Merge "MIPS32: Fuse long and FP compare & condition in Optimizing." am: cbf8af898e
am: c28f034d4c
* commit 'c28f034d4cd2ca05d4c94b6ffb233b3e6305bcda':
MIPS32: Fuse long and FP compare & condition in Optimizing.
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index a23e5ef..99a0982 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -1956,11 +1956,8 @@
void LocationsBuilderMIPS::VisitCompare(HCompare* compare) {
Primitive::Type in_type = compare->InputAt(0)->GetType();
- LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(in_type)
- ? LocationSummary::kCall
- : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
- LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(compare, call_kind);
+ LocationSummary* locations =
+ new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(compare, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
switch (in_type) {
case Primitive::kPrimLong:
@@ -1971,13 +1968,11 @@
case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
- case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
- InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
- locations->SetInAt(0, Location::FpuRegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetFpuRegisterAt(0)));
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::FpuRegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetFpuRegisterAt(1)));
- locations->SetOut(calling_convention.GetReturnLocation(Primitive::kPrimInt));
+ case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
- }
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for compare operation " << in_type;
@@ -1986,7 +1981,10 @@
void InstructionCodeGeneratorMIPS::VisitCompare(HCompare* instruction) {
LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
+ Register res = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
Primitive::Type in_type = instruction->InputAt(0)->GetType();
+ bool gt_bias = instruction->IsGtBias();
+ bool isR6 = codegen_->GetInstructionSetFeatures().IsR6();
// 0 if: left == right
// 1 if: left > right
@@ -1994,7 +1992,6 @@
switch (in_type) {
case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
MipsLabel done;
- Register res = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
Register lhs_high = locations->InAt(0).AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
Register lhs_low = locations->InAt(0).AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
Register rhs_high = locations->InAt(1).AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
@@ -2011,45 +2008,82 @@
- case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
+ case Primitive::kPrimFloat: {
+ FRegister lhs = locations->InAt(0).AsFpuRegister<FRegister>();
+ FRegister rhs = locations->InAt(1).AsFpuRegister<FRegister>();
+ MipsLabel done;
+ if (isR6) {
+ __ CmpEqS(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, 0);
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, &done);
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CmpLtS(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, -1);
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, &done);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, 1);
+ } else {
+ __ CmpLtS(FTMP, rhs, lhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, 1);
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, &done);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, -1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ ColtS(0, lhs, rhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, -1);
+ __ Bc1t(0, &done);
+ __ CeqS(0, lhs, rhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, 1);
+ __ Movt(res, ZERO, 0);
+ } else {
+ __ ColtS(0, rhs, lhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, 1);
+ __ Bc1t(0, &done);
+ __ CeqS(0, lhs, rhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, -1);
+ __ Movt(res, ZERO, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ __ Bind(&done);
+ break;
+ }
case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
- int32_t entry_point_offset;
- bool direct;
- if (in_type == Primitive::kPrimFloat) {
- if (instruction->IsGtBias()) {
- entry_point_offset = QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pCmpgFloat);
- direct = IsDirectEntrypoint(kQuickCmpgFloat);
+ FRegister lhs = locations->InAt(0).AsFpuRegister<FRegister>();
+ FRegister rhs = locations->InAt(1).AsFpuRegister<FRegister>();
+ MipsLabel done;
+ if (isR6) {
+ __ CmpEqD(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, 0);
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, &done);
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CmpLtD(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, -1);
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, &done);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, 1);
} else {
- entry_point_offset = QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pCmplFloat);
- direct = IsDirectEntrypoint(kQuickCmplFloat);
+ __ CmpLtD(FTMP, rhs, lhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, 1);
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, &done);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, -1);
} else {
- if (instruction->IsGtBias()) {
- entry_point_offset = QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pCmpgDouble);
- direct = IsDirectEntrypoint(kQuickCmpgDouble);
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ ColtD(0, lhs, rhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, -1);
+ __ Bc1t(0, &done);
+ __ CeqD(0, lhs, rhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, 1);
+ __ Movt(res, ZERO, 0);
} else {
- entry_point_offset = QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pCmplDouble);
- direct = IsDirectEntrypoint(kQuickCmplDouble);
+ __ ColtD(0, rhs, lhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, 1);
+ __ Bc1t(0, &done);
+ __ CeqD(0, lhs, rhs);
+ __ LoadConst32(res, -1);
+ __ Movt(res, ZERO, 0);
- codegen_->InvokeRuntime(entry_point_offset,
- instruction,
- instruction->GetDexPc(),
- nullptr,
- direct);
- if (in_type == Primitive::kPrimFloat) {
- if (instruction->IsGtBias()) {
- CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickCmpgFloat, int32_t, float, float>();
- } else {
- CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickCmplFloat, int32_t, float, float>();
- }
- } else {
- if (instruction->IsGtBias()) {
- CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickCmpgDouble, int32_t, double, double>();
- } else {
- CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickCmplDouble, int32_t, double, double>();
- }
- }
+ __ Bind(&done);
@@ -2060,8 +2094,19 @@
void LocationsBuilderMIPS::VisitCondition(HCondition* instruction) {
LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction);
- locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
- locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(instruction->InputAt(1)));
+ switch (instruction->InputAt(0)->GetType()) {
+ default:
+ case Primitive::kPrimLong:
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(instruction->InputAt(1)));
+ break;
+ case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
+ case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
+ locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+ break;
+ }
if (instruction->NeedsMaterialization()) {
locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
@@ -2071,151 +2116,45 @@
if (!instruction->NeedsMaterialization()) {
- // TODO: generalize to long
- DCHECK_NE(instruction->InputAt(0)->GetType(), Primitive::kPrimLong);
+ Primitive::Type type = instruction->InputAt(0)->GetType();
LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
Register dst = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+ MipsLabel true_label;
- Register lhs = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
- Location rhs_location = locations->InAt(1);
+ switch (type) {
+ default:
+ // Integer case.
+ GenerateIntCompare(instruction->GetCondition(), locations);
+ return;
- Register rhs_reg = ZERO;
- int64_t rhs_imm = 0;
- bool use_imm = rhs_location.IsConstant();
- if (use_imm) {
- rhs_imm = CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(rhs_location.GetConstant());
- } else {
- rhs_reg = rhs_location.AsRegister<Register>();
- }
- IfCondition if_cond = instruction->GetCondition();
- switch (if_cond) {
- case kCondEQ:
- case kCondNE:
- if (use_imm && IsUint<16>(rhs_imm)) {
- __ Xori(dst, lhs, rhs_imm);
- } else {
- if (use_imm) {
- rhs_reg = TMP;
- __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
- }
- __ Xor(dst, lhs, rhs_reg);
- }
- if (if_cond == kCondEQ) {
- __ Sltiu(dst, dst, 1);
- } else {
- __ Sltu(dst, ZERO, dst);
- }
+ case Primitive::kPrimLong:
+ // TODO: don't use branches.
+ GenerateLongCompareAndBranch(instruction->GetCondition(), locations, &true_label);
- case kCondLT:
- case kCondGE:
- if (use_imm && IsInt<16>(rhs_imm)) {
- __ Slti(dst, lhs, rhs_imm);
- } else {
- if (use_imm) {
- rhs_reg = TMP;
- __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
- }
- __ Slt(dst, lhs, rhs_reg);
- }
- if (if_cond == kCondGE) {
- // Simulate lhs >= rhs via !(lhs < rhs) since there's
- // only the slt instruction but no sge.
- __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
- }
- break;
- case kCondLE:
- case kCondGT:
- if (use_imm && IsInt<16>(rhs_imm + 1)) {
- // Simulate lhs <= rhs via lhs < rhs + 1.
- __ Slti(dst, lhs, rhs_imm + 1);
- if (if_cond == kCondGT) {
- // Simulate lhs > rhs via !(lhs <= rhs) since there's
- // only the slti instruction but no sgti.
- __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
- }
- } else {
- if (use_imm) {
- rhs_reg = TMP;
- __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
- }
- __ Slt(dst, rhs_reg, lhs);
- if (if_cond == kCondLE) {
- // Simulate lhs <= rhs via !(rhs < lhs) since there's
- // only the slt instruction but no sle.
- __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
- }
- }
- break;
- case kCondB:
- case kCondAE:
- // Use sltiu instruction if rhs_imm is in range [0, 32767] or in
- // [max_unsigned - 32767 = 0xffff8000, max_unsigned = 0xffffffff].
- if (use_imm &&
- (IsUint<15>(rhs_imm) ||
- IsUint<15>(rhs_imm - (MaxInt<uint64_t>(32) - MaxInt<uint64_t>(15))))) {
- if (IsUint<15>(rhs_imm)) {
- __ Sltiu(dst, lhs, rhs_imm);
- } else {
- // 16-bit value (in range [0x8000, 0xffff]) passed to sltiu is sign-extended
- // and then used as unsigned integer (range [0xffff8000, 0xffffffff]).
