ART: Added Checker, a pattern matching test engine
This patch adds a Python script which implements a domain-specific
mini-language similar to that of LLVM's FileCheck. It is primarily
intended for writing tests for the optimizing compiler but could be
configured for other use cases too. It is implemented from scratch in
order to avoid dependency on LLVM.
Checker tests are written in Java and dex2oat is invoked with a flag
which dumps the CFG before and after each pass of the optimizing
compiler. The output is then compared against assertions in the
test's comments parsed by Checker. See comments in tools/
for more details about the currently supported language features.
This initial CL implements only one type of assertion - whether the
output contains lines matching a desired pattern in the given order -
but supports both plain text and regex matching and allows for
equivalency testing by matching for the outcome of a previous match.
See the tests in compiler/optimizing/test/ for
Change-Id: I1ad7431b399c38dc0391ccee74d2c643ba0b0675
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..82a1e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Checker is a testing tool which compiles a given test file and compares the
+# state of the control-flow graph before and after each optimization pass
+# against a set of assertions specified alongside the tests.
+# Tests are written in Java, turned into DEX and compiled with the Optimizing
+# compiler. "Check lines" are comments in the Java file which begin with prefix
+# 'CHECK' followed by a pattern that the engine attempts to match in the
+# compiler-generated output.
+# Assertions are tested in groups which correspond to the individual compiler
+# passes. Each group of check lines therefore must start with a 'CHECK-START'
+# header which specifies the output group it should be tested against. The group
+# name must exactly match one of the groups recognized in the output (they can
+# be listed with the '--list-groups' command-line flag).
+# Check line patterns are treated as plain text rather than regular expressions
+# but are whitespace agnostic.
+# Actual regex patterns can be inserted enclosed in '{{' and '}}' brackets. If
+# curly brackets need to be used inside the body of the regex, they need to be
+# enclosed in round brackets. For example, the pattern '{{foo{2}}}' will parse
+# the invalid regex 'foo{2', but '{{(fo{2})}}' will match 'foo'.
+# Regex patterns can be named and referenced later. A new variable is defined
+# with '[[name:regex]]' and can be referenced with '[[name]]'. Variables are
+# only valid within the scope of the defining group. Within a group they cannot
+# be redefined or used undefined.
+# Example:
+# The following assertions can be placed in a Java source file:
+# // CHECK-START: int MyClass.MyMethod() constant_folding (after)
+# // CHECK: [[ID:i[0-9]+]] IntConstant {{11|22}}
+# // CHECK: Return [ [[ID]] ]
+# The engine will attempt to match the check lines against the output of the
+# group named on the first line. Together they verify that the CFG after
+# constant folding returns an integer constant with value either 11 or 22.
+import argparse
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from subprocess import check_call
+class CommonEqualityMixin:
+ """Mixin for class equality as equality of the fields."""
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (isinstance(other, self.__class__)
+ and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not self.__eq__(other)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s: %s>" % (type(self).__name__, str(self.__dict__))
+class CheckElement(CommonEqualityMixin):
+ """Single element of the check line."""
+ class Variant(object):
+ """Supported language constructs."""
+ Text, Pattern, VarRef, VarDef = range(4)
+ def __init__(self, variant, name, pattern):
+ self.variant = variant
+ = name
+ self.pattern = pattern
+ @staticmethod
+ def parseText(text):
+ return CheckElement(CheckElement.Variant.Text, None, re.escape(text))
+ @staticmethod
+ def parsePattern(patternElem):
+ return CheckElement(CheckElement.Variant.Pattern, None, patternElem[2:len(patternElem)-2])
+ @staticmethod
+ def parseVariable(varElem):
+ colonPos = varElem.find(":")
+ if colonPos == -1:
+ # Variable reference
+ name = varElem[2:len(varElem)-2]
+ return CheckElement(CheckElement.Variant.VarRef, name, None)
+ else:
+ # Variable definition
+ name = varElem[2:colonPos]
+ body = varElem[colonPos+1:len(varElem)-2]
+ return CheckElement(CheckElement.Variant.VarDef, name, body)
+class CheckLine(CommonEqualityMixin):
+ """Representation of a single assertion in the check file formed of one or
+ more regex elements. Matching against an output line is successful only
+ if all regex elements can be matched in the given order."""
