Reland "Adjust how we assign vtable indexes during class loading."
This reverts commit 07c2fec6b025d5cc104ab4f210c3941528f56fd6.
Bug: 211854716
Bug: 233545487
Bug: 181943478
Reason for revert: addressed comments
Change-Id: Id45c8e826b81f00190920a2b3270937614700f5f
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index c2ce3e2..fd721cd 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "art_method-inl.h"
#include "barrier.h"
#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
+#include "base/arena_bit_vector.h"
#include "base/casts.h"
#include "base/file_utils.h"
#include "base/hash_map.h"
@@ -7945,55 +7946,17 @@
static constexpr double kMinLoadFactor = 0.3;
static constexpr double kMaxLoadFactor = 0.5;
static constexpr size_t kMaxStackBuferSize = 256;
- const size_t super_vtable_buffer_size = super_vtable_length * 3;
const size_t declared_virtuals_buffer_size = num_virtual_methods * 3;
- const size_t total_buffer_size = super_vtable_buffer_size + declared_virtuals_buffer_size;
- uint32_t* super_vtable_buffer_ptr = (total_buffer_size <= kMaxStackBuferSize)
- ? reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(alloca(total_buffer_size * sizeof(uint32_t)))
- : allocator_.AllocArray<uint32_t>(total_buffer_size);
- uint32_t* declared_virtuals_buffer_ptr = super_vtable_buffer_ptr + super_vtable_buffer_size;
- VTableSignatureSet super_vtable_signatures(
- kMinLoadFactor,
- kMaxLoadFactor,
- VTableSignatureHash(super_vtable_accessor),
- VTableSignatureEqual(super_vtable_accessor),
- super_vtable_buffer_ptr,
- super_vtable_buffer_size,
- allocator_.Adapter());
- ArrayRef<uint32_t> same_signature_vtable_lists;
- // Insert the first `mirror::Object::kVTableLength` indexes with pre-calculated hashes.
- DCHECK_GE(super_vtable_length, mirror::Object::kVTableLength);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i != mirror::Object::kVTableLength; ++i) {
- size_t hash = class_linker_->object_virtual_method_hashes_[i];
- // There are no duplicate signatures in `java.lang.Object`, so use `HashSet<>::PutWithHash()`.
- // This avoids equality comparison for the three `java.lang.Object.wait()` overloads.
- super_vtable_signatures.PutWithHash(i, hash);
- }
- // Insert the remaining indexes, check for duplicate signatures.
- if (super_vtable_length > mirror::Object::kVTableLength) {
- for (size_t i = mirror::Object::kVTableLength; i < super_vtable_length; ++i) {
- // Use `super_vtable_accessor` for getting the method for hash calculation.
- // Letting `HashSet<>::insert()` use the internal accessor copy in the hash
- // function prevents the compiler from optimizing this properly because the
- // compiler cannot prove that the accessor copy is immutable.
- size_t hash = ComputeMethodHash(super_vtable_accessor.GetVTableEntry(i));
- auto [it, inserted] = super_vtable_signatures.InsertWithHash(i, hash);
- if (UNLIKELY(!inserted)) {
- if (same_signature_vtable_lists.empty()) {
- same_signature_vtable_lists = ArrayRef<uint32_t>(
- allocator_.AllocArray<uint32_t>(super_vtable_length), super_vtable_length);
- std::fill_n(, super_vtable_length, dex::kDexNoIndex);
- same_signature_vtable_lists_ = same_signature_vtable_lists;
- }
- DCHECK_LT(*it, i);
- same_signature_vtable_lists[i] = *it;
- *it = i;
- }
- }
- }
+ const size_t super_vtable_buffer_size = super_vtable_length * 3;
+ const size_t bit_vector_size = BitVector::BitsToWords(num_virtual_methods);
+ const size_t total_size =
+ declared_virtuals_buffer_size + super_vtable_buffer_size + bit_vector_size;
- // For each declared virtual method, look for a superclass virtual method
- // to override and assign a new vtable index if no method was overridden.
