ART: Add ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream cutout
Add support for getResourceAsStream to unstarted runtime.
Allows to compile-time initialize:
Allows to revert other resource loading hacks.
Do not intercept Class.getResourceAsStream directly. There is
name-mangling involved, leave that on the Java side.
Bug: 27265238
(cherry picked from commit c94eeebc7cf3e577eed3ea380401007aea642bf3)
Change-Id: I8c408aa633086f4a1aa14bb1b404607b2498fe97
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/ b/runtime/interpreter/
index fe388cd..9531557 100644
--- a/runtime/interpreter/
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/
@@ -313,6 +313,162 @@
+static std::unique_ptr<MemMap> FindAndExtractEntry(const std::string& jar_file,
+ const char* entry_name,
+ size_t* size,
+ std::string* error_msg) {
+ CHECK(size != nullptr);
+ std::unique_ptr<ZipArchive> zip_archive(ZipArchive::Open(jar_file.c_str(), error_msg));
+ if (zip_archive == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;;
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<ZipEntry> zip_entry(zip_archive->Find(entry_name, error_msg));
+ if (zip_entry == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<MemMap> tmp_map(
+ zip_entry->ExtractToMemMap(jar_file.c_str(), entry_name, error_msg));
+ if (tmp_map == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // OK, from here everything seems fine.
+ *size = zip_entry->GetUncompressedLength();
+ return tmp_map;
+static void GetResourceAsStream(Thread* self,
+ ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ JValue* result,
+ size_t arg_offset) SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ mirror::Object* resource_obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1);
+ if (resource_obj == nullptr) {
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "null name for getResourceAsStream");
+ return;
+ }
+ CHECK(resource_obj->IsString());
+ mirror::String* resource_name = resource_obj->AsString();
+ std::string resource_name_str = resource_name->ToModifiedUtf8();
+ if (resource_name_str.empty() || resource_name_str == "/") {
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
+ "Unsupported name %s for getResourceAsStream",
+ resource_name_str.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ const char* resource_cstr = resource_name_str.c_str();
+ if (resource_cstr[0] == '/') {
+ resource_cstr++;
+ }
+ Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
+ std::vector<std::string> split;
+ Split(runtime->GetBootClassPathString(), ':', &split);
+ if (split.empty()) {
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
+ "Boot classpath not set or split error:: %s",
+ runtime->GetBootClassPathString().c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<MemMap> mem_map;
+ size_t map_size;
+ std::string last_error_msg; // Only store the last message (we could concatenate).
+ for (const std::string& jar_file : split) {
+ mem_map = FindAndExtractEntry(jar_file, resource_cstr, &map_size, &last_error_msg);
+ if (mem_map != nullptr) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mem_map == nullptr) {
+ // Didn't find it. There's a good chance this will be the same at runtime, but still
+ // conservatively abort the transaction here.
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
+ "Could not find resource %s. Last error was %s.",
+ resource_name_str.c_str(),
+ last_error_msg.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ StackHandleScope<3> hs(self);
+ // Create byte array for content.
+ Handle<mirror::ByteArray> h_array(hs.NewHandle(mirror::ByteArray::Alloc(self, map_size)));
+ if (h_array.Get() == nullptr) {
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not find/create byte array class");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Copy in content.
+ memcpy(h_array->GetData(), mem_map->Begin(), map_size);
+ // Be proactive releasing memory.
+ mem_map.release();
+ // Create a ByteArrayInputStream.
+ Handle<mirror::Class> h_class(hs.NewHandle(
+ runtime->GetClassLinker()->FindClass(self,
+ "Ljava/io/ByteArrayInputStream;",
+ ScopedNullHandle<mirror::ClassLoader>())));
+ if (h_class.Get() == nullptr) {
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not find ByteArrayInputStream class");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!runtime->GetClassLinker()->EnsureInitialized(self, h_class, true, true)) {
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not initialize ByteArrayInputStream class");
+ return;
+ }
+ Handle<mirror::Object> h_obj(hs.NewHandle(h_class->AllocObject(self)));
+ if (h_obj.Get() == nullptr) {
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not allocate ByteArrayInputStream object");
+ return;
+ }
+ auto* cl = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
+ ArtMethod* constructor = h_class->FindDeclaredDirectMethod(
+ "<init>", "([B)V", cl->GetImagePointerSize());
+ if (constructor == nullptr) {
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not find ByteArrayInputStream constructor");
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t args[1];
+ args[0] = static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(h_array.Get()));
+ EnterInterpreterFromInvoke(self, constructor, h_obj.Get(), args, nullptr);
+ if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self, "Could not run ByteArrayInputStream constructor");
+ return;
+ }
+ result->SetL(h_obj.Get());
+void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedClassLoaderGetResourceAsStream(
+ Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
+ {
+ mirror::Object* this_obj = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset);
+ CHECK(this_obj != nullptr);
+ CHECK(this_obj->IsClassLoader());
+ StackHandleScope<1> hs(self);
+ Handle<mirror::Class> this_classloader_class(hs.NewHandle(this_obj->GetClass()));
+ if (self->DecodeJObject(WellKnownClasses::java_lang_BootClassLoader) !=
+ this_classloader_class.Get()) {
+ AbortTransactionOrFail(self,
+ "Unsupported classloader type %s for getResourceAsStream",
+ PrettyClass(this_classloader_class.Get()).c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ GetResourceAsStream(self, shadow_frame, result, arg_offset);
void UnstartedRuntime::UnstartedVmClassLoaderFindLoadedClass(
Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result, size_t arg_offset) {
mirror::String* class_name = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(arg_offset + 1)->AsString();