Revert "Update art sdk/module_exports to support conscrypt"
This reverts commit 0c66e678a0562846449a424e297211a1aa70694d.
Reason for revert: Droidcop: Potential culprit for Bug 155720025 - verifying through Forrest before revert submission
Bug: 155720025
Change-Id: I59d49dbe995524e9fe77d6c5a5010e91f6aad159
diff --git a/build/sdk/Android.bp b/build/sdk/Android.bp
index c8025cd..a9048d0 100644
--- a/build/sdk/Android.bp
+++ b/build/sdk/Android.bp
@@ -17,45 +17,14 @@
name: "art-module-sdk",
host_supported: true,
native_header_libs: [
- "jni_headers",
- native_shared_libs: [
- "libandroidio",
- ],
target: {
android: {
- java_header_libs: [
- // Needed by any module that builds against any non-numeric
- // sdk_version other than "none".
- //
- // This is actually only used for compiling Java 8 and kotlin.
- // Java 9 uses system modules which encapsulates this
- // internally.
- "core-lambda-stubs",
- // Needed by any module that builds against any non-numeric
- // sdk_version other than "none" or "core_platform".
- //
- // This is actually only used for compiling Java 8 and kotlin.
- // Java 9 uses system modules which encapsulates this
- // internally.
- "core.current.stubs",
- // Needed by any module that builds against an sdk_version of
- // "core_platform".
- //
- // This is actually only used for compiling Java 8 and kotlin.
- // Java 9 uses system modules which encapsulates this
- // internally.
- "core.platform.api.stubs",
- ],
java_system_modules: [
- "core-current-stubs-system-modules",
native_static_libs: [
@@ -76,58 +45,34 @@
// property is fixed to "both" in the sdk/module_exports
// implementation and cannot be overridden any other way.
compile_multilib: "64",
- java_libs: [
- "timezone-host",
- ],
- native_binaries: [
- "hiddenapi",
- "dex2oat",
- "dex2oatd",
- ],
- native_shared_libs: [
- // The following three libraries are internal implementation libraries
- // that are needed by hiddenapi.
- // TODO(http://b/155372760): Remove dependencies.
- "libartbase",
- "libartpalette",
- "libdexfile",
- ],
darwin: {
enabled: false,
+ java_libs: [
+ "timezone-host",
+ ],
+ native_binaries: [
+ "hiddenapi",
+ "dex2oat",
+ "dex2oatd",
+ ],
// Exported tests and supporting libraries
module_exports {
name: "art-module-test-exports",
- host_supported: true,
java_libs: [
- // The following bouncycastle modules are required by:
- // * conscrypt-benchmarks (all)
- // * conscrypt-tests (all)
- // * signapk (all except ocsp)
- "bouncycastle-unbundled",
- "bouncycastle-bcpkix-unbundled",
- "bouncycastle-ocsp-unbundled",
+ "core-compat-test-rules",
+ "core-test-rules",
+ "core-tests-support",
+ "okhttp-tests-nojarjar",
- target: {
- android: {
- java_libs: [
- "core-compat-test-rules",
- "core-compat-test-rules",
- "core-test-rules",
- "core-tests-support",
- "okhttp-tests-nojarjar",
- ],
- java_tests: [
- "libcore-crypto-tests",
- ],
- native_shared_libs: [
- "libjavacoretests",
- ],
- },
- },
+ java_tests: [
+ "libcore-crypto-tests",
+ ],
+ native_shared_libs: [
+ "libjavacoretests",
+ ],