+ def __init__(self, lineContent, lineNo=-1):
+ lineContent = lineContent.strip()
+ self.lineNo = lineNo
+ self.content = lineContent
+ self.lineParts = self.__parse(lineContent)
+ if not self.lineParts:
+ raise Exception("Empty check line")
+ # Returns True if the given Match object was at the beginning of the line.
+ def __isMatchAtStart(self, match):
+ return (match is not None) and (match.start() == 0)
+ # Takes in a list of Match objects and returns the minimal start point among
+ # them. If there aren't any successful matches it returns the length of
+ # the searched string.
+ def __firstMatch(self, matches, string):
+ starts = map(lambda m: len(string) if m is None else m.start(), matches)
+ return min(starts)
+ # Returns the regex for finding a regex pattern in the check line.
+ def __getPatternRegex(self):
+ rStartSym = "\{\{"
+ rEndSym = "\}\}"
+ rBody = ".+?"
+ return rStartSym + rBody + rEndSym
+ # Returns the regex for finding a variable use in the check line.
+ def __getVariableRegex(self):
+ rStartSym = "\[\["
+ rEndSym = "\]\]"
+ rStartOptional = "("
+ rEndOptional = ")?"
+ rName = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*"
+ rSeparator = ":"
+ rBody = ".+?"
+ return rStartSym + rName + rStartOptional + rSeparator + rBody + rEndOptional + rEndSym
+ # This method parses the content of a check line stripped of the initial
+ # comment symbol and the CHECK keyword.
+ def __parse(self, line):
+ lineParts = []
+ # Loop as long as there is something to parse.
+ while line:
+ # Search for the nearest occurrence of the special markers.
+ matchWhitespace ="\s+", line)
+ matchPattern =, line)
+ matchVariable =, line)
+ # If one of the above was identified at the current position, extract them
+ # from the line, parse them and add to the list of line parts.
+ if self.__isMatchAtStart(matchWhitespace):
+ # We want to be whitespace-agnostic so whenever a check line contains
+ # a whitespace, we add a regex pattern for an arbitrary non-zero number
+ # of whitespaces.
+ line = line[matchWhitespace.end():]
+ lineParts.append(CheckElement.parsePattern("{{\s+}}"))
+ elif self.__isMatchAtStart(matchPattern):
+ pattern = line[0:matchPattern.end()]
+ line = line[matchPattern.end():]
+ lineParts.append(CheckElement.parsePattern(pattern))
+ elif self.__isMatchAtStart(matchVariable):
+ var = line[0:matchVariable.end()]
+ line = line[matchVariable.end():]
+ lineParts.append(CheckElement.parseVariable(var))
+ else:
+ # If we're not currently looking at a special marker, this is a plain
+ # text match all the way until the first special marker (or the end
+ # of the line).
+ firstMatch = self.__firstMatch([ matchWhitespace, matchPattern, matchVariable ], line)
+ text = line[0:firstMatch]
+ line = line[firstMatch:]
+ lineParts.append(CheckElement.parseText(text))
+ return lineParts
+ # Returns the regex pattern to be matched in the output line. Variable
+ # references are substituted with their current values provided in the
+ # 'varState' argument.
+ # An exception is raised if a referenced variable is undefined.
+ def __generatePattern(self, linePart, varState):
+ if linePart.variant == CheckElement.Variant.VarRef:
+ try:
+ return re.escape(varState[])
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Exception("Use of undefined variable '" + + "' " +
+ "(line " + str(self.lineNo))
+ else:
+ return linePart.pattern
+ # Attempts to match the check line against a line from the output file with
+ # the given initial variable values. It returns the new variable state if
+ # successful and None otherwise.
+ def match(self, outputLine, initialVarState):
+ initialSearchFrom = 0
+ initialPattern = self.__generatePattern(self.lineParts[0], initialVarState)
+ while True:
+ # Search for the first element on the regex parts list. This will mark
+ # the point on the line from which we will attempt to match the rest of
+ # the check pattern. If this iteration produces only a partial match,
+ # the next iteration will start searching further in the output.
+ firstMatch =, outputLine[initialSearchFrom:])
+ if firstMatch is None:
+ return None
+ matchStart = initialSearchFrom + firstMatch.start()
+ initialSearchFrom += firstMatch.start() + 1
+ # Do the full matching on a shadow copy of the variable state. If the
+ # matching fails half-way, we will not need to revert the state.
+ varState = dict(initialVarState)
+ # Now try to parse all of the parts of the check line in the right order.