+ uint32_t* declared_virtuals_buffer_ptr = (total_size <= kMaxStackBuferSize)
+ ? reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(alloca(total_size * sizeof(uint32_t)))
+ : allocator_.AllocArray<uint32_t>(total_size);
+ uint32_t* bit_vector_buffer_ptr = declared_virtuals_buffer_ptr + declared_virtuals_buffer_size;
DeclaredVirtualSignatureSet declared_virtual_signatures(
@@ -8002,8 +7965,24 @@
+ ArrayRef<uint32_t> same_signature_vtable_lists;
const bool is_proxy_class = klass->IsProxyClass();
size_t vtable_length = super_vtable_length;
+ // Record which declared methods are overriding a super method.
+ BitVector initialized_methods(/* expandable= */ false,
+ Allocator::GetNoopAllocator(),
+ bit_vector_size,
+ bit_vector_buffer_ptr);
+ // Note: our sets hash on the method name, and therefore we pay a high
+ // performance price when a class has many overloads.
+ //
+ // We populate a set of declared signatures instead of signatures from the
+ // super vtable (which is only lazy populated in case of interface overriding,
+ // see below). This makes sure that we pay the performance price only on that
+ // class, and not on its subclasses (except in the case of interface overriding, see below).
for (size_t i = 0; i != num_virtual_methods; ++i) {
ArtMethod* virtual_method = klass->GetVirtualMethodDuringLinking(i, kPointerSize);
DCHECK(!virtual_method->IsStatic()) << virtual_method->PrettyMethod();
@@ -8012,59 +7991,79 @@
: virtual_method;
size_t hash = ComputeMethodHash(signature_method);
declared_virtual_signatures.PutWithHash(i, hash);
- auto it = super_vtable_signatures.FindWithHash(signature_method, hash);
- if (it != super_vtable_signatures.end()) {
- size_t super_index = *it;
- DCHECK_LT(super_index, super_vtable_length);
- ArtMethod* super_method = super_vtable_accessor.GetVTableEntry(super_index);
- // Historical note: Before Android 4.1, an inaccessible package-private
- // superclass method would have been incorrectly overridden.
- bool overrides = klass->CanAccessMember(super_method->GetDeclaringClass(),
- super_method->GetAccessFlags());
- if (overrides && super_method->IsFinal()) {
- sants.reset();
- ThrowLinkageError(klass, "Method %s overrides final method in class %s",
- virtual_method->PrettyMethod().c_str(),
- super_method->GetDeclaringClassDescriptor());
- return 0u;
- }
- if (UNLIKELY(!same_signature_vtable_lists.empty())) {
- // We may override more than one method according to JLS, see b/211854716 .
- // We record the highest overridden vtable index here so that we can walk
- // the list to find other overridden methods when constructing the vtable.
- // However, we walk all the methods to check for final method overriding.
- size_t current_index = super_index;
- while (same_signature_vtable_lists[current_index] != dex::kDexNoIndex) {
- DCHECK_LT(same_signature_vtable_lists[current_index], current_index);
- current_index = same_signature_vtable_lists[current_index];
- ArtMethod* current_method = super_vtable_accessor.GetVTableEntry(current_index);
- if (klass->CanAccessMember(current_method->GetDeclaringClass(),
- current_method->GetAccessFlags())) {
- if (current_method->IsFinal()) {
- sants.reset();
- ThrowLinkageError(klass, "Method %s overrides final method in class %s",
- virtual_method->PrettyMethod().c_str(),
- current_method->GetDeclaringClassDescriptor());
- return 0u;
- }
- if (!overrides) {
- overrides = true;
- super_index = current_index;
- super_method = current_method;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (overrides) {
- virtual_method->SetMethodIndex(super_index);
- continue;
- }
- }
- // The method does not override any method from superclass, so it needs a new vtable index.
- virtual_method->SetMethodIndex(vtable_length);
- ++vtable_length;
+ // Loop through each super vtable method and see if they are overridden by a method we added to
+ // the hash table.
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < super_vtable_length; ++j) {
+ // Search the hash table to see if we are overridden by any method.