- __ Sltiu(dst, lhs, rhs_imm - (MaxInt<uint64_t>(32) - MaxInt<uint64_t>(16)));
- }
- } else {
- if (use_imm) {
- rhs_reg = TMP;
- __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
- }
- __ Sltu(dst, lhs, rhs_reg);
- }
- if (if_cond == kCondAE) {
- // Simulate lhs >= rhs via !(lhs < rhs) since there's
- // only the sltu instruction but no sgeu.
- __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
- }
- break;
- case kCondBE:
- case kCondA:
- // Use sltiu instruction if rhs_imm is in range [0, 32766] or in
- // [max_unsigned - 32767 - 1 = 0xffff7fff, max_unsigned - 1 = 0xfffffffe].
- // lhs <= rhs is simulated via lhs < rhs + 1.
- if (use_imm && (rhs_imm != -1) &&
- (IsUint<15>(rhs_imm + 1) ||
- IsUint<15>(rhs_imm + 1 - (MaxInt<uint64_t>(32) - MaxInt<uint64_t>(15))))) {
- if (IsUint<15>(rhs_imm + 1)) {
- // Simulate lhs <= rhs via lhs < rhs + 1.
- __ Sltiu(dst, lhs, rhs_imm + 1);
- } else {
- // 16-bit value (in range [0x8000, 0xffff]) passed to sltiu is sign-extended
- // and then used as unsigned integer (range [0xffff8000, 0xffffffff] where rhs_imm
- // is in range [0xffff7fff, 0xfffffffe] since lhs <= rhs is simulated via lhs < rhs + 1).
- __ Sltiu(dst, lhs, rhs_imm + 1 - (MaxInt<uint64_t>(32) - MaxInt<uint64_t>(16)));
- }
- if (if_cond == kCondA) {
- // Simulate lhs > rhs via !(lhs <= rhs) since there's
- // only the sltiu instruction but no sgtiu.
- __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
- }
- } else {
- if (use_imm) {
- rhs_reg = TMP;
- __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
- }
- __ Sltu(dst, rhs_reg, lhs);
- if (if_cond == kCondBE) {
- // Simulate lhs <= rhs via !(rhs < lhs) since there's
- // only the sltu instruction but no sleu.
- __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
- }
- }
+ case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
+ case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
+ // TODO: don't use branches.
+ GenerateFpCompareAndBranch(instruction->GetCondition(),
+ instruction->IsGtBias(),
+ type,
+ locations,
+ &true_label);
+ // Convert the branches into the result.
+ MipsLabel done;
+ // False case: result = 0.
+ __ LoadConst32(dst, 0);
+ __ B(&done);
+ // True case: result = 1.
+ __ Bind(&true_label);
+ __ LoadConst32(dst, 1);
+ __ Bind(&done);
void InstructionCodeGeneratorMIPS::DivRemOneOrMinusOne(HBinaryOperation* instruction) {
@@ -2574,6 +2513,627 @@
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorMIPS::GenerateIntCompare(IfCondition cond,
+ LocationSummary* locations) {
+ Register dst = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+ Register lhs = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ Location rhs_location = locations->InAt(1);
+ Register rhs_reg = ZERO;
+ int64_t rhs_imm = 0;
+ bool use_imm = rhs_location.IsConstant();
+ if (use_imm) {
+ rhs_imm = CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(rhs_location.GetConstant());
+ } else {
+ rhs_reg = rhs_location.AsRegister<Register>();
+ }
+ switch (cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ case kCondNE:
+ if (use_imm && IsUint<16>(rhs_imm)) {
+ __ Xori(dst, lhs, rhs_imm);
+ } else {
+ if (use_imm) {
+ rhs_reg = TMP;
+ __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
+ }
+ __ Xor(dst, lhs, rhs_reg);
+ }
+ if (cond == kCondEQ) {
+ __ Sltiu(dst, dst, 1);
+ } else {
+ __ Sltu(dst, ZERO, dst);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ case kCondGE:
+ if (use_imm && IsInt<16>(rhs_imm)) {
+ __ Slti(dst, lhs, rhs_imm);
+ } else {
+ if (use_imm) {
+ rhs_reg = TMP;
+ __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
+ }
+ __ Slt(dst, lhs, rhs_reg);
+ }
+ if (cond == kCondGE) {
+ // Simulate lhs >= rhs via !(lhs < rhs) since there's
+ // only the slt instruction but no sge.
+ __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ case kCondGT:
+ if (use_imm && IsInt<16>(rhs_imm + 1)) {
+ // Simulate lhs <= rhs via lhs < rhs + 1.
+ __ Slti(dst, lhs, rhs_imm + 1);
+ if (cond == kCondGT) {
+ // Simulate lhs > rhs via !(lhs <= rhs) since there's
+ // only the slti instruction but no sgti.
+ __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (use_imm) {
+ rhs_reg = TMP;
+ __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
+ }
+ __ Slt(dst, rhs_reg, lhs);
+ if (cond == kCondLE) {
+ // Simulate lhs <= rhs via !(rhs < lhs) since there's
+ // only the slt instruction but no sle.
+ __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kCondB:
+ case kCondAE:
+ if (use_imm && IsInt<16>(rhs_imm)) {
+ // Sltiu sign-extends its 16-bit immediate operand before
+ // the comparison and thus lets us compare directly with
+ // unsigned values in the ranges [0, 0x7fff] and
+ // [0xffff8000, 0xffffffff].
+ __ Sltiu(dst, lhs, rhs_imm);
+ } else {
+ if (use_imm) {
+ rhs_reg = TMP;
+ __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
+ }
+ __ Sltu(dst, lhs, rhs_reg);
+ }
+ if (cond == kCondAE) {
+ // Simulate lhs >= rhs via !(lhs < rhs) since there's
+ // only the sltu instruction but no sgeu.
+ __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kCondBE:
+ case kCondA:
+ if (use_imm && (rhs_imm != -1) && IsInt<16>(rhs_imm + 1)) {
+ // Simulate lhs <= rhs via lhs < rhs + 1.
+ // Note that this only works if rhs + 1 does not overflow
+ // to 0, hence the check above.
+ // Sltiu sign-extends its 16-bit immediate operand before
+ // the comparison and thus lets us compare directly with
+ // unsigned values in the ranges [0, 0x7fff] and
+ // [0xffff8000, 0xffffffff].
+ __ Sltiu(dst, lhs, rhs_imm + 1);
+ if (cond == kCondA) {
+ // Simulate lhs > rhs via !(lhs <= rhs) since there's
+ // only the sltiu instruction but no sgtiu.
+ __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (use_imm) {
+ rhs_reg = TMP;
+ __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
+ }
+ __ Sltu(dst, rhs_reg, lhs);
+ if (cond == kCondBE) {
+ // Simulate lhs <= rhs via !(rhs < lhs) since there's
+ // only the sltu instruction but no sleu.
+ __ Xori(dst, dst, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorMIPS::GenerateIntCompareAndBranch(IfCondition cond,
+ LocationSummary* locations,
+ MipsLabel* label) {
+ Register lhs = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+ Location rhs_location = locations->InAt(1);
+ Register rhs_reg = ZERO;
+ int32_t rhs_imm = 0;
+ bool use_imm = rhs_location.IsConstant();
+ if (use_imm) {
+ rhs_imm = CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(rhs_location.GetConstant());
+ } else {
+ rhs_reg = rhs_location.AsRegister<Register>();
+ }
+ if (use_imm && rhs_imm == 0) {
+ switch (cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ case kCondBE: // <= 0 if zero
+ __ Beqz(lhs, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondNE:
+ case kCondA: // > 0 if non-zero
+ __ Bnez(lhs, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ __ Bltz(lhs, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGE:
+ __ Bgez(lhs, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ __ Blez(lhs, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGT:
+ __ Bgtz(lhs, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondB: // always false
+ break;
+ case kCondAE: // always true
+ __ B(label);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (use_imm) {
+ // TODO: more efficient comparison with 16-bit constants without loading them into TMP.