+ # Variable values are updated on-the-fly, meaning that a variable can
+ # be referenced immediately after its definition.
+ fullyMatched = True
+ for part in self.lineParts:
+ pattern = self.__generatePattern(part, varState)
+ match = re.match(pattern, outputLine[matchStart:])
+ if match is None:
+ fullyMatched = False
+ break
+ matchEnd = matchStart + match.end()
+ if part.variant == CheckElement.Variant.VarDef:
+ if in varState:
+ raise Exception("Redefinition of variable '" + + "'" +
+ " (line " + str(self.lineNo) + ")")
+ varState[] = outputLine[matchStart:matchEnd]
+ matchStart = matchEnd
+ # Return the new variable state if all parts were successfully matched.
+ # Otherwise loop and try to find another start point on the same line.
+ if fullyMatched:
+ return varState
+class CheckGroup(CommonEqualityMixin):
+ """Represents a named collection of check lines which are to be matched
+ against an output group of the same name."""
+ def __init__(self, name, lines):
+ if name:
+ = name
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Check group does not have a name")
+ if lines:
+ self.lines = lines
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Check group " + + " does not have a body")
+ def __headAndTail(self, list):
+ return list[0], list[1:]
+ # The driver of matching inside a group. It simultaneously reads lines from
+ # the output and check groups and attempts to match them against each other
+ # in the correct order.
+ def match(self, outputGroup):
+ readOutputLines = 0
+ lastMatch = 0
+ # Check and output lines which remain to be matched.
+ checkLines = self.lines
+ outputLines = outputGroup.body
+ varState = {}
+ # Retrieve the next check line.
+ while checkLines:
+ checkLine, checkLines = self.__headAndTail(checkLines)
+ foundMatch = False
+ # Retrieve the next output line.
+ while outputLines:
+ outputLine, outputLines = self.__headAndTail(outputLines)
+ readOutputLines += 1
+ # Try to match the current lines against each other. If successful,
+ # save the new state of variables and continue to the next check line.
+ newVarState = checkLine.match(outputLine, varState)
+ if newVarState is not None:
+ varState = newVarState
+ lastMatch = readOutputLines
+ foundMatch = True
+ break
+ if not foundMatch:
+ raise Exception("Could not match check line \"" + checkLine.content + "\" from line " +
+ str(lastMatch+1) + " of the output. [vars=" + str(varState) + "]")
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse(name, lines):
+ return CheckGroup(name, list(map(lambda line: CheckLine(line), lines)))
+class OutputGroup(CommonEqualityMixin):
+ """Represents a named part of the test output against which a check group of
+ the same name is to be matched."""
+ def __init__(self, name, body):
+ if name:
+ = name
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Output group does not have a name")
+ if body:
+ self.body = body
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Output group " + + " does not have a body")
+class FileSplitMixin(object):
+ """Mixin for representing text files which need to be split into smaller
+ chunks before being parsed."""
+ def _parseStream(self, stream):
+ lineNo = 0
+ allGroups = []
+ currentGroup = None
+ for line in stream:
+ lineNo += 1
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ # Let the child class process the line and return information about it.
+ # The _processLine method can modify the content of the line (or delete it
+ # entirely) and specify whether it starts a new group.
+ processedLine, newGroupName = self._processLine(line, lineNo)
+ if newGroupName is not None:
+ currentGroup = (newGroupName, [])
+ allGroups.append(currentGroup)
+ if processedLine is not None:
+ currentGroup[1].append(processedLine)
+ # Finally, take the generated line groups and let the child class process
+ # each one before storing the final outcome.
+ return list(map(lambda group: self._processGroup(group[0], group[1]), allGroups))
+class CheckFile(FileSplitMixin):
+ """Collection of check groups extracted from the input test file."""
+ def __init__(self, prefix, checkStream):
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ self.groups = self._parseStream(checkStream)
+ # Attempts to parse a check line. The regex searches for a comment symbol
+ # followed by the CHECK keyword, given attribute and a colon at the very
+ # beginning of the line. Whitespaces are ignored.
+ def _extractLine(self, prefix, line):
+ ignoreWhitespace = "\s*"
+ commentSymbols = ["//", "#"]
+ prefixRegex = ignoreWhitespace + \
+ "(" + "|".join(commentSymbols) + ")" + \
+ ignoreWhitespace + \
+ prefix + ":"
+ # The 'match' function succeeds only if the pattern is matched at the
+ # beginning of the line.
