Move image_write_read_test helper function to .cc file.

Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Change-Id: Ifebd7771c4f8c0c5cc9b4af4f77f4b8272f6cc69
diff --git a/dex2oat/linker/image_test.h b/dex2oat/linker/image_test.h
index 053ad79..9e5da27 100644
--- a/dex2oat/linker/image_test.h
+++ b/dex2oat/linker/image_test.h
@@ -80,8 +80,6 @@
-  void TestWriteRead(ImageHeader::StorageMode storage_mode, uint32_t max_image_block_size);
   void Compile(ImageHeader::StorageMode storage_mode,
                uint32_t max_image_block_size,
                /*out*/ CompilationHelper& out_helper,
@@ -401,118 +399,6 @@
-inline void ImageTest::TestWriteRead(ImageHeader::StorageMode storage_mode,
-                                     uint32_t max_image_block_size) {
-  CompilationHelper helper;
-  Compile(storage_mode, max_image_block_size, /*out*/ helper);
-  std::vector<uint64_t> image_file_sizes;
-  for (ScratchFile& image_file : helper.image_files) {
-    std::unique_ptr<File> file(OS::OpenFileForReading(image_file.GetFilename().c_str()));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(file.get() != nullptr);
-    ImageHeader image_header;
-    ASSERT_EQ(file->ReadFully(&image_header, sizeof(image_header)), true);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(image_header.IsValid());
-    const auto& bitmap_section = image_header.GetImageBitmapSection();
-    ASSERT_GE(bitmap_section.Offset(), sizeof(image_header));
-    ASSERT_NE(0U, bitmap_section.Size());
-    gc::Heap* heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
-    ASSERT_TRUE(heap->HaveContinuousSpaces());
-    gc::space::ContinuousSpace* space = heap->GetNonMovingSpace();
-    ASSERT_FALSE(space->IsImageSpace());
-    ASSERT_TRUE(space != nullptr);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(space->IsMallocSpace());
-    image_file_sizes.push_back(file->GetLength());
-  }
-  // Need to delete the compiler since it has worker threads which are attached to runtime.
-  compiler_driver_.reset();
-  // Tear down old runtime before making a new one, clearing out misc state.
-  // Remove the reservation of the memory for use to load the image.
-  // Need to do this before we reset the runtime.
-  UnreserveImageSpace();
-  helper.extra_dex_files.clear();
-  runtime_.reset();
-  java_lang_dex_file_ = nullptr;
-  MemMap::Init();
-  RuntimeOptions options;
-  options.emplace_back(GetClassPathOption("-Xbootclasspath:", GetLibCoreDexFileNames()), nullptr);
-  options.emplace_back(
-      GetClassPathOption("-Xbootclasspath-locations:", GetLibCoreDexLocations()), nullptr);
-  std::string image("-Ximage:");
-  image.append(helper.image_locations[0].GetFilename());
-  options.push_back(std::make_pair(image.c_str(), static_cast<void*>(nullptr)));
-  // By default the compiler this creates will not include patch information.
-  options.push_back(std::make_pair("-Xnorelocate", nullptr));
-  if (!Runtime::Create(options, false)) {
-    LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to create runtime";
-    return;
-  }
-  runtime_.reset(Runtime::Current());
-  // Runtime::Create acquired the mutator_lock_ that is normally given away when we Runtime::Start,
-  // give it away now and then switch to a more managable ScopedObjectAccess.
-  Thread::Current()->TransitionFromRunnableToSuspended(kNative);
-  ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
-  ASSERT_TRUE(runtime_.get() != nullptr);
-  class_linker_ = runtime_->GetClassLinker();
-  gc::Heap* heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
-  ASSERT_TRUE(heap->HasBootImageSpace());
-  ASSERT_TRUE(heap->GetNonMovingSpace()->IsMallocSpace());
-  // We loaded the runtime with an explicit image, so it must exist.
-  ASSERT_EQ(heap->GetBootImageSpaces().size(), image_file_sizes.size());
-  const HashSet<std::string>& image_classes = compiler_options_->GetImageClasses();
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < helper.dex_file_locations.size(); ++i) {
-    std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex(
-        LoadExpectSingleDexFile(helper.dex_file_locations[i].c_str()));
-    ASSERT_TRUE(dex != nullptr);
-    uint64_t image_file_size = image_file_sizes[i];
-    gc::space::ImageSpace* image_space = heap->GetBootImageSpaces()[i];
-    ASSERT_TRUE(image_space != nullptr);
-    if (storage_mode == ImageHeader::kStorageModeUncompressed) {
-      // Uncompressed, image should be smaller than file.