+ rhs_reg = TMP;
+ __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
+ }
+ switch (cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ __ Beq(lhs, rhs_reg, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondNE:
+ __ Bne(lhs, rhs_reg, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ __ Blt(lhs, rhs_reg, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGE:
+ __ Bge(lhs, rhs_reg, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ __ Bge(rhs_reg, lhs, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGT:
+ __ Blt(rhs_reg, lhs, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondB:
+ __ Bltu(lhs, rhs_reg, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondAE:
+ __ Bgeu(lhs, rhs_reg, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondBE:
+ __ Bgeu(rhs_reg, lhs, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondA:
+ __ Bltu(rhs_reg, lhs, label);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorMIPS::GenerateLongCompareAndBranch(IfCondition cond,
+ LocationSummary* locations,
+ MipsLabel* label) {
+ Register lhs_high = locations->InAt(0).AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
+ Register lhs_low = locations->InAt(0).AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
+ Location rhs_location = locations->InAt(1);
+ Register rhs_high = ZERO;
+ Register rhs_low = ZERO;
+ int64_t imm = 0;
+ uint32_t imm_high = 0;
+ uint32_t imm_low = 0;
+ bool use_imm = rhs_location.IsConstant();
+ if (use_imm) {
+ imm = rhs_location.GetConstant()->AsLongConstant()->GetValue();
+ imm_high = High32Bits(imm);
+ imm_low = Low32Bits(imm);
+ } else {
+ rhs_high = rhs_location.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
+ rhs_low = rhs_location.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
+ }
+ if (use_imm && imm == 0) {
+ switch (cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ case kCondBE: // <= 0 if zero
+ __ Or(TMP, lhs_high, lhs_low);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondNE:
+ case kCondA: // > 0 if non-zero
+ __ Or(TMP, lhs_high, lhs_low);
+ __ Bnez(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ __ Bltz(lhs_high, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGE:
+ __ Bgez(lhs_high, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ __ Or(TMP, lhs_high, lhs_low);
+ __ Sra(AT, lhs_high, 31);
+ __ Bgeu(AT, TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGT:
+ __ Or(TMP, lhs_high, lhs_low);
+ __ Sra(AT, lhs_high, 31);
+ __ Bltu(AT, TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondB: // always false
+ break;
+ case kCondAE: // always true
+ __ B(label);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (use_imm) {
+ // TODO: more efficient comparison with constants without loading them into TMP/AT.
+ switch (cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ __ LoadConst32(TMP, imm_high);
+ __ Xor(TMP, TMP, lhs_high);
+ __ LoadConst32(AT, imm_low);
+ __ Xor(AT, AT, lhs_low);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondNE:
+ __ LoadConst32(TMP, imm_high);
+ __ Xor(TMP, TMP, lhs_high);
+ __ LoadConst32(AT, imm_low);
+ __ Xor(AT, AT, lhs_low);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Bnez(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ __ LoadConst32(TMP, imm_high);
+ __ Blt(lhs_high, TMP, label);
+ __ Slt(TMP, TMP, lhs_high);
+ __ LoadConst32(AT, imm_low);
+ __ Sltu(AT, lhs_low, AT);
+ __ Blt(TMP, AT, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGE:
+ __ LoadConst32(TMP, imm_high);
+ __ Blt(TMP, lhs_high, label);
+ __ Slt(TMP, lhs_high, TMP);
+ __ LoadConst32(AT, imm_low);
+ __ Sltu(AT, lhs_low, AT);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ __ LoadConst32(TMP, imm_high);
+ __ Blt(lhs_high, TMP, label);
+ __ Slt(TMP, TMP, lhs_high);
+ __ LoadConst32(AT, imm_low);
+ __ Sltu(AT, AT, lhs_low);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGT:
+ __ LoadConst32(TMP, imm_high);
+ __ Blt(TMP, lhs_high, label);
+ __ Slt(TMP, lhs_high, TMP);
+ __ LoadConst32(AT, imm_low);
+ __ Sltu(AT, AT, lhs_low);
+ __ Blt(TMP, AT, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondB:
+ __ LoadConst32(TMP, imm_high);
+ __ Bltu(lhs_high, TMP, label);
+ __ Sltu(TMP, TMP, lhs_high);
+ __ LoadConst32(AT, imm_low);
+ __ Sltu(AT, lhs_low, AT);
+ __ Blt(TMP, AT, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondAE:
+ __ LoadConst32(TMP, imm_high);
+ __ Bltu(TMP, lhs_high, label);
+ __ Sltu(TMP, lhs_high, TMP);
+ __ LoadConst32(AT, imm_low);
+ __ Sltu(AT, lhs_low, AT);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondBE:
+ __ LoadConst32(TMP, imm_high);
+ __ Bltu(lhs_high, TMP, label);
+ __ Sltu(TMP, TMP, lhs_high);
+ __ LoadConst32(AT, imm_low);
+ __ Sltu(AT, AT, lhs_low);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondA:
+ __ LoadConst32(TMP, imm_high);
+ __ Bltu(TMP, lhs_high, label);
+ __ Sltu(TMP, lhs_high, TMP);
+ __ LoadConst32(AT, imm_low);
+ __ Sltu(AT, AT, lhs_low);
+ __ Blt(TMP, AT, label);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ __ Xor(TMP, lhs_high, rhs_high);
+ __ Xor(AT, lhs_low, rhs_low);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondNE:
+ __ Xor(TMP, lhs_high, rhs_high);
+ __ Xor(AT, lhs_low, rhs_low);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Bnez(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ __ Blt(lhs_high, rhs_high, label);
+ __ Slt(TMP, rhs_high, lhs_high);
+ __ Sltu(AT, lhs_low, rhs_low);
+ __ Blt(TMP, AT, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGE:
+ __ Blt(rhs_high, lhs_high, label);
+ __ Slt(TMP, lhs_high, rhs_high);
+ __ Sltu(AT, lhs_low, rhs_low);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ __ Blt(lhs_high, rhs_high, label);
+ __ Slt(TMP, rhs_high, lhs_high);
+ __ Sltu(AT, rhs_low, lhs_low);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGT:
+ __ Blt(rhs_high, lhs_high, label);
+ __ Slt(TMP, lhs_high, rhs_high);
+ __ Sltu(AT, rhs_low, lhs_low);
+ __ Blt(TMP, AT, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondB:
+ __ Bltu(lhs_high, rhs_high, label);
+ __ Sltu(TMP, rhs_high, lhs_high);
+ __ Sltu(AT, lhs_low, rhs_low);
+ __ Blt(TMP, AT, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondAE:
+ __ Bltu(rhs_high, lhs_high, label);
+ __ Sltu(TMP, lhs_high, rhs_high);
+ __ Sltu(AT, lhs_low, rhs_low);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondBE:
+ __ Bltu(lhs_high, rhs_high, label);
+ __ Sltu(TMP, rhs_high, lhs_high);
+ __ Sltu(AT, rhs_low, lhs_low);
+ __ Or(TMP, TMP, AT);
+ __ Beqz(TMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondA:
+ __ Bltu(rhs_high, lhs_high, label);
+ __ Sltu(TMP, lhs_high, rhs_high);
+ __ Sltu(AT, rhs_low, lhs_low);
+ __ Blt(TMP, AT, label);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorMIPS::GenerateFpCompareAndBranch(IfCondition cond,
+ bool gt_bias,
+ Primitive::Type type,
+ LocationSummary* locations,
+ MipsLabel* label) {
+ FRegister lhs = locations->InAt(0).AsFpuRegister<FRegister>();
+ FRegister rhs = locations->InAt(1).AsFpuRegister<FRegister>();
+ bool isR6 = codegen_->GetInstructionSetFeatures().IsR6();
+ if (type == Primitive::kPrimFloat) {
+ if (isR6) {
+ switch (cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ __ CmpEqS(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondNE:
+ __ CmpEqS(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ __ Bc1eqz(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CmpLtS(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CmpUltS(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CmpLeS(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CmpUleS(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGT:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CmpUltS(FTMP, rhs, lhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CmpLtS(FTMP, rhs, lhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGE:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CmpUleS(FTMP, rhs, lhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CmpLeS(FTMP, rhs, lhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected non-floating-point condition";
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ __ CeqS(0, lhs, rhs);
+ __ Bc1t(0, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondNE:
+ __ CeqS(0, lhs, rhs);
+ __ Bc1f(0, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ ColtS(0, lhs, rhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CultS(0, lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1t(0, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ ColeS(0, lhs, rhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CuleS(0, lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1t(0, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGT:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CultS(0, rhs, lhs);
+ } else {
+ __ ColtS(0, rhs, lhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1t(0, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGE:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CuleS(0, rhs, lhs);
+ } else {
+ __ ColeS(0, rhs, lhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1t(0, label);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected non-floating-point condition";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(type, Primitive::kPrimDouble);
+ if (isR6) {
+ switch (cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ __ CmpEqD(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondNE:
+ __ CmpEqD(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ __ Bc1eqz(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CmpLtD(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CmpUltD(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CmpLeD(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CmpUleD(FTMP, lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGT:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CmpUltD(FTMP, rhs, lhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CmpLtD(FTMP, rhs, lhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGE:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CmpUleD(FTMP, rhs, lhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CmpLeD(FTMP, rhs, lhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1nez(FTMP, label);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected non-floating-point condition";
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (cond) {
+ case kCondEQ:
+ __ CeqD(0, lhs, rhs);
+ __ Bc1t(0, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondNE:
+ __ CeqD(0, lhs, rhs);
+ __ Bc1f(0, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLT:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ ColtD(0, lhs, rhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CultD(0, lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1t(0, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondLE:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ ColeD(0, lhs, rhs);
+ } else {
+ __ CuleD(0, lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1t(0, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGT:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CultD(0, rhs, lhs);
+ } else {
+ __ ColtD(0, rhs, lhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1t(0, label);
+ break;
+ case kCondGE:
+ if (gt_bias) {
+ __ CuleD(0, rhs, lhs);
+ } else {
+ __ ColeD(0, rhs, lhs);
+ }
+ __ Bc1t(0, label);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected non-floating-point condition";
+ }
+ }
+ }
void InstructionCodeGeneratorMIPS::GenerateTestAndBranch(HInstruction* instruction,
size_t condition_input_index,
MipsLabel* true_target,
@@ -2610,7 +3170,7 @@
// The condition instruction has been materialized, compare the output to 0.