+ match = re.match(prefixRegex, line)
+ if match is not None:
+ return line[match.end():].strip()
+ else:
+ return None
+ def _processLine(self, line, lineNo):
+ startLine = self._extractLine(self.prefix + "-START", line)
+ if startLine is not None:
+ # Line starts with the CHECK-START keyword, start a new group
+ return (None, startLine)
+ else:
+ # Otherwise try to parse it as a standard CHECK line. If unsuccessful,
+ # _extractLine will return None and the line will be ignored.
+ return (self._extractLine(self.prefix, line), None)
+ def _exceptionLineOutsideGroup(self, line, lineNo):
+ raise Exception("Check file line lies outside a group (line " + str(lineNo) + ")")
+ def _processGroup(self, name, lines):
+ return CheckGroup.parse(name, lines)
+ def match(self, outputFile, printInfo=False):
+ for checkGroup in self.groups:
+ # TODO: Currently does not handle multiple occurrences of the same group
+ # name, e.g. when a pass is run multiple times. It will always try to
+ # match a check group against the first output group of the same name.
+ outputGroup = outputFile.findGroup(
+ if outputGroup is None:
+ raise Exception("Group " + + " not found in the output")
+ if printInfo:
+ print("TEST " + + "... ", end="", flush=True)
+ try:
+ checkGroup.match(outputGroup)
+ if printInfo:
+ print("PASSED")
+ except Exception as e:
+ if printInfo:
+ print("FAILED!")
+ raise e
+class OutputFile(FileSplitMixin):
+ """Representation of the output generated by the test and split into groups
+ within which the checks are performed.
+ C1visualizer format is parsed with a state machine which differentiates
+ between the 'compilation' and 'cfg' blocks. The former marks the beginning
+ of a method. It is parsed for the method's name but otherwise ignored. Each
+ subsequent CFG block represents one stage of the compilation pipeline and
+ is parsed into an output group named "<method name> <pass name>".
+ """
+ class ParsingState:
+ OutsideBlock, InsideCompilationBlock, StartingCfgBlock, InsideCfgBlock = range(4)
+ def __init__(self, outputStream):
+ # Initialize the state machine
+ self.lastMethodName = None
+ self.state = OutputFile.ParsingState.OutsideBlock
+ self.groups = self._parseStream(outputStream)
+ def _processLine(self, line, lineNo):
+ if self.state == OutputFile.ParsingState.StartingCfgBlock:
+ # Previous line started a new 'cfg' block which means that this one must
+ # contain the name of the pass (this is enforced by C1visualizer).
+ if re.match("name\s+\"[^\"]+\"", line):
+ # Extract the pass name, prepend it with the name of the method and
+ # return as the beginning of a new group.
+ self.state = OutputFile.ParsingState.InsideCfgBlock
+ return (None, self.lastMethodName + " " + line.split("\"")[1])
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Expected group name in output file (line " + str(lineNo) + ")")
+ elif self.state == OutputFile.ParsingState.InsideCfgBlock:
+ if line == "end_cfg":
+ self.state = OutputFile.ParsingState.OutsideBlock
+ return (None, None)
+ else:
+ return (line, None)
+ elif self.state == OutputFile.ParsingState.InsideCompilationBlock:
+ # Search for the method's name. Format: method "<name>"
+ if re.match("method\s+\"[^\"]+\"", line):
+ self.lastMethodName = line.split("\"")[1]
+ elif line == "end_compilation":
+ self.state = OutputFile.ParsingState.OutsideBlock
+ return (None, None)
+ else: # self.state == OutputFile.ParsingState.OutsideBlock:
+ if line == "begin_cfg":
+ # The line starts a new group but we'll wait until the next line from
+ # which we can extract the name of the pass.
+ if self.lastMethodName is None:
+ raise Exception("Output contains a pass without a method header" +
+ " (line " + str(lineNo) + ")")
+ self.state = OutputFile.ParsingState.StartingCfgBlock
+ return (None, None)
+ elif line == "begin_compilation":
+ self.state = OutputFile.ParsingState.InsideCompilationBlock
+ return (None, None)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Output line lies outside a group (line " + str(lineNo) + ")")
+ def _processGroup(self, name, lines):
+ return OutputGroup(name, lines)
+ def findGroup(self, name):
+ for group in self.groups:
+ if == name:
+ return group
+ return None
+def ParseArguments():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("test_file", help="the source of the test with checking annotations")
+ parser.add_argument("--check-prefix", dest="check_prefix", default="CHECK", metavar="PREFIX",
+ help="prefix of checks in the test file (default: CHECK)")
+ parser.add_argument("--list-groups", dest="list_groups", action="store_true",
+ help="print a list of all groups found in the test output")
+ parser.add_argument("--dump-group", dest="dump_group", metavar="GROUP",
+ help="print the contents of an output group")
+ return parser.parse_args()
+class cd:
+ """Helper class which temporarily changes the working directory."""