+ ArtMethod* super_method = super_vtable_accessor.GetVTableEntry(j);
+ if (!klass->CanAccessMember(super_method->GetDeclaringClass(),
+ super_method->GetAccessFlags())) {
+ // Continue on to the next method since this one is package private and cannot be overridden.
+ // Before Android 4.1, the package-private method super_method might have been incorrectly
+ // overridden.
+ continue;
+ }
+ size_t hash = (j < mirror::Object::kVTableLength)
+ ? class_linker_->object_virtual_method_hashes_[j]
+ : ComputeMethodHash(super_method);
+ auto it = declared_virtual_signatures.FindWithHash(super_method, hash);
+ if (it == declared_virtual_signatures.end()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ArtMethod* virtual_method = klass->GetVirtualMethodDuringLinking(*it, kPointerSize);
+ if (super_method->IsFinal()) {
+ sants.reset();
+ ThrowLinkageError(klass, "Method %s overrides final method in class %s",
+ virtual_method->PrettyMethod().c_str(),
+ super_method->GetDeclaringClassDescriptor());
+ return 0u;
+ }
+ if (initialized_methods.IsBitSet(*it)) {
+ // The method is overriding more than one method.
+ // We record that information in a linked list to later set the method in the vtable
+ // locations that are not the method index.
+ if (same_signature_vtable_lists.empty()) {
+ same_signature_vtable_lists = ArrayRef<uint32_t>(
+ allocator_.AllocArray<uint32_t>(super_vtable_length), super_vtable_length);
+ std::fill_n(, super_vtable_length, dex::kDexNoIndex);
+ same_signature_vtable_lists_ = same_signature_vtable_lists;
+ }
+ same_signature_vtable_lists[j] = virtual_method->GetMethodIndexDuringLinking();
+ } else {
+ initialized_methods.SetBit(*it);
+ }
+ // We arbitrarily set to the largest index. This is also expected when
+ // iterating over the `same_signature_vtable_lists_`.
+ virtual_method->SetMethodIndex(j);
+ }
+ // Add the non-overridden methods at the end.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_virtual_methods; ++i) {
+ if (!initialized_methods.IsBitSet(i)) {
+ ArtMethod* local_method = klass->GetVirtualMethodDuringLinking(i, kPointerSize);
+ local_method->SetMethodIndex(vtable_length);
+ vtable_length++;
+ }
+ }
+ // A lazily constructed super vtable set, which we only populate in the less
+ // common sittuation of a superclass implementing a method declared in an
+ // interface this class inherits.
+ // We still try to allocate the set on the stack as using the arena will have
+ // a larger cost.
+ uint32_t* super_vtable_buffer_ptr = bit_vector_buffer_ptr + bit_vector_size;
+ VTableSignatureSet super_vtable_signatures(
+ kMinLoadFactor,
+ kMaxLoadFactor,
+ VTableSignatureHash(super_vtable_accessor),
+ VTableSignatureEqual(super_vtable_accessor),
+ super_vtable_buffer_ptr,
+ super_vtable_buffer_size,
+ allocator_.Adapter());
// Assign vtable indexes for interface methods in new interfaces and store them
// in implementation method arrays. These shall be replaced by actual method
// pointers later. We do not need to do this for superclass interfaces as we can
@@ -8083,38 +8082,39 @@
ArtMethod* interface_method = iface->GetVirtualMethod(j, kPointerSize);
size_t hash = ComputeMethodHash(interface_method);
ArtMethod* vtable_method = nullptr;
- bool found = false;
auto it1 = declared_virtual_signatures.FindWithHash(interface_method, hash);
if (it1 != declared_virtual_signatures.end()) {
- vtable_method = klass->GetVirtualMethodDuringLinking(*it1, kPointerSize);
- found = true;
+ ArtMethod* found_method = klass->GetVirtualMethodDuringLinking(*it1, kPointerSize);
+ // For interface overriding, we only look at public methods.
+ if (found_method->IsPublic()) {
+ vtable_method = found_method;
+ }
} else {
+ // This situation should be rare (a superclass implements a method
+ // declared in an interface this class is inheriting). Only in this case
+ // do we lazily populate the super_vtable_signatures.
