Class Linker: Implement default interface verification ordering.
We ensure that default interface verification failure is propagated to
the implementing class so that the compiler is able to properly handle
verification failures. Furthermore we ensure that default interfaces
are verified at the same time their implementing classes are.
This does not add additional support for default methods to the verifier.
This adds a basic test of this functionality.
Previously assumptions made about the order of verification in our
code could cause a check failure during compilation. Our old code
assumed that all code that would be run during a classes
initialization had been verified before any of it was run. The default
interfaces broke this assumption. Now we will simply verify default
interfaces with any classes that implement them.
Bug: 24618811
Change-Id: Ia11a50a28889dbd7ca22ffa730ef443e39f3cb5b
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index da70456..915cb19 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -2789,6 +2789,48 @@
+bool ClassLinker::AttemptSupertypeVerification(Thread* self,
+ Handle<mirror::Class> klass,
+ Handle<mirror::Class> supertype) {
+ DCHECK(self != nullptr);
+ DCHECK(klass.Get() != nullptr);
+ DCHECK(supertype.Get() != nullptr);
+ StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
+ // Acquire lock to prevent races on verifying the super class.
+ ObjectLock<mirror::Class> super_lock(self, supertype);
+ if (!supertype->IsVerified() && !supertype->IsErroneous()) {
+ VerifyClass(self, supertype);
+ }
+ if (supertype->IsCompileTimeVerified()) {
+ // Either we are verified or we soft failed and need to retry at runtime.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If we got this far then we have a hard failure.
+ std::string error_msg =
+ StringPrintf("Rejecting class %s that attempts to sub-type erroneous class %s",
+ PrettyDescriptor(klass.Get()).c_str(),
+ PrettyDescriptor(supertype.Get()).c_str());
+ LOG(WARNING) << error_msg << " in " << klass->GetDexCache()->GetLocation()->ToModifiedUtf8();
+ Handle<mirror::Throwable> cause(hs.NewHandle(self->GetException()));
+ if (cause.Get() != nullptr) {
+ // Set during VerifyClass call (if at all).
+ self->ClearException();
+ }
+ // Change into a verify error.
+ ThrowVerifyError(klass.Get(), "%s", error_msg.c_str());
+ if (cause.Get() != nullptr) {
+ self->GetException()->SetCause(cause.Get());
+ }
+ ClassReference ref(klass->GetDexCache()->GetDexFile(), klass->GetDexClassDefIndex());
+ if (Runtime::Current()->IsAotCompiler()) {
+ Runtime::Current()->GetCompilerCallbacks()->ClassRejected(ref);
+ }
+ mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusError, self);
+ return false;
void ClassLinker::VerifyClass(Thread* self, Handle<mirror::Class> klass) {
// TODO: assert that the monitor on the Class is held
ObjectLock<mirror::Class> lock(self, klass);
@@ -2839,37 +2881,54 @@
// Verify super class.
StackHandleScope<2> hs(self);
- Handle<mirror::Class> super(hs.NewHandle(klass->GetSuperClass()));
- if (super.Get() != nullptr) {
- // Acquire lock to prevent races on verifying the super class.
- ObjectLock<mirror::Class> super_lock(self, super);
+ MutableHandle<mirror::Class> supertype(hs.NewHandle(klass->GetSuperClass()));
+ // If we have a superclass and we get a hard verification failure we can return immediately.
+ if (supertype.Get() != nullptr && !AttemptSupertypeVerification(self, klass, supertype)) {
+ CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending()) << "Verification error should be pending.";
+ return;
+ }
- if (!super->IsVerified() && !super->IsErroneous()) {
- VerifyClass(self, super);
- }
- if (!super->IsCompileTimeVerified()) {
- std::string error_msg(
- StringPrintf("Rejecting class %s that attempts to sub-class erroneous class %s",
- PrettyDescriptor(klass.Get()).c_str(),
- PrettyDescriptor(super.Get()).c_str()));
- LOG(WARNING) << error_msg << " in " << klass->GetDexCache()->GetLocation()->ToModifiedUtf8();
- Handle<mirror::Throwable> cause(hs.NewHandle(self->GetException()));
- if (cause.Get() != nullptr) {
- self->ClearException();
+ // Verify all default super-interfaces.