+ def __init__(self, newPath):
+ self.newPath = newPath
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.savedPath = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.newPath)
+ def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback):
+ os.chdir(self.savedPath)
+def CompileTest(inputFile, tempFolder):
+ classFolder = tempFolder + "/classes"
+ dexFile = tempFolder + "/test.dex"
+ oatFile = tempFolder + "/test.oat"
+ outputFile = tempFolder + "/art.cfg"
+ os.makedirs(classFolder)
+ # Build a DEX from the source file. We pass "--no-optimize" to dx to avoid
+ # interference with its optimizations.
+ check_call(["javac", "-d", classFolder, inputFile])
+ check_call(["dx", "--dex", "--no-optimize", "--output=" + dexFile, classFolder])
+ # Run dex2oat and export the HGraph. The output is stored into ${PWD}/art.cfg.
+ with cd(tempFolder):
+ check_call(["dex2oat", "-j1", "--dump-passes", "--compiler-backend=Optimizing",
+ "--android-root=" + os.environ["ANDROID_HOST_OUT"],
+ "--boot-image=" + os.environ["ANDROID_HOST_OUT"] + "/framework/",
+ "--runtime-arg", "-Xnorelocate", "--dex-file=" + dexFile, "--oat-file=" + oatFile])
+ return outputFile
+def ListGroups(outputFilename):
+ outputFile = OutputFile(open(outputFilename, "r"))
+ for group in outputFile.groups:
+ print(
+def DumpGroup(outputFilename, groupName):
+ outputFile = OutputFile(open(outputFilename, "r"))
+ group = outputFile.findGroup(groupName)
+ if group:
+ print("\n".join(group.body))
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Check group " + groupName + " not found in the output")
+def RunChecks(checkPrefix, checkFilename, outputFilename):
+ checkFile = CheckFile(checkPrefix, open(checkFilename, "r"))
+ outputFile = OutputFile(open(outputFilename, "r"))
+ checkFile.match(outputFile, True)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = ParseArguments()
+ tempFolder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ try:
+ outputFile = CompileTest(args.test_file, tempFolder)
+ if args.list_groups:
+ ListGroups(outputFile)
+ elif args.dump_group:
+ DumpGroup(outputFile, args.dump_group)
+ else:
+ RunChecks(args.check_prefix, args.test_file, outputFile)
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(tempFolder)
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f69f9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This is a test file which exercises all feautres supported by the domain-
+# specific markup language implemented by Checker.
+import checker
+import io
+import unittest
+class TestCheckFile_PrefixExtraction(unittest.TestCase):
+ def __tryParse(self, string):
+ checkFile = checker.CheckFile(None, [])
+ return checkFile._extractLine("CHECK", string)
+ def test_InvalidFormat(self):
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse("CHECK"))
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse(":CHECK"))
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse("CHECK:"))
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse("//CHECK"))
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse("#CHECK"))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.__tryParse("//CHECK:foo"))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.__tryParse("#CHECK:bar"))
+ def test_InvalidLabel(self):
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse("//ACHECK:foo"))
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse("#ACHECK:foo"))
+ def test_NotFirstOnTheLine(self):
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse("A// CHECK: foo"))
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse("A # CHECK: foo"))
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse("// // CHECK: foo"))