Location cond_val = instruction->GetLocations()->InAt(condition_input_index);
- if (true_target == nullptr) {
+ if (true_target == nullptr) {
__ Beqz(cond_val.AsRegister<Register>(), false_target);
} else {
__ Bnez(cond_val.AsRegister<Register>(), true_target);
@@ -2619,98 +3179,27 @@
// The condition instruction has not been materialized, use its inputs as
// the comparison and its condition as the branch condition.
HCondition* condition = cond->AsCondition();
+ Primitive::Type type = condition->InputAt(0)->GetType();
+ LocationSummary* locations = cond->GetLocations();
+ IfCondition if_cond = condition->GetCondition();
+ MipsLabel* branch_target = true_target;
- Register lhs = condition->GetLocations()->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
- Location rhs_location = condition->GetLocations()->InAt(1);
- Register rhs_reg = ZERO;
- int32_t rhs_imm = 0;
- bool use_imm = rhs_location.IsConstant();
- if (use_imm) {
- rhs_imm = CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(rhs_location.GetConstant());
- } else {
- rhs_reg = rhs_location.AsRegister<Register>();
- }
- IfCondition if_cond;
- MipsLabel* non_fallthrough_target;
if (true_target == nullptr) {
if_cond = condition->GetOppositeCondition();
- non_fallthrough_target = false_target;
- } else {
- if_cond = condition->GetCondition();
- non_fallthrough_target = true_target;
+ branch_target = false_target;
- if (use_imm && rhs_imm == 0) {
- switch (if_cond) {
- case kCondEQ:
- __ Beqz(lhs, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondNE:
- __ Bnez(lhs, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondLT:
- __ Bltz(lhs, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondGE:
- __ Bgez(lhs, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondLE:
- __ Blez(lhs, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondGT:
- __ Bgtz(lhs, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondB:
- break; // always false
- case kCondBE:
- __ Beqz(lhs, non_fallthrough_target); // <= 0 if zero
- break;
- case kCondA:
- __ Bnez(lhs, non_fallthrough_target); // > 0 if non-zero
- break;
- case kCondAE:
- __ B(non_fallthrough_target); // always true
- break;
- }
- } else {
- if (use_imm) {
- // TODO: more efficient comparison with 16-bit constants without loading them into TMP.
- rhs_reg = TMP;
- __ LoadConst32(rhs_reg, rhs_imm);
- }
- switch (if_cond) {
- case kCondEQ:
- __ Beq(lhs, rhs_reg, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondNE:
- __ Bne(lhs, rhs_reg, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondLT:
- __ Blt(lhs, rhs_reg, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondGE:
- __ Bge(lhs, rhs_reg, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondLE:
- __ Bge(rhs_reg, lhs, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondGT:
- __ Blt(rhs_reg, lhs, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondB:
- __ Bltu(lhs, rhs_reg, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondAE:
- __ Bgeu(lhs, rhs_reg, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondBE:
- __ Bgeu(rhs_reg, lhs, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- case kCondA:
- __ Bltu(rhs_reg, lhs, non_fallthrough_target);
- break;
- }
+ switch (type) {
+ default:
+ GenerateIntCompareAndBranch(if_cond, locations, branch_target);
+ break;
+ case Primitive::kPrimLong:
+ GenerateLongCompareAndBranch(if_cond, locations, branch_target);
+ break;
+ case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
+ case Primitive::kPrimDouble:
+ GenerateFpCompareAndBranch(if_cond, condition->IsGtBias(), type, locations, branch_target);
+ break;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips.h
index caf3174..1ee6bde 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips.h
@@ -225,6 +225,18 @@
void HandleFieldGet(HInstruction* instruction, const FieldInfo& field_info, uint32_t dex_pc);
void GenerateImplicitNullCheck(HNullCheck* instruction);
void GenerateExplicitNullCheck(HNullCheck* instruction);
+ void GenerateIntCompare(IfCondition cond, LocationSummary* locations);
+ void GenerateIntCompareAndBranch(IfCondition cond,
+ LocationSummary* locations,
+ MipsLabel* label);
+ void GenerateLongCompareAndBranch(IfCondition cond,
+ LocationSummary* locations,
+ MipsLabel* label);
+ void GenerateFpCompareAndBranch(IfCondition cond,
+ bool gt_bias,
+ Primitive::Type type,
+ LocationSummary* locations,
+ MipsLabel* label);
void GenerateTestAndBranch(HInstruction* instruction,
size_t condition_input_index,
MipsLabel* true_target,
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index e1b13c5..67097de 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -778,9 +778,9 @@
// Try to fold an HCompare into this HCondition.
// This simplification is currently supported on x86, x86_64, ARM and ARM64.
- // TODO: Implement it for MIPS and MIPS64.
+ // TODO: Implement it for MIPS64.
InstructionSet instruction_set = GetGraph()->GetInstructionSet();
- if (instruction_set == kMips || instruction_set == kMips64) {
+ if (instruction_set == kMips64) {
diff --git a/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h b/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h
index 9457da1..2579ddb 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
std::string (AssemblerTest::*GetName2)(const Reg2&),
std::string fmt) {
std::string str;
- std::vector<int64_t> imms = CreateImmediateValuesBits(abs(imm_bits), imm_bits > 0);
+ std::vector<int64_t> imms = CreateImmediateValuesBits(abs(imm_bits), (imm_bits > 0));
for (auto reg1 : reg1_registers) {
for (auto reg2 : reg2_registers) {
@@ -188,14 +188,66 @@
return str;
+ template <typename ImmType, typename Reg1, typename Reg2>
+ std::string RepeatTemplatedImmBitsRegisters(void (Ass::*f)(ImmType, Reg1, Reg2),
+ const std::vector<Reg1*> reg1_registers,
+ const std::vector<Reg2*> reg2_registers,
+ std::string (AssemblerTest::*GetName1)(const Reg1&),
+ std::string (AssemblerTest::*GetName2)(const Reg2&),
+ int imm_bits,
+ std::string fmt) {
+ std::vector<int64_t> imms = CreateImmediateValuesBits(abs(imm_bits), (imm_bits > 0));
+ WarnOnCombinations(reg1_registers.size() * reg2_registers.size() * imms.size());
+ std::string str;
+ for (auto reg1 : reg1_registers) {
+ for (auto reg2 : reg2_registers) {
+ for (int64_t imm : imms) {
+ ImmType new_imm = CreateImmediate(imm);
+ (assembler_.get()->*f)(new_imm, *reg1, *reg2);
+ std::string base = fmt;
+ std::string reg1_string = (this->*GetName1)(*reg1);
+ size_t reg1_index;
+ while ((reg1_index = base.find(REG1_TOKEN)) != std::string::npos) {
+ base.replace(reg1_index, ConstexprStrLen(REG1_TOKEN), reg1_string);
+ }
+ std::string reg2_string = (this->*GetName2)(*reg2);
+ size_t reg2_index;
+ while ((reg2_index = base.find(REG2_TOKEN)) != std::string::npos) {
+ base.replace(reg2_index, ConstexprStrLen(REG2_TOKEN), reg2_string);
+ }
+ size_t imm_index = base.find(IMM_TOKEN);
+ if (imm_index != std::string::npos) {
+ std::ostringstream sreg;
+ sreg << imm;
+ std::string imm_string = sreg.str();
+ base.replace(imm_index, ConstexprStrLen(IMM_TOKEN), imm_string);
+ }
+ if (str.size() > 0) {
+ str += "\n";
+ }
+ str += base;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add a newline at the end.