-      ASSERT_LE(image_space->GetImageHeader().GetImageSize(), image_file_size);
-    } else if (image_file_size > 16 * KB) {
-      // Compressed, file should be smaller than image. Not really valid for small images.
-      ASSERT_LE(image_file_size, image_space->GetImageHeader().GetImageSize());
-      // TODO: Actually validate the blocks, this is hard since the blocks are not copied over for
-      // compressed images. Add kPageSize since image_size is rounded up to this.
-      ASSERT_GT(image_space->GetImageHeader().GetBlockCount() * max_image_block_size,
-                image_space->GetImageHeader().GetImageSize() - kPageSize);
-    }
-    image_space->VerifyImageAllocations();
-    uint8_t* image_begin = image_space->Begin();
-    uint8_t* image_end = image_space->End();
-    if (i == 0) {
-      // This check is only valid for image 0.
-      CHECK_EQ(kRequestedImageBase, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(image_begin));
-    }
-    for (size_t j = 0; j < dex->NumClassDefs(); ++j) {
-      const dex::ClassDef& class_def = dex->GetClassDef(j);
-      const char* descriptor = dex->GetClassDescriptor(class_def);
-      ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = class_linker_->FindSystemClass(soa.Self(), descriptor);
-      EXPECT_TRUE(klass != nullptr) << descriptor;
-      uint8_t* raw_klass = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(klass.Ptr());
-      if (image_classes.find(std::string_view(descriptor)) == image_classes.end()) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(raw_klass >= image_end || raw_klass < image_begin) << descriptor;
-      } else {
-        // Image classes should be located inside the image.
-        EXPECT_LT(image_begin, raw_klass) << descriptor;
-        EXPECT_LT(raw_klass, image_end) << descriptor;
-      }
-      EXPECT_TRUE(Monitor::IsValidLockWord(klass->GetLockWord(false)));
-    }
-  }
 }  // namespace linker
 }  // namespace art
diff --git a/dex2oat/linker/ b/dex2oat/linker/
index 5ddbd09..2966f19 100644
--- a/dex2oat/linker/
+++ b/dex2oat/linker/
@@ -19,23 +19,140 @@
 namespace art {
 namespace linker {
-TEST_F(ImageTest, WriteReadUncompressed) {
+class ImageWriteReadTest : public ImageTest {
+ protected:
+  void TestWriteRead(ImageHeader::StorageMode storage_mode, uint32_t max_image_block_size);
+void ImageWriteReadTest::TestWriteRead(ImageHeader::StorageMode storage_mode,
+                                       uint32_t max_image_block_size) {
+  CompilationHelper helper;
+  Compile(storage_mode, max_image_block_size, /*out*/ helper);
+  std::vector<uint64_t> image_file_sizes;
+  for (ScratchFile& image_file : helper.image_files) {
+    std::unique_ptr<File> file(OS::OpenFileForReading(image_file.GetFilename().c_str()));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(file.get() != nullptr);
+    ImageHeader image_header;
+    ASSERT_EQ(file->ReadFully(&image_header, sizeof(image_header)), true);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(image_header.IsValid());
+    const auto& bitmap_section = image_header.GetImageBitmapSection();
+    ASSERT_GE(bitmap_section.Offset(), sizeof(image_header));
+    ASSERT_NE(0U, bitmap_section.Size());
+    gc::Heap* heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(heap->HaveContinuousSpaces());
+    gc::space::ContinuousSpace* space = heap->GetNonMovingSpace();
+    ASSERT_FALSE(space->IsImageSpace());
+    ASSERT_TRUE(space != nullptr);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(space->IsMallocSpace());
+    image_file_sizes.push_back(file->GetLength());
+  }
+  // Need to delete the compiler since it has worker threads which are attached to runtime.
+  compiler_driver_.reset();
+  // Tear down old runtime before making a new one, clearing out misc state.
+  // Remove the reservation of the memory for use to load the image.
+  // Need to do this before we reset the runtime.
