Revert "Remove skipped blocks reuse mechanism"

This reverts commit dbb57f3f8e3bc895ddc0dd1cd80cfa16bb1283db.

Reason for revert: Seems to cause 004-ThreadStress failure?

Change-Id: I4b40084c82d90cf8b7578f8aa681fba0d7756e1e
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/ b/runtime/gc/collector/
index 7605af5..81bc445 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
+      skipped_blocks_lock_("concurrent copying bytes blocks lock", kMarkSweepMarkStackLock),
@@ -377,8 +378,6 @@
               << reinterpret_cast<void*>(region_space_->Limit());
-  // currently_marking_ mght still contain an obsolete value.
-, std::memory_order_relaxed);
   rb_mark_bit_stack_full_ = false;
   mark_from_read_barrier_measurements_ = measure_read_barrier_slow_path_;
   if (measure_read_barrier_slow_path_) {
@@ -3250,6 +3249,65 @@
+// Reuse the memory blocks that were copy of objects that were lost in race.
+mirror::Object* ConcurrentCopying::AllocateInSkippedBlock(Thread* const self, size_t alloc_size) {
+  // Try to reuse the blocks that were unused due to CAS failures.
+  CHECK_ALIGNED(alloc_size, space::RegionSpace::kAlignment);
+  size_t min_object_size = RoundUp(sizeof(mirror::Object), space::RegionSpace::kAlignment);
+  size_t byte_size;
+  uint8_t* addr;
+  {
+    MutexLock mu(self, skipped_blocks_lock_);
+    auto it = skipped_blocks_map_.lower_bound(alloc_size);
+    if (it == skipped_blocks_map_.end()) {
+      // Not found.
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    byte_size = it->first;
+    CHECK_GE(byte_size, alloc_size);
+    if (byte_size > alloc_size && byte_size - alloc_size < min_object_size) {
+      // If remainder would be too small for a dummy object, retry with a larger request size.
+      it = skipped_blocks_map_.lower_bound(alloc_size + min_object_size);
+      if (it == skipped_blocks_map_.end()) {
+        // Not found.
+        return nullptr;
+      }
+      CHECK_ALIGNED(it->first - alloc_size, space::RegionSpace::kAlignment);
+      CHECK_GE(it->first - alloc_size, min_object_size)
+          << "byte_size=" << byte_size << " it->first=" << it->first << " alloc_size=" << alloc_size;
+    }
+    // Found a block.
+    CHECK(it != skipped_blocks_map_.end());
+    byte_size = it->first;
+    addr = it->second;
+    CHECK_GE(byte_size, alloc_size);
+    CHECK(region_space_->IsInToSpace(reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(addr)));
+    CHECK_ALIGNED(byte_size, space::RegionSpace::kAlignment);
+    if (kVerboseMode) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Reusing skipped bytes : " << reinterpret_cast<void*>(addr) << ", " << byte_size;
+    }
+    skipped_blocks_map_.erase(it);
+  }
+  memset(addr, 0, byte_size);
+  if (byte_size > alloc_size) {
+    // Return the remainder to the map.
+    CHECK_ALIGNED(byte_size - alloc_size, space::RegionSpace::kAlignment);
+    CHECK_GE(byte_size - alloc_size, min_object_size);
+    // FillWithDummyObject may mark an object, avoid holding skipped_blocks_lock_ to prevent lock
+    // violation and possible deadlock. The deadlock case is a recursive case:
+    // FillWithDummyObject -> Mark(IntArray.class) -> Copy -> AllocateInSkippedBlock.
+    FillWithDummyObject(self,
+                        reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(addr + alloc_size),
+                        byte_size - alloc_size);
+    CHECK(region_space_->IsInToSpace(reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(addr + alloc_size)));
+    {
+      MutexLock mu(self, skipped_blocks_lock_);
+      skipped_blocks_map_.insert(std::make_pair(byte_size - alloc_size, addr + alloc_size));
+    }
+  }
+  return reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(addr);
 mirror::Object* ConcurrentCopying::Copy(Thread* const self,
                                         mirror::Object* from_ref,
                                         mirror::Object* holder,
@@ -3267,27 +3325,6 @@
   // Note that from_ref is a from space ref so the SizeOf() call will access the from-space meta
   // objects, but it's ok and necessary.
   size_t obj_size = from_ref->SizeOf<kDefaultVerifyFlags>();
-  mirror::Object* old_currently_copying = nullptr;
-  if (obj_size >= kCurrentlyCopyingMin) {
-    old_currently_copying =, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-    if (old_currently_copying == from_ref) {
-      VLOG(gc) << "GC: Waiting for another thread to copy, size = " << obj_size;
-      // Somebody is already working on the copy. Just wait.