+ str += "\n";
+ return str;
+ }
template <typename RegType, typename ImmType>
std::string RepeatTemplatedRegisterImmBits(void (Ass::*f)(RegType, ImmType),
- int imm_bits,
- const std::vector<Reg*> registers,
- std::string (AssemblerTest::*GetName)(const RegType&),
- std::string fmt) {
+ int imm_bits,
+ const std::vector<Reg*> registers,
+ std::string (AssemblerTest::*GetName)(const RegType&),
+ std::string fmt) {
std::string str;
- std::vector<int64_t> imms = CreateImmediateValuesBits(abs(imm_bits), imm_bits > 0);
+ std::vector<int64_t> imms = CreateImmediateValuesBits(abs(imm_bits), (imm_bits > 0));
for (auto reg : registers) {
for (int64_t imm : imms) {
@@ -291,6 +343,17 @@
+ template <typename ImmType>
+ std::string RepeatIbFF(void (Ass::*f)(ImmType, FPReg, FPReg), int imm_bits, std::string fmt) {
+ return RepeatTemplatedImmBitsRegisters<ImmType, FPReg, FPReg>(f,
+ GetFPRegisters(),
+ GetFPRegisters(),
+ &AssemblerTest::GetFPRegName,
+ &AssemblerTest::GetFPRegName,
+ imm_bits,
+ fmt);
+ }
std::string RepeatFR(void (Ass::*f)(FPReg, Reg), std::string fmt) {
return RepeatTemplatedRegisters<FPReg, Reg>(f,
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips/ b/compiler/utils/mips/
index 733ad2c..afca8ad 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips/
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips/
@@ -503,6 +503,18 @@
EmitI(0x7, rt, static_cast<Register>(0), imm16);
+void MipsAssembler::Bc1f(int cc, uint16_t imm16) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitI(0x11, static_cast<Register>(0x8), static_cast<Register>(cc << 2), imm16);
+void MipsAssembler::Bc1t(int cc, uint16_t imm16) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitI(0x11, static_cast<Register>(0x8), static_cast<Register>((cc << 2) | 1), imm16);
void MipsAssembler::J(uint32_t addr26) {
EmitI26(0x2, addr26);
@@ -637,7 +649,17 @@
EmitI21(0x3E, rs, imm21);
-void MipsAssembler::EmitBcond(BranchCondition cond, Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
+void MipsAssembler::Bc1eqz(FRegister ft, uint16_t imm16) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFI(0x11, 0x9, ft, imm16);
+void MipsAssembler::Bc1nez(FRegister ft, uint16_t imm16) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFI(0x11, 0xD, ft, imm16);
+void MipsAssembler::EmitBcondR2(BranchCondition cond, Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
switch (cond) {
case kCondLTZ:
@@ -669,6 +691,14 @@
Bnez(rs, imm16);
+ case kCondF:
+ Bc1f(static_cast<int>(rs), imm16);
+ break;
+ case kCondT:
+ Bc1t(static_cast<int>(rs), imm16);
+ break;
case kCondLT:
case kCondGE:
case kCondLE:
@@ -683,7 +713,7 @@
-void MipsAssembler::EmitBcondc(BranchCondition cond, Register rs, Register rt, uint32_t imm16_21) {
+void MipsAssembler::EmitBcondR6(BranchCondition cond, Register rs, Register rt, uint32_t imm16_21) {
switch (cond) {
case kCondLT:
Bltc(rs, rt, imm16_21);
@@ -733,6 +763,14 @@
case kCondGEU:
Bgeuc(rs, rt, imm16_21);
+ case kCondF:
+ Bc1eqz(static_cast<FRegister>(rs), imm16_21);
+ break;
+ case kCondT:
+ Bc1nez(static_cast<FRegister>(rs), imm16_21);
+ break;
case kUncond:
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected branch condition " << cond;
@@ -787,6 +825,202 @@
EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x7);
+void MipsAssembler::CunS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x31);
+void MipsAssembler::CeqS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x32);
+void MipsAssembler::CueqS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x33);
+void MipsAssembler::ColtS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x34);
+void MipsAssembler::CultS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x35);
+void MipsAssembler::ColeS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x36);
+void MipsAssembler::CuleS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x37);
+void MipsAssembler::CunD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x31);
+void MipsAssembler::CeqD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x32);
+void MipsAssembler::CueqD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x33);
+void MipsAssembler::ColtD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x34);
+void MipsAssembler::CultD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x35);
+void MipsAssembler::ColeD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x36);
+void MipsAssembler::CuleD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x37);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpUnS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x01);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpEqS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x02);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpUeqS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x03);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpLtS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x04);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpUltS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x05);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpLeS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x06);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpUleS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x07);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpOrS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x11);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpUneS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x12);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpNeS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x13);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpUnD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x01);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpEqD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x02);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpUeqD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x03);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpLtD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x04);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpUltD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x05);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpLeD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x06);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpUleD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x07);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpOrD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x11);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpUneD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x12);
+void MipsAssembler::CmpNeD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
+ CHECK(IsR6());
+ EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x13);
+void MipsAssembler::Movf(Register rd, Register rs, int cc) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitR(0, rs, static_cast<Register>(cc << 2), rd, 0, 0x01);
+void MipsAssembler::Movt(Register rd, Register rs, int cc) {
+ CHECK(!IsR6());
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ EmitR(0, rs, static_cast<Register>((cc << 2) | 1), rd, 0, 0x01);
void MipsAssembler::Cvtsw(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x20);
@@ -1058,6 +1292,10 @@
CHECK_NE(lhs_reg, ZERO);
CHECK_EQ(rhs_reg, ZERO);
+ case kCondF:
+ case kCondT:
+ CHECK_EQ(rhs_reg, ZERO);
+ break;
case kUncond:
@@ -1112,6 +1350,10 @@
return kCondGEU;
case kCondGEU:
return kCondLTU;
+ case kCondF:
+ return kCondT;
+ case kCondT:
+ return kCondF;
case kUncond:
LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected branch condition " << cond;
@@ -1514,7 +1756,7 @@
case Branch::kCondBranch:
CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
- EmitBcond(condition, lhs, rhs, offset);
+ EmitBcondR2(condition, lhs, rhs, offset);
Nop(); // TODO: improve by filling the delay slot.
case Branch::kCall:
@@ -1561,7 +1803,7 @@
// Note: the opposite condition branch encodes 8 as the distance, which is equal to the
// number of instructions skipped:
// (PUSH(IncreaseFrameSize(ADDIU) + SW) + NAL + LUI + ORI + ADDU + LW + JR).
- EmitBcond(Branch::OppositeCondition(condition), lhs, rhs, 8);
+ EmitBcondR2(Branch::OppositeCondition(condition), lhs, rhs, 8);
CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
@@ -1589,8 +1831,8 @@
case Branch::kR6CondBranch:
CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
- EmitBcondc(condition, lhs, rhs, offset);
- Nop(); // TODO: improve by filling the forbidden slot.
+ EmitBcondR6(condition, lhs, rhs, offset);
+ Nop(); // TODO: improve by filling the forbidden/delay slot.
case Branch::kR6Call:
CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
@@ -1606,7 +1848,7 @@
Jic(AT, Low16Bits(offset));
case Branch::kR6LongCondBranch:
- EmitBcondc(Branch::OppositeCondition(condition), lhs, rhs, 2);
+ EmitBcondR6(Branch::OppositeCondition(condition), lhs, rhs, 2);
offset += (offset & 0x8000) << 1; // Account for sign extension in jic.
CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
Auipc(AT, High16Bits(offset));
@@ -1708,6 +1950,24 @@
+void MipsAssembler::Bc1f(int cc, MipsLabel* label) {
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ Bcond(label, kCondF, static_cast<Register>(cc), ZERO);
+void MipsAssembler::Bc1t(int cc, MipsLabel* label) {
+ CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
+ Bcond(label, kCondT, static_cast<Register>(cc), ZERO);
+void MipsAssembler::Bc1eqz(FRegister ft, MipsLabel* label) {
+ Bcond(label, kCondF, static_cast<Register>(ft), ZERO);
+void MipsAssembler::Bc1nez(FRegister ft, MipsLabel* label) {
+ Bcond(label, kCondT, static_cast<Register>(ft), ZERO);
void MipsAssembler::LoadFromOffset(LoadOperandType type, Register reg, Register base,
int32_t offset) {
// IsInt<16> must be passed a signed value.