+ //
+ // (1) Don't bother if the superclass has already had a soft verification failure.
+ //
+ // (2) Interfaces shouldn't bother to do this recursive verification because they cannot cause
+ // recursive initialization by themselves. This is because when an interface is initialized
+ // directly it must not initialize its superinterfaces. We are allowed to verify regardless
+ // but choose not to for an optimization. If the interfaces is being verified due to a class
+ // initialization (which would need all the default interfaces to be verified) the class code
+ // will trigger the recursive verification anyway.
+ if ((supertype.Get() == nullptr || supertype->IsVerified()) // See (1)
+ && !klass->IsInterface()) { // See (2)
+ int32_t iftable_count = klass->GetIfTableCount();
+ MutableHandle<mirror::Class> iface(hs.NewHandle<mirror::Class>(nullptr));
+ // Loop through all interfaces this class has defined. It doesn't matter the order.
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < iftable_count; i++) {
+ iface.Assign(klass->GetIfTable()->GetInterface(i));
+ DCHECK(iface.Get() != nullptr);
+ // We only care if we have default interfaces and can skip if we are already verified...
+ if (LIKELY(!iface->HasDefaultMethods() || iface->IsVerified())) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (UNLIKELY(!AttemptSupertypeVerification(self, klass, iface))) {
+ // We had a hard failure while verifying this interface. Just return immediately.
+ CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending()) << "Verification error should be pending.";
+ return;
+ } else if (UNLIKELY(!iface->IsVerified())) {
+ // We softly failed to verify the iface. Stop checking and clean up.
+ // Put the iface into the supertype handle so we know what caused us to fail.
+ supertype.Assign(iface.Get());
+ break;
- ThrowVerifyError(klass.Get(), "%s", error_msg.c_str());
- if (cause.Get() != nullptr) {
- self->GetException()->SetCause(cause.Get());
- }
- ClassReference ref(klass->GetDexCache()->GetDexFile(), klass->GetDexClassDefIndex());
- if (Runtime::Current()->IsAotCompiler()) {
- Runtime::Current()->GetCompilerCallbacks()->ClassRejected(ref);
- }
- mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusError, self);
- return;
+ // At this point if verification failed, then supertype is the "first" supertype that failed
+ // verification (without a specific order). If verification succeeded, then supertype is either
+ // null or the original superclass of klass and is verified.
+ DCHECK(supertype.Get() == nullptr ||
+ supertype.Get() == klass->GetSuperClass() ||
+ !supertype->IsVerified());
// Try to use verification information from the oat file, otherwise do runtime verification.
const DexFile& dex_file = *klass->GetDexCache()->GetDexFile();
mirror::Class::Status oat_file_class_status(mirror::Class::kStatusNotReady);
@@ -2901,14 +2960,14 @@
// Make sure all classes referenced by catch blocks are resolved.
ResolveClassExceptionHandlerTypes(dex_file, klass);
if (verifier_failure == verifier::MethodVerifier::kNoFailure) {
- // Even though there were no verifier failures we need to respect whether the super-class
- // was verified or requiring runtime reverification.
- if (super.Get() == nullptr || super->IsVerified()) {
+ // Even though there were no verifier failures we need to respect whether the super-class and
+ // super-default-interfaces were verified or requiring runtime reverification.
+ if (supertype.Get() == nullptr || supertype->IsVerified()) {
mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusVerified, self);
} else {
- CHECK_EQ(super->GetStatus(), mirror::Class::kStatusRetryVerificationAtRuntime);
+ CHECK_EQ(supertype->GetStatus(), mirror::Class::kStatusRetryVerificationAtRuntime);
mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusRetryVerificationAtRuntime, self);
- // Pretend a soft failure occured so that we don't consider the class verified below.
+ // Pretend a soft failure occurred so that we don't consider the class verified below.
verifier_failure = verifier::MethodVerifier::kSoftFailure;
} else {