+  UnreserveImageSpace();
+  helper.extra_dex_files.clear();
+  runtime_.reset();
+  java_lang_dex_file_ = nullptr;
+  MemMap::Init();
+  RuntimeOptions options;
+  options.emplace_back(GetClassPathOption("-Xbootclasspath:", GetLibCoreDexFileNames()), nullptr);
+  options.emplace_back(
+      GetClassPathOption("-Xbootclasspath-locations:", GetLibCoreDexLocations()), nullptr);
+  std::string image("-Ximage:");
+  image.append(helper.image_locations[0].GetFilename());
+  options.push_back(std::make_pair(image.c_str(), static_cast<void*>(nullptr)));
+  // By default the compiler this creates will not include patch information.
+  options.push_back(std::make_pair("-Xnorelocate", nullptr));
+  if (!Runtime::Create(options, false)) {
+    LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to create runtime";
+    return;
+  }
+  runtime_.reset(Runtime::Current());
+  // Runtime::Create acquired the mutator_lock_ that is normally given away when we Runtime::Start,
+  // give it away now and then switch to a more managable ScopedObjectAccess.
+  Thread::Current()->TransitionFromRunnableToSuspended(kNative);
+  ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(runtime_.get() != nullptr);
+  class_linker_ = runtime_->GetClassLinker();
+  gc::Heap* heap = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(heap->HasBootImageSpace());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(heap->GetNonMovingSpace()->IsMallocSpace());
+  // We loaded the runtime with an explicit image, so it must exist.
+  ASSERT_EQ(heap->GetBootImageSpaces().size(), image_file_sizes.size());
+  const HashSet<std::string>& image_classes = compiler_options_->GetImageClasses();
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < helper.dex_file_locations.size(); ++i) {
+    std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex(
+        LoadExpectSingleDexFile(helper.dex_file_locations[i].c_str()));
+    ASSERT_TRUE(dex != nullptr);
+    uint64_t image_file_size = image_file_sizes[i];
+    gc::space::ImageSpace* image_space = heap->GetBootImageSpaces()[i];
+    ASSERT_TRUE(image_space != nullptr);
+    if (storage_mode == ImageHeader::kStorageModeUncompressed) {
+      // Uncompressed, image should be smaller than file.
+      ASSERT_LE(image_space->GetImageHeader().GetImageSize(), image_file_size);
+    } else if (image_file_size > 16 * KB) {
+      // Compressed, file should be smaller than image. Not really valid for small images.
+      ASSERT_LE(image_file_size, image_space->GetImageHeader().GetImageSize());
+      // TODO: Actually validate the blocks, this is hard since the blocks are not copied over for
+      // compressed images. Add kPageSize since image_size is rounded up to this.
+      ASSERT_GT(image_space->GetImageHeader().GetBlockCount() * max_image_block_size,
+                image_space->GetImageHeader().GetImageSize() - kPageSize);
+    }
+    image_space->VerifyImageAllocations();
+    uint8_t* image_begin = image_space->Begin();
+    uint8_t* image_end = image_space->End();
+    if (i == 0) {
+      // This check is only valid for image 0.
+      CHECK_EQ(kRequestedImageBase, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(image_begin));
+    }
+    for (size_t j = 0; j < dex->NumClassDefs(); ++j) {
+      const dex::ClassDef& class_def = dex->GetClassDef(j);
+      const char* descriptor = dex->GetClassDescriptor(class_def);
+      ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass = class_linker_->FindSystemClass(soa.Self(), descriptor);
+      EXPECT_TRUE(klass != nullptr) << descriptor;
+      uint8_t* raw_klass = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(klass.Ptr());
+      if (image_classes.find(std::string_view(descriptor)) == image_classes.end()) {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(raw_klass >= image_end || raw_klass < image_begin) << descriptor;
+      } else {
+        // Image classes should be located inside the image.
+        EXPECT_LT(image_begin, raw_klass) << descriptor;
+        EXPECT_LT(raw_klass, image_end) << descriptor;
+      }
+      EXPECT_TRUE(Monitor::IsValidLockWord(klass->GetLockWord(false)));
+    }
+  }
+TEST_F(ImageWriteReadTest, WriteReadUncompressed) {
-TEST_F(ImageTest, WriteReadLZ4) {
+TEST_F(ImageWriteReadTest, WriteReadLZ4) {
-TEST_F(ImageTest, WriteReadLZ4HC) {
+TEST_F(ImageWriteReadTest, WriteReadLZ4HC) {
-TEST_F(ImageTest, WriteReadLZ4HCKBBlock) {
+TEST_F(ImageWriteReadTest, WriteReadLZ4HCKBBlock) {
   TestWriteRead(ImageHeader::kStorageModeLZ4HC, /*max_image_block_size=*/KB);