BitString::kCapacity);
+  ASSERT_EQ(12u, BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[0]);
+  ASSERT_EQ(3u, BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[1]);
+  ASSERT_EQ(8u, BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[2]);
+  SubtypeCheckInfo io2 =
+      MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitStringMax<2u>(),
+                                   /*overflow*/false,
+                                   /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity);
+#define MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(pos0, pos1, pos2) (((pos0) << 3u << 8u << 9u) | ((pos1) << 8u << 9u) | ((pos2) << 9u))
+  EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(12), 0b111, 0b0), io2.GetEncodedPathToRoot());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(12), 0b111, 0b11111111), io2.GetEncodedPathToRootMask());
+  SubtypeCheckInfo io3 =
+      MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitStringMax<2u>(),
+                                   /*overflow*/false,
+                                   /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity - 1u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(12), 0b111, 0b0), io3.GetEncodedPathToRoot());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(12), 0b111, 0b0), io3.GetEncodedPathToRootMask());
+  SubtypeCheckInfo io4 =
+      MakeSubtypeCheckInfoUnchecked(MakeBitString({0b1010101u}),
+                                   /*overflow*/false,
+                                   /*depth*/BitString::kCapacity - 2u);
+  EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(0b1010101u, 0b000, 0b0), io4.GetEncodedPathToRoot());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MAKE_ENCODED_PATH(MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(12), 0b000, 0b0), io4.GetEncodedPathToRootMask());
+TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, NewForRoot) {
+  SubtypeCheckInfo io = SubtypeCheckInfo::CreateRoot();
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, io.GetState());  // Root is always assigned.
+  EXPECT_EQ(0u, GetPathToRoot(io).Length());  // Root's path length is 0.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(HasNext(io));  // Root always has a "Next".
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), io.GetNext());  // Next>=1 to disambiguate from Uninitialized.
+TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, CopyCleared) {
+  SubtypeCheckInfo root = SubtypeCheckInfo::CreateRoot();
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), root.GetNext());
+  SubtypeCheckInfo childC = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, childC.GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(2u), root.GetNext());  // Next incremented for Assign.
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({1u}), GetPathToRoot(childC));
+  SubtypeCheckInfo cleared_copy = CopyCleared(childC);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, cleared_copy.GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(cleared_copy));
+  // CopyCleared is just a thin wrapper around value-init and providing the depth.
+  SubtypeCheckInfo cleared_copy_value =
+      SubtypeCheckInfo::Create(SubtypeCheckBits{}, /*depth*/1u);  // NOLINT
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kUninitialized, cleared_copy_value.GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(cleared_copy_value));
+TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, NewForChild2) {
+  SubtypeCheckInfo root = SubtypeCheckInfo::CreateRoot();
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), root.GetNext());
+  SubtypeCheckInfo childC = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, childC.GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(2u), root.GetNext());  // Next incremented for Assign.
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({1u}), GetPathToRoot(childC));
+TEST_F(SubtypeCheckInfoTest, NewForChild) {
+  SubtypeCheckInfo root = SubtypeCheckInfo::CreateRoot();
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), root.GetNext());
+  SubtypeCheckInfo childA = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/false);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, childA.GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), root.GetNext());  // Next unchanged for Initialize.
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(childA));
+  SubtypeCheckInfo childB = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/false);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, childB.GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(1u), root.GetNext());  // Next unchanged for Initialize.
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(childB));
+  SubtypeCheckInfo childC = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, childC.GetState());
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(2u), root.GetNext());  // Next incremented for Assign.
+  EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({1u}), GetPathToRoot(childC));
+  {
+    size_t cur_depth = 1u;
+    SubtypeCheckInfo latest_child = childC;
+    while (cur_depth != BitString::kCapacity) {
+      latest_child = latest_child.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
+      ASSERT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, latest_child.GetState());
+      ASSERT_EQ(cur_depth + 1u, GetPathToRoot(latest_child).Length());
+      cur_depth++;
+    }
+    // Future assignments will result in a too-deep overflow.
+    SubtypeCheckInfo child_of_deep = latest_child.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
+    EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, child_of_deep.GetState());
+    EXPECT_EQ(GetPathToRoot(latest_child), GetPathToRoot(child_of_deep));
+    // Assignment of too-deep overflow also causes overflow.
+    SubtypeCheckInfo child_of_deep_2 = child_of_deep.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
+    EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, child_of_deep_2.GetState());
+    EXPECT_EQ(GetPathToRoot(child_of_deep), GetPathToRoot(child_of_deep_2));
+  }
+  {
+    size_t cur_next = 2u;
+    while (true) {
+      if (cur_next == MaxInt<BitString::StorageType>(BitString::kBitSizeAtPosition[0u])) {
+        break;
+      }
+      SubtypeCheckInfo child = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
+      ASSERT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kAssigned, child.GetState());
+      ASSERT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(cur_next+1u), root.GetNext());
+      ASSERT_EQ(MakeBitString({cur_next}), GetPathToRoot(child));
+      cur_next++;
+    }
+    // Now the root will be in a state that further assigns will be too-wide overflow.
+    // Initialization still succeeds.
+    SubtypeCheckInfo child = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/false);
+    EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kInitialized, child.GetState());
+    EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(cur_next), root.GetNext());
+    EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(child));
+    // Assignment goes to too-wide Overflow.
+    SubtypeCheckInfo child_of = root.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
+    EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, child_of.GetState());
+    EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitStringChar(cur_next), root.GetNext());
+    EXPECT_EQ(MakeBitString({}), GetPathToRoot(child_of));
+    // Assignment of overflowed child still succeeds.
+    // The path to root is the same.
+    SubtypeCheckInfo child_of2 = child_of.CreateChild(/*assign*/true);
+    EXPECT_EQ(SubtypeCheckInfo::kOverflowed, child_of2.GetState());
+    EXPECT_EQ(GetPathToRoot(child_of), GetPathToRoot(child_of2));
+  }