-      LockWord old_lock_word(LockWord::Default());
-      do {
-        if (UNLIKELY(obj_size >= 1'000'000)) {
-          // The copy will take on the order of a millisecond or longer.
-          usleep(1'000);
-        } else {
-          sched_yield();
-        }
-        old_lock_word = from_ref->GetLockWord(false);
-      } while (old_lock_word.GetState() != LockWord::kForwardingAddress);
-      mirror::Object* to_ref = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(old_lock_word.ForwardingAddress());
-      DCHECK(to_ref != nullptr);
-      return to_ref;
-    }
-  }
   size_t region_space_alloc_size = (obj_size <= space::RegionSpace::kRegionSize)
       ? RoundUp(obj_size, space::RegionSpace::kAlignment)
       : RoundUp(obj_size, space::RegionSpace::kRegionSize);
@@ -3295,27 +3332,44 @@
   size_t non_moving_space_bytes_allocated = 0U;
   size_t bytes_allocated = 0U;
   size_t dummy;
-  bool fell_back_to_non_moving = false;
+  bool fall_back_to_non_moving = false;
   mirror::Object* to_ref = region_space_->AllocNonvirtual</*kForEvac=*/ true>(
       region_space_alloc_size, &region_space_bytes_allocated, nullptr, &dummy);
   bytes_allocated = region_space_bytes_allocated;
   if (LIKELY(to_ref != nullptr)) {
     DCHECK_EQ(region_space_alloc_size, region_space_bytes_allocated);
   } else {
-    // Fall back to the non-moving space.
-    fell_back_to_non_moving = true;
-    if (kVerboseMode) {
-      LOG(INFO) << "Out of memory in the to-space. Fell back to non-moving.";
+    // Failed to allocate in the region space. Try the skipped blocks.
+    to_ref = AllocateInSkippedBlock(self, region_space_alloc_size);
+    if (to_ref != nullptr) {
+      // Succeeded to allocate in a skipped block.
+      if (heap_->use_tlab_) {
+        // This is necessary for the tlab case as it's not accounted in the space.
+        region_space_->RecordAlloc(to_ref);
+      }
+      bytes_allocated = region_space_alloc_size;
+      heap_->num_bytes_allocated_.fetch_sub(bytes_allocated, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+      to_space_bytes_skipped_.fetch_sub(bytes_allocated, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+      to_space_objects_skipped_.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+    } else {
+      // Fall back to the non-moving space.
+      fall_back_to_non_moving = true;
+      if (kVerboseMode) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Out of memory in the to-space. Fall back to non-moving. skipped_bytes="
+                  << to_space_bytes_skipped_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)
+                  << " skipped_objects="
+                  << to_space_objects_skipped_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+      }
+      to_ref = heap_->non_moving_space_->Alloc(self, obj_size,
+                                               &non_moving_space_bytes_allocated, nullptr, &dummy);
+      if (UNLIKELY(to_ref == nullptr)) {
+        LOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT) << "Fall-back non-moving space allocation failed for a "
+                                 << obj_size << " byte object in region type "
+                                 << region_space_->GetRegionType(from_ref);
+        LOG(FATAL) << "Object address=" << from_ref << " type=" << from_ref->PrettyTypeOf();
+      }
+      bytes_allocated = non_moving_space_bytes_allocated;
-    to_ref = heap_->non_moving_space_->Alloc(self, obj_size,
-                                             &non_moving_space_bytes_allocated, nullptr, &dummy);
-    if (UNLIKELY(to_ref == nullptr)) {
-      LOG(FATAL_WITHOUT_ABORT) << "Fall-back non-moving space allocation failed for a "
-                               << obj_size << " byte object in region type "
-                               << region_space_->GetRegionType(from_ref);
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Object address=" << from_ref << " type=" << from_ref->PrettyTypeOf();
-    }
-    bytes_allocated = non_moving_space_bytes_allocated;
   DCHECK(to_ref != nullptr);
@@ -3342,22 +3396,26 @@
       // the forwarding pointer first. Make the lost copy (to_ref)
       // look like a valid but dead (dummy) object and keep it for
       // future reuse.
-      VLOG(gc) << "GC: Lost copying race, size = " << obj_size;
-      if (fell_back_to_non_moving) {
-        DCHECK(heap_->non_moving_space_->HasAddress(to_ref));
-        DCHECK_EQ(bytes_allocated, non_moving_space_bytes_allocated);
-        // Free the non-moving-space chunk.