+ self.assertIsNone(self.__tryParse("# # CHECK: foo"))
+ def test_WhitespaceAgnostic(self):
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.__tryParse(" //CHECK: foo"))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.__tryParse("// CHECK: foo"))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.__tryParse(" //CHECK: foo"))
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.__tryParse("// CHECK: foo"))
+class TestCheckLine_Parse(unittest.TestCase):
+ def __getRegex(self, checkLine):
+ return "".join(map(lambda x: "(" + x.pattern + ")", checkLine.lineParts))
+ def __tryParse(self, string):
+ return checker.CheckLine(string)
+ def __parsesTo(self, string, expected):
+ self.assertEqual(expected, self.__getRegex(self.__tryParse(string)))
+ def __parsesPattern(self, string, pattern):
+ line = self.__tryParse(string)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(line.lineParts))
+ self.assertEqual(checker.CheckElement.Variant.Pattern, line.lineParts[0].variant)
+ self.assertEqual(pattern, line.lineParts[0].pattern)
+ def __parsesVarRef(self, string, name):
+ line = self.__tryParse(string)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(line.lineParts))
+ self.assertEqual(checker.CheckElement.Variant.VarRef, line.lineParts[0].variant)
+ self.assertEqual(name, line.lineParts[0].name)
+ def __parsesVarDef(self, string, name, body):
+ line = self.__tryParse(string)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(line.lineParts))
+ self.assertEqual(checker.CheckElement.Variant.VarDef, line.lineParts[0].variant)
+ self.assertEqual(name, line.lineParts[0].name)
+ self.assertEqual(body, line.lineParts[0].pattern)
+ def __doesNotParse(self, string, partType):
+ line = self.__tryParse(string)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(line.lineParts))
+ self.assertNotEqual(partType, line.lineParts[0].variant)
+ # Test that individual parts of the line are recognized
+ def test_TextOnly(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("foo", "(foo)")
+ self.__parsesTo(" foo ", "(foo)")
+ self.__parsesTo("f$o^o", "(f\$o\^o)")
+ def test_TextWithWhitespace(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("foo bar", "(foo)(\s+)(bar)")
+ self.__parsesTo("foo bar", "(foo)(\s+)(bar)")
+ def test_RegexOnly(self):
+ self.__parsesPattern("{{a?b.c}}", "a?b.c")
+ def test_VarRefOnly(self):
+ self.__parsesVarRef("[[ABC]]", "ABC")
+ def test_VarDefOnly(self):
+ self.__parsesVarDef("[[ABC:a?b.c]]", "ABC", "a?b.c")
+ def test_TextWithRegex(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("foo{{abc}}bar", "(foo)(abc)(bar)")
+ def test_TextWithVar(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("foo[[ABC:abc]]bar", "(foo)(abc)(bar)")
+ def test_PlainWithRegexAndWhitespaces(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("foo {{abc}}bar", "(foo)(\s+)(abc)(bar)")
+ self.__parsesTo("foo{{abc}} bar", "(foo)(abc)(\s+)(bar)")
+ self.__parsesTo("foo {{abc}} bar", "(foo)(\s+)(abc)(\s+)(bar)")
+ def test_PlainWithVarAndWhitespaces(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("foo [[ABC:abc]]bar", "(foo)(\s+)(abc)(bar)")
+ self.__parsesTo("foo[[ABC:abc]] bar", "(foo)(abc)(\s+)(bar)")
+ self.__parsesTo("foo [[ABC:abc]] bar", "(foo)(\s+)(abc)(\s+)(bar)")
+ def test_AllKinds(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("foo [[ABC:abc]]{{def}}bar", "(foo)(\s+)(abc)(def)(bar)")
+ self.__parsesTo("foo[[ABC:abc]] {{def}}bar", "(foo)(abc)(\s+)(def)(bar)")
+ self.__parsesTo("foo [[ABC:abc]] {{def}} bar", "(foo)(\s+)(abc)(\s+)(def)(\s+)(bar)")
+ # Test that variables and patterns are parsed correctly