+ if (super_vtable_signatures.empty()) {
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < super_vtable_length; ++k) {
+ ArtMethod* super_method = super_vtable_accessor.GetVTableEntry(k);
+ if (!super_method->IsPublic()) {
+ // For interface overriding, we only look at public methods.
+ continue;
+ }
+ size_t super_hash = (k < mirror::Object::kVTableLength)
+ ? class_linker_->object_virtual_method_hashes_[k]
+ : ComputeMethodHash(super_method);
+ auto [it, inserted] = super_vtable_signatures.InsertWithHash(k, super_hash);
+ DCHECK(inserted || super_vtable_accessor.GetVTableEntry(*it) == super_method);
+ }
+ }
auto it2 = super_vtable_signatures.FindWithHash(interface_method, hash);
if (it2 != super_vtable_signatures.end()) {
- // If there are multiple vtable methods with the same signature, the one with
- // the highest vtable index is not nessarily the one in most-derived class.
- // Find the most-derived method. See b/211854716 .
vtable_method = super_vtable_accessor.GetVTableEntry(*it2);
- if (UNLIKELY(!same_signature_vtable_lists.empty())) {
- size_t current_index = *it2;
- while (same_signature_vtable_lists[current_index] != dex::kDexNoIndex) {
- DCHECK_LT(same_signature_vtable_lists[current_index], current_index);
- current_index = same_signature_vtable_lists[current_index];
- ArtMethod* current_method = super_vtable_accessor.GetVTableEntry(current_index);
- ObjPtr<mirror::Class> current_class = current_method->GetDeclaringClass();
- if (current_class->IsSubClass(vtable_method->GetDeclaringClass())) {
- vtable_method = current_method;
- }
- }
- }
- found = true;
- found = found && vtable_method->IsPublic();
uint32_t vtable_index = vtable_length;
- if (found) {
- DCHECK(vtable_method != nullptr);
+ if (vtable_method != nullptr) {
vtable_index = vtable_method->GetMethodIndexDuringLinking();
if (!vtable_method->IsOverridableByDefaultMethod()) {
method_array->SetElementPtrSize(j, vtable_index, kPointerSize);
@@ -8124,7 +8124,7 @@
auto [it, inserted] = copied_method_records_.InsertWithHash(
CopiedMethodRecord(interface_method, vtable_index), hash);
- if (found) {
+ if (vtable_method != nullptr) {
DCHECK_EQ(vtable_index, it->GetMethodIndex());
} else if (inserted) {
DCHECK_EQ(vtable_index, it->GetMethodIndex());
@@ -8464,17 +8464,16 @@
uint32_t vtable_index = virtual_method.GetMethodIndexDuringLinking();
vtable->SetElementPtrSize(vtable_index, &virtual_method, kPointerSize);
if (UNLIKELY(vtable_index < same_signature_vtable_lists.size())) {
- // We may override more than one method according to JLS, see b/211854716 .
- // If we do, arbitrarily update the method index to the lowest overridden vtable index.
+ // We may override more than one method according to JLS, see b/211854716.
while (same_signature_vtable_lists[vtable_index] != dex::kDexNoIndex) {
DCHECK_LT(same_signature_vtable_lists[vtable_index], vtable_index);
vtable_index = same_signature_vtable_lists[vtable_index];
- ArtMethod* current_method = super_class->GetVTableEntry(vtable_index, kPointerSize);
- if (klass->CanAccessMember(current_method->GetDeclaringClass(),
- current_method->GetAccessFlags())) {
+ vtable->SetElementPtrSize(vtable_index, &virtual_method, kPointerSize);
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ ArtMethod* current_method = super_class->GetVTableEntry(vtable_index, kPointerSize);
+ DCHECK(klass->CanAccessMember(current_method->GetDeclaringClass(),
+ current_method->GetAccessFlags()));
- vtable->SetElementPtrSize(vtable_index, &virtual_method, kPointerSize);
- virtual_method.SetMethodIndex(vtable_index);