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips/assembler_mips.h b/compiler/utils/mips/assembler_mips.h
index 62366f6..f569aa8 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips/assembler_mips.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips/assembler_mips.h
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
: scratch_(scratch), stack_adjust_(stack_adjust) {}
MipsExceptionSlowPath(MipsExceptionSlowPath&& src)
- : scratch_(std::move(src.scratch_)),
- stack_adjust_(std::move(src.stack_adjust_)),
+ : scratch_(src.scratch_),
+ stack_adjust_(src.stack_adjust_),
exception_entry_(std::move(src.exception_entry_)) {}
@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@
void Bgez(Register rt, uint16_t imm16);
void Blez(Register rt, uint16_t imm16);
void Bgtz(Register rt, uint16_t imm16);
+ void Bc1f(int cc, uint16_t imm16); // R2
+ void Bc1t(int cc, uint16_t imm16); // R2
void J(uint32_t addr26);
void Jal(uint32_t addr26);
void Jalr(Register rd, Register rs);
@@ -208,6 +210,8 @@
void Bnec(Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16); // R6
void Beqzc(Register rs, uint32_t imm21); // R6
void Bnezc(Register rs, uint32_t imm21); // R6
+ void Bc1eqz(FRegister ft, uint16_t imm16); // R6
+ void Bc1nez(FRegister ft, uint16_t imm16); // R6
void AddS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft);
void SubS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft);
@@ -222,6 +226,43 @@
void NegS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs);
void NegD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs);
+ void CunS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void CeqS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void CueqS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void ColtS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void CultS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void ColeS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void CuleS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void CunD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void CeqD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void CueqD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void ColtD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void CultD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void ColeD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void CuleD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R2
+ void CmpUnS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpEqS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpUeqS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpLtS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpUltS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpLeS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpUleS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpOrS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpUneS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpNeS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpUnD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpEqD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpUeqD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpLtD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpUltD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpLeD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpUleD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpOrD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpUneD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void CmpNeD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft); // R6
+ void Movf(Register rd, Register rs, int cc); // R2
+ void Movt(Register rd, Register rs, int cc); // R2
void Cvtsw(FRegister fd, FRegister fs);
void Cvtdw(FRegister fd, FRegister fs);
void Cvtsd(FRegister fd, FRegister fs);
@@ -267,6 +308,10 @@
void Bge(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label);
void Bltu(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label);
void Bgeu(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label);
+ void Bc1f(int cc, MipsLabel* label); // R2
+ void Bc1t(int cc, MipsLabel* label); // R2
+ void Bc1eqz(FRegister ft, MipsLabel* label); // R6
+ void Bc1nez(FRegister ft, MipsLabel* label); // R6
void EmitLoad(ManagedRegister m_dst, Register src_register, int32_t src_offset, size_t size);
void LoadFromOffset(LoadOperandType type, Register reg, Register base, int32_t offset);
@@ -296,7 +341,8 @@
// Emit code that will create an activation on the stack.
- void BuildFrame(size_t frame_size, ManagedRegister method_reg,
+ void BuildFrame(size_t frame_size,
+ ManagedRegister method_reg,
const std::vector<ManagedRegister>& callee_save_regs,
const ManagedRegisterEntrySpills& entry_spills) OVERRIDE;
@@ -314,58 +360,85 @@
void StoreImmediateToFrame(FrameOffset dest, uint32_t imm, ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
- void StoreImmediateToThread32(ThreadOffset<4> dest, uint32_t imm, ManagedRegister mscratch)
+ void StoreImmediateToThread32(ThreadOffset<kMipsWordSize> dest,
+ uint32_t imm,
+ ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
- void StoreStackOffsetToThread32(ThreadOffset<4> thr_offs, FrameOffset fr_offs,
+ void StoreStackOffsetToThread32(ThreadOffset<kMipsWordSize> thr_offs,
+ FrameOffset fr_offs,
ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
- void StoreStackPointerToThread32(ThreadOffset<4> thr_offs) OVERRIDE;
+ void StoreStackPointerToThread32(ThreadOffset<kMipsWordSize> thr_offs) OVERRIDE;
- void StoreSpanning(FrameOffset dest, ManagedRegister msrc, FrameOffset in_off,
+ void StoreSpanning(FrameOffset dest,
+ ManagedRegister msrc,
+ FrameOffset in_off,
ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
// Load routines.
void Load(ManagedRegister mdest, FrameOffset src, size_t size) OVERRIDE;
- void LoadFromThread32(ManagedRegister mdest, ThreadOffset<4> src, size_t size) OVERRIDE;
+ void LoadFromThread32(ManagedRegister mdest,
+ ThreadOffset<kMipsWordSize> src,
+ size_t size) OVERRIDE;
void LoadRef(ManagedRegister dest, FrameOffset src) OVERRIDE;
- void LoadRef(ManagedRegister mdest, ManagedRegister base, MemberOffset offs,
+ void LoadRef(ManagedRegister mdest,
+ ManagedRegister base,
+ MemberOffset offs,
bool unpoison_reference) OVERRIDE;
void LoadRawPtr(ManagedRegister mdest, ManagedRegister base, Offset offs) OVERRIDE;
- void LoadRawPtrFromThread32(ManagedRegister mdest, ThreadOffset<4> offs) OVERRIDE;
+ void LoadRawPtrFromThread32(ManagedRegister mdest, ThreadOffset<kMipsWordSize> offs) OVERRIDE;
// Copying routines.
void Move(ManagedRegister mdest, ManagedRegister msrc, size_t size) OVERRIDE;
- void CopyRawPtrFromThread32(FrameOffset fr_offs, ThreadOffset<4> thr_offs,
+ void CopyRawPtrFromThread32(FrameOffset fr_offs,
+ ThreadOffset<kMipsWordSize> thr_offs,
ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
- void CopyRawPtrToThread32(ThreadOffset<4> thr_offs, FrameOffset fr_offs,
+ void CopyRawPtrToThread32(ThreadOffset<kMipsWordSize> thr_offs,
+ FrameOffset fr_offs,
ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
void CopyRef(FrameOffset dest, FrameOffset src, ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
void Copy(FrameOffset dest, FrameOffset src, ManagedRegister mscratch, size_t size) OVERRIDE;
- void Copy(FrameOffset dest, ManagedRegister src_base, Offset src_offset, ManagedRegister mscratch,
+ void Copy(FrameOffset dest,
+ ManagedRegister src_base,
+ Offset src_offset,
+ ManagedRegister mscratch,
size_t size) OVERRIDE;
- void Copy(ManagedRegister dest_base, Offset dest_offset, FrameOffset src,
- ManagedRegister mscratch, size_t size) OVERRIDE;
- void Copy(FrameOffset dest, FrameOffset src_base, Offset src_offset, ManagedRegister mscratch,
+ void Copy(ManagedRegister dest_base,
+ Offset dest_offset,
+ FrameOffset src,
+ ManagedRegister mscratch,
size_t size) OVERRIDE;
- void Copy(ManagedRegister dest, Offset dest_offset, ManagedRegister src, Offset src_offset,
- ManagedRegister mscratch, size_t size) OVERRIDE;
+ void Copy(FrameOffset dest,
+ FrameOffset src_base,
+ Offset src_offset,
+ ManagedRegister mscratch,
+ size_t size) OVERRIDE;
- void Copy(FrameOffset dest, Offset dest_offset, FrameOffset src, Offset src_offset,
- ManagedRegister mscratch, size_t size) OVERRIDE;
+ void Copy(ManagedRegister dest,
+ Offset dest_offset,
+ ManagedRegister src,
+ Offset src_offset,
+ ManagedRegister mscratch,
+ size_t size) OVERRIDE;
+ void Copy(FrameOffset dest,
+ Offset dest_offset,
+ FrameOffset src,
+ Offset src_offset,
+ ManagedRegister mscratch,
+ size_t size) OVERRIDE;
void MemoryBarrier(ManagedRegister) OVERRIDE;
@@ -383,13 +456,17 @@
// value is null and null_allowed. in_reg holds a possibly stale reference
// that can be used to avoid loading the handle scope entry to see if the value is
// null.
- void CreateHandleScopeEntry(ManagedRegister out_reg, FrameOffset handlescope_offset,
- ManagedRegister in_reg, bool null_allowed) OVERRIDE;
+ void CreateHandleScopeEntry(ManagedRegister out_reg,
+ FrameOffset handlescope_offset,
+ ManagedRegister in_reg,
+ bool null_allowed) OVERRIDE;
// Set up out_off to hold a Object** into the handle scope, or to be null if the
// value is null and null_allowed.
- void CreateHandleScopeEntry(FrameOffset out_off, FrameOffset handlescope_offset,
- ManagedRegister mscratch, bool null_allowed) OVERRIDE;
+ void CreateHandleScopeEntry(FrameOffset out_off,
+ FrameOffset handlescope_offset,
+ ManagedRegister mscratch,
+ bool null_allowed) OVERRIDE;
// src holds a handle scope entry (Object**) load this into dst.
void LoadReferenceFromHandleScope(ManagedRegister dst, ManagedRegister src) OVERRIDE;
@@ -402,7 +479,7 @@
// Call to address held at [base+offset].
void Call(ManagedRegister base, Offset offset, ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
void Call(FrameOffset base, Offset offset, ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
- void CallFromThread32(ThreadOffset<4> offset, ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
+ void CallFromThread32(ThreadOffset<kMipsWordSize> offset, ManagedRegister mscratch) OVERRIDE;
// Generate code to check if Thread::Current()->exception_ is non-null
// and branch to a ExceptionSlowPath if it is.
@@ -437,6 +514,8 @@
+ kCondF, // Floating-point predicate false.