+ def test_ValidPattern(self):
+ self.__parsesPattern("{{abc}}", "abc")
+ self.__parsesPattern("{{a[b]c}}", "a[b]c")
+ self.__parsesPattern("{{(a{bc})}}", "(a{bc})")
+ def test_ValidRef(self):
+ self.__parsesVarRef("[[ABC]]", "ABC")
+ self.__parsesVarRef("[[A1BC2]]", "A1BC2")
+ def test_ValidDef(self):
+ self.__parsesVarDef("[[ABC:abc]]", "ABC", "abc")
+ self.__parsesVarDef("[[ABC:ab:c]]", "ABC", "ab:c")
+ self.__parsesVarDef("[[ABC:a[b]c]]", "ABC", "a[b]c")
+ self.__parsesVarDef("[[ABC:(a[bc])]]", "ABC", "(a[bc])")
+ def test_Empty(self):
+ self.__doesNotParse("{{}}", checker.CheckElement.Variant.Pattern)
+ self.__doesNotParse("[[]]", checker.CheckElement.Variant.VarRef)
+ self.__doesNotParse("[[:]]", checker.CheckElement.Variant.VarDef)
+ def test_InvalidVarName(self):
+ self.__doesNotParse("[[0ABC]]", checker.CheckElement.Variant.VarRef)
+ self.__doesNotParse("[[AB=C]]", checker.CheckElement.Variant.VarRef)
+ self.__doesNotParse("[[ABC=]]", checker.CheckElement.Variant.VarRef)
+ self.__doesNotParse("[[0ABC:abc]]", checker.CheckElement.Variant.VarDef)
+ self.__doesNotParse("[[AB=C:abc]]", checker.CheckElement.Variant.VarDef)
+ self.__doesNotParse("[[ABC=:abc]]", checker.CheckElement.Variant.VarDef)
+ def test_BodyMatchNotGreedy(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("{{abc}}{{def}}", "(abc)(def)")
+ self.__parsesTo("[[ABC:abc]][[DEF:def]]", "(abc)(def)")
+class TestCheckLine_Match(unittest.TestCase):
+ def __matchSingle(self, checkString, outputString, varState={}):
+ checkLine = checker.CheckLine(checkString)
+ newVarState = checkLine.match(outputString, varState)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(newVarState)
+ return newVarState
+ def __notMatchSingle(self, checkString, outputString, varState={}):
+ checkLine = checker.CheckLine(checkString)
+ self.assertIsNone(checkLine.match(outputString, varState))
+ def test_TextAndWhitespace(self):
+ self.__matchSingle("foo", "foo")
+ self.__matchSingle("foo", "XfooX")
+ self.__matchSingle("foo", "foo bar")
+ self.__notMatchSingle("foo", "zoo")
+ self.__matchSingle("foo bar", "foo bar")
+ self.__matchSingle("foo bar", "abc foo bar def")
+ self.__matchSingle("foo bar", "foo foo bar bar")
+ self.__notMatchSingle("foo bar", "foo abc bar")
+ def test_Pattern(self):
+ self.__matchSingle("foo{{A|B}}bar", "fooAbar")
+ self.__matchSingle("foo{{A|B}}bar", "fooBbar")
+ self.__notMatchSingle("foo{{A|B}}bar", "fooCbar")
+ def test_VariableReference(self):
+ self.__matchSingle("foo[[X]]bar", "foobar", {"X": ""})
+ self.__matchSingle("foo[[X]]bar", "fooAbar", {"X": "A"})
+ self.__matchSingle("foo[[X]]bar", "fooBbar", {"X": "B"})
+ self.__notMatchSingle("foo[[X]]bar", "foobar", {"X": "A"})
+ self.__notMatchSingle("foo[[X]]bar", "foo bar", {"X": "A"})
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ self.__matchSingle("foo[[X]]bar", "foobar", {})
+ def test_VariableDefinition(self):
+ self.__matchSingle("foo[[X:A|B]]bar", "fooAbar")
+ self.__matchSingle("foo[[X:A|B]]bar", "fooBbar")
+ self.__notMatchSingle("foo[[X:A|B]]bar", "fooCbar")
+ env = self.__matchSingle("foo[[X:A.*B]]bar", "fooABbar", {})
+ self.assertEqual(env, {"X": "AB"})
+ env = self.__matchSingle("foo[[X:A.*B]]bar", "fooAxxBbar", {})
+ self.assertEqual(env, {"X": "AxxB"})
+ self.__matchSingle("foo[[X:A|B]]bar[[X]]baz", "fooAbarAbaz")
+ self.__matchSingle("foo[[X:A|B]]bar[[X]]baz", "fooBbarBbaz")
+ self.__notMatchSingle("foo[[X:A|B]]bar[[X]]baz", "fooAbarBbaz")
+ def test_NoVariableRedefinition(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ self.__matchSingle("[[X:...]][[X]][[X:...]][[X]]", "foofoobarbar")
+ def test_EnvNotChangedOnPartialMatch(self):
