Refactor script, add new options

Refactored the trace processing script to use argument parsing, etc.,
and improve the structure.  Then added several command line options to
filter and provide different views.

Bug: none
Test: run the script on a trace, view the flame graph
Change-Id: I66805829c9e7212b2f69b3556134036f8dd21bc2
diff --git a/tools/jvmti-agents/ti-alloc-sample/ b/tools/jvmti-agents/ti-alloc-sample/
index 41a2906..f37aa4a 100755
--- a/tools/jvmti-agents/ti-alloc-sample/
+++ b/tools/jvmti-agents/ti-alloc-sample/
@@ -18,90 +18,196 @@
 Usage: <jvmti_trace_file>
+import argparse
 import sys
-table = {}
-weights = {}
+class TraceCollection:
+  def __init__(self, args):
+    self.args = args
+    # A table indexed by number and containing the definition for that number.
+    self.definitions = {}
+    # The "weight" of a stack trace, either 1 for counting or the size of the allocation.
+    self.weights = {}
+    # The count for each individual allocation.
+    self.allocation_count = {}
-def get_size(thread_type_size):
-  SIZE_STRING = "size["
-  size_string = thread_type_size[thread_type_size.find(SIZE_STRING) + SIZE_STRING_LEN:]
-  size_string = size_string[:size_string.find(",")]
-  return int(size_string)
+  def definition(self, index):
+    """
+    Returns the definition for "index".
+    """
+    return self.definitions[index]
-def add_definition_to_table(line):
-  """
-  Adds line to the list of definitions in table.
-  """
-  comma_pos = line.find(",")
-  index = int(line[1:comma_pos])
-  definition = line[comma_pos+1:]
-  expanded_definition = ""
-  weights[index] = 1
-  if line[0:1] == "=":
-    tokens = definition.split(";")
-    # Pick the thread/type/size off the front (base) of the stack trace.
-    thread_type_size = lookup_definition(int(tokens[0])).replace(";", ":")
-    weights[index] = get_size(thread_type_size)
-    del tokens[0]
-    # Build the stack trace list.
-    for token in tokens:
-      # Replace semicolons by colons in the method entry signatures.
-      method = lookup_definition(int(token)).replace(";", ":")
-      if len(expanded_definition) > 0:
-        expanded_definition += ";"
-      expanded_definition += method
-    # Add the thread/type/size as the top-most stack frame.
-    if len(expanded_definition) > 0:
-      expanded_definition += ";"
-    expanded_definition += thread_type_size
-    definition = expanded_definition
-  table[index] = definition
+  def set_definition(self, index, definition):
+    """
+    Sets the definition for "index".
+    """
+    self.definitions[index] = definition
-def lookup_definition(index):
-  """
-  Returns the definition for "index" from table.
-  """
-  return table[index]
+  def weight(self, index):
+    """
+    Returns the weight for "index".
+    """
+    return self.weights[index]
-traces = {}
-def record_stack_trace(string, count_or_size):
-  """
-  Remembers one stack trace index in the list of stack traces we have seen.
-  Remembering a stack trace increments a count associated with the trace.
-  """
-  index = int(string)
-  if count_or_size == "size":
-    weight = weights[index]
-  else:
-    weight = 1
-  if index in traces:
-    count = traces[index]
-    traces[index] = count + weight
-  else:
-    traces[index] = weight
+  def set_weight(self, index, weight):
+    """
+    Sets the weight for "index".
+    """
+    self.weights[index] = weight
+  def read_file(self, filename):
+    """
+    Reads a file into a DefinitionTable.
+    """
+    def process_definition(line):
+      """
+      Adds line to the list of definitions in table.
+      """
+      def expand_stack_trace(definition):
+        """
+        Converts a semicolon-separated list of numbers into the text stack trace.
+        """
+        def get_allocation_thread(thread_type_size):
+          """
+          Returns the thread of an allocation from the thread/type/size record.
+          """
+          THREAD_STRING = "thread["
+          thread_string = thread_type_size[thread_type_size.find(THREAD_STRING) +
+                                           THREAD_STRING_LEN:]
+          return thread_string[:thread_string.find("]")]
+        def get_allocation_type(thread_type_size):
+          """
+          Returns the type of an allocation from the thread/type/size record.
+          """
+          TYPE_STRING = "jclass["
+          type_string = thread_type_size[thread_type_size.find(TYPE_STRING) + TYPE_STRING_LEN:]
+          return type_string[:type_string.find(" ")]
+        def get_allocation_size(thread_type_size):
+          """
+          Returns the size of an allocation from the thread/type/size record.
+          """
+          SIZE_STRING = "size["
+          size_string = thread_type_size[thread_type_size.find(SIZE_STRING) + SIZE_STRING_LEN:]
+          size_string = size_string[:size_string.find(",")]
+          return int(size_string)
+        def get_top_and_weight(index):
+          thread_type_size = self.definition(int(tokens[0]))
+          size = get_allocation_size(thread_type_size)
+          if self.args.type_only:
+            thread_type_size = get_allocation_type(thread_type_size)
+          elif self.args.thread_only:
+            thread_type_size = get_allocation_thread(thread_type_size)
+          return (thread_type_size, size)
+        tokens = definition.split(";")
+        # The first element (base) of the stack trace is the thread/type/size.