+ kCondT, // Floating-point predicate true.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BranchCondition& rhs);
@@ -543,7 +622,22 @@
// Composite branches (made of several instructions) with longer reach have 32-bit
// offsets encoded as 2 16-bit "halves" in two instructions (high half goes first).
- // The composite branches cover the range of PC + +/-2GB.
+ // The composite branches cover the range of PC + +/-2GB on MIPS32 CPUs. However,
+ // the range is not end-to-end on MIPS64 (unless addresses are forced to zero- or
+ // sign-extend from 32 to 64 bits by the appropriate CPU configuration).
+ // Consider the following implementation of a long unconditional branch, for
+ // example:
+ //
+ // auipc at, offset_31_16 // at = pc + sign_extend(offset_31_16) << 16
+ // jic at, offset_15_0 // pc = at + sign_extend(offset_15_0)
+ //
+ // Both of the above instructions take 16-bit signed offsets as immediate operands.
+ // When bit 15 of offset_15_0 is 1, it effectively causes subtraction of 0x10000
+ // due to sign extension. This must be compensated for by incrementing offset_31_16
+ // by 1. offset_31_16 can only be incremented by 1 if it's not 0x7FFF. If it is
+ // 0x7FFF, adding 1 will overflow the positive offset into the negative range.
+ // Therefore, the long branch range is something like from PC - 0x80000000 to
+ // PC + 0x7FFF7FFF, IOW, shorter by 32KB on one side.
// The returned values are therefore: 18, 21, 23, 28 and 32. There's also a special
// case with the addiu instruction and a 16 bit offset.
@@ -580,17 +674,17 @@
// Helper for the above.
void InitShortOrLong(OffsetBits ofs_size, Type short_type, Type long_type);
- uint32_t old_location_; // Offset into assembler buffer in bytes.
- uint32_t location_; // Offset into assembler buffer in bytes.
- uint32_t target_; // Offset into assembler buffer in bytes.
+ uint32_t old_location_; // Offset into assembler buffer in bytes.
+ uint32_t location_; // Offset into assembler buffer in bytes.
+ uint32_t target_; // Offset into assembler buffer in bytes.
- uint32_t lhs_reg_ : 5; // Left-hand side register in conditional branches or
- // indirect call register.
- uint32_t rhs_reg_ : 5; // Right-hand side register in conditional branches.
- BranchCondition condition_ : 5; // Condition for conditional branches.
+ uint32_t lhs_reg_; // Left-hand side register in conditional branches or
+ // indirect call register.
+ uint32_t rhs_reg_; // Right-hand side register in conditional branches.
+ BranchCondition condition_; // Condition for conditional branches.
- Type type_ : 5; // Current type of the branch.
- Type old_type_ : 5; // Initial type of the branch.
+ Type type_; // Current type of the branch.
+ Type old_type_; // Initial type of the branch.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Branch::Type& rhs);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Branch::OffsetBits& rhs);
@@ -601,8 +695,8 @@
void EmitI26(int opcode, uint32_t imm26);
void EmitFR(int opcode, int fmt, FRegister ft, FRegister fs, FRegister fd, int funct);
void EmitFI(int opcode, int fmt, FRegister rt, uint16_t imm);
- void EmitBcond(BranchCondition cond, Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16);
- void EmitBcondc(BranchCondition cond, Register rs, Register rt, uint32_t imm16_21); // R6
+ void EmitBcondR2(BranchCondition cond, Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16);
+ void EmitBcondR6(BranchCondition cond, Register rs, Register rt, uint32_t imm16_21);
void Buncond(MipsLabel* label);
void Bcond(MipsLabel* label, BranchCondition condition, Register lhs, Register rhs = ZERO);
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips/ b/compiler/utils/mips/
index 063d8bd..6f8b3e8 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips/
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips/
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "utils/assembler_test.h"
+#define __ GetAssembler()->
namespace art {
struct MIPSCpuRegisterCompare {
@@ -184,6 +186,63 @@
return result;
+ void BranchCondOneRegHelper(void (mips::MipsAssembler::*f)(mips::Register,
+ mips::MipsLabel*),
+ std::string instr_name) {
+ mips::MipsLabel label;
+ (Base::GetAssembler()->*f)(mips::A0, &label);
+ constexpr size_t kAdduCount1 = 63;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount1; ++i) {
+ __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
+ }
+ __ Bind(&label);
+ constexpr size_t kAdduCount2 = 64;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount2; ++i) {
+ __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
+ }
+ (Base::GetAssembler()->*f)(mips::A1, &label);
+ std::string expected =
+ ".set noreorder\n" +
+ instr_name + " $a0, 1f\n"
+ "nop\n" +
+ RepeatInsn(kAdduCount1, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
+ "1:\n" +
+ RepeatInsn(kAdduCount2, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
+ instr_name + " $a1, 1b\n"
+ "nop\n";
+ DriverStr(expected, instr_name);
+ }
+ void BranchCondTwoRegsHelper(void (mips::MipsAssembler::*f)(mips::Register,
+ mips::Register,
+ mips::MipsLabel*),
+ std::string instr_name) {
+ mips::MipsLabel label;
+ (Base::GetAssembler()->*f)(mips::A0, mips::A1, &label);
+ constexpr size_t kAdduCount1 = 63;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount1; ++i) {
+ __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
+ }
+ __ Bind(&label);
+ constexpr size_t kAdduCount2 = 64;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount2; ++i) {
+ __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
+ }
+ (Base::GetAssembler()->*f)(mips::A2, mips::A3, &label);
+ std::string expected =
+ ".set noreorder\n" +
+ instr_name + " $a0, $a1, 1f\n"
+ "nop\n" +
+ RepeatInsn(kAdduCount1, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
+ "1:\n" +
+ RepeatInsn(kAdduCount2, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
+ instr_name + " $a2, $a3, 1b\n"
+ "nop\n";
+ DriverStr(expected, instr_name);
+ }
std::vector<mips::Register*> registers_;
std::map<mips::Register, std::string, MIPSCpuRegisterCompare> secondary_register_names_;
@@ -196,8 +255,6 @@
-#define __ GetAssembler()->
TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Addu) {
DriverStr(RepeatRRR(&mips::MipsAssembler::Addu, "addu ${reg1}, ${reg2}, ${reg3}"), "Addu");
@@ -418,6 +475,84 @@
DriverStr(RepeatFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::NegD, "neg.d ${reg1}, ${reg2}"), "NegD");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CunS) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::CunS, 3, "c.un.s $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "CunS");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CeqS) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::CeqS, 3, "c.eq.s $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "CeqS");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CueqS) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::CueqS, 3, "c.ueq.s $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "CueqS");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, ColtS) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::ColtS, 3, "c.olt.s $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "ColtS");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CultS) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::CultS, 3, "c.ult.s $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "CultS");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, ColeS) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::ColeS, 3, "c.ole.s $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "ColeS");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CuleS) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::CuleS, 3, "c.ule.s $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "CuleS");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CunD) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::CunD, 3, "c.un.d $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "CunD");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CeqD) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::CeqD, 3, "c.eq.d $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "CeqD");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CueqD) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::CueqD, 3, "c.ueq.d $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "CueqD");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, ColtD) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::ColtD, 3, "c.olt.d $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "ColtD");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CultD) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::CultD, 3, "c.ult.d $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "CultD");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, ColeD) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::ColeD, 3, "c.ole.d $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "ColeD");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CuleD) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatIbFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::CuleD, 3, "c.ule.d $fcc{imm}, ${reg1}, ${reg2}"),
+ "CuleD");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Movf) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatRRIb(&mips::MipsAssembler::Movf, 3, "movf ${reg1}, ${reg2}, $fcc{imm}"), "Movf");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Movt) {
+ DriverStr(RepeatRRIb(&mips::MipsAssembler::Movt, 3, "movt ${reg1}, ${reg2}, $fcc{imm}"), "Movt");
TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, CvtSW) {
DriverStr(RepeatFF(&mips::MipsAssembler::Cvtsw, "cvt.s.w ${reg1}, ${reg2}"), "CvtSW");
@@ -1000,55 +1135,11 @@
TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Beq) {
- mips::MipsLabel label;
- __ Beq(mips::A0, mips::A1, &label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount1 = 63;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount1; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Bind(&label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount2 = 64;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount2; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Beq(mips::A2, mips::A3, &label);
- std::string expected =
- ".set noreorder\n"
- "beq $a0, $a1, 1f\n"
- "nop\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount1, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "1:\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount2, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "beq $a2, $a3, 1b\n"
- "nop\n";
- DriverStr(expected, "Beq");
+ BranchCondTwoRegsHelper(&mips::MipsAssembler::Beq, "Beq");
TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Bne) {
- mips::MipsLabel label;