-        heap_->non_moving_space_->Free(self, to_ref);
-      } else {
+      FillWithDummyObject(self, to_ref, bytes_allocated);
+      if (!fall_back_to_non_moving) {
         if (bytes_allocated > space::RegionSpace::kRegionSize) {
           // Free the large alloc.
           region_space_->FreeLarge</*kForEvac=*/ true>(to_ref, bytes_allocated);
         } else {
-          // Make it look legitimate, record the object allocation, and then drop the object.
-          FillWithDummyObject(self, to_ref, bytes_allocated);
+          // Record the lost copy for later reuse.
           heap_->num_bytes_allocated_.fetch_add(bytes_allocated, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+          to_space_bytes_skipped_.fetch_add(bytes_allocated, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+          to_space_objects_skipped_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+          MutexLock mu(self, skipped_blocks_lock_);
+          skipped_blocks_map_.insert(std::make_pair(bytes_allocated,
+                                                    reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(to_ref)));
+      } else {
+        DCHECK(heap_->non_moving_space_->HasAddress(to_ref));
+        DCHECK_EQ(bytes_allocated, non_moving_space_bytes_allocated);
+        // Free the non-moving-space chunk.
+        heap_->non_moving_space_->Free(self, to_ref);
       // Get the winner's forward ptr.
@@ -3379,10 +3437,7 @@
     // Do a fence to prevent the field CAS in ConcurrentCopying::Process from possibly reordering
-    // before the object copy. This serves the same purpose as the constructor fence in a new
-    // object allocation. Another thread can get a pointer to this object either via the
-    // forwarding address or via the returned to_ref. But it must read the to_space data via an
-    // address dependency on one of those. Thus it cannot see old values in the copied object.
+    // before the object copy.
     LockWord new_lock_word = LockWord::FromForwardingAddress(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(to_ref));
@@ -3394,12 +3449,6 @@
     if (LIKELY(success)) {
       // The CAS succeeded.
-      if (obj_size >= kCurrentlyCopyingMin) {
-        // If someone else has since over-written currently_copying_, leave it alone.  Otherwise
-        // restore the old one. If the old one was already copied, the forwarding address will
-        // already be there, and nobody will care. If not, then it's useful to put it back.
-        currently_copying_.CompareAndSetStrongRelaxed(from_ref, old_currently_copying);
-      }
       DCHECK(thread_running_gc_ != nullptr);
       if (LIKELY(self == thread_running_gc_)) {
         objects_moved_gc_thread_ += 1;
@@ -3409,7 +3458,9 @@
         bytes_moved_.fetch_add(bytes_allocated, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-      if (UNLIKELY(fell_back_to_non_moving)) {
+      if (LIKELY(!fall_back_to_non_moving)) {
+        DCHECK(region_space_->IsInToSpace(to_ref));
+      } else {
         DCHECK_EQ(bytes_allocated, non_moving_space_bytes_allocated);
         if (!use_generational_cc_ || !young_gen_) {
@@ -3420,8 +3471,6 @@
           // Mark it in the mark bitmap.
-      } else {
-        DCHECK(region_space_->IsInToSpace(to_ref));
       if (kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
         DCHECK(to_ref->GetReadBarrierState() == ReadBarrier::GrayState());
@@ -3588,6 +3637,10 @@
+    MutexLock mu(self, skipped_blocks_lock_);
+    skipped_blocks_map_.clear();
+  }
+  {
     ReaderMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::mutator_lock_);
       WriterMutexLock mu2(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
diff --git a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
index 1bea029..2e5752b 100644
--- a/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
+++ b/runtime/gc/collector/concurrent_copying.h
@@ -75,16 +75,18 @@
   void RunPhases() override
-               !rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_);
+               !rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_,
+               !skipped_blocks_lock_);
   void InitializePhase() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
       REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void MarkingPhase() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
   void CopyingPhase() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void ReclaimPhase() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_);
   void FinishPhase() REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_,
-                              !rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_);
+                              !rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_,
+                              !skipped_blocks_lock_);
   void CaptureRssAtPeak() REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_);
   void BindBitmaps() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
@@ -125,10 +127,10 @@
                                      mirror::Object* holder = nullptr,
                                      MemberOffset offset = MemberOffset(0))
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::Object* MarkFromReadBarrier(mirror::Object* from_ref)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   bool IsMarking() const {
     return is_marking_;
@@ -156,19 +158,12 @@
   void PushOntoMarkStack(Thread* const self, mirror::Object* obj)
-  // Return a pointer to the unique to-space copy of from_ref.