+        # Get the weight (either 1 or the number of bytes allocated).
+        (thread_type_size, weight) = get_top_and_weight(int(tokens[0]))
+        self.set_weight(index, weight)
+        # Remove the thread/type/size from the base of the stack trace.
+        del tokens[0]
+        # Build the stack trace list.
+        expanded_definition = ""
+        for i in range(len(tokens)):
+          if self.args.depth_limit > 0 and i >= self.args.depth_limit:
+            break
+          token = tokens[i]
+          # Replace semicolons by colons in the method entry signatures.
+          method = self.definition(int(token)).replace(";", ":")
+          if len(expanded_definition) > 0:
+            expanded_definition += ";"
+          expanded_definition += method
+        if not self.args.ignore_type:
+          # Add the thread/type/size as the top-most stack frame.
+          if len(expanded_definition) > 0:
+            expanded_definition += ";"
+          expanded_definition += thread_type_size.replace(";", ":")
+        if self.args.reverse_stack:
+          def_list = expanded_definition.split(";")
+          expanded_definition = ";".join(def_list[::-1])
+        return expanded_definition
+      # If the line contains a comma, it is of the form [+=]index,definition,
+      # where index is a string containing an integer, and definition is the
+      # value represented by the integer whenever it is used later.
+      # * Lines starting with + are either a thread/type/size record or a single
+      #   stack frame.  These are simply interned in the table.
+      # * Those starting with = are stack traces, and contain a sequence of
+      #   numbers separated by semicolon.  These are "expanded" and then interned.
+      comma_pos = line.find(",")
+      index = int(line[1:comma_pos])
+      definition = line[comma_pos+1:]
+      if line[0:1] == "=":
+        definition = expand_stack_trace(definition)
+      # Intern the definition in the table.
+      #if len(definition) == 0:
+        # Zero length samples are errors and are discarded.
+        #print("ERROR: definition for " + str(index) + " is empty")
+        #return
+      self.set_definition(index, definition)
+    def process_trace(index):
+      """
+      Remembers one stack trace in the list of stack traces we have seen.
+      Remembering a stack trace increments a count associated with the trace.
+      """
+      trace = self.definition(index)
+      if self.args.use_size:
+        weight = self.weight(index)
+      else:
+        weight = 1
+      if trace in self.allocation_count:
+        self.allocation_count[trace] = self.allocation_count[trace] + weight
+      else:
+        self.allocation_count[trace] = weight
+    # Read the file, processing each line as a definition or stack trace.
+    tracefile = open(filename, "r")
+    current_allocation_trace = ""
+    for line in tracefile:
+      line = line.rstrip("\n")
+      if line[0:1] == "=" or line[0:1] == "+":
+        # definition.
+        process_definition(line)
+      else:
+        # stack trace.
+        process_trace(int(line))
+  def dump_flame_graph(self):
+    """
+    Prints out a stack trace format compatible with flame graph creation utilities.
+    """
+    for definition, weight in self.allocation_count.items():
+      print(definition + " " + str(weight))
+def parse_options():
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert a trace to a form usable for flame graphs.")
+  parser.add_argument("filename", help="The trace file as input", type=str)
+  parser.add_argument("--use_size", help="Count by allocation size", action="store_true",
+                      default=False)
+  parser.add_argument("--ignore_type", help="Ignore type of allocation", action="store_true",
+                      default=False)
+  parser.add_argument("--reverse_stack", help="Reverse root and top of stacks", action="store_true",
+                      default=False)
+  parser.add_argument("--type_only", help="Only consider allocation type", action="store_true",
+                      default=False)
+  parser.add_argument("--thread_only", help="Only consider allocation thread", action="store_true",
+                      default=False)
+  parser.add_argument("--depth_limit", help="Limit the length of a trace", type=int, default=0)
+  args = parser.parse_args()
+  return args
 def main(argv):
-  count_or_size = argv[1]
-  filename = argv[2]
-  pagefile = open(filename, "r")
-  current_allocation_trace = ""
-  for line in pagefile:
-    line = line.rstrip("\n")
-    if line[0:1] == "=" or line[0:1] == "+":
-      # definition.
-      add_definition_to_table(line)
-    else:
-      # stack trace.
-      record_stack_trace(line, count_or_size)
-  # Dump all the traces, with count.
-  for k, v in traces.items():
-    definition = lookup_definition(k)
-    if len(definition) == 0:
-      # Zero length samples are discarded.
-      return
-    print(definition + " " + str(v))
+  args = parse_options()
+  trace_collection = TraceCollection(args)
+  trace_collection.read_file(args.filename)
+  trace_collection.dump_flame_graph()
 if __name__ == '__main__':