+ env = {"Y": "foo"}
+ self.__notMatchSingle("[[X:A]]bar", "Abaz", env)
+ self.assertFalse("X" in env.keys())
+ def test_VariableContentEscaped(self):
+ self.__matchSingle("[[X:..]]foo[[X]]", ".*foo.*")
+ self.__notMatchSingle("[[X:..]]foo[[X]]", ".*fooAAAA")
+class TestCheckGroup_Match(unittest.TestCase):
+ def __matchMulti(self, checkString, outputString):
+ checkGroup = checker.CheckGroup.parse("MyGroup", checkString.splitlines())
+ outputGroup = checker.OutputGroup("MyGroup", outputString.splitlines())
+ return checkGroup.match(outputGroup)
+ def __notMatchMulti(self, checkString, outputString):
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ self.__matchMulti(checkString, outputString)
+ def test_TextAndPattern(self):
+ self.__matchMulti("""foo bar
+ abc {{def}}""",
+ """foo bar
+ abc def""");
+ self.__matchMulti("""foo bar
+ abc {{de.}}""",
+ """=======
+ foo bar
+ =======
+ abc de#
+ =======""");
+ self.__notMatchMulti("""//XYZ: foo bar
+ //XYZ: abc {{def}}""",
+ """=======
+ foo bar
+ =======
+ abc de#
+ =======""");
+ def test_Variables(self):
+ self.__matchMulti("""foo[[X:.]]bar
+ abc[[X]]def""",
+ """foo bar
+ abc def""");
+ self.__matchMulti("""foo[[X:([0-9]+)]]bar
+ abc[[X]]def
+ ### [[X]] ###""",
+ """foo1234bar
+ abc1234def
+ ### 1234 ###""");
+ def test_Ordering(self):
+ self.__matchMulti("""foo
+ bar""",
+ """foo
+ bar""")
+ self.__notMatchMulti("""foo
+ bar""",
+ """bar
+ foo""")
+class TestOutputFile_Parse(unittest.TestCase):
+ def __parsesTo(self, string, expected):
+ outputStream = io.StringIO(string)
+ return self.assertEqual(checker.OutputFile(outputStream).groups, expected)
+ def test_NoInput(self):
+ self.__parsesTo(None, [])
+ self.__parsesTo("", [])
+ def test_SingleGroup(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("""begin_compilation
+ method "MyMethod"
+ end_compilation
+ begin_cfg
+ name "pass1"
+ foo
+ bar
+ end_cfg""",
+ [ checker.OutputGroup("MyMethod pass1", [ "foo", "bar" ]) ])
+ def test_MultipleGroups(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("""begin_compilation
+ name "xyz1"
+ method "MyMethod1"
+ date 1234
+ end_compilation
+ begin_cfg
+ name "pass1"
+ foo
+ bar
+ end_cfg
+ begin_cfg
+ name "pass2"
+ abc
+ def
+ end_cfg""",
+ [ checker.OutputGroup("MyMethod1 pass1", [ "foo", "bar" ]),
+ checker.OutputGroup("MyMethod1 pass2", [ "abc", "def" ]) ])
+ self.__parsesTo("""begin_compilation
+ name "xyz1"
+ method "MyMethod1"
+ date 1234
+ end_compilation
+ begin_cfg
+ name "pass1"
+ foo
+ bar
+ end_cfg
+ begin_compilation
+ name "xyz2"
+ method "MyMethod2"
+ date 5678
+ end_compilation
+ begin_cfg
+ name "pass2"
+ abc
+ def
+ end_cfg""",
+ [ checker.OutputGroup("MyMethod1 pass1", [ "foo", "bar" ]),
+ checker.OutputGroup("MyMethod2 pass2", [ "abc", "def" ]) ])
+class TestCheckFile_Parse(unittest.TestCase):
+ def __parsesTo(self, string, expected):
+ checkStream = io.StringIO(string)
+ return self.assertEqual(checker.CheckFile("CHECK", checkStream).groups, expected)
+ def test_NoInput(self):
+ self.__parsesTo(None, [])
+ self.__parsesTo("", [])
+ def test_SingleGroup(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("""// CHECK-START: Example Group
+ // CHECK: foo
+ // CHECK: bar""",
+ [ checker.CheckGroup.parse("Example Group", [ "foo", "bar" ]) ])
+ def test_MultipleGroups(self):
+ self.__parsesTo("""// CHECK-START: Example Group1
+ // CHECK: foo
+ // CHECK: bar
+ // CHECK-START: Example Group2
+ // CHECK: abc
+ // CHECK: def""",
+ [ checker.CheckGroup.parse("Example Group1", [ "foo", "bar" ]),
+ checker.CheckGroup.parse("Example Group2", [ "abc", "def" ]) ])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()