Intrinsify System.arraycopy.
Currently on x64, will do the other architectures in
different changes.
Change-Id: I15fbbadb450dd21787809759a8b14b21b1e42624
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 8a0c8c2..7e27aa6 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@
bool CanEnsureNotNullAt(HInstruction* instr, HInstruction* at) const;
+ void SimplifySystemArrayCopy(HInvoke* invoke);
+ void SimplifyStringEquals(HInvoke* invoke);
OptimizingCompilerStats* stats_;
bool simplification_occurred_ = false;
int simplifications_at_current_position_ = 0;
@@ -1039,28 +1042,100 @@
-void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitInvoke(HInvoke* instruction) {
- if (instruction->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kStringEquals) {
- HInstruction* argument = instruction->InputAt(1);
- HInstruction* receiver = instruction->InputAt(0);
- if (receiver == argument) {
- // Because String.equals is an instance call, the receiver is
- // a null check if we don't know it's null. The argument however, will
- // be the actual object. So we cannot end up in a situation where both
- // are equal but could be null.
- DCHECK(CanEnsureNotNullAt(argument, instruction));
- instruction->ReplaceWith(GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(1));
- instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
- } else {
- StringEqualsOptimizations optimizations(instruction);
- if (CanEnsureNotNullAt(argument, instruction)) {
- optimizations.SetArgumentNotNull();
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::SimplifyStringEquals(HInvoke* instruction) {
+ HInstruction* argument = instruction->InputAt(1);
+ HInstruction* receiver = instruction->InputAt(0);
+ if (receiver == argument) {
+ // Because String.equals is an instance call, the receiver is
+ // a null check if we don't know it's null. The argument however, will
+ // be the actual object. So we cannot end up in a situation where both
+ // are equal but could be null.
+ DCHECK(CanEnsureNotNullAt(argument, instruction));
+ instruction->ReplaceWith(GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(1));
+ instruction->GetBlock()->RemoveInstruction(instruction);
+ } else {
+ StringEqualsOptimizations optimizations(instruction);
+ if (CanEnsureNotNullAt(argument, instruction)) {
+ optimizations.SetArgumentNotNull();
+ }
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+ ReferenceTypeInfo argument_rti = argument->GetReferenceTypeInfo();
+ if (argument_rti.IsValid() && argument_rti.IsStringClass()) {
+ optimizations.SetArgumentIsString();
+ }
+ }
+static bool IsArrayLengthOf(HInstruction* potential_length, HInstruction* potential_array) {
+ if (potential_length->IsArrayLength()) {
+ return potential_length->InputAt(0) == potential_array;
+ }
+ if (potential_array->IsNewArray()) {
+ return potential_array->InputAt(0) == potential_length;
+ }
+ return false;
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::SimplifySystemArrayCopy(HInvoke* instruction) {
+ HInstruction* source = instruction->InputAt(0);
+ HInstruction* destination = instruction->InputAt(2);
+ HInstruction* count = instruction->InputAt(4);
+ SystemArrayCopyOptimizations optimizations(instruction);
+ if (CanEnsureNotNullAt(source, instruction)) {
+ optimizations.SetSourceIsNotNull();
+ }
+ if (CanEnsureNotNullAt(destination, instruction)) {
+ optimizations.SetDestinationIsNotNull();
+ }
+ if (destination == source) {
+ optimizations.SetDestinationIsSource();
+ }
+ if (IsArrayLengthOf(count, source)) {
+ optimizations.SetCountIsSourceLength();
+ }
+ if (IsArrayLengthOf(count, destination)) {
+ optimizations.SetCountIsDestinationLength();
+ }
+ {
+ ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
+ ReferenceTypeInfo destination_rti = destination->GetReferenceTypeInfo();
+ if (destination_rti.IsValid()) {
+ if (destination_rti.IsObjectArray()) {
+ if (destination_rti.IsExact()) {
+ optimizations.SetDoesNotNeedTypeCheck();
+ }
+ optimizations.SetDestinationIsTypedObjectArray();
- ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
- if (argument->GetReferenceTypeInfo().IsStringClass()) {
- optimizations.SetArgumentIsString();
+ if (destination_rti.IsPrimitiveArrayClass()) {
+ optimizations.SetDestinationIsPrimitiveArray();
+ } else if (destination_rti.IsNonPrimitiveArrayClass()) {
+ optimizations.SetDestinationIsNonPrimitiveArray();
+ ReferenceTypeInfo source_rti = source->GetReferenceTypeInfo();
+ if (source_rti.IsValid()) {
+ if (destination_rti.IsValid() && destination_rti.CanArrayHoldValuesOf(source_rti)) {
+ optimizations.SetDoesNotNeedTypeCheck();
+ }
+ if (source_rti.IsPrimitiveArrayClass()) {
+ optimizations.SetSourceIsPrimitiveArray();
+ } else if (source_rti.IsNonPrimitiveArrayClass()) {
+ optimizations.SetSourceIsNonPrimitiveArray();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void InstructionSimplifierVisitor::VisitInvoke(HInvoke* instruction) {
+ if (instruction->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kStringEquals) {
+ SimplifyStringEquals(instruction);
+ } else if (instruction->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kSystemArrayCopy) {
+ SimplifySystemArrayCopy(instruction);