- __ Bne(mips::A0, mips::A1, &label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount1 = 63;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount1; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Bind(&label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount2 = 64;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount2; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Bne(mips::A2, mips::A3, &label);
- std::string expected =
- ".set noreorder\n"
- "bne $a0, $a1, 1f\n"
- "nop\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount1, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "1:\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount2, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "bne $a2, $a3, 1b\n"
- "nop\n";
- DriverStr(expected, "Bne");
+ BranchCondTwoRegsHelper(&mips::MipsAssembler::Bne, "Bne");
TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Beqz) {
@@ -1104,107 +1195,19 @@
TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Bltz) {
- mips::MipsLabel label;
- __ Bltz(mips::A0, &label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount1 = 63;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount1; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Bind(&label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount2 = 64;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount2; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Bltz(mips::A1, &label);
- std::string expected =
- ".set noreorder\n"
- "bltz $a0, 1f\n"
- "nop\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount1, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "1:\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount2, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "bltz $a1, 1b\n"
- "nop\n";
- DriverStr(expected, "Bltz");
+ BranchCondOneRegHelper(&mips::MipsAssembler::Bltz, "Bltz");
TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Bgez) {
- mips::MipsLabel label;
- __ Bgez(mips::A0, &label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount1 = 63;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount1; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Bind(&label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount2 = 64;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount2; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Bgez(mips::A1, &label);
- std::string expected =
- ".set noreorder\n"
- "bgez $a0, 1f\n"
- "nop\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount1, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "1:\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount2, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "bgez $a1, 1b\n"
- "nop\n";
- DriverStr(expected, "Bgez");
+ BranchCondOneRegHelper(&mips::MipsAssembler::Bgez, "Bgez");
TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Blez) {
- mips::MipsLabel label;
- __ Blez(mips::A0, &label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount1 = 63;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount1; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Bind(&label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount2 = 64;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount2; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Blez(mips::A1, &label);
- std::string expected =
- ".set noreorder\n"
- "blez $a0, 1f\n"
- "nop\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount1, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "1:\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount2, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "blez $a1, 1b\n"
- "nop\n";
- DriverStr(expected, "Blez");
+ BranchCondOneRegHelper(&mips::MipsAssembler::Blez, "Blez");
TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Bgtz) {
- mips::MipsLabel label;
- __ Bgtz(mips::A0, &label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount1 = 63;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount1; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Bind(&label);
- constexpr size_t kAdduCount2 = 64;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount2; ++i) {
- __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
- }
- __ Bgtz(mips::A1, &label);
- std::string expected =
- ".set noreorder\n"
- "bgtz $a0, 1f\n"
- "nop\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount1, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "1:\n" +
- RepeatInsn(kAdduCount2, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
- "bgtz $a1, 1b\n"
- "nop\n";
- DriverStr(expected, "Bgtz");
+ BranchCondOneRegHelper(&mips::MipsAssembler::Bgtz, "Bgtz");
TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Blt) {
@@ -1319,6 +1322,58 @@
DriverStr(expected, "Bgeu");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Bc1f) {
+ mips::MipsLabel label;
+ __ Bc1f(0, &label);
+ constexpr size_t kAdduCount1 = 63;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount1; ++i) {
+ __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
+ }
+ __ Bind(&label);
+ constexpr size_t kAdduCount2 = 64;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount2; ++i) {
+ __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
+ }
+ __ Bc1f(7, &label);
+ std::string expected =
+ ".set noreorder\n"
+ "bc1f $fcc0, 1f\n"
+ "nop\n" +
+ RepeatInsn(kAdduCount1, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
+ "1:\n" +
+ RepeatInsn(kAdduCount2, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
+ "bc1f $fcc7, 1b\n"
+ "nop\n";
+ DriverStr(expected, "Bc1f");
+TEST_F(AssemblerMIPSTest, Bc1t) {
+ mips::MipsLabel label;
+ __ Bc1t(0, &label);
+ constexpr size_t kAdduCount1 = 63;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount1; ++i) {
+ __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
+ }
+ __ Bind(&label);
+ constexpr size_t kAdduCount2 = 64;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != kAdduCount2; ++i) {
+ __ Addu(mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO, mips::ZERO);
+ }
+ __ Bc1t(7, &label);
+ std::string expected =
+ ".set noreorder\n"
+ "bc1t $fcc0, 1f\n"
+ "nop\n" +
+ RepeatInsn(kAdduCount1, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
+ "1:\n" +
+ RepeatInsn(kAdduCount2, "addu $zero, $zero, $zero\n") +
+ "bc1t $fcc7, 1b\n"
+ "nop\n";
+ DriverStr(expected, "Bc1t");
#undef __
} // namespace art
diff --git a/disassembler/ b/disassembler/
index 2d15f6f..cd64a4f 100644
--- a/disassembler/
+++ b/disassembler/
@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@
{ kRTypeMask | (0x1f << 21), 63, "dsra32", "DTA", },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x307ff, 1, "movf", "DSc" },
+ { kSpecial0Mask | 0x307ff, 0x10001, "movt", "DSc" },
{ kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 24, "mul", "DST" },
{ kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (3 << 6) | 24, "muh", "DST" },
{ kSpecial0Mask | 0x7ff, (2 << 6) | 25, "mulu", "DST" },
@@ -216,6 +218,11 @@
{ kITypeMask | (0x1f << 21), 15 << kOpcodeShift, "lui", "TI", },
{ kITypeMask, 15 << kOpcodeShift, "aui", "TSI", },
+ { kITypeMask | (0x3e3 << 16), (17 << kOpcodeShift) | (8 << 21), "bc1f", "cB" },
+ { kITypeMask | (0x3e3 << 16), (17 << kOpcodeShift) | (8 << 21) | (1 << 16), "bc1t", "cB" },
+ { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 21), (17 << kOpcodeShift) | (9 << 21), "bc1eqz", "tB" },
+ { kITypeMask | (0x1f << 21), (17 << kOpcodeShift) | (13 << 21), "bc1nez", "tB" },
{ kITypeMask | (0x1f << 21), 22 << kOpcodeShift, "blezc", "TB" },
// TODO: de-dup
@@ -333,6 +340,26 @@
{ kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x04 << 21), "mtc1", "Td" },
{ kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x05 << 21), "dmtc1", "Td" },
{ kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x07 << 21), "mthc1", "Td" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x14 << 21) | 1, "cmp.un.s", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x14 << 21) | 2, "cmp.eq.s", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x14 << 21) | 3, "cmp.ueq.s", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x14 << 21) | 4, "", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x14 << 21) | 5, "cmp.ult.s", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x14 << 21) | 6, "cmp.le.s", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x14 << 21) | 7, "cmp.ule.s", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x14 << 21) | 17, "cmp.or.s", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x14 << 21) | 18, "cmp.une.s", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x14 << 21) | 19, "", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x15 << 21) | 1, "cmp.un.d", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x15 << 21) | 2, "cmp.eq.d", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x15 << 21) | 3, "cmp.ueq.d", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x15 << 21) | 4, "", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x15 << 21) | 5, "cmp.ult.d", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x15 << 21) | 6, "cmp.le.d", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x15 << 21) | 7, "cmp.ule.d", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x15 << 21) | 17, "cmp.or.d", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x15 << 21) | 18, "cmp.une.d", "adt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x1f << 21), kCop1 | (0x15 << 21) | 19, "", "adt" },
{ kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 0, "add", "fadt" },
{ kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 1, "sub", "fadt" },
{ kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 2, "mul", "fadt" },
@@ -356,6 +383,13 @@
{ kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 36, "cvt.w", "fad" },
{ kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 37, "cvt.l", "fad" },
{ kFpMask | (0x21f << 16), kCop1 | (0x200 << 16) | 38, "", "fad" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 49, "c.un", "fCdt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 50, "c.eq", "fCdt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 51, "c.ueq", "fCdt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 52, "c.olt", "fCdt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 53, "c.ult", "fCdt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 54, "c.ole", "fCdt" },
+ { kFpMask | (0x10 << 21), kCop1 | (0x10 << 21) | 55, "c.ule", "fCdt" },
{ kFpMask, kCop1 | 0x10, "sel", "fadt" },
{ kFpMask, kCop1 | 0x1e, "max", "fadt" },
{ kFpMask, kCop1 | 0x1c, "min", "fadt" },
@@ -408,6 +442,12 @@
<< StringPrintf(" ; %+d", offset);
+ case 'C': // Floating-point condition code flag in c.<cond>.fmt.
+ args << "cc" << (sa >> 2);
+ break;
+ case 'c': // Floating-point condition code flag in bc1f/bc1t and movf/movt.
+ args << "cc" << (rt >> 2);
+ break;
case 'D': args << 'r' << rd; break;
case 'd': args << 'f' << rd; break;
case 'a': args << 'f' << sa; break;