-  // Ensures that copied data is visible to another thread that sees either the return
-  // value or the forwarding pointer. The memory allocated to the copy is not yet
-  // included in Heap::num_bytes_allocated_; it is instead tracked by the
-  // {bytes,objects}_moved_... counters.
   mirror::Object* Copy(Thread* const self,
                        mirror::Object* from_ref,
                        mirror::Object* holder,
                        MemberOffset offset)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   // Scan the reference fields of object `to_ref`.
   template <bool kNoUnEvac>
   void Scan(mirror::Object* to_ref) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
@@ -184,19 +179,19 @@
   template <bool kNoUnEvac>
   void Process(mirror::Object* obj, MemberOffset offset)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_ , !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_ , !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void VisitRoots(mirror::Object*** roots, size_t count, const RootInfo& info) override
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   template<bool kGrayImmuneObject>
   void MarkRoot(Thread* const self, mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>* root)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void VisitRoots(mirror::CompressedReference<mirror::Object>** roots,
                   size_t count,
                   const RootInfo& info) override
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void VerifyNoFromSpaceReferences() REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   accounting::ObjectStack* GetAllocationStack();
   accounting::ObjectStack* GetLiveStack();
@@ -233,11 +228,11 @@
   void ProcessReferences(Thread* self) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
   mirror::Object* MarkObject(mirror::Object* from_ref) override
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void MarkHeapReference(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>* from_ref,
                          bool do_atomic_update) override
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   bool IsMarkedInUnevacFromSpace(mirror::Object* from_ref)
   bool IsMarkedInNonMovingSpace(mirror::Object* from_ref)
@@ -260,10 +255,10 @@
   void MarkZygoteLargeObjects()
   void FillWithDummyObject(Thread* const self, mirror::Object* dummy_obj, size_t byte_size)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_)
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_)
   mirror::Object* AllocateInSkippedBlock(Thread* const self, size_t alloc_size)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_)
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_)
   void CheckEmptyMarkStack() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_);
   void IssueEmptyCheckpoint() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
@@ -297,12 +292,12 @@
                                 mirror::Object* holder = nullptr,
                                 MemberOffset offset = MemberOffset(0))
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_);
   ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::Object* MarkUnevacFromSpaceRegion(Thread* const self,
       mirror::Object* from_ref,
       accounting::SpaceBitmap<kObjectAlignment>* bitmap)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_);
   template<bool kGrayImmuneObject>
   ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::Object* MarkImmuneSpace(Thread* const self,
                                                 mirror::Object* from_ref)
@@ -312,7 +307,7 @@
   mirror::Object* MarkFromReadBarrierWithMeasurements(Thread* const self,
                                                       mirror::Object* from_ref)
-      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
+      REQUIRES(!mark_stack_lock_, !skipped_blocks_lock_, !immune_gray_stack_lock_);
   void DumpPerformanceInfo(std::ostream& os) override REQUIRES(!rb_slow_path_histogram_lock_);
   // Set the read barrier mark entrypoints to non-null.
   void ActivateReadBarrierEntrypoints();
@@ -420,14 +415,17 @@
   // reclaimed_bytes_ratio = reclaimed_bytes/num_allocated_bytes per GC cycle
   float reclaimed_bytes_ratio_sum_;
-  // A largish from-space object that we're currently copying (or nullptr). A thread that sets
-  // this to p promises that eiher p's forwarding address is set, or a thread is actively working
-  // on ensuring that. Otherwise it's a hint; it may be cleared or set to a different value while
-  // the object is still being copied.
-  Atomic<mirror::Object*> currently_copying_;
-  // The minimum object size in bytes for which we publicise copying in currently_copying_.
-  static constexpr size_t kCurrentlyCopyingMin = 20'000;
+  // The skipped blocks are memory blocks/chucks that were copies of
+  // objects that were unused due to lost races (cas failures) at
+  // object copy/forward pointer install. They may be reused.
+  // Skipped blocks are always in region space. Their size is included directly
+  // in num_bytes_allocated_, i.e. they are treated as allocated, but may be directly
+  // used without going through a GC cycle like other objects. They are reused only
+  // if we run out of region space. TODO: Revisit this design.
+  Mutex skipped_blocks_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
+  std::multimap<size_t, uint8_t*> skipped_blocks_map_ GUARDED_BY(skipped_blocks_lock_);
+  Atomic<size_t> to_space_bytes_skipped_;
+  Atomic<size_t> to_space_objects_skipped_;
   // If measure_read_barrier_slow_path_ is true, we count how long is spent in MarkFromReadBarrier